# Introduction [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/couchster.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/couchster) [![dependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster/master/status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster/master) [![devDependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster/master/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/OldSneerJaw/couchster/master?type=dev) A utility to aid in the process of designing well-structured document validation functions for Apache CouchDB. With this utility, all JSON document types are defined in a declarative JavaScript object format that eliminates much of the boilerplate normally required for a CouchDB [validation function](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/ddocs/ddocs.html#validate-document-update-functions) with comprehensive validation of document contents and permissions. Not only is it invaluable in protecting the integrity of the documents that are stored in a CouchDB database, but whenever a document fails validation, a validation function generated by couchster returns specific, detailed error messages that make it easy for a client app developer to figure out exactly what went wrong. An included test fixture module also provides a simple framework to write unit tests for generated validation functions. To learn more about CouchDB, check out the official administrator [documentation](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/intro/index.html) and validation function [guide](http://guide.couchdb.org/editions/1/en/validation.html). For validation of documents in Couchbase Sync Gateway, see the [synctos](https://github.com/Kashoo/synctos) project. # Table of Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Running](#running) - [Validating](#validating) - [Specifications](#specifications) - [Document type definitions](#document-type-definitions) - [Essential document constraints](#essential-document-constraints) - [Advanced document constraints](#advanced-document-constraints) - [Document content validation](#document-content-validation) - [Simple type validation](#simple-type-validation) - [Complex type validation](#complex-type-validation) - [Multi-type validation](#multi-type-validation) - [Universal validation constraints](#universal-validation-constraints) - [Predefined validators](#predefined-validators) - [Dynamic constraint validation](#dynamic-constraint-validation) - [Definition file](#definition-file) - [Modularity](#modularity) - [Helper functions](#helper-functions) - [Testing](#testing) # Installation Couchster is distributed as an [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) package, and the minimum version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) that it officially supports is v8.11.0. Both of these required components can be acquired at once by [installing](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) Node.js. If your project does not already have an npm `package.json` file, run `npm init` to create one. Don't worry too much about the answers to the questions it asks right now; the file it produces can be updated as needed later. Next, to install couchster locally (i.e. in your project's `node_modules` directory) and to add it to your project as a development dependency automatically, run `npm install couchster --save-dev` from the project's root directory. For more info on npm package management, see the official npm documentation for [How to install local packages](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-npm-packages-locally) and [Working with package.json](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/using-a-package.json). **A note on JavaScript/ECMAScript compatibility:** CouchDB uses the Mozilla [SpiderMonkey](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey) JavaScript engine to execute document validation functions. Specifically, CouchDB is pinned to SpiderMonkey [1.8.5](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Releases/1.8.5), which includes support for ECMAScript 5 but not for the new features and APIs introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (aka ES6/ES2015). It is for compatibility with this specific version of SpiderMonkey that couchster intentionally generates code that does not make use of many of the conveniences of modern JavaScript (e.g. `let`, `const`, `for...of` loops, arrow functions, spread operators, etc.). For the same reason, it is always best to verify validation functions that are generated by couchster or otherwise within a live instance of CouchDB before deploying to production to ensure that your own custom code is supported by the SpiderMonkey 1.8.5 engine. # Usage ### Running Once couchster is installed, you can run it from your project's directory as follows: ```bash node_modules/.bin/couchster /path/to/my-document-definitions.js /path/to/my-generated-validation-function.js ``` Or as a custom [script](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts) in your project's `package.json` as follows: ```javascript "scripts": { "build": "couchster /path/to/my-document-definitions.js /path/to/my-generated-validation-function.js" } ``` This will take the document definitions that are defined in `/path/to/my-document-definitions.js` and build a new validation function that is output to `/path/to/my-generated-validation-function.js`. Generated validation functions are compatible with all CouchDB 2.x versions. Also, for convenience, the validation function can instead be enclosed in a JSON-compatible string to make it easier to insert it directly as the value of the `validate_doc_update` property in a CouchDB [design document](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/ddocs/ddocs.html). For example: ```bash node_modules/.bin/couchster --json-string /path/to/my-document-definitions.js /path/to/my-generated-validation-function-string.txt ``` ### Validating To validate that your document definitions file is structured correctly and does not contain any obvious semantic violations, execute the built in schema validation script as follows: ```bash node_modules/.bin/couchster-validate /path/to/my-document-definitions.js ``` Or as a custom [script](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts) in your project's `package.json` as follows: ```javascript "scripts": { "validate": "couchster-validate /path/to/my-document-definitions.js" } ``` If the specified document definitions contain any violations, the utility will exit with a non-zero status code and output a list of the violations to standard error (stderr). Otherwise, if validation was successful, the utility will exit normally and will not output anything. Be aware that the validation utility cannot verify the behaviour of custom functions (e.g. dynamic constraints, custom actions, custom validation functions) in a document definition. However, the [Testing](#testing) section of the README describes how to write test cases for such custom code. ### Specifications Document definitions must conform to the following specification. See the `samples/` directory for some examples. At the top level, the document definitions object contains a property for each document type that is to be supported by the CouchDB database. For example: ```javascript { myDocType1: { typeFilter: ..., authorizedRoles: ..., propertyValidators: ... }, myDocType2: { typeFilter: ..., authorizedUsers: ..., propertyValidators: ... } } ``` #### Document type definitions Each document type is defined as an object with a number of constraint properties that control write authorization and content validation. ##### Essential document constraints The following properties include the basics necessary to build a document definition: * `typeFilter`: (required) A function that is used to identify documents of this type. It accepts as function parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced (if any) and (3) the name of the current document type. For the sake of convenience, a simple type filter function (`simpleTypeFilter`) is available that attempts to match the document's `type` property value to the document type's name (e.g. if a document definition is named "message", then a candidate document's `type` property value must be "message" to be considered a document of that type); if the document definition does not include an explicit `type` property validator, then, for convenience, the `type` property will be implicitly included in the document definition and validated with the built in `typeIdValidator` (see the validation type's [description](#predefined-validators) for more info). NOTE: In cases where the document is in the process of being deleted, the first parameter's `_deleted` property will be `true` and, if the old document has been deleted or simply does not exist, the second parameter will be `null`. An example of the simple type filter: ```javascript typeFilter: simpleTypeFilter ``` And an example of a more complex custom type filter: ```javascript typeFilter: function(newDoc, oldDoc, currentDocType) { var typePropertyMatches; if (oldDoc) { if (newDoc._deleted) { typePropertyMatches = oldDoc.type === currentDocType; } else { typePropertyMatches = newDoc.type === oldDoc.type && oldDoc.type === currentDocType; } } else { // The old document does not exist or was deleted - we can rely on the new document's type typePropertyMatches = newDoc.type === currentDocType; } if (typePropertyMatches) { return true; } else { // The type property did not match - fall back to matching the document ID pattern var docIdRegex = /^message\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/; return docIdRegex.test(newDoc._id); } } ``` * `authorizedRoles`: (required if `authorizedUsers` or `grantAllMembersWriteAccess` are missing/`undefined`) The roles that are authorized to add, replace and remove documents of this type. If used in combination with the `authorizedUsers` document constraint, authorization will be granted if the user making the modification matches at least one of the roles and/or authorized usernames for the corresponding operation type (add, replace or remove). Administrator users are always allowed to write documents of this type, whether they belong to a role that is explicitly included or not. May be specified as either a plain object or a function that returns a dynamically-constructed object and accepts as parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced (if any) and (3) the name of the current database. NOTE: In cases where the document is in the process of being deleted, the first parameter's `_deleted` property will be `true`, and if the old document has been deleted or simply does not exist, the second parameter will be `null`. Either way the object is specified, it may include the following properties, each of which may be either an array of role names or a single role name as a string: * `add`: (optional) The role(s) that confer the ability to create new documents of this type. * `replace`: (optional) The role(s) that confer the ability to replace existing documents of this type. * `remove`: (optional) The role(s) that confer the ability to delete documents of this type. * `write`: (optional) The role(s) that confer the ability to add, replace or remove documents of this type. Exists as a convenience in cases where the add, replace and remove operations should share the same role(s). For example, as a plain object: ```javascript authorizedRoles: { add: 'manager', replace: [ 'manager', 'employee' ], remove: 'manager' } ``` Or, as a function: ```javascript authorizedRoles: function(newDoc, oldDoc, dbName) { return { write: oldDoc ? oldDoc.roles : newDoc.roles }; } ``` * `propertyValidators`: (required) An object/hash of validators that specify the format of each of the document type's supported properties. Each entry consists of a key that specifies the property name and a value that specifies the validation to perform on that property. Each property element must declare a type and, optionally, some number of additional parameters. Any property that is not declared here will be rejected by the validation function unless the `allowUnknownProperties` document constraint is set to `true`. In addition to a static value (e.g. `propertyValidators: { ... }`), this property may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `propertyValidators: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). An example static definition: ```javascript propertyValidators: { myProp1: { type: 'boolean', required: true }, myProp2: { type: 'array', mustNotBeEmpty: true } } ``` And a dynamic definition: ```javascript propertyValidators: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { var dynamicProp = (newDoc._id.indexOf('foobar') >= 0) ? { type: 'string' } : { type: 'float' } return { myDynamicProp: dynamicProp }; } ``` ##### Advanced document constraints Additional properties that provide finer grained control over documents: * `allowUnknownProperties`: (optional) Whether to allow the existence of document properties that are not explicitly declared in the document type definition. Not applied recursively to objects that are nested within documents of this type. In addition to a static value (e.g. `allowUnknownProperties: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `allowUnknownProperties: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false`. * `documentIdRegexPattern`: (optional) A [regular expression](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp) pattern that must be satisfied by the document's ID for a new document of this type to be created. Note that the constraint is not applied when a document is being replaced or deleted. In addition to a static value (e.g. `documentIdRegexPattern: /^payment\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `documentIdRegexPattern: function(newDoc) { ... }`) where it receives a single parameter as follows: (1) the new document. No restriction by default. * `immutable`: (optional) The document cannot be replaced or deleted after it is created. Note that, when this constraint is enabled, even if attachments are allowed for this document type (see the `allowAttachments` parameter for more info), it will not be possible to create, modify or delete attachments in a document that already exists, which means that they must be created inline in the document's `_attachments` property when the document is first created. In addition to a static value (e.g. `immutable: true`), this property may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `immutable: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false`. * `cannotReplace`: (optional) As with the `immutable` constraint, the document cannot be replaced after it is created. However, this constraint does not prevent the document from being deleted. Note that, even if attachments are allowed for this document type (see the `allowAttachments` document constraint for more info), it will not be possible to create, modify or delete attachments in a document that already exists, which means that they must be created inline in the document's `_attachments` property when the document is first created. In addition to a static value (e.g. `cannotReplace: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `cannotReplace: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false`. * `cannotDelete`: (optional) As with the `immutable` constraint, the document cannot be deleted after it is created. However, this constraint does not prevent the document from being replaced. In addition to a static value (e.g. `cannotDelete: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `cannotDelete: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false`. * `allowAttachments`: (optional) Whether to allow the addition of [file attachments](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/intro/api.html#attachments) for the document type. In addition to a static value (e.g. `allowAttachments: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `allowAttachments: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false` to prevent malicious/misbehaving clients from polluting the database with unwanted files. See the `attachmentConstraints` constraint and the `attachmentReference` validation type for more options. * `attachmentConstraints`: (optional) Various constraints to apply to file attachments associated with a document type. Its settings only apply if the document definition's `allowAttachments` constraint is `true`. In addition to a static value (e.g. `attachmentConstraints: { }`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `attachmentConstraints: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). NOTE: the only way to (indirectly) limit the size of file attachments (and documents) is to set the global CouchDB configuration option [`httpd/max_http_request_size`](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/config/http.html#httpd/max_http_request_size) ([more info](https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues/1320)). Additional parameters: * `maximumAttachmentCount`: (optional) The maximum number of attachments that may be assigned to a single document of this type. In addition to a static value (e.g. `maximumAttachmentCount: 2`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `maximumAttachmentCount: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Unlimited by default. * `supportedExtensions`: (optional) An array of case-insensitive file extensions that are allowed for an attachment's filename (e.g. "txt", "jpg", "pdf"). In addition to a static value (e.g. `supportedExtensions: [ 'png', 'gif', 'jpg' ]`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `supportedExtensions: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). No restriction by default. * `supportedContentTypes`: (optional) An array of content/MIME types that are allowed for an attachment's contents (e.g. "image/png", "text/html", "application/xml"). In addition to a static value (e.g. `supportedContentTypes: [ 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg' ]`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `supportedContentTypes: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). No restriction by default. * `requireAttachmentReferences`: (optional) Whether every one of a document's attachments must have a corresponding `attachmentReference`-type property referencing it. In addition to a static value (e.g. `requireAttachmentReferences: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `requireAttachmentReferences: function(newDoc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). Defaults to `false`. * `filenameRegexPattern`: (optional) A regular expression pattern that must be satisfied by each attachment's filename. In addition to a static value (e.g. `filenameRegexPattern: /^foo|bar$/`), this property may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `filenameRegexPattern: function(doc, oldDoc) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`) and (2) the document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist). No restriction by default. * `grantAllMembersWriteAccess`: (optional) Whether to allow any authenticated user that is a member of the database to add, replace or remove documents of this type, regardless of which roles are assigned to them. If set to `true`, overrides the authorization configuration provided by the `authorizedRoles` and `authorizedUsers` constraints, if any. In addition to a static value (e.g. `grantAllMembersWriteAccess: true`), this constraint may also be assigned a value dynamically via a function (e.g. `grantAllMembersWriteAccess: function(newDoc, oldDoc, dbName) { ... }`) where the parameters are as follows: (1) the new document (if deleted, the `_deleted` property will be `true`), (2) the old document that is being replaced (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist) and (3) the name of the current database. Defaults to `false`. * `authorizedUsers`: (required if `authorizedRoles` or `grantAllMembersWriteAccess` are missing/`undefined`) The names of users that are explicitly authorized to add, replace and remove documents of this type. If used in combination with the `authorizedRoles` document constraint, authorization will be granted if the user making the modification matches at least one of the usernames and/or authorized roles for the corresponding operation type (add, replace or remove). Administrator users are always allowed to write documents of this type, whether they are explicitly included or not. May be specified as either a plain object or a function that returns a dynamically-constructed object and accepts as parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced (if any) and (3) the name of the current database. NOTE: In cases where the document is in the process of being deleted, the first parameter's `_deleted` property will be `true`, and if the old document has been deleted or simply does not exist, the second parameter will be `null`. Either way the object is specified, it may include the following properties, each of which may be either an array of usernames or a single username as a string: * `add`: (optional) The user(s) that have the ability to create new documents of this type. * `replace`: (optional) The user(s) that have the ability to replace existing documents of this type. * `remove`: (optional) The user(s) that have the ability to delete documents of this type. * `write`: (optional) The user(s) that have the ability to add, replace or remove documents of this type. Exists as a convenience in cases where the add, replace and remove operations should share the same user(s). For example, as a plain object: ```javascript authorizedUsers: { add: [ 'sally', 'roger', 'samantha' ], replace: [ 'roger', 'samantha' ], remove: 'samantha' } ``` Or, as a function: ```javascript authorizedUsers: function(newDoc, oldDoc, dbName) { return { write: oldDoc ? oldDoc.users : newDoc.users }; } ``` * `customActions`: (optional) Defines custom actions to be executed at various events during the generated validation function's execution. Specified as an object where each of its properties specifies a JavaScript function to be executed when the corresponding event is completed. In each case, the function accepts as parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced/deleted (if any), (3) an object that is populated with metadata generated by each event, (4) the CouchDB [user context](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/json-structure.html#userctx-object) of the authenticated user (or `null` if the request is not authenticated), and (5) the CouchDB [security object](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/json-structure.html#security-object) for the database. In cases where the document is in the process of being deleted, the first parameter's `_deleted` property will be `true` and, if the document does not yet exist or it was deleted, the second parameter will be `null`. At each stage of the generated validation function's execution, the third parameter (the custom action metadata parameter) is augmented with properties that provide additional context to the custom action being executed. Custom actions may indicate errors via the `throw` statement to prevent the document from being written. The custom actions that are available, in the order their corresponding events occur: 1. `onTypeIdentificationSucceeded`: Executed immediately after the document's type is determined and before checking authorization. The custom action metadata object parameter contains the following properties: * `documentTypeId`: The unique ID of the document type. * `documentDefinition`: The full definition of the document type. 2. `onAuthorizationSucceeded`: Executed immediately after the user is authorized to make the modification and before validating document contents. Not executed if user authorization is denied. The custom action metadata object parameter includes properties from all previous events in addition to the following properties: * `authorization`: An object that indicates which roles and users were used to authorize the current operation, as specified by the `roles` and `users` list properties. 3. `onValidationSucceeded`: Executed immediately after the document's contents are validated. Not executed if the document's contents are invalid. The custom action metadata object parameter includes properties from all previous events but does not include any additional properties. An example of an `onValidationSucceeded` custom action that performs additional custom validation of document properties: ```javascript customActions: { onValidationSucceeded: function(newDoc, oldDoc, customActionMetadata, userContext, securityInfo) { // At least one of the "a" and "b" properties must have a value if (isValueNullOrUndefined(newDoc.a) && isValueNullOrUndefined(newDoc.b)) { throw { forbidden: 'items "a" and "b" must not both be missing' }; } } } ``` #### Document content validation There are a number of validation types that can be used to define each property/element/key's expected format in a document. ##### Simple type validation Validation for simple data types (e.g. strings, booleans, integers, floating point numbers, dates/times, etc.): * `string`: The value is a string of characters. Additional parameters: * `mustNotBeEmpty`: If `true`, an empty string is not allowed. Defaults to `false`. * `mustBeTrimmed`: If `true`, a string that has leading or trailing whitespace characters is not allowed. Defaults to `false`. * `regexPattern`: A regular expression pattern that must be satisfied for values to be accepted (e.g. `new RegExp('\\d+')` or `/[A-Za-z]+/`). No restriction by default. * `minimumLength`: The minimum number of characters (inclusive) allowed in the string. No restriction by default. * `maximumLength`: The maximum number of characters (inclusive) allowed in the string. No restriction by default. * `minimumValue`: Reject strings with an alphanumeric sort order that is less than this. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject strings with an alphanumeric sort order that is less than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject strings with an alphanumeric sort order that is greater than this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject strings with an alphanumeric sort order that is greater than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `mustEqualIgnoreCase`: The item's value must be equal to the specified value, ignoring differences in case. For example, `"CAD"` and `"cad"` would be considered equal by this constraint. No restriction by default. * `integer`: The value is a number with no fractional component. Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject values that are less than this. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject values that are less than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject values that are greater than this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject values that are greater than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `float`: The value is a number with an optional fractional component (i.e. it is either an integer or a floating point number). Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject values that are less than this. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject values that are less than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject values that are greater than this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject values that are greater than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `boolean`: The value is either `true` or `false`. No additional parameters. * `datetime`: The value is a simplified [ECMAScript ISO 8601](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec- date string with optional time and time zone components (e.g. "2016-06-18T18:57:35.328-08:00"). If both time and time zone are omitted, the time is assumed to be midnight UTC. If a time is provided but the time zone is omitted, the time zone is assumed to be the CouchDB server's local time zone. Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject date/times that are less than this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string with optional time and time zone components OR a JavaScript [`Date`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) object. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject date/times that are less than or equal to this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string with optional time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject date/times that are greater than this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string with optional time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject date/times that are greater than or equal to this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string with optional time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `date`: The value is a simplified [ECMAScript ISO 8601](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec- date string _without_ time and time zone components (e.g. "2016-06-18"). For the purposes of date comparisons (e.g. by way of the `minimumValue`, `maximumValue`, etc. parameters), the time is assumed to be midnight UTC. Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject dates that are less than this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string without time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject dates that are less than or equal to this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string without time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject dates that are greater than this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string without time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject dates that are greater than or equal to this. May be either an ECMAScript ISO 8601 date string without time and time zone components OR a JavaScript `Date` object. No restriction by default. * `time`: The value is a simplified [ECMAScript ISO 8601](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec- time string _without_ date and time zone components (e.g. "18:57:35.328"). Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject times that are less than this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time string without date and time zone components. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject times that are less than or equal to this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time string without date and time zone components. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject times that are greater than this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time string without date and time zone components. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject times that are greater than or equal to this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time string without date and time zone components. No restriction by default. * `timezone`: The value is a simplified [ECMAScript ISO 8601](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec- time zone string _without_ date and zone components (e.g. "Z" or "-05:00"). Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject time zones that are less than this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time zone string. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject time zones that are less than or equal to this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time zone string. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject time zones that are greater than this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time zone string. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject time zones that are greater than or equal to this. Must be an ECMAScript ISO 8601 time zone string. No restriction by default. * `enum`: The value must be one of the specified predefined string and/or integer values. Additional parameters: * `predefinedValues`: (required) A list of strings and/or integers that are to be accepted. For example: `[ 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c' ]`. If this parameter is omitted from an `enum` property's configuration, that property will not accept a value of any kind. * `uuid`: The value must be a string representation of a [universally unique identifier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) (UUID). A UUID may contain either uppercase or lowercase letters so that, for example, both "1511fba4-e039-42cc-9ac2-9f2fa29eecfc" and "DFF421EA-0AB2-45C9-989C-12C76E7282B8" are valid. Additional parameters: * `minimumValue`: Reject UUIDs that are less than this. No restriction by default. * `minimumValueExclusive`: Reject UUIDs that are less than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValue`: Reject UUIDs that are greater than this. No restriction by default. * `maximumValueExclusive`: Reject UUIDs that are greater than or equal to this. No restriction by default. * `attachmentReference`: The value is the name of one of the document's file attachments. Note that, because the addition of an attachment is often a separate CouchDB API operation from the creation/replacement of the associated document, this validation type is only applied if the attachment is actually present in the document. However, since the validation function is run twice in such situations (i.e. once when the _document_ is created/replaced and once when the _attachment_ is created/replaced), the validation will be performed eventually. The top-level `allowAttachments` document constraint should be `true` so that documents of this type can actually store attachments. Additional parameters: * `supportedExtensions`: An array of case-insensitive file extensions that are allowed for the attachment's filename (e.g. "txt", "jpg", "pdf"). Takes precedence over the document-wide `supportedExtensions` constraint for the referenced attachment. No restriction by default. * `supportedContentTypes`: An array of content/MIME types that are allowed for the attachment's contents (e.g. "image/png", "text/html", "application/xml"). Takes precedence over the document-wide `supportedContentTypes` constraint for the referenced attachment. No restriction by default. * `regexPattern`: A regular expression pattern that must be satisfied by the value. Takes precedence over the document-wide `attachmentConstraints.filenameRegexPattern` constraint for the referenced attachment. No restriction by default. ##### Complex type validation Validation for complex data types (e.g. objects, arrays, hashtables): * `array`: An array/list of elements. Additional parameters: * `mustNotBeEmpty`: If `true`, an array with no elements is not allowed. Defaults to `false`. * `minimumLength`: The minimum number of elements (inclusive) allowed in the array. No restriction by default. * `maximumLength`: The maximum number of elements (inclusive) allowed in the array. No restriction by default. * `arrayElementsValidator`: The validation that is applied to each element of the array. Any validation type, including those for complex data types, may be used. No restriction by default. An example: ```javascript myArray1: { type: 'array', mustNotBeEmpty: true, arrayElementsValidator: { type: 'string', regexPattern: new RegExp('[A-Za-z0-9_-]+') } } ``` * `object`: An object that is able to declare which item properties are supported so that unrecognized properties are rejected. Additional parameters: * `allowUnknownProperties`: Whether to allow the existence of item properties that are not explicitly declared in the object definition. Not applied recursively to objects that are nested within this object. Defaults to `false` if the `propertyValidators` parameter is specified; otherwise, it defaults to `true`. * `propertyValidators`: An object/hash of validators to be applied to the properties that are explicitly supported by the object. Any validation type, including those for complex data types, may be used for each property validator. No restriction by default. If defined, then any item property that is not declared will be rejected by the validation function unless the `allowUnknownProperties` parameter is `true`. An example: ```javascript myObj1: { type: 'object', propertyValidators: { myProp1: { type: 'date', immutable: true }, myProp2: { type: 'integer', minimumValue: 1 } } } ``` * `hashtable`: An object/hash that, unlike the `object` type, does not declare the names of the properties it supports and may optionally define a single validator that is applied to all of its element values. Additional parameters: * `minimumSize`: The minimum number of elements allowed in the hashtable. No restriction by default. * `maximumSize`: The maximum number of elements allowed in the hashtable. No restriction by default. * `hashtableKeysValidator`: The validation that is applied to each of the keys in the object/hash. No restriction by default. Additional parameters: * `mustNotBeEmpty`: If `true`, empty key strings are not allowed. Defaults to `false`. * `regexPattern`: A regular expression pattern that must be satisfied for key strings to be accepted. No restriction by default. * `hashtableValuesValidator`: The validation that is applied to each of the values in the object/hash. No restriction by default. Any validation type, including those for complex data types, may be used. An example: ```javascript myHash1: { type: 'hashtable', hashtableKeysValidator: { mustNotBeEmpty: false, regexPattern: new RegExp('\\w+') }, hashtableValuesValidator: { type: 'object', required: true, propertyValidators: { mySubObjProp1: { type: 'string' } } } } ``` ##### Multi-type validation These validation types support more than a single data type: * `any`: The value may be any JSON data type: number, string, boolean, array or object. No additional parameters. * `conditional`: The value must match any one of some number of candidate validators. Each validator is accompanied by a condition that determines whether that validator should be applied to the value. Additional parameters: * `validationCandidates`: A list of candidates to act as the property or element's validator if their conditions are satisfied. Each condition is defined as a function that returns a boolean and accepts as parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced/deleted (if any; it will be `null` if it has been deleted or does not exist), (3) an object that contains metadata about the current item to validate and (4) a stack of the items (e.g. object properties, array elements, hashtable element values) that have gone through validation, where the last/top element contains metadata for the direct parent of the item currently being validated and the first/bottom element is metadata for the root (i.e. the document). Conditions are tested in the order they are defined; if two or more candidates' conditions would evaluate to `true`, only the first candidate's validator will be applied to the property or element value. When a matching validation candidate declares the same constraint as the containing `conditional` validator, the candidate validator's constraint takes precedence. An example: ```javascript entries: { type: 'hashtable', hashtableValuesValidator: { type: 'object', required: true, propertyValidators: { entryType: { type: 'enum', required: true, predefinedValues: [ 'name', 'codes' ] }, entryValue: { type: 'conditional', required: true, validationCandidates: [ { condition: function(doc, oldDoc, currentItemEntry, validationItemStack) { var parentEntry = validationItemStack[validationItemStack.length - 1]; return parentEntry.itemValue.entryType === 'name'; }, validator: { type: 'string', mustNotBeEmpty: true } }, { condition: function(doc, oldDoc, currentItemEntry, validationItemStack) { var parentEntry = validationItemStack[validationItemStack.length - 1]; return parentEntry.itemValue.entryType === 'codes'; }, validator: { type: 'array', arrayElementsValidator: { type: 'integer', required: true, minimumValue: 1 } } } ] } } } } ``` ##### Universal validation constraints Validation for all simple and complex data types support the following additional parameters: * `required`: The value cannot be `null` or missing/`undefined`. Defaults to `false`. * `mustNotBeMissing`: The value cannot be missing/`undefined`. Defaults to `false`. **WARNING:** This constraint exists for advanced users only. Generally the `required` constraint should be favoured because many programming languages are incapable of distinguishing between `null` and missing values, potentially leading to a situation in which a client application cannot satisfy this constraint depending on the JSON serialization strategy it uses. * `mustNotBeNull`: The value cannot be `null`. Defaults to `false`. **WARNING:** This constraint exists for advanced users only. Generally the `required` constraint should be favoured because many programming languages are incapable of distinguishing between `null` and missing values, potentially leading to a situation in which a client application cannot satisfy this constraint depending on the JSON serialization strategy it uses. * `immutable`: The item cannot be changed from its existing value if the document is being replaced. The constraint is applied recursively so that, even if a value that is nested an arbitrary number of levels deep within an immutable complex type is modified, the document change will be rejected. A value of `null` is treated as equal to missing/`undefined` and vice versa. Does not apply when creating a new document or deleting an existing document. Differs from `immutableStrict` in that it checks for semantic equality of specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`); for example, the two `uuid` values of "d97b3a52-78d5-4112-9705-e4ab436f5114" and "D97B3A52-78D5-4112-9705-E4AB436F5114" are considered equal with this constraint since they differ only by case. Defaults to `false`. * `immutableStrict`: The item cannot be changed from its existing value if the document is being replaced. Differs from `immutable` in that specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`) are not compared semantically; for example, the two `time` values of "12:45" and "12:45:00.000" are _not_ considered equal because the strings are not strictly equal. Defaults to `false`. * `immutableWhenSet`: As with the `immutable` constraint, the item cannot be changed from its existing value if the document is being replaced. However, it differs in that it does not prevent modification if the item is either `null` or missing/`undefined` in the existing document. Differs from `immutableWhenSetStrict` in that it checks for semantic equality of specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`); for example, the two `datetime` values of "2018-01-01T21:09:00.000Z" and "2018T16:09-05:00" are considered equal with this constraint since they represent the same point in time. Defaults to `false`. * `immutableWhenSetStrict`: As with the `immutableWhenSet` constraint, the item cannot be changed if it already has a value. However, it differs in that specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`) are not compared semantically; for example, the two `date` values of "2018" and "2018-01-01" are _not_ considered equal because the strings are not strictly equal. Defaults to `false`. * `mustEqual`: The value of the item must be equal to the specified value. Useful in cases where the item's value should be computed from other properties of the document (e.g. a reference ID that is encoded into the document's ID or a number that is the result of some calculation performed on other properties in the document). For that reason, this constraint is perhaps most useful when specified as a dynamic constraint (e.g. `mustEqual: function(newDoc, oldDoc, value, oldValue) { ... }`) rather than as a static value (e.g. `mustEqual: 'foobar'`). If this constraint is set to `null`, then only values of `null` or missing/`undefined` will be accepted for the corresponding property or element. Differs from `mustEqualStrict` in that it checks for semantic equality of specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`); for example, the two `datetime` values of "2018-02-12T11:02:00.000-08:00" and "2018-02-12T11:02-0800" are considered equal with this constraint since they represent the same point in time. No constraint by default. * `mustEqualStrict`: The value of the property or element must be strictly equal to the specified value. Differs from `mustEqual` in that specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`) are not compared semantically; for example, the two `timezone` values of "Z" and "+00:00" are _not_ considered equal because the strings are not strictly equal. No constraint by default. * `skipValidationWhenValueUnchanged`: When set to `true`, the property or element is not validated if the document is being replaced and its value is _semantically_ equal to the same property or element value from the previous document revision. Useful if a change that is not backward compatible must be introduced to a property/element validator and existing values from documents that are already stored in the database should be preserved as they are. Differs from `skipValidationWhenValueUnchangedStrict` in that it checks for semantic equality of specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`); for example, the two `date` values of "2018" and "2018-01-01" are considered equal with this constraint since they represent the same date. Defaults to `false`. * `skipValidationWhenValueUnchangedStrict`: When set to `true`, the property or element is not validated if the document is being replaced and its value is _strictly_ equal to the same property or element value from the previous document revision. Useful if a change that is not backward compatible must be introduced to a property/element validator and existing values from documents that are already stored in the database should be preserved as they are. Differs from `skipValidationWhenValueUnchanged` in that specialized string validation types (e.g. `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `timezone`, `uuid`) are not compared semantically; for example, the two `datetime` values of "2018-06-23T14:30:00.000Z" and "2018-06-23T14:30+00:00" are _not_ considered equal because the strings are not strictly equal. Defaults to `false`. * `customValidation`: A function that accepts as parameters (1) the new document, (2) the old document that is being replaced/deleted (if any), (3) an object that contains metadata about the current item to validate, (4) a stack of the items (e.g. object properties, array elements, hashtable element values) that have gone through validation, where the last/top element contains metadata for the direct parent of the item currently being validated and the first/bottom element is metadata for the root (i.e. the document itself), (5) the CouchDB [user context](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/json-structure.html#userctx-object) of the authenticated user (or `null` if the request is not authenticated), and (6) the CouchDB [security object](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/json-structure.html#security-object) for the database. In cases where the document is in the process of being deleted, the first parameter's `_deleted` property will be `true` and, if the document does not yet exist or it was deleted, the second parameter will be `null`. Generally, custom validation should not throw exceptions; it's recommended to return an array/list of error descriptions so the validation function can compile a list of all validation errors that were encountered once full validation is complete. A return value of `null`, `undefined` or an empty array indicate there were no validation errors. An example: ```javascript propertyValidators: { myStringProp: { type: 'string' }, myCustomProp: { type: 'integer', minimumValue: 1, maximumValue: 100, customValidation: function(newDoc, oldDoc, currentItemEntry, validationItemStack, userContext, securityInfo) { var parentObjectElement = validationItemStack[validationItemStack.length - 1]; var parentObjectName = parentObjectElement.itemName; var parentObjectValue = parentObjectElement.itemValue; var parentObjectOldValue = parentObjectElement.oldItemValue; var currentPropName = currentItemEntry.itemName; var currentPropValue = currentItemEntry.itemValue; var currentPropOldValue = currentItemEntry.oldItemValue; var currentPropPath = parentObjectName + '.' + currentPropName; var myStringPropPath = parentObjectName + '.myStringProp'; var validationErrors = [ ]; if (parentObjectValue.myStringProp && !currentPropValue) { validationErrors.push('property "' + currentPropPath + '" must be defined when "' + myStringPropPath + '" is defined'); } if (currentPropOldValue && currentPropValue && currentPropValue < currentPropOldValue) { validationErrors.push('property "' + currentPropPath + '" must not decrease in value'); } return validationErrors; } } } ``` ##### Predefined validators The following predefined property or element validators may also be useful: * `typeIdValidator`: A property validator that is suitable for application to the top-level document property that specifies the type of a document. Its constraints include ensuring the value is a string, is neither null nor undefined, is not an empty string and cannot be modified. NOTE: If a document type specifies `simpleTypeFilter` as its type filter, it is not necessary to explicitly include a `type` property validator; it will be supported implicitly as a `typeIdValidator`. An example usage: ```javascript propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, foobar: { type: 'string' } } ``` ##### Dynamic constraint validation In addition to defining any of the item validation constraints above, including `type`, as static values (e.g. `maximumValue: 99`, `mustNotBeEmpty: true`), it is possible to specify them dynamically via function (e.g. `regexPattern: function(newDoc, oldDoc, value, oldValue) { ... }`). This is useful if, for example, the constraint should be based on the value of another property/element in the document or computed based on the previous stored value of the current property/element. The function should expect to receive the following parameters: 1. The current document. 2. The document that is being replaced (if any). Note that, if the document is missing (e.g. it doesn't exist yet) or it has been deleted, this parameter will be `null`. 3. The current value of the property/element/key. 4. The previous value of the property/element/key as stored in the revision of the document that is being replaced (if any). For example: ```javascript propertyValidators: { sequence: { type: 'integer', required: true, // The value must always increase by at least one with each revision minimumValue: function(newDoc, oldDoc, value, oldValue) { return !isValueNullOrUndefined(oldValue) ? oldValue + 1 : 0; } }, category: { type: 'enum', required: true, // The list of valid categories depends on the beginning of the document's ID predefinedValues: function(newDoc, oldDoc, value, oldValue) { return (newDoc._id.indexOf('integerDoc-') === 0) ? [ 1, 2, 3 ] : [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]; } }, referenceId: { type: 'string', required: true, // The reference ID must be constructed from the value of the category field regexPattern: function(newDoc, oldDoc, value, oldValue) { return new RegExp('^foobar-' + newDoc.category + '-[a-zA-Z_-]+$'); } } } ``` ### Definition file A document definitions file specifies all the document types that belong to a single CouchDB database. Such a file can contain either a plain JavaScript object or a JavaScript function that returns the documents' definitions wrapped in an object. For example, a document definitions file implemented as an object: ```javascript { myDocType1: { typeFilter: function(newDoc, oldDoc, docType) { return oldDoc ? oldDoc.type === docType : newDoc.type === docType; }, authorizedRoles: { add: 'create', replace: 'update', remove: 'delete' }, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp1: { type: 'integer' } } }, myDocType2: { typeFilter: function(newDoc, oldDoc, docType) { return oldDoc ? oldDoc.type === docType : newDoc.type === docType; }, authorizedRoles: { add: 'create', replace: 'update', remove: 'delete' }, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp2: { type: 'datetime' } } } } ``` Or a functionally equivalent document definitions file implemented as a function: ```javascript function() { var authorizedRoles = { add: 'create', replace: 'update', remove: 'delete' }; function myDocTypeFilter(newDoc, oldDoc, docType) { return oldDoc ? oldDoc.type === docType : newDoc.type === docType; } return { myDocType1: { authorizedRoles: authorizedRoles, typeFilter: myDocTypeFilter, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp1: { type: 'integer' } } }, myDocType2: { authorizedRoles: authorizedRoles, typeFilter: myDocTypeFilter, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp2: { type: 'datetime' } } } }; } ``` As demonstrated above, the advantage of defining a function rather than an object is that you may also define variables and functions that can be shared between document types but at the cost of some brevity. #### Modularity Document definitions are also modular. By invoking the `importDocumentDefinitionFragment` macro, the contents of external files can be imported into the main document definitions file. For example, each individual document definition from the example above can be specified as a fragment in its own separate file: * `my-doc-type1-fragment.js`: ```javascript { authorizedRoles: authorizedRoles, typeFilter: myDocTypeFilter, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp1: { type: 'integer' } } } ``` * `my-doc-type2-fragment.js`: ```javascript { authorizedRoles: authorizedRoles, typeFilter: myDocTypeFilter, propertyValidators: { type: typeIdValidator, myProp2: { type: 'datetime' } } } ``` And then each fragment can be imported into the main document definitions file: ```javascript function() { var authorizedRoles = { add: 'create', replace: 'update', remove: 'delete' }; function myDocTypeFilter(newDoc, oldDoc, docType) { return oldDoc ? oldDoc.type === docType : newDoc.type === docType; } return { myDocType1: importDocumentDefinitionFragment('my-doc-type1-fragment.js'), myDocType2: importDocumentDefinitionFragment('my-doc-type2-fragment.js') }; } ``` As you can see, the fragments can also reference functions (e.g. `myDocTypeFilter`) and variables (e.g. `authorizedRoles`) that were defined in the main document definitions file. Organizing document definitions in this manner helps to keep configuration manageable. NOTE: couchster does not currently support CouchDB's implementation of [CommonJS modules](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/query-server/javascript.html#commonjs-modules) and the [`require`](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/query-server/javascript.html#require) function. ### Helper functions Custom code (e.g. type filters, custom validation functions, custom actions) within document definitions have access to CouchDB's built in [utility functions](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/query-server/javascript.html). In addition, couchster provides some predefined functions for common operations: * `isDocumentMissingOrDeleted(candidate)`: Determines whether the given `candidate` document is either missing (i.e. `null`) or deleted (i.e. its `_deleted` property is `true`). A useful alternative to testing the value of the new document's `_deleted` property or whether the old document is `null`. * `isValueNullOrUndefined(value)`: Determines whether the given `value` parameter is either `null` or `undefined`. In many cases, it is useful to treat both states the same. # Testing The couchster project includes a variety of specifications/test cases to verify the behaviours of its various features. However, if you need to write a custom item validation function, dynamic type filter, custom action event handler, etc. or you would otherwise like to verify a generated validation function, this project includes a test fixture module (`src/testing/test-fixture-maker.js`) that is useful in automating much of the work that can go into writing test cases. The following section provides a brief overview of the process. Note that couchster uses the [mocha](https://mochajs.org/) test framework for writing and executing test cases and the [Chai](http://chaijs.com/) library for assertions. The following instructions assume that you will too, but by no means are your projects restricted to using either of these libraries for their own tests. Some other test runners/frameworks that might be of interest: * [Jasmine](https://jasmine.github.io/) * [Vows](http://vowsjs.org/) And some alternate assertion libraries: * [Node.js Assertions](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/assert.html) * [expect.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/expect.js) * [should.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/should) Install the testing libraries locally and add them as development dependencies in the project's [`package.json`](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/using-a-package.json) file (e.g. `npm install mocha --save-dev`, `npm install chai --save-dev`). After that, create a new specification file in your project's `test/` directory (e.g. `test/foobar-spec.js`) and import the test-fixture-maker module into the empty spec: ```javascript var testFixtureMaker = require('couchster').testFixtureMaker; ``` Create a new `describe` block to encapsulate the forthcoming test cases, initialize the couchster test fixture and also reset the state after each test case using the `afterEach` function. For example: ```javascript describe('My new validation function', function() { var testFixture = testFixtureMaker.initFromDocumentDefinitions('/path/to/my-doc-definitions.js'); afterEach(function() { testFixture.resetTestEnvironment(); }); ... }); ``` Now you can begin writing specs/test cases inside the `describe` block using the test fixture's convenience functions to verify the behaviour of the generated validation function. For example, to verify that a new document passes validation and specifies the correct roles and usernames for authorization: ```javascript it('can create a myDocType document', function() { var newDoc = { _id: 'myDocId', type: 'myDocType', foo: 'bar', bar: -32, members: [ 'joe', 'nancy' ] }; testFixture.verifyDocumentCreated( newDoc, { expectedRoles: [ 'my-add-role' ], expectedUsers: [ 'my-add-user' ] }); }); ``` Or to verify that a document cannot be created because it fails validation: ```javascript it('cannot create a myDocType doc when required property foo is missing', function() { var newDoc = { _id: 'myDocId', type: 'myDocType', bar: 79 }; testFixture.verifyDocumentNotCreated( newDoc, 'myDocType', [ testFixture.validationErrorFormatter.requiredValueViolation('foo') ], { expectedRoles: [ 'my-add-role' ], expectedUsers: [ 'my-add-user' ] }); }); ``` The `testFixture.validationErrorFormatter` object in the preceding example provides a variety of functions that can be used to specify expected validation error messages. See the `src/testing/validation-error-formatter.js` module in this project for documentation. To execute the tests in the `test/` directory, ensure that the project's `package.json` file contains a "test" script. For example: ```javascript "scripts": { "test": "mocha test/" } ``` Once the test script is configured in `package.json`, run the tests with the `npm test` command. You will find many more test examples in this project's `test/` directory and in the example project [couchster-test-examples](https://github.com/OldSneerJaw/couchster-test-examples). Refer to the [Validating](#validating) section of the README for information on using the validation utility to verify the structure and semantics of a document definitions file.