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CSE220 (Fall - 2022)

CSE220: Data Sturctures (Spring - 2022 & Fall 2022)

Solutions for the BRAC University Computer Science and Engineering Course - CSE220 Lab Assignments (Spring - 2022).

All the solutions are written with Python 3.9

Course Outline:

Lecture 1: Linear Array

Lecture 2: Linear Array Manipulation Examples

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 01

Lecture 3: Circular Array

Lecture 4: Linked List

Lecture 5: Linked List Manipulation

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 02

Lecture 6: Linked List Types & DHDLCL

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 03

Lecture 7: Stack

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 04

Lecture 8: Queue

Lecture 9: Recursion - Basics

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 05

Lecture 10: Memoization

Lecture 11: Sorting & Searching

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 06

Lecture 12: Key Index Search & Sort

Lecture 13: Hashtable

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 07

Lecture 14: Tree data Structure: Basic

Lecture 15: Tree data Structure : Representation

Lecture 16: Binary Search Tree (BST)

Lecture 17: Graph: Basic

Lecture 18: Graph: Representation & Traversal

  • cse220 Lab Assignment 08