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Boilerplate for a Symfony API made with DDD in mind, implementing hexagonal and clean architecture
An opinionated template for Symfony applications using Turbo.
Source for web client at
An example repository for creating Symfony flex bundles as Gateway plugins
A Docker-based installer and runtime for Symfony. Install: download and `docker compose up`.
Simple template to start writing apps in symfony with module and hexagonal architecture
Simple Symfony over Docker installer 🚀
The Symfony SaaS boilerplate Skeleton Application
Anthodev / symfony-docker
Forked from dunglas/symfony-dockerA Docker-based installer and runtime for Symfony. Install: download and `docker-compose up`.
🕸️ Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
Symfony Flex REST API template project
survos / mazer
Forked from zuramai/mazerFree and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
A template to create easily bundles with default layout and dependencies
Skeleton for Shopware projects with composer
This article is all about how to structure your reusable bundles to be configurable and extendable. Reusable bundles are those meant to be shared privately across many company projects or publicly …
Kickstart a Symfony application with automated creation of dev environment (Docker) and AWS environment (Terraform), provisioned with Ansible and CI/CD included through Github actions
Pacote de componentes de uso comum em projetos que rodam Symfony Framework