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467 lines (323 loc) · 13.5 KB

Completed developments (most recent first)

(a non exhaustive summary!)

New Or Updated in Version 4.0.0

25 new or updated endpoints.


Get API Info (root)
Get the Call Context of a current call
    So the CBS integrator can see what info about the current call will be sent to the CBS Adapter


Get Account by Id (Core)
Get Account by Id (Full)
    Account.type has been renamed Account.product_code
    Account endpoints include Account Attributes

Account Metadata

Add a tag on account.
Delete a tag on account.
Get tags on account.
    Account Tags work similarly to Transaction Tags.


Get Banks

Dynamic Entity

Create DynamicEntity
Delete DynamicEntity
Get DynamicEntities
Update DynamicEntity
    So developers can create their own Persistent Entities and their associated CRUD like endpoints on the OBP Server in real time.


Get Entitlements for User

Transaction Request

Answer Transaction Request Challenge.
Create Transaction Request (ACCOUNT)
Create Transaction Request (ACCOUNT_OTP)
Create Transaction Request (COUNTERPARTY)
Create Transaction Request (FREE_FORM).
Create Transaction Request (SEPA)
    ACCOUNT is a new synonym for SANDBOX_TAN


Create password reset url
    To aid User onboarding

See here for details.

Version 3.1.0

102 new or updated endpoints. Major new functionality includes:

  • Webhooks
  • Rate limiting and Throttling.
  • Extended Customer information
  • Account Applications
  • Product Attributes and Hierarchy
  • Product Collections
  • User Auth Context


Get API Configuration
Get Adapter Info
Get Connector Status (Loopback)
Get JSON Web Key (JWK)
Get JSON Web Key (JWK) URIs
Get Rate Limiting Info


Check Available Funds
Create Account
    When an Account is created and the Account.type AKA product_code matches a Product.product_code, the Account inherits Product Attributes from the related Product.

Create Account Attribute
Get Account by Id (Full)
Get Accounts Balances
Get Checkbook orders
Update Account Attribute
Update Account.

Account Application

Create Account Application
Get Account Application by Id
Get Account Applications
Update Account Application Status


Delete Branch


Create Card
Create Card Attribute
Delete Card
Get Card By Id
Get Cards for the specified bank
Get status of Credit Card order
Update Card
Update Card Attribute


Answer Consent Challenge
Create Consent (EMAIL)
Create Consent (SMS)
Get Consents
Revoke Consent


Get Call Limits for a Consumer
Get Consumer
Get Consumers
Get Consumers (logged in User)
Set Calls Limit for a Consumer


Add Address to Customer
Add Tax Residence to Customer
Create Credit Limit Order Request
Create Customer.
Delete Customer Address
Delete Tax Residence
Get Credit Limit Order Request By Request Id
Get Credit Limit Order Requests
Get Customer Addresses
Get Customer by CUSTOMER_ID
Get Firehose Customers
Get Tax Residences of Customer
Update the Address of a Customer
Update the Branch of a Customer
Update the credit limit of a Customer
Update the credit rating and source of a Customer
Update the email of a Customer
Update the identity data of a Customer
Update the mobile number of a Customer
Update the number of a Customer
Update the other data of a Customer

Customer Meeting

Create Meeting (video conference/call)
Get Meeting
Get Meetings


Get Message Docs Swagger

Method Routing

Add MethodRouting
Delete MethodRouting
Get MethodRoutings
Update MethodRouting


Get Top APIs
Get Top Consumers


Create Product
Create Product Attribute
Delete Product Attribute
Get Bank Product
Get Product Attribute
Get Product Tree
Get Products
Update Product Attribute

Product Collection

Create Product Collection
Get Product Collection


Get all Entitlements

System View

Create System View.
Delete System View
Get System View
Update System View.


Get Transaction by Id.

Transaction Request

Get Transaction Requests.
Save Historical Transactions


Answer Auth Context Update Challenge
Create User Auth Context
Create User Auth Context Update
Delete User Auth Context
Delete User's Auth Contexts
Get User Auth Contexts
Get User Lock Status
Refresh User.
Unlock the user

WebUi Props

Add WebUiProps
Delete WebUiProps
Get WebUiProps


Create an Account Webhook
Enable/Disable an Account Webhook
Get Account Webhooks

See here for details.

Product Collections

Used to define Collections of Financial Products.

Product Attributes

Used to further define a Product using list of key value pairs e.g.:

  • Overdrafts (limit, interest rate, approval date, utilization)
  • Loans (size, reason, interest rate, approval date, utilization)
  • Mortgages (size, reason, property, details)


An endpoint which returns information about terms and processes in OBP. This live Documentation is aware of Props values e.g. hosts and so on. The output is used in API Explorer to provide documentation which is aware of the correct hosts etc.

Glossary in API Explorer

Glossary page added. Aims to replace some documentation in the wiki because we can display correct hosts and ports etc. Helped with "Update OAuth docs so API root links are clearly place holders" from the roadmap.

OAuth2 / Open Id Connect

Support for Google + Yahoo OAuth2 + OpenId Connect. See the glossary. Support for on premise OAuth2 provider e.g. MitreId. See the glossary.

Message Docs (for Akka)

Message Docs (which define Core Banking System Akka messages) are now available independent of the connector being used on the API instance. See here

Message Docs (for Kafka)

Message Docs (which define Core Banking System Kafka messages) are now available independent of the connector being used on the API instance. See here

Endpoint config and cleanup

Endpoints can now be enabled / disabled explicitly using Props file. We removed old versions including v1.0, v1.1 and v.1.2.

API Explorer UI improved

Left panel of API Explorer is now grouped by API Tags.

Automated performance tests

We added automated performance tests driven by Jenkins.

Performance improvements

We added "new style" endpoints and acheived some significant performance gains by using Futures and purer (no read side effects) functions.

Custom code folders in OBP-API

We added Custom code folders so that bank specific forks can more easily git merge in updates from OBP-API develop branches.

API Tester

API Tester is a Python/Djano App for testing an OBP API instance from the outside. Partiularly useful when using a non-sandbox (e.g. kafka) connector. It supports a variety of authentication methods so you can test outside a gateway. You can configure different data profiles for specifying parameters such as bank_id, account_id etc. See here for the source code and installation instructions.

Extend Swagger support

We improved the information contained in the Swagger (and Resource Doc) endpoints. They are also available from the API Explorer. See here

Kafka versioning

The built in kafka connectors now provide message versioning

Akka Remote data (Three tier architechture)

Most OBP data access now happens over Akka. This allows the API layer to be physically separated from the storage layer with the API layer only able to call a specified set of data access functions with only the storage layer having JDBC / SQL access.

Security improvements


  • User lockout
  • Consumer redirect lockdown

User model refactoring

The two user models are now called AuthUser and ResourceUser

Version 3.0.0

Various including smaller Account and Transaction response bodies.

Version 2.2.0

  • Create View for Account (with can_add_counterparty permission)
  • Update View for Account (with can_add_counterparty permission)
  • Get current FX Rate
  • Get Counterparties
  • Get Metrics

Version 2.1.0

  • Sandbox Import. This is now a documented call.
  • Get Transaction Request Types Supported By Bank
  • Create Transaction Request (updated)
  • Answer Transaction Request Challenge (updated)
  • Get Transaction Requests (updated)
  • Get Roles (new)
  • Get Entitlements By Bank And User (new)
  • Get Consumer (App) (new)
  • Get Consumers (App) (new)
  • Enable Disable Consumers (Apps) (new)
  • Update Consumer Redirect Url
  • Create Cards For Bank (new)
  • Get Users (new)
  • Create Transaction Type (new)
  • Create Counterparty / Beneficiary (new)
  • Get Atm (new) (Previously we just had the plural)
  • Get Branch (new) (Previously we just had the plural)
  • Get Product (new) (Previously we just had the plural)
  • Get Customer (updated with customer rating and credit limit)

API Manager

has been added to manage consumers, users, roles etc.. See API Manager


has been added as an alternative to the Scala Kafka connector. It handles OBP message queue interaction. See OBP JVM

Version 2.0.0

  • Move View Permission fields into separate resource so account resource is less cluttered.
  • Rename other_count to counterparty in new API references
  • Customer acquisition and on boarding (user registration, customer, KYC documents, KYC media, status)
  • Get All Accounts At All Banks
  • Get Account By Id (updated)
  • Create Entitlement
  • Create KYC Check
  • Create KYC Document
  • Create KycMedia
  • Create KycStatus
  • Create Social Media Handle
  • Get All Accounts At One Bank
  • Create Account
  • Create Customer
  • Create Meeting
  • Create User
  • Create User Customer Links
  • Delete Entitlement
  • Elastic Search Metrics
  • Elastic Search Warehouse
  • Get All Entitlements
  • Get Core Account By Id
  • Get Core Transactions For Bank Account
  • Get CurrentUser
  • Get Customers
  • Get Entitlements
  • Get Kyc Checks
  • Get Kyc Documents
  • Get Kyc Media
  • Get Kyc Statuses
  • Get Meeting
  • Get Meetings
  • Get Permission For User For Bank Account
  • Get Permissions For Bank Account
  • Get Social Media Handles
  • Get Transaction Types
  • Get User
  • Get Private Accounts At All Banks
  • Get Private Accounts At One Bank
  • Get Public Accounts At All Banks
  • Get Public Accounts At One Bank

Docker containers

  • Run OBP, API Explorer and Social Finance (a reference App) in Docker.

See Docker obp-full

OBP API Explorer

is used to explore and interact with the OBP API. See API Explorer on Sandbox

Endpoints for API documentation

See Resource Docs endpoint

Kafka connector

  • Get transactions via Kafka bus and language neutral connector on the south side of the MQ

See Docker obp-full-kafka

Version 1.4.0

This version is stable. For the spec see here or here

New features included:

  • Branch Locations
  • Customer messages
  • ATM Locations
  • Customer information
  • Financial products offered by the bank (account types, category, family, link to more info)
  • Payment Orders with Security Challenges

Version 1.3.0

This version is stable. For the specification see here or here

New features included:

Version 1.2.1

This version is stable. For the specification see here or here