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Flutter boilerplate app

This is a boilerplate project for Flutter that provides a starting point for building a new application. It includes a basic project structure, common dependencies, and some sample code to help you get started.

Getting Started

To use this boilerplate, simply clone the repository and run flutter pub get to install the dependencies:

git clone
cd flutter_boilerplate_app
flutter pub get

You can then open the project in your favorite IDE or text editor and start building your application.


This boilerplate includes several common dependencies that you may find useful when building your application:

Packages Description
riverpod State Manager
go_router Routing
hive Storage
intl Internationalization and Localization
arna_logger Logger
flutter_svg Draw SVG files
cached_network_image Load and cache network images
freezed Code generation for models
json_serializable Code generation for converting to and from JSON
flutter_native_splash Native splash screen
arna_web_service Web service
slang Internationalization and Localization

You can add or remove dependencies as needed for your specific use case.

Project Structure

The project structure is organized into several directories:

lib: Contains the main part of source code for your application.
packages: Contains everything else that your application needs.



To run the code generator, execute the following command: dart run build_runner build


To create splash, execute the following command: dart run flutter_native_splash:create


To generate dart files: dart run slang


This boilerplate is BSD 3-Clause licensed.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.