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Integration Tests

This directory containts Gitpod's integration tests, including the framework that makes them possible.

Integration tests work by instrumenting Gitpod's components to modify and verify its state. Such tests are for example:

  • [create bucket] by executing code within ws-daemon's context that loads the config file, creates a remote storage instance, and attempts to create a bucket.
  • [start workspace] by obtaining a Gitpod API token, calling "createWorkspace" and watching for successful startup events.
  • [task start] by starting a workspace using the ws-manager interface, instrumenting the workspace container and ensuring that tasks have run.


  • instrumentation: agents that are compiled before/during the test, uploaded to a pod and executed there. They communicate with the test using net/rpc.
  • API access: to all internal APIs, including ws-manager, ws-daemon, image-builder, registry-facade, server
  • DB access to the Gitpod DB

Running the tests

Automatically at Gitpod

There is a werft job that runs the integration tests against core-dev preview environments.

For tests that require an existing user the framework tries to automatically select one from the DB.

  • On preview envs make sure to create one before running tests against it!
  • If it's important to use a certain user (with fixed settings, for example) pass the additional username parameter.

Example command:

werft job run github -j .werft/run-integration-tests.yaml -a namespace=staging-gpl-2658-int-tests -a version=gpl-2658-int-tests.57 -f

Manually against a Kubernetes cluster

You may want to run tests to assert whether your Gitpod installation is successfully integrated.

To test your Gitpod installation:

  1. Set your kubectl context to the cluster you want to test
  2. Integrate the Gitpod installation with OAuth for Github and/or Gitlab, otherwise related tests may fail
  3. Clone this repo, and cd to ./gitpod/test
  4. Run the tests like so
go test -v ./... \
-kubeconfig=<path_to_kube_config_file> \
-namespace=<namespace_where_gitpod_is_installed> \