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ORCID API v2.0 Guide

Current State (Release Stable)

v2.0 is the current release of the ORCID API and should be used for all development.

XSDs and current state (all stable)

Changes from Release candidate 2.0_rc3:


  • Addition of search endpoints


  • Change external-id-type 'PEER-REVIEW' to 'peer-review'
  • Addition of 'peer-review service' as a group type for peer-reviews
  • Peer-review groups look-up by name option

Email addresses

  • Include primary and verified status when reading an email address

Changes from Version 1.2

A number of changes to the ORCID API have been made to improve on the existing 1.2 release, this section highlights the most notable changes.

Multiple XSD

The ORCID Messages Schema has been broken down in to multiple files. Namespaces are now used and common elements are reused in multiple sections.

Per item API

With version 2.0 the ORCID API information is now added, updated, and read as individual items, as compared to entire sections of a record as was the case with 1.2. Existing items are read, updated or deleted using their put-code, and new items must be posted individually (with the exception of works which can be added up to 100 at a time). To read an entire section of a record the activities summary can be accessed.

Activities summary:

When reading the works, funding, and peer-review sections, a summary of each activity is returned. The summary is intended to provide basic information about the item, including title, type, date, organization, source and identifiers. The full item can be retrieved by accessing the individual item using the put-code provided.

Activities group:

Funding, Works and Peer-review items are grouped together based on a common external identifier. In the schema, the group is the parent of the items and contains a last modified date for the group and the identifier(s) used to create the group.

New attributes for items

  • put-code attribute on the parent field of an item to uniquely identify that item within the ORCID Registry
  • display-index indicates the order the researcher has ranked this item within its group or section, higher display indexes appear first. (By deafulat all items added via the API will have their display index set to 1, the display index will update when the order is edited by the researcher.)

Additional metadata about items on the record

  • created date when the item was first added to the ORCID record
  • last-modified-date when the item was changed, such as being edited or having its visibility changed.
  • source who added the item to the record. Items added via the API will have the source-client-id field to record the client iD, items added by the researcher will use the source-orcid field to record the researcher's ORCID iD.

Additional external identifier fields

  • external-id-url indicates how the identifier will resolve
  • external-id-relationship indicates the relationship between the item and the identifier


A new activities section, peer-review, captures the formal review activity of researchers.

Non-editable fields

The 2.0 API can not be used to edit the fields give-name, family-name or biography.

Repeatable address field

With 2.0 the address field can be repeated

Sample files:

For working with json see ORCID conversion util

REST API Reference


The swagger interfaces to the API available at:


Scope Request method Obtain Access Token Through Expires In API
/authenticate No API call. Client retrieves access token only. 3-legged OAuth Single authentication Public API and Member API
/activities/update POST, PUT, DELETE 3-legged OAuth When expired or revoked by user Member API
/person/update POST, PUT, DELETE 3-legged OAuth When expired or revoked by user Member API
/read-limited GET 3-legged OAuth When expired or revoked by user Member API
/read-public GET Client credentials When revoked by ORCID Public API and Member API
/webhook PUT, DELETE Client credentials When revoked by ORCID Premium Member API


Action HTTP method Scope URL
Read the entire record GET /read-limited or /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/record
Read an activities section GET /read-limited or /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]s
Read a person section GET /read-limited or /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]
Read a single item GET /read-limited or /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]/[PUT-CODE]
Add a person item POST /person/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]
Update a person item PUT /person/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]/[PUT-CODE]
Delete a person item DELETE /person/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]/[PUT-CODE]
Add an activity POST /activities/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]
Update an activity PUT /activities/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]/[PUT-CODE]
Delete an activity DELETE /activities/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/[SECTION]/[PUT-CODE]
Add multiple works POST /read-limited or /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/works
Read multiple works GET /activities/update https://[HOST]/v2.0/[ORCID]/works/[PUT-CODE1],[PUT-CODE2]
Search records GET /read-public https://[HOST]/v2.0/search?q=[SOLR-QUERY]*

[HOST] is the ORCID environment you are using

  • for the Member API on the ORCID Sandbox
  • for the Public API on the ORCID Sandbox (/read-public scope only)
  • for the Member API on the production ORCID Registry
  • for the Public API on the production ORCID Registry (/read-public scope only)

[ORCID] is the ORCID iD for the record.

[SECTION] can be one of the following:

  • activities
  • address
  • biography *
  • education
  • email *
  • employment
  • external-identifiers
  • funding
  • keywords
  • other-names
  • researcher-urls
  • peer-review
  • person *
  • personal-details *
  • work


  • biography, email, person and personal-details sections are read only
  • when reading multiple works a maximum of 50 works can be accessed with a single call, when posting multiple works a maximum of 100 works can be posted with a single call.
  • When searching by default a maximum of 100 results will be returned. The rows parameter can be used to increase the number or results, but only up to 200. The start parameter (integer pointing to the zero-based position of the first result to be returned) can be used to page through larger results sets.
  • Help with SOLR searching


Read sections

Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Entire record /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Activities summary /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Addresses /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Education items /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Emails /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Employment items /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
External identifiers /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Funding summary /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Keywords /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Other names /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Peer review summary /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Personal details /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Person /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Researcher URLs /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Works summary /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''

Read Record Items

Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Address /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Biography /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Education /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Employment /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
External identifier /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Funding /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Keywords /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Other names /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Peer review /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Researcher URL /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Work /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''
Multiple Works /read-limited or /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ',733536'

When reading multiple works the contents of each work is returned or an error code is returned if there is an issue with a single work.

Add Record Items

Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Address /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/address.xml' -X POST '
Education /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/education-item.xml' -X POST ''
Employment /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/employment-item.xml' -X POST ''
External identifiers /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/external_identifier.xml' -X POST '
Funding /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/funding-item.xml' -X POST ''
Keywords /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/keyword.xml' -X POST '
Other names /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/other-name.xml' -X POST ''
Peer review /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/peer-review-item.xml' -X POST ''
Researcher URL /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/researcher-url.xml' -X POST ''
Work /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/work.xml' -X POST ''
Multiple works /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/works.xml' -X POST ''

When posting multiple works the contents of each work is returned or an error code is returned if there is an issue with a single work, see bulk work error sample.

Update Record Items

Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Address /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/address.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]
Education /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/education-item-updated.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
Employment /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/employment-item-updated.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
External identifiers /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/external_identifier.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]
Funding /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/funding-item-updated.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
Keywords /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/keyword.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]
Other names /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/other-name.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
Peer review /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/peer-review-item-updated.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
Researcher URL /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/researcher-url.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'
Work /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -d '@[FILE-PATH]/work-updated.xml' -X PUT '[PUT-CODE]'

When updating a record item, include the put code as an attribute in the root element, ex: <education:education put-code="14775" xmlns:common="http:" xmlns:education="http:" xmlns:xsi="http:" xsi:schemaLocation="http: ../education-2.0.xsd ">

Delete Record Items

Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Address /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]
Education /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
Employment /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
External identifiers /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]
Funding /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
Keywords /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]
Other names /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
Peer review /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
Researcher URL /person/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'
Work /activities/update curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE '[PUT-CODE]'


Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Register a webhook /webhook curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X PUT 'http:'
Delete a webhook /webhook curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' -X DELETE 'http:'


Item Scope Example cURL Statement
Search records /read-public curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml" -H 'Authorization: Bearer 42c0aff8-a216-4cd9-8c13-6d3a8a2aa853' ''