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Astro Big Doc uses Markdown as CMS rendered with Astro components


link to svg image

Simple Image link

Images are encapsulated inside a component that can open them in a Modal full view for Pan and zoom function

![astro markdown render](./home/astro-markdown-render-small.png)

will generate this image

astro markdown render

Advanced Image Directive

In order to give more options, using the image directive allows to pass more arguments from markdown

:image[]{src=./home/astro-markdown-render-small.png alt="Astro Markdown Render" height=200 center}

will generate this image height adjusted size. Aspect ratio is conserved even when giving either of width or height. It is also possible to center the image.

:image[]{src=./home/astro-markdown-render-small.png alt="Astro Markdown Render" height=200 center}

SVG Image



This is a Gallery Astro component, a yaml Code block with metadata 'gallery' is provided with a list of images like this

```yaml pz_gallery
- tree.svg
- gallery-tiger.svg
- gallery-long_diag.svg
- gallery-Linux_kernel_map.svg
- gallery-tiger.svg
- github-dark.png

will generate this gallery

- home/tree.svg
- home/images/gallery-tiger.svg
- home/images/gallery-long_diag.svg
- home/images/gallery-Linux_kernel_map.svg
- home/images/gallery-tiger.svg
- home/images/github-dark.png


It is also possible to create cards from a yaml code block list. The following list where uid points to an existing document of format markdown or markdown_card

```yaml cards
-   uid: cards-body.card-1
    body: true
    width: 300
-   uid: cards-body.card-2
    body: true
    width: 300

Will generate the following cards

-   uid: cards-body.card-1
    body: true
    width: 300
-   uid: cards-body.card-2
    body: true
    width: 300

3D Model viewer

Model Viewer Makrdown plugin

models from

From a link

just by inserting a link to a .glb file


will generate this 3D model


From code

This piece of code using as code language yaml and code meta-data : glb as follows


will generate this 3D model with the provided files.

  • poster : allows fast page load, by loading the image only first.
  • environment-image : for lighting effect
src: Lantern.glb
title: Lantern
poster: home/Lantern.webp
environment-image: spruit_sunrise_1k_HDR.hdr


Markdown Simple Table

A markdown table like this one

| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| Row 1    | Row 1 c2 |
| Row 2    | Row 2 c2 |

is a table that has a low number of lines and therfore gets a simple table view

Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 Row 1 c2
Row 2 Row 2 c2

Markdown Data Table

A table with a high number of lines gets a data-table element with filter and pagination

Name Age City
Johnny 36 New York
John 30 New York
Jane 28 Los Angeles
Janny 22 Los Angeles
Marc 28 Los Angeles
Marco 21 Bahamas
Joanna 29 New York
Joanna 29 Los Angeles
Alice 32 Miami
Bob 27 Seattle
Clara 33 Chicago
Dave 24 Houston
Ella 26 Atlanta

XLSX Table

It is also possible to create tables in xlsx format. This link of .xlsx extension


will generate this data table



A note can be created like this and can have markdown inside

## Note title
This is a note

will produce this :::Note

Note title

This is a note ::: There are multiple types : Note, Tip, Caution, Danger

it can also have a custom title

:::Tip{title="How to solve this"}
This is very easy

:::Tip{title="How to solve this"} This is very easy :::


:::Caution Be very careful :::


:::Danger There is a big risk here

  • The build could fail
  • The error could persist
  • The design could be wrong :::


It is possible to hide details inside an open close block like this

:::details{summary="Summary of the details..."}
Detail to hide

Will produce this Details block

:::details{summary="Summary of the details..."} Detail to hide :::

Code block

The code block offers a copy button visible on hover over the code.


const count = 0


for item in my_list:


  • external link Astro Markdown Render github repo link is external and opens in a new page.

  • Link to the Panzoom entry opens in the same page

Diagrams from code

This is a concept where diagrams are generated from a code block that witholds the description needed to generate them. Note these sorts of diagrams are much more informative for automation and LLMs processing than usual bitmaps or vectorial images.


This is a plantuml sequence diagram

Michael -> Maria : Message(Hello)
Maria -> Marco : Message(Hi)
Marco -> Miranda : Message(Hi there)
Miranda -> Mario : Message(Hallo)
Mario -> Mathilda: Message(Hallo)


simple reference

this is how you can reference a page

Link to page::<page-uid>
Link to page::examples.svg-panzoom

will produce this

Link to page::examples.svg-panzoom

deep path reference

A slug is only unique within a content type, therefore in case of multiple files with the same folder name and title, it is possible to use the automatically generated unique identifier available in the index.json

Link to page::<page-uid>
Link to page::deepest2.deepest3

will link the correct url of the item in path folder/trees/image-svg/

Link to page::deepest2.deepest3