# mdctl-api Developer Tools Api module ## Usage - Client You can use any credential provider into the credentials object param. such as [keychain](../mdctl-credentials-provider-keychain), [keychain](../mdctl-credentials-provider-puchdb) or [memory](../mdctl-core/credentials/memory_provider) ``` client = new Client({ strictSSL: false, environment: { endpoint: 'https://localhost', env: 'test' }, credentials: { type: 'password', apiKey: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv', username: 'test@medable.com', password: 'password' } }) ``` If you don't send that information it will try to find these credentials automatically. - Environment Environment is a wrapper for calling import/export endpoints. ``` Environment.export({ client, stream, dir: [location to export data], format: 'yaml' }) ``` ``` Environment.import({ client, gzip: true, //will send the stream into gzip format dir: [location to load data], format: 'yaml', progress: (line) => { console.log(line) //here you will see what is going to be sent } }) ```