# Finnish Amateur Radio Callsigns File [oh-callsigns.tsv](oh-callsigns.tsv) contains Finnish amateur radio callsigns which are downloaded daily from [Finnish Transport and Communications Agency](https://www.traficom.fi/en). The purpose of this repository is to provide historical data about callsigns which is not available from the authority. There are graphical diagrams made from this data at [ham.may.fi](http://ham.may.fi/ohcounts/). Maintainer: [Joel Lehtonen](https://github.com/zouppen/) / OH64K ## How to use Just clone this repository and then `git pull` periodically (e.g. in a cron job or systemd timer). **NB!** You should do not use `fetch_from_ficora` unless you are hosting a mirror yourself. ## File format The first column contains the call sign. The second column contains the status information. See table below: Key | Legend --- | --- `VOIMAS` | Active call sign `KARENSSI` | On a grace period. This call sign becomes available after two years from expiry. `VARAUS` | The call sign has been reserved for an applicant but not yet been issued. Call signs on grace period may contain an asterisk (such as `OH*EEG`). That means the sign is reserved in all regions (0-9). ## License All files except `oh-callsigns.tsv` are certainly public domain. The call sign data is most likely public domain, but the data is sourced from Traficom and I'm not a lawyer.