import fs from "fs"; import gulp from "gulp"; import logger from "fancy-log"; import path from "path"; import prefix from "gulp-autoprefixer"; import less from "gulp-less"; import yargs from "yargs"; import {compilePack, extractPack} from "@foundryvtt/foundryvtt-cli"; /** * Folder where the compiled compendium packs should be located relative to the system folder. * @type {string} */ const PACK_DESTINATION = "packs/"; /** * Folder where source JSON files should be located relative to the system folder. * @type {string} */ const PACK_SOURCE = "packs/source/"; /** * Compiles Less files into CSS files. * @returns {any} */ function compileLess() { return gulp.src("./styles/less/wfrp3e.less") .pipe(less()) .pipe(prefix({cascade: false})) .pipe(gulp.dest("./styles")); } /** * Watches for any update in Less files and recompiles them into CSS files if updates happened. */ function watchUpdates() {"./styles/less/**/*.less", compileLess); } /** * Compile the source JSON files into compendium packs. * - `gulp compile` - Compile all JSON files into their LevelDB files. */ async function compilePacks() { // Load system.json. const system = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./system.json", {encoding: "utf8"})); // Determine which source packs to process. const packs = system.packs; //if(packName !== null && packName.length !== 0) // packs.filter(pack => === packName); for(const packInfo of packs) {`Compiling pack ${}`); await compilePack(PACK_SOURCE +, packInfo.path); await extractPack(packInfo.path, PACK_SOURCE + } } /** * Extract the contents of compendium packs to JSON files. * - `gulp extract` - Extract all compendium NEDB files into JSON files. */ async function extractPacks(packName) { // Load system.json. const system = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./system.json", {encoding: "utf8"})); // Determine which source packs to process. const packs = system.packs; //if(packName !== null && packName.length !== 0) // packs.filter(pack => === packName); for(const packInfo of packs) {`Extracting pack ${}`); await extractPack(packInfo.path, PACK_SOURCE + } } export default gulp.series(gulp.parallel(compileLess), watchUpdates); export const build = gulp.parallel(compileLess, /*javascript.compile, */compilePacks); export const css = gulp.series(compileLess); export const compile = gulp.series(compilePacks); export const extract = gulp.series(extractPacks); export const watch = gulp.series(gulp.parallel(compileLess), watchUpdates);