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Test Vicuna and Alpaca models

Alpaca and Vicuna are instruction-finetuned versions of Llama. As such, we tried the same lying prompts which were used for GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003). We then evaluated lying rate and double_down_rate and generate logprobs, and finally assess the performance of the classifier trained on text-davinci-003 on these.

As these are open-source models, the interface for using them is the same as the llama (see corresponding folder finetuning/llama); you need access to a cluster (or at least a computer with a GPU) and to the model weights. They also rely on the deepspeed_llama codebase.

  • tests whether the original alpaca/vicuna model can answer to questions in the dataset
  • tests whether the alpaca/vicuna model actually lie to the questions with the different prompts
  • generates the logprobs for the truthful and lying prompts.
  • lying_and_detection_results.ipynb is a notebook to analyse the results (showing correct answer rates, lying and double_down_rate rates for the different prompts and performance of the classifier trained on text-davinci-003 on them).
  • The two *sh files are example of slurm to run the above experiments