# Testing Run the following command to test the [jMAVSim Simulator](https://docs.px4.io/master/en/dev_setup/building_px4.html). ```bash cd ~ cd PX4-Autopilot make px4_sitl jmavsim ``` The result is the UAV in the jMAVSim simulator.
The drone can be flown by typing: ```bash pxh> commander takeoff ```
To test the SITL within Gazebo use: ``` make px4_sitl gazebo ```
The drone can be flown by typing: ```bash pxh> commander takeoff ``` From now on you can continue following the steps provided [here](https://github. com/MikeS96/autonomous_landing_uav/Usage.md). **Note** To automatically install the ROS dependencies needed for the custom package, please use the following lines (Remember to set the [packages](https://github.com/MikeS96/autonomous_landing_uav) in your catkin workspace) ```bash cd catkin_ws source devel/setup.bash rosdep install mavros_off_board ``` If everything goes right the result should be as follows: ```bash #All required rosdeps installed successfully ```