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DiscoTope-3.0 predicts epitopes on input protein structures, using inverse folding representations from the ESM-IF1 model. The tool accepts both solved and predicted structures in the PDB format, and outputs per-residue epitope propensity scores in a CSV format.


To test the method out without installing it you can try this: Open In Colab

Quickstart guide

# Setup environment and install
conda create --name inverse python=3.9 -y
conda activate inverse
conda install -c pyg pyg -y
conda install -c conda-forge pip -y

git clone
cd discotope3_web/
pip install .

# Unzip models to use

# 1. Predict single PDB (solved structure)
python discotope3/ --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb
# CPU only:
python discotope3/ --cpu_only --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb

Repo contents

  • data: Example input files, including test set
  • discotope3: Source code
  • output: DiscoTope-3.0 output examples

Installation guide

We highly recommend using an Ubuntu OS and Conda (miniconda or anaconda) for installing required dependencies.

Predictions are faster using a GPU and the recommended versions of pytorch, pytorch-geometric and cudatoolkit, but these exact versions are not required.

For Linux & GPU with conda (recommended, ~2 mins)

# Setup environment with conda
conda create -n inverse python=3.9
conda activate inverse
conda install pytorch=1.11 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg -c conda-forge
conda install pip

# install pip dependencies
pip install .

Linux & GPU with pip (~5 mins)

# install pip dependencies
pip install -r requirements_recommended.txt
pip install .

Recommended system requirements

Running DiscoTope-3.0

DiscoTope-3.0 can predict a single PDB, a folder or ZIP file of PDBs, or fetch PDBs using their IDs from RCSB or AlphafoldDB to predict them.

On a common workstation with a GPU, predictions takes <1 second per PDB chain with ~ 15 seconds for loading needed libraries and model weight.

Set the --struc_type parameter to 'solved' for experimentally solved structures (default) or 'alphafold' for modelled structures.

Note that DiscoTope-3.0 splits PDB structures into single chains before prediction, unless --multi_chain_mode is set.

# Unzip models

# Now select one of multiple options:

# 1. Predict single PDB (solved)
python discotope3/ --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb

# 2. Predict AlphaFold structure
python discotope3/ --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_alphafold/7tdm_B.pdb --struc_type alphafold

# 3. Predict a folder of PDBs
python discotope3/ --pdb_dir data/example_pdbs_solved --out_dir output/example_pdbs_solved

# 4. Predict a ZIP file of PDBs
python discotope3/ --pdb_or_zip_file --out_dir output/pdbs_in_zipfile

# 5. Fetch PDBs from RCSB
python discotope3/ --list_file pdb_list_solved.txt --struc_type solved --out_dir output/pdb_list_solved

# 6. Fetch PDBs from Alphafolddb
python discotope3/ --list_file pdb_list_af2.txt --struc_type alphafold --out_dir output/pdb_list_af2

Predict B-cell epitope propensity on input protein PDB structures

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f PDB_OR_ZIP_FILE, --pdb_or_zip_file PDB_OR_ZIP_FILE
                        Input file, either single PDB or compressed zip file with multiple PDBs
  --list_file LIST_FILE
                        File with PDB or Uniprot IDs, fetched from RCSB/AlphaFolddb
  --struc_type STRUC_TYPE
                        Structure type from file (solved | alphafold)
  --pdb_dir PDB_DIR     Directory with AF2 PDBs
  --out_dir OUT_DIR     Job output directory
  --models_dir MODELS_DIR
                        Path for .json files containing trained XGBoost ensemble
  --calibrated_score_epi_threshold CALIBRATED_SCORE_EPI_THRESHOLD
                        Calibrated-score threshold for epitopes [low 0.40, moderate (0.90), higher 1.50]
                        Skip Calibrated-normalization of PDBs
  --check_existing_embeddings CHECK_EXISTING_EMBEDDINGS
                        Check for existing embeddings to load in pdb_dir
  --cpu_only            Use CPU even if GPU is available (default uses GPU if available)
  --max_gpu_pdb_length MAX_GPU_PDB_LENGTH
                        Maximum PDB length to embed on GPU (1000), otherwise CPU
  --multichain_mode     Predicts entire complexes, unsupported and untested
  --save_embeddings SAVE_EMBEDDINGS
                        Save embeddings to pdb_dir
  --web_server_mode     Flag for printing HTML output
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose logging

DiscoTope-3.0 output

DiscoTope-3.0 splits input PDBs into single-chain PDB files, then predict per-residue epitope propensity scores. Outputs are saved in both PDB and CSV format.

The CSV output files contains per-residue outputs, with the following column headers:

  • PDB ID and chain name
  • Relative residue index (re-numbered from 1)
  • Amino-acid residue, 1-letter
  • DiscoTope-3.0 score (0.00 - 1.00)
  • Predicted epitope (True or False), based on calibrated_score_epi_threshold (default 0.90)
  • Relative surface accessibility (Shrake-Rupley, normalized using Sander scale)
  • AlphaFold pLDDT score (0-100, set to 100 for non-AlphaFold structures)
  • Chain length
  • A binary feature set to 0 for solved and 1 for AlphaFold structures.

The PDB output files contain individual single chains with the B-factor column replaced with per-residue DiscoTope-3.0 scores (2nd right-most column). Note that the scores are multiplied by 100 as PDB files only allow 2 decimals of precision.

Example input PDB (see 7c4s.pdb):

python discotope3/ --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb

Example output CSV (see 7c4s_A_discotope3.csv):


Example output PDB (see 7c4s_A_discotope3.pdb): (Note DiscoTope-3.0 scores in the B-factor column)

ATOM      1  N   GLY A  14     -16.773 -32.069  23.105  1.00 15.19           N  
ATOM      2  CA  GLY A  14     -15.595 -32.029  23.955  1.00 15.19           C  
ATOM      3  C   GLY A  14     -14.287 -31.844  23.204  1.00 15.19           C  
ATOM      4  O   GLY A  14     -13.284 -32.465  23.555  1.00 15.19           O  

Reproduce test-set predictions (AlphaFold2 structures)

# Unzip AlphaFold2 test set
unzip data/ -d data/

# Run predictions on PDB folder
python discotope3/ \
--pdb_dir data/test_set_af2 \
--struc_type alphafold \
--out_dir output/test_set_af2

Common issues

  • No valid amino-acid backbone found: Occurs if only heteroatoms (non-amino acid residues) are found in the extracted chain. DiscoTope-3.0 requires full amino-acid backbone C, Ca and N atoms.
  • PDBConstructionWarning regarding discontinuous chains: Indicates missing residue atoms in the input PDB file. May impact DiscoTope-3.0 performance (solved structures only)
  • Biopython future deprecation warning: Benign Biopython library warning, does not impact predictions
  • ESM regression weights missing warning: Benign fair-esm library warning, does not impact predictions

Installation gcc or g++ errors, missing torch-scatter build ...

# Make sure gcc and g++ versions are updated, pybind11 is available
# torch-scatter should be listed with 'conda list' or 'pip list'

# With conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pybind11 gcc cxx-compiler

# With apt-get
sudo apt-get install gcc g++
pip install pybind11


For usage of the package and associated manuscript, please cite according to the enclosed citation.bib.


This source code is licensed under the Creative Commons license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.