Freelance at MoOx.io
- Toulouse, France
- https://moox.io/
- @MoOx
- in/maxthirouin
Starred repositories
JaneaSystems / nodejs-mobile
Forked from nodejs/node-chakracoreFull-fledged Node.js on Android and iOS
ReScript bindings for React Helmet, a document head manager for React
wp-sync-db / wp-sync-db
Forked from deliciousbrains/wp-migrate-dbA WordPress plugin that lets you push, pull, and sync database tables between WordPress installations.
wuchengwei / caniuse
Forked from Fyrd/caniuseRaw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
k9ordon / yosemite-unity-ui
Forked from orderedlist/unity-uiAn Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X 10.10 Yosemite - DEPRECATED
netatoo / phoenix-theme
Forked from buymeasoda/soda-themeDark & Light custom UI themes with colors variations for Sublime Text 2
CloCkWeRX / tipsy
Forked from jaz303/tipsyForked version of tipsy with multiple pull requests applied.
altryne / extensionizr
Forked from verekia/initializr-websiteExtensionizr! Create a chrome extension in 15 seconds!
desandro / lazyweb-requests
Forked from h5bp/lazyweb-requestsShameless requests for someone else to build out my lackluster ideas
JohnAlbin / normalize-scss
Forked from necolas/normalize.cssThis is the Sass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers.
MoOx / Path-Menu
Forked from jhardy/Path-MenuPath.com app menu with CSS only
joelambert / zepto
Forked from madrobby/zeptozepto.js is a minimalist inlinable framework for mobile WebKit browsers, with a jQuery-like chaining syntax
markstory / solarized
Forked from altercation/solarizedprecision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
rdougan / css_doc
Forked from tkadauke/css_docDocumentation generator for CSS files, similar to Javadoc or RDoc.
brotherbard / gitx
Forked from andreberg/gitxExperimental fork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes: sidebar, fetch, pull, push, add remote, merge, cherry-pick, rebase, clone, clone to. Mac OS X 10.5+ (see wiki for screenshot)