--- permalink: health-checker/task-deleting-group-actions.html sidebar: sidebar keywords: summary: 'You can delete a group action from Unified Manager when the group action is no longer required.' --- = Deleting group actions :icons: font :imagesdir: ../media/ [.lead] You can delete a group action from Unified Manager when the group action is no longer required. == Before you begin You must have the Application Administrator or Storage Administrator role. == About this task When you delete the group action for the volume health threshold, global thresholds are applied to the storage objects in that group. Any object-level health thresholds that are set on the storage object are not impacted. == Steps . In the left navigation pane, click *Storage Management* > *Groups*. . In the *Group Actions* tab, select the group action that you want to delete, and then click *Delete*. . In the *Warning* dialog box, confirm the deletion by clicking *Yes*.