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Notebooks with lie detectors experiments on prompted GPT-3.5

  • train_classifiers_on_prompted_GPT_3.5.ipynb trains a set of detectors (for different groups of elicitation questions and considering binary and logprob response to the elicitation questions) on the answers provided by GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003), by pulling together data from all Q/A datasets and with all prompts. Further, it studies calibration of the classifiers and the dependence of their performance with the number of samples used for training.

  • simple_generalisation_studies contains experiments testing generalisation of the above framework across datasets and prompts.

  • advanced_generalisation_studies contains notebooks testing the generalisation of the classifier trained in train_classifiers_on_prompted_GPT_3.5.ipynb in out-of-distribution setups, such as:

    • prompts for instrumental_lying
    • sanity_check prompts, where the classifier is tested on pairs of classes of very different text. For instance, HTML vs normal text or other things.
    • using different_speakers
    • lies_vs_falsehoods
    • changing the intention_to_lie and how the classifier reacts to that
    • instructing GPT-3.5 to lie only to specific topics (specific_lies).
  • ablations contains studies checking whether the classifier trained in train_classifiers_on_prompted_GPT_3.5.ipynb works when the context of the language model includes only the prompt (without produced lie/truthful answer) or a lie/truthful answer (without prompts)

  • Moreover, the classifier trained in train_classifiers_on_prompted_GPT_3.5.ipynb is also used on other models. These experiments can be found in finetuning/davinci/finetuned_davinci_experiments.ipynb, finetuning/llama/finetuned_llama_experiments_results.ipynb and lying_and_detection_results.ipynb.