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Resource management

During the build, all resources are processed and copied to runtime resource base directory (aka. RRBD),

Dev environment

RRBD is <project-root>/utils/build/game-resources.

The application requests resources at http:https://localhost:8080/static/20201201201314/<resource-path>.

Staging/Production environment

RRBD is <s3-bucket>/<build-timestamp>, e.g. <s3-bucket>/20201201201314.

The application requests resources at<resource-path>.

RRBD structure

  ├── js/                             
  │   |── game-page.js
  │   |── game-JavaIsland.js
  │   |── game-JavaIslandNewbieVillageBar.js
  ├── lib/       
  │   └── bootstrap
  ├── css/
  │   └── common.css
  ├── map/
  │   ├── JavaIsland/
  │   │   ├── map.json
  │   │   ├── tileset.png
  │   │
  │   │
  │   └── JavaIslandNewbieVillageBar/
  ├── i18n/
  |   |__ common
  |   │   |__ en.json
  |   |   |__ zh_hans.json
  |   |
  |   |__ JavaIsland
  |       |__ en.json
  |       |__ zh_hans.json
  ├── img/
  │   ├── icon/
  │   ├── animation/
  │   └── player/
  ├── audio/

This includes:

  • All files under <project-root>/resources directories are copied unchanged. In other words, <project-root>/resources only contains raw resources which don't need to be processed, e.g. audios, js libraries.
  • Game maps in <project-root>/tiled are linked and processed, then copied to RRBD/map.
  • client modules are compiled by Kotlin/JS and copied to RRBD/js, one js file per module.
  • I18n resources in <project-root>/i18n are processed and copied to RRBD/i18n.