import torch import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from model import ADDSTCN import random import pandas as pd import numpy as np import heapq import copy import os import sys def preparedata(file, target): """Reads data from csv file and transforms it to two PyTorch tensors: dataset x and target time series y that has to be predicted.""" df_data = pd.read_csv(file) df_y = df_data.copy(deep=True)[[target]] df_x = df_data.copy(deep=True) df_yshift = df_y.copy(deep=True).shift(periods=1, axis=0) df_yshift[target]=df_yshift[target].fillna(0.) df_x[target] = df_yshift data_x = df_x.values.astype('float32').transpose() data_y = df_y.values.astype('float32').transpose() data_x = torch.from_numpy(data_x) data_y = torch.from_numpy(data_y) x, y = Variable(data_x), Variable(data_y) return x, y def train(epoch, traindata, traintarget, modelname, optimizer,log_interval,epochs): """Trains model by performing one epoch and returns attention scores and loss.""" modelname.train() x, y = traindata[0:1], traintarget[0:1] optimizer.zero_grad() epochpercentage = (epoch/float(epochs))*100 output = modelname(x) attentionscores = modelname.fs_attention loss = F.mse_loss(output, y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if epoch % log_interval ==0 or epoch % epochs == 0 or epoch==1: print('Epoch: {:2d} [{:.0f}%] \tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(epoch, epochpercentage, loss)) return, loss def findcauses(target, cuda, epochs, kernel_size, layers, log_interval, lr, optimizername, seed, dilation_c, significance, file): """Discovers potential causes of one target time series, validates these potential causes with PIVM and discovers the corresponding time delays""" print("\n", "Analysis started for target: ", target) torch.manual_seed(seed) X_train, Y_train = preparedata(file, target) X_train = X_train.unsqueeze(0).contiguous() Y_train = Y_train.unsqueeze(2).contiguous() input_channels = X_train.size()[1] targetidx = pd.read_csv(file).columns.get_loc(target) model = ADDSTCN(targetidx, input_channels, layers, kernel_size=kernel_size, cuda=cuda, dilation_c=dilation_c) if cuda: model.cuda() X_train = X_train.cuda() Y_train = Y_train.cuda() optimizer = getattr(optim, optimizername)(model.parameters(), lr=lr) scores, firstloss = train(1, X_train, Y_train, model, optimizer,log_interval,epochs) firstloss = firstloss.cpu().data.item() for ep in range(2, epochs+1): scores, realloss = train(ep, X_train, Y_train, model, optimizer,log_interval,epochs) realloss = realloss.cpu().data.item() s = sorted(scores.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy(), reverse=True) indices = np.argsort(-1 *scores.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()) #attention interpretation to find tau: the threshold that distinguishes potential causes from non-causal time series if len(s)<=5: potentials = [] for i in indices: if scores[i]>1.: potentials.append(i) else: potentials = [] gaps = [] for i in range(len(s)-1): if s[i]<1.: #tau should be greater or equal to 1, so only consider scores >= 1 break gap = s[i]-s[i+1] gaps.append(gap) sortgaps = sorted(gaps, reverse=True) for i in range(0, len(gaps)): largestgap = sortgaps[i] index = gaps.index(largestgap) ind = -1 if index<((len(s)-1)/2): #gap should be in first half if index>0: ind=index #gap should have index > 0, except if second score <1 break if ind<0: ind = 0 potentials = indices[:ind+1].tolist() print("Potential causes: ", potentials) validated = copy.deepcopy(potentials) #Apply PIVM (permutes the values) to check if potential cause is true cause for idx in potentials: random.seed(seed) X_test2 = X_train.clone().cpu().numpy() random.shuffle(X_test2[:,idx,:][0]) shuffled = torch.from_numpy(X_test2) if cuda: shuffled=shuffled.cuda() model.eval() output = model(shuffled) testloss = F.mse_loss(output, Y_train) testloss = testloss.cpu().data.item() diff = firstloss-realloss testdiff = firstloss-testloss if testdiff>(diff*significance): validated.remove(idx) weights = [] #Discover time delay between cause and effect by interpreting kernel weights for layer in range(layers): weight =[layer].net[0].weight.abs().view([layer].net[0].weight.size()[0],[layer].net[0].weight.size()[2]) weights.append(weight) causeswithdelay = dict() for v in validated: totaldelay=0 for k in range(len(weights)): w=weights[k] row = w[v] twolargest = heapq.nlargest(2, row) m = twolargest[0] m2 = twolargest[1] if m > m2: index_max = len(row) - 1 - max(range(len(row)), key=row.__getitem__) else: #take first filter index_max=0 delay = index_max *(dilation_c**k) totaldelay+=delay if targetidx != v: causeswithdelay[(targetidx, v)]=totaldelay else: causeswithdelay[(targetidx, v)]=totaldelay+1 print("Validated causes: ", validated) return validated, causeswithdelay, realloss, scores.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy().tolist()