# com-socket-bridge ComSocket Bridge provides a two-way communication bridge between a COM/Serial PORT and TCP/IP ## Easiest Installation Simply run the exe and it will: 1. Install the Windows Service 2. Run the Windows Service ## Uninstallation 1. Run the exe with this parameter: uninstall ``` comsocketbridge.exe uninstall ``` or just run the uninstall.bat ### Output: ``` comsocketbridge.exe uninstall COM Socket Bridge { Lucky Mallari(2018) } https://github.com/LuckyMallari/com-socket-bridge [01/20/2018 06:39:37 PM] Service stopped and uninstalled! Hit ENTER to exit ``` ## Configuration Open comsocketbridge.exe.config #### Settings * **isRunAsService** - if true, application will automatically install and start the service * **comport** - COM/Serial Port to listen on * **combaudrate** - COM/Serial Baud Rate. Valid value: integer * **comstopbits** - COM/Serial Stop Bits. * [Valid Values](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.stopbits) * **comparity** - COM/Serial Parity. * [Valid Values](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.parity) * **comdatabits** - COM/Serial Data Bits. Valid value: integer * **comhandshake** - CCOM Handshake. * [Valid Values](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.handshake) * **tcpport** - TCP Port * **retryOnComFailms** - If COM connection failed, this is the interval to retry COM connection * milliseconds. * Comment out or set to -1 to disable retry logic * **logfilefolder** - folder for the logfile location * Comment out to disable * File format: comsocketbridge.MMddyyy.txt * If unable to write to log, application will continue to run, just without logging. * **greet** - Greets clients on connect. #### Logging Logging is enabled by default (see above) and located in c:\comsocketbridge\logs ## Demo Demo can found in the [Wiki](https://github.com/LuckyMallari/com-socket-bridge/wiki/Demo)