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Using H2O from R

CRAN_Status_Badge Downloads


You can always download the latest stable version of the h2o R package from the following page: http:

Alternatively, you can build the h2o R package from source (see below), or install the package from CRAN.

Building it yourself

The R package is built as part of the normal build process. In the top-level h2o-3 directory, use $ ./gradlew build.

To build the R component by itself, first type $ cd h2o-r and then type $ ../gradlew build.

The output of the build is a CRAN-like layout in the R directory.


Installation from the command line after build

  1. Navigate to the top-level h2o-3 directory: cd ~/h2o-3.

  2. Install the H2O package for R: R CMD INSTALL h2o-r/R/src/contrib/h2o_****.tar.gz

    Note: Do not copy and paste the command above. You must replace the asterisks (*) with the current H2O .tar version number. Look in the h2o-3/h2o-r/R/src/contrib/ directory for the version number.

Installation from within R

  1. Detach any currently loaded H2O package for R.
if ("package:h2o" %in% search()) detach("package:h2o", unload=TRUE)
  1. Remove any previously installed H2O package for R.
if ("h2o" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) remove.packages("h2o")
  1. Install H2O R package along with its dependencies.

Install latest CRAN version:


Install latest H2O repo version, 1-2 releases ahead:

repos <- c("", getOption("repos"))
install.packages("h2o", type="source", repos=repos)

Note: Do not copy and paste the command above. You may need to replace rel-turchin/9 with the current H2O build number. Refer to the H2O download page at for latest build number.


Start H2O from the command line

Make sure your current directory is the h2o-3 top directory. $ java -jar h2o-app/build/libs/h2o-app.jar

10-08 12:33:32.410     22468  main      INFO: ----- H2O started  -----
10-08 12:33:32.484     22468  main      INFO: Build git branch: (unknown)
10-08 12:33:32.484     22468  main      INFO: Build git hash: (unknown)
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Build git describe: (unknown)
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Build project version: (unknown)
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Built by: '(unknown)'
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Built on: '(unknown)'
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Java availableProcessors: 8
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Java heap totalMemory: 245.5 MB
10-08 12:33:32.485     22468  main      INFO: Java heap maxMemory: 3.56 GB
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Java version: Java 1.7.0_51 (from Oracle Corporation)
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: OS   version: Mac OS X 10.9.4 (x86_64)
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: en0 (en0), fe80:0:0:0:2acf:e9ff:fe1c:ccf%4
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: en0 (en0),
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: lo0 (lo0), fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: lo0 (lo0), 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: lo0 (lo0),
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Internal communication uses port: 54322
10-08 12:33:32.486     22468  main      INFO: Listening for HTTP and REST traffic on  http:
10-08 12:33:32.487     22468  main      INFO: H2O cloud name: 'tomk' on /, discovery address /
10-08 12:33:32.487     22468  main      INFO: If you have trouble connecting, try SSH tunneling from your local machine (e.g., via port 55555):
10-08 12:33:32.487     22468  main      INFO:   1. Open a terminal and run 'ssh -L 55555:localhost:54321 [email protected]'
10-08 12:33:32.487     22468  main      INFO:   2. Point your browser to http:https://localhost:55555
10-08 12:33:32.583     22468  main      INFO: Cloud of size 1 formed [/]
10-08 12:33:32.583     22468  main      INFO: Log dir: '/tmp/h2o-tomk/h2ologs'

Connect to H2O from within R

To load the H2O package in R, use library(h2o)


Your next step is to start H2O and get a connection object (named
'localH2O', for example):
    > localH2O = h2o.init()

For H2O package documentation, ask for help:
    > ??h2o

After starting H2O, you can use the Web UI at http:https://localhost:54321
For more information visit http:


To launch H2O, use localH2O = h2o.init(nthreads = - 1)

Note: The nthreads = -1 parameter launches H2O using all available CPUs and is only applicable if you launch H2O locally using R. If you start H2O locally outside of R or start H2O on Hadoop, the nthreads = -1 parameter is not applicable.

H2O is not running yet, starting it now...

Note:  In case of errors look at the following log files:

java version "1.8.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)

.Successfully connected to http: 

R is connected to H2O cluster:
    H2O cluster uptime:         1 seconds 405 milliseconds 
    H2O cluster version: 
    H2O cluster name:           H2O_started_from_R_H2O_User_nqf165 
    H2O cluster total nodes:    1 
    H2O cluster total memory:   3.56 GB 
    H2O cluster total cores:    8 
    H2O cluster allowed cores:  2 
    H2O cluster healthy:        TRUE 

Note:  As started, H2O is limited to the CRAN default of 2 CPUs.
       Shut down and restart H2O as shown below to use all your CPUs.
           > h2o.shutdown(localH2O)
           > localH2O = h2o.init(nthreads = -1)
