# How to use Mup (https://github.com/microsoft/mup) ## Add mup neox args to your config ``` # mup "use-mup": true, "save-base-shapes": false, # this only needs to be enabled once in order to generate the base-shapes-file on each rank "base-shapes-file": "base-shapes", # load base shapes from this file "coord-check": false, # generate coord check plots to verify mup's implementation in neox # mup hp search "mup-init-scale": 1.0, "mup-attn-temp": 1.0, "mup-output-temp": 1.0, "mup-embedding-mult": 1.0, "mup-rp-embedding-mult": 1.0, ``` ## Generate base shapes 1. Set use-mup to true 2. Set save-base-shapes to true 3. Run once. gpt-neox will instantiate a base model and a delta model, then save one file per rank named .. gpt-neox will exit immediately. 4. Set save-base-shapes to false ## Generate coord check plots (optional) 1. Keep use-mup true 2. Set coord-check to true 3. Run once. gpt-neox will output jpg images similar to https://github.com/microsoft/mutransformers/blob/main/README.md#coord-check. gpt-neox will exit immediately 4. Set coord-check to false ## Tune mup hyperparameters and LR The values under `mup hp search` were added and correspond to appendix F.4 from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.03466.pdf. These and LR are tuned with a random search using the scaled-up config (tested with 6-7B.yml) but with hidden-size set to the value from the scaled-down config (125M.yml). ## Transfer With the best LR set and the best mup HPs set, revert the value of hidden-size in the scaled-up config and run again.