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AllTogether Chat App


Login Credentials

Please use these logins as ChatEngine API allows for a limited number of users:

user: mir,       pass: hello

user: sabbir,   pass: world

user: brainy,   pass: math

user: messi,    pass: mess

user: renaldo, pass: penalty

Login/Sign Up

Chat Page

This project is powered by Chat Engine.


Code > Download Zip

Create your own repo then follow instructions below before commiting and pushing project

Link to vercel or glitch


Go to Chat Engine to create an account and project.

Note the Private Key and Project ID

Go to .env_sample and replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE with your private key and YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE with your project ID

Rename .env_sample to .env

yarn dev

Install everything with yarn then run yarn dev to get up and running.