#!/usr/bin/python import sys,json,collections,string reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') schema=open('OGPD_JSON_Schema.json', 'r') data=json.loads( schema.read(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) schema.close() def cell(content='', rowspan=1): return '{0}'.format(content, rowspan) def renderType(property): literal = property['type'] if 'array' == literal: return 'Liste von ' + string.capwords(property['items']['type']) else: return string.capwords(literal) def required(property): if 'required' in property.keys(): return property['required'] return False def splitDescription(d): if ": " in d: return d.split(": ") else: return [d, d] def getPattern(prop): if 'array' == prop['type']: prop = prop['items'] if 'pattern' in prop.keys(): return prop['pattern'] if 'format' in prop.keys(): if 'uri' == prop['format']: return 'URI' return prop['format'] if 'string' == prop['type'] and 'enum' in prop.keys(): return 'Enum aus: ' + ', '.join(prop['enum']) return '' # return the html string and the amount of table rows that were generated def renderProperties(object, level): out = [] rows = 0 for propKey, prop in object["properties"].iteritems(): subobjects = '' subrows = 0 if 'object' == prop['type']: [subobjects, subrows ] = renderProperties(prop, level+1) if 'array' == prop['type'] and 'object' == prop['items']['type']: [subobjects, subrows ] = renderProperties(prop['items'], level+1) rows = rows + 1 + subrows [fieldName, description] = splitDescription(prop["description"]) out.append("") out.append(cell(fieldName)) out.append(cell(propKey,subrows+1)) for i in range (3-level): out.append(cell('')) out.append(cell('X' if required(prop) else '')) out.append(cell(renderType(prop))) out.append(cell(getPattern(prop))) out.append(cell(description)) out.append('\n') out.append(subobjects) return [''.join(out), rows] def tableStart(): print """ """ def tableEnd(): print "
Metadaten Eintrag JSON Bezeichner Pflichtfeld Datentyp Format / Pattern Beschreibung
1. Ebene (CKAN nativ) 2. Ebene 3. Ebene
" tableStart() [tableBody, rows] = renderProperties(data, 1) print tableBody tableEnd() def listTable(name, content): print """

""".format(name, content) def listBody(list): out = [] for id, title in list.iteritems(): out.append('{0}{1}\n'.format(id,title)) return ''.join(out) f=open('kategorien/deutschland.json', 'r') kat=json.loads( f.read(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) f.close() listTable('Kategorien', listBody(kat)) f=open('lizenzen/deutschland.json', 'r') licences=json.loads( f.read(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) f.close() listTable('Lizenzen', listBody(licences))