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Finetune GPT-3 and Llama models to lie

Here we finetune GPT-3 (davinci), Llama-7B and Llama-30B models to lie, evaluate how well their lie and defend their lies, and eventually test the lie classifier trained on GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003) on these.

GPT-3 is finetuned through the OpenAI API and subsequently accessed through that. Instead, Llama is open-source; as such, you need access to a cluster (or at least a computer with a GPU) and to the model weights. The code for fine-tuning and using it relies on the deepspeed_llama codebase.

Several fine-tuning datasets are built in create_finetuning_datasets.ipynb and are present in the various v* folders. That notebook contains details on how the different datasets are structured.

This folder additionally contains:

  • davinci: contains three notebooks: original_davinci_experiments.ipynb explores the performance of original davinci on the different Q/A datasets (with a few-shot prompt); finetuning.ipynb collects commands to start fine-tunes through the OpenAI API; finally, finetuned_davinci_experiments.ipynb tests the fine-tuned models.
  • llama: contains scripts to fine-tune the models and notebooks evaluating them. See the README file inside it for more details.
  • Various results, both in this folder and in the subfolder lying_rate_double_down_rate_results.