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276 lines (175 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

276 lines (175 loc) · 14.8 KB



  • Upgrade to Angular 18, closes #286.


  • fix: highlight.js dependency was removed in v11, closes #283.


  • Update to Angular 17.
  • feat: Add provideHighlightOptions function to easily override the default options.
  • feat: Add provideGistOptions function in the plus package to easily set gist id and secret into the HTTP requests.
  • feat: Add startFrom and singleLine inputs to lineNumbers directive, closes #274.
  • feat: Make codeFromUrl pipe supports loading of relative URLs, closes #224.
  • feat: Add highlight directive which uses a different function and provide different options, closes #275.
  • feat: Add lineNumbersOptions property to set the default line number options.
  • refactor: Rename the previous highlight directive to highlightAuto.
  • refactor: split line numbers functionality into its own directive.
  • refactor: Use highlight.js original interfaces.
  • enhance: Allow loading theme from global options if highlight.js was imported externally.

Breaking changes

  • The highlight directive now uses a different function from highlight.js which requires selecting a language.
  • The highlightAuto directive automatically detects the language and highlights the code.


  • feat: Migrate to Angular standalone components, closes #260 in cadcd11.
  • fix: Add line-numbers as a sub package, closes #234 in 7f8f551.
  • refactor: Update deprecated rxjs usage.

Breaking changes

  • When using HighlightPlusModule, you must have provideHttpClient() provided in your main.ts file in order to make the http requests work.
  • The line numbers plugin is now included within the package, the import path should point to the new sub-package ngx-highlightjs/line-numbers
providers: [
    useValue: {
      lineNumbersLoader: () => import('ngx-highlightjs/line-numbers')


  • Update to Angular 16.


  • Update to Angular 15.
  • Fix setTheme does not load theme if themePath was not specified in the configuration, closes #247 in 4a74d84.
  • Fix Angular Universal error, closes 243 in 8815a9e.
  • Make Angular Universal happy with setTheme function HighlightLoader service, in 0ed6508.
  • Make gist setter public, closes #242 in 3208b0d.


  • Add support for trusted types (CSP), in 125a55b.



  • fix typo: Angular async pipe return type is 'string|null' not 'string' as [highlight] expect, closes #209 in 277322f.


  • fix: check if options is defined in HighlightLoader service, closes #219 in cac55cb.
  • fix: Update deprecated usage of throwError in rxjs 7.


  • fix: RxJS peerDependency warning when installing the package, closes#205 in 87c8521.
  • fix: Passing empty string to [highlight] input should clear the highlighted content (test cases is added for that), closes #119 in 2d67fb3.


  • feat: Load highlighting theme dynamically, ability to switch between themes easily, closes #194 in 9422d29.


  • Upgrade library to Angular 13


  • Upgrade usage to highlight.js v11, you can find the breaking changes from the official page here.
  • Build the library with partial compilationMode.
  • feat: Add the missing functions from v11 in HighlightJS service.
  • Remove deprecated function in v11, such as initHighlighting(), highlightBlock(), fixMarkup() from HighlightJS service.

Breaking changes

  • refactor: (highlighted) output has been updated to highlight.js v11, the result object has a new interface HighlightAutoResult.
  • refactor: HighlightJS.configure(config) has been updated the config interface to highlight.js v11.


  • Upgrade to Angular 12
  • Set peer dependency of highlight.js to v10

The library is still compatible with the new version of highlight.js v11 but the highlighting function will be deprecated in their next release


  • Upgrade to Angular 11
  • Build the library in strict mode

Breaking changes:

  • refactor: Highlight directive => function highlightElement(code: string, languages: string[]): the languages param is not optional anymore.


  • fix: codeFromUrl display error message in the console even though it works, closes #141 in d60dc10.


  • Upgrade project to Angular 10.
  • fix: Remove the default behavior of adding highlight.js to the bundle directory, closes #122 in 339ff18.
  • fix: Setting the highlighted code to empty string will not reflect the value change, closes #199 in 9ee1942.


  • Upgrade to Angular 9 in #113.
  • fix: Remove warning when the package is installed in Angular 9 in 6d491be.


  • fix: use element.textContent to set the code before highlighting, closes #105 in 34afad7.


  • fix: Change r property name to relevance in HighlightResult interface, closes #84 in ce53661.
  • fix: Sanitize highlighted code before appending it to the DOM, closes #101 in 9afe6b6.
  • fix: Check if nativeElement.firstChildElement is not null before calling line numbers lib, in 494c976.


  • feat: Lazy-load hljs library, closes #89 in 8cdba13.
  • feat: Lazy-load languages scripts, in 952f33c.
  • feat: Gist directive, closes #90 in 8b4c8fc.
  • feat: Highlight code directly from URL, closes #91 in 5fa3c59.
  • feat: Line numbers, closes #35 in c19b878.
  • enhance: Move highlight.js package from peerDependencies to dependencies
  • fix: Check if [highlight] input got undefined value, closes #81 in f2b14bd.
  • fix: Add test files, closes #79 in 2913d05.

Breaking Changes

  • Since the core library highlight.js will be lazy-loaded, all hljs functions in HighlightJS will return observables to make sure the library is loaded before execution.
  • HighlightChildren directive has been deprecated.
  • The global options languages property NgScrollOptions.languages type has changed.
  • HighlightModule.forRoot() is deprecated, the highlight global options can be set using the injection token HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS


  • fix(HighlightChildren): fix OnDestroy() error (Cannot read property 'disconnect' of undefined), closes #75 in 3379905.


  • fix(HighlightChildren): Highlight children not working inside [innerHtml], closes #67 in 969f3b3.


Breaking Changes

Version 3 is written from scratch, Please read the updated documentations.


  • fix(HighlightJS): load hljs theme only if hljs script is loaded automatically, closes #56 in 66d0688.


  • fix(HighlightJS): Fix initializing hljs configure and the function parameter interface hljs.configure(config: HighlightConfig).
  • refactor(HighlightJS): Inject DOCUMENT to access the document class, in 4ff6ceb.
  • enhance(HighlightJS): Access hljs from document.defaultView.
  • Add rxjs as peerDependency.


  • fix peerDependencies for Angular >= 6
  • refactor(HighlightJS): Provide HighlightJS using providedIn: 'root'


  • refactor(HighlightJS): Add types on parameters in hljs functions, fixed in #40


  • feat(HighlightJS): Expose HighlightJS service with original functions, closes #37 in 90a8e17.


  • fix(Build): fix AOT build error, closes #31 in 161b36


  • Upgrade to Angular 6, closes #28 in #30


  • Fix(HighlightDirective): highlight="all", Apply .hljs class on code elements only, closes #23


  • Feature(language input): an array of language names and aliases restricting auto detection to only these languages, closes #20.
  • Feature(hljs global config): set global config in HighlightModule.forRoot({ config: hljsConfig })).
  • Support the manual load of hljs script and styles.


  • Feature: Add (highlighted) output, a stream that emits higlight result, closes #16.


  • Refactor with RxJS pipe 5.5 style


  • Fix(HighlightService) Move InjectionToken to a seperate file, closes #11


  • No Changes, just an update for the build enviroment


  • fix(HighlightDirective): Use el.tagName.toLowerCase() to check for if the highlight element is type of <code>


  • Remove HighlightUmdModule and systemjs support
  • Refactir(HighlightModule)
  • Add [code] input


  • Improve performance

  • Fix load hljs script only once

  • Remove hlAuto and hlDelay inputs from HighlightDirective, but they are still usable in HighlightUmdDirective

  • Update HighlightModule parameter:


      HighlightModule.forRoot('monokai-sublime', 'assets/js/highlight-js');


        theme: 'monokai-sublime',
        path: 'assets/js/highlight-js',
        auto: true


  • feat(HighlightModule): Choose highlight theme and set library path
  • feat(Auto-load script)
  • feat(Auto-load theme)


  • Initial release