### Data - Notes - This file contains population estimates for census subdivisions. - These estimates are based on the 2011 Census counts adjusted for census net undercoverage (including adjustment for incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and population reviews). - These estimates are based on the 2011 Standard Geographical Classification. - Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, customized data. ### Data - Warranties and Disclaimers This data product is provided ‘as-is,’ and Statistics Canada makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Statistics Canada be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other damages, however caused. ### Credits - Echarts Documentation - Label Placement - Stacked Bar Chart - Scrollable canvas inside div - Population Estimates by Age and Sex, Alberta Census Subdivisions (July 1, 2001-2017) - Open Data - World Total Population - October Quater, Alberta Total Population Estimates: 1951 - 2017 - Muuri - Echarts-Theme Builder - Muuri - Sortable and draggable grid layouts (Youtube Tutorial) - Help for implementing Sort for Muuri - Helper to load Web Animations #### Look at these and learn them, in the future - dat.GUI - Canvas Overflow - Gridstack - CodePen 1 - Gridstack - CodePen 2 - Youtube - Muuri Tutorial ### My Other Projects Criticism and feedback highly recommended.
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