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Presto product tests

The product tests make use of user visible interfaces (e.g. presto-cli) to test Presto for correctness. The product tests complement the unit tests because unlike the unit tests, they exercise the Presto codebase end-to-end.

To keep the execution of the product tests as lightweight as possible we decided to use Docker. The general execution setup is as follows: a single Docker container runs Hadoop in pseudo-distributed mode and Presto runs either in Docker container(s) (both pseudo-distributed and distributed setups are possible) or manually from IntelliJ (for debugging Presto). The tests run in a separate JVM and they can be started using the scripts found in presto-product-tests/bin. The product tests are run using the Tempto harness.

Developers should consider writing product tests in addition to any unit tests when making changes to user visible features. The product tests should also be run after all code changes to ensure no existing functionality has been broken.


Running the Presto product tests requires at least 4GB of free memory


OS X using Docker for Mac (macOS 10.10.3 Yosemite or newer) [PREFERRED WAY]

  • Install Docker for Mac:

  • Add entries in /etc/hosts for all services running in docker containers: hadoop-master, mysql, postgres, cassandra, presto-master. They should point to your external IP address (shown by ifconfig on your Mac (not inside docker)).

  • The default memory setting of 2GB might not be sufficient for some profiles like singlenode-ldap. You may need 4-8 GB or even more to run certain tests. You can increase Docker memory by going to Docker Preferences -> Advanced -> Memory.

OS X using Docker Toolbox (macOS 10.8 "Mountain Lion" or newer) [NOT RECOMMENDED]

The Docker daemon cannot run natively on OS X because it uses Linux-specific kernel features. Instead, the Docker daemon runs in a Linux VM created by the docker-machine binary. Docker containers run in the Linux VM and are controlled by the docker client binary that runs natively on OS X. Both docker-machine and docker are included in the docker-toolbox package, which must be installed.

In addition to docker-machine and docker, the docker-toolbox package also install docker-compose, which is a multi-container orchestration Python utility. To gain access to these utilities, start the pre-configured shell environment by double-clicking on the "Docker Quickstart Terminal" icon located in ~/Applications/Docker. Note that all commands listed in subsequent parts of this tutorial must be run within such a pre-configured shell.

Setting up a Linux VM for Docker Toolbox

The docker-toolbox installation creates a VirtualBox VM called default. To run product-tests on the default VM, it must be re-configured to use 4GB of memory with the following commands:

docker-machine stop
vboxmanage modifyvm default --memory 4096
docker-machine start

Alternatively, if you do not want to use the default VM to run the product tests, you can create a new VM with the commands below. Note that the default VM will always be running when you start a new pre-configured shell environment. Permanently removing or replacing the default VM is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

  • Create a VM called . This should be done only once and not every time a pre-configured shell is started:

    docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 <machine>
  • After the new VM is created, the pre-configured shell environment must be told to use the <machine> VM instead of the default VM to run Docker containers. These commands must be run every time a new pre-configured shell is started:

    docker-machine start <machine>
    eval $(docker-machine env <machine>)

Note that for every new VM, the docker images on the previous VM will have to be re-downloaded when the product tests are kicked off. To avoid this unnecessary re-download, do not create new VMs often.

Use the docker-compose wrappers

We're using multiple compose files because of the number of overrides needed for different environments, and deficiencies of extends: syntax (see the note here).

To ease the pain of passing multiple -f arguments to docker-compose, each environment has a wrapper script. Thanks to it, instead of e.g.

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ../common/standard.yml -f ../common/jdbc_db.yml [compose commands]

one can simply write [compose commands]

Running the product tests

The Presto product tests must be run explicitly because they do not run as part of the Maven build like the unit tests do. Note that the product tests cannot be run in parallel. This means that only one instance of a test can be run at once in a given environment. To run all product tests and exclude the quarantine, big_query and profile_specific_tests groups run the following command:

./mvnw install -DskipTests
presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -x quarantine,big_query,profile_specific_tests

where profile is one of either:


  • multinode - pseudo-distributed Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container and a distributed Presto installation running on multiple Docker containers. For multinode the default configuration is 1 coordinator and 1 worker.
  • multinode-tls - psuedo-distributed Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container and a distributed Presto installation running on multiple Docker containers. Presto is configured to only accept connections on the HTTPS port (7878), and both coordinator and worker traffic is encrypted. For multinode-tls, the default configuration is 1 coordinator and 2 workers.
  • singlenode - pseudo-distributed Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container and a single node installation of Presto also running on a single Docker container.
  • singlenode-hdfs-impersonation - HDFS impersonation enabled on top of the environment in singlenode profile. Presto impersonates the user who is running the query when accessing HDFS.
  • singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-impersonation - pseudo-distributed kerberized Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container and a single node installation of kerberized Presto also running on a single Docker container. This profile has Kerberos impersonation. Presto impersonates the user who is running the query when accessing HDFS.
  • singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-no-impersonation - pseudo-distributed Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container and a single node installation of kerberized Presto also running on a single Docker container. This profile runs Kerberos without impersonation.
  • singlenode-ldap - Three single node Docker containers, one running an OpenLDAP server, one running with SSL/TLS certificates installed on top of a single node Presto installation, and one with a pseudo-distributed Hadoop installation.
  • singlenode-sqlserver - pseudo-distributed Hadoop installation running on a single Docker container, a single node installation of Presto also running on a single Docker container and one running SQL Server server. While running tests on singlenode-sqlserver make sure to exclude mysql_connector and postgresql_connector tests i.e. -x mysql_connector, postgresql_connector.

Please keep in mind that if you run tests on Hive of version not greater than 1.0.1, you should exclude test from post_hive_1_0_1 group by passing the following flag to tempto: -x post_hive_1_0_1. First version of Hive capable of running tests from post_hive_1_0_1 group is Hive 1.1.0.

For more information on the various ways in which Presto can be configured to interact with Kerberized Hive and Hadoop, please refer to the Hive connector documentation.

Running a single test

The script can also run individual product tests. Presto product tests are either Java based or convention based and each type can be run individually with the following commands:

# Run single Java based test
presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -t com.facebook.presto.tests.functions.operators.Comparison.testLessThanOrEqualOperatorExists
# Run single convention based test
presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -t sql_tests.testcases.system.selectInformationSchemaTables

Running groups of tests

Tests belong to a single or possibly multiple groups. Java based tests are tagged with groups in the @Test annotation and convention based tests have group information in the first line of their test file. Instead of running single tests, or all tests, users can also run one or more test groups. This enables users to test features in a cross functional way. To run a particular group, use the -g argument as shown:

# Run all tests in the string_functions and create_table groups
presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -g string_functions,create_tables

Some groups of tests can only be run with certain profiles. Incorrect use of profile for such test groups will result in test failures. We call these tests that require a specific profile to run as profile specific tests. In addition to their respective group, all such tests also belong to a parent group called profile_specific_tests. To exclude such tests from a run, make sure to add the profile_specific_tests group to the list of excluded groups.

Following table describes the profile specific test categories, the corresponding test group names and the profile(s) which must be used to run tests in those test groups.

Tests Test Group Profiles
Authorization authorization singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-impersonation
HDFS impersonation hdfs_impersonation singlenode-hdfs-impersonation, singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-impersonation
No HDFS impersonation hdfs_no_impersonation singlenode, singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-no_impersonation
LDAP ldap singlenode-ldap
SQL Server sqlserver singlenode-sqlserver

Below is a list of commands that explain how to run these profile specific tests and also the entire test suite:

  • Run Authorization tests:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-impersonation -g authorization
  • Run HDFS impersonation tests, where <profile> is one of either singlenode-hdfs-impersonation or singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-impersonation:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -g hdfs_impersonation
  • Run no HDFS impersonation tests, where <profile> is one of either singlenode or singlenode-kerberos-hdfs-no-impersonation:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -g hdfs_no_impersonation
  • Run LDAP tests:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ singlenode-ldap -g ldap
  • Run SQL Server tests:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ singlenode-sqlserver -g sqlserver
  • Run the entire test suite excluding all profile specific tests, where <profile> can be any one of the available profiles:

    presto-product-tests/bin/ <profile> -x quarantine,big_query,profile_specific_tests

Note: SQL Server product-tests use microsoft/mssql-server-linux docker container. By running SQL Server product tests you accept the license ACCEPT_EULA

Running from IntelliJ

For running Java based tests from IntelliJ see the section on Debugging Java based tests.

Running with custom / downloaded artifacts

To run with custom versions of presto / presto-cli / product tests, just set the appropriate environment variables:

export PRESTO_SERVER_DIR=/tmp/presto-server-dir      #unpacked presto-server.tar.gz
export PRESTO_CLI_JAR=/tmp/artifacts/presto-cli-executable.jar
export PRODUCT_TESTS_JAR=/tmp/artifacts/presto-product-tests-executable.jar
presto-product-tests/bin/ multinode -x quarantine,big_query,profile_specific_tests

All of the variables are optional and fall back to local sources / build artifacts if unspecified.

Interrupting a test run

To interrupt a product test run, send a single Ctrl-C signal. The scripts running the tests will gracefully shutdown all containers. Any follow up Ctrl-C signals will interrupt the shutdown procedure and possibly leave containers in an inconsistent state.

Debugging the product tests

Debugging Java based tests

Java based tests can be run and debugged from IntelliJ like regular TestNG tests with the setup outlined below:

  1. Ensure all project artifacts are up to date:

    ./mvnw install -DskipTests
  2. Start Presto dependant services as Docker containers:

    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ up -d hadoop-master
    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ up -d mysql
    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ up -d postgres
    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ up -d cassandra

    Tip: To display container logs run:

    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ logs
  3. Add an IP-to-host mapping for the hadoop-master, mysql, postgres and cassandra hosts in /etc/hosts. The format of /etc/hosts entries is <ip> <host>:

    • On GNU/Linux add the following mapping: <container ip> hadoop-master. The container IP can be obtained by running:

      docker inspect $(presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ ps -q hadoop-master) | grep -i IPAddress

    Similarly add mappings for MySQL, Postgres and Cassandra containers (mysql, postgres and cassandra hostnames respectively). To check IPs for those containers run:

    docker inspect $(presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ ps -q mysql) | grep -i IPAddress
    docker inspect $(presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ ps -q postgres) | grep -i IPAddress
    docker inspect $(presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ ps -q cassandra) | grep -i IPAddress

    Alternatively you can use below script to obtain hosts ip mapping

    presto-product-tests/bin/ singlenode

    Note that above command requires jq to be installed in your system

    • On OS X:
      • Docker for Mac: Add the following mapping to /etc/hosts: <IP-of-your-Mac> hadoop-master mysql postgres cassandra.

      • Docker Toolbox: Add the following mapping to /etc/hosts: <docker machine ip> hadoop-master mysql postgres cassandra. Since Docker containers run inside a Linux VM, on OS X we map the VM IP to the hadoop-master, mysql, postgres and cassandra hostnames. To obtain the IP of the Linux VM run:

        docker-machine ip <machine>
  4. Create a run configuration in IntelliJ with the following parameters:

    • Use classpath of module: presto-main
    • Main class: com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer
    • Working directory: presto-product-tests/conf/presto
    • VM options: -ea -Xmx2G -Dconfig=etc/ -Dlog.levels-file=etc/ -DHADOOP_USER_NAME=hive -Duser.timezone=Asia/Kathmandu
  5. MAKE SURE PRESTO CONFIGURATION IS ALIGNED WITH THE ONE IN presto-product-tests/conf/presto!

    If you use custom configuration, make sure to configure the Hive catalog such that it uses a socks proxy running inside the container. To do so, please make sure your Hive properties file under etc/catalog/ has the below entry:


    Also, hadoop-master must point to a correct IP (as described in step 3 of this section).

  6. Start the Presto server with the newly created run configuration.

  7. In IntelliJ, right click on a test method name or test class to run or debug the respective test(s).

  8. Remember to stop the Hadoop container once debugging is done with the following command:

    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/singlenode/ down

Debugging convention based tests

Some of the product tests are implemented in a convention based manner. Such tests can not be run directly from IntelliJ and the following steps explain how to debug convention based tests:

  1. Follow steps [1-6] from the Debugging Java based tests section.

  2. Run a convention based test with the following JVM debug flags:

    PRODUCT_TESTS_JVM_OPTIONS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=<debug port>" presto-product-tests/bin/ -t sql_tests.testcases.system.selectInformationSchemaTables

    where <debug port> is the port over which the test JVM and the debugger will communicate. By default IntelliJ uses 5005. Also note that execution of the product test will be suspended until a debugger is attached.

  3. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of the com.teradata.tempto.internal.convention.ConventionBasedTestFactory#createTestCases method. This is the main entry point for the convention based tests. When opening the ConventionBasedTestFactory class for the first time, IntelliJ will display a de-compiled version because ConventionBasedTestFactory is part of Tempto and not Presto. To download the actual sources make sure to the press the 'Download sources' button that should appear in the upper right hand corner of the editor window.

  4. Create a remote run configuration in IntelliJ. If the debug port in the step above was 5005, then no changes to the remote run configuration are required. This configuration will act as the debugger.

  5. Run the remote configuration. If the debugger successfully attaches, execution of the product test will resume until the breakpoint is hit. At this stage the following components should be running: a container with Hadoop, an IntelliJ run configuration JVM running Presto, a JVM running the product tests and an IntelliJ remote run configuration JVM running the debugger.


Use the docker-compose (probably using a wrapper) and docker utilities to control and troubleshoot containers. In the following examples <profile> is profiles.

  1. Use the following command to view output from running containers:

    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/<profile>/ logs
  2. To connect to a running container in an interactive Bash shell to examine state and debug as necessary, use the following commands:

    # Find the ID of the desired container
    docker ps
    # Connect to running container
    docker exec -ti <container-id> /bin/bash
  3. To reset the Hadoop container when debugging tests, first teardown the container and then pull from Docker Hub to ensure the latest version has been downloaded:

    # Stop Hadoop container (the down command stops and removes containers,
    # network, images, and volumes). This effectively resets the container.
    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/<profile>/ down
    # Pull from Docker Hub to ensure the latest version of the image is
    # downloaded.
    presto-product-tests/conf/docker/<profile>/ pull

Known issues

Port 1180 already allocated

If you see the error

ERROR: for hadoop-master  Cannot start service hadoop-master: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint common_hadoop-master_1 Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated

You most likely have some application listening on port 1180 on either docker-machine or on your local machine if you are running docker natively. You can override the default socks proxy port (1180) used by dockerized Hive deployment in product tests using the HIVE_PROXY_PORT environment variable, e.g. export HIVE_PROXY_PORT=1180. This will run all of the dockerized tests using the custom port for the socks proxy. When you change the default socks proxy port (1180) and want to use Hive provided by product tests from outside docker (e.g. access it from Presto running in your IDE), you have to modify the property hive.metastore.thrift.client.socks-proxy=hadoop-master:1180 in your file accordingly. Presto inside docker (used while starting tests using will still use default port (1180) though.

Malformed reply from SOCKS server

If you see an error similar to

Failed on local exception: Malformed reply from SOCKS server; Host Details : local host is [...]

Make sure your /etc/hosts points to proper IP address (see Debugging Java based tests, step 3). Also it's worth confirming that your Hive properties file accounts for the socks proxy used in Hive container (steps 4-5 of Debugging Java based tests).

If /etc/hosts entries have changed since the time when Docker containers were provisioned it's worth removing them and re-provisioning. To do so, use docker rm on each container used in product tests.