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Highly Customizable Word Scrapper, with minimal foot print. Allows crawlers and spiders addition using whatever technique is prefered, be it scrapy, requests and beautiful soup, selnium webdriver, etc for crawling and has a configuration panel to configure some crawlers activities. The web interface allows you to configure keywords that one should be alerted via email once they are detected in the scrapped data.

Deploying using nginx and uwsgi (Centos)


Install Nginx:

If you dont have the epel repo in your machine, run:

sudo yum install epel-release

Install nginx web and reverse proxy server:

sudo yum install nginx

Setup pip:

sudo yum install python-pip python-devel gcc

install and create python Virtual Environment


sudo pip install virtualenv

Creating virtual env with virtualenv tool:

mkdir ~/myproject
cd ~/myproject
virtualenv myprojectenv

The above will create a python virtual env in your project folder created (myprojectenv). The above copies files for your default python interpreter to the virtual environment. If you have multiple instances of python interpreter on your machine, you can specify the version to use as:

virtaulenv --python=/location/to/python/touse myprojectenv
eg: virtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 myprojectenv

Activate and install project dependencies:

Activate the environment as follows:

source myprojectenv/bin/activate

Now copy all sources from JSAKA into the project folder (myprojectenv). The install the projects dependencies usinf the requirements.txt file in JSAKA by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing uwsgi server


 pip install uwsgi

Configuring Nginx

add the following directive to nginx conf file:

server {
    listen 8080;

    location / {

    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/jsaka.sock;


By default, our app uses unix socket to connect to nginx which is placed in the default location "/tmp/jsaka.sock" This can be cahnged by editing jsaka.ini configuration file. Also ensure the path to .sock file has enough priveleges for this to be successful.

Run JSAKA with uwsgi

uwsgi --ini jsaka.ini

Run Nginx

type 'nginx' on terminal as root.


Keyword manager

Manage Keywords

Subscription Manager

Manage subscriptions

Spider setting

Spider setting