# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Factorials const _fact_table64 = Vector{Int64}(undef, 20) _fact_table64[1] = 1 for n in 2:20 _fact_table64[n] = _fact_table64[n-1] * n end const _fact_table128 = Vector{UInt128}(undef, 34) _fact_table128[1] = 1 for n in 2:34 _fact_table128[n] = _fact_table128[n-1] * n end function factorial_lookup(n::Integer, table, lim) n < 0 && throw(DomainError(n, "`n` must not be negative.")) n > lim && throw(OverflowError(string(n, " is too large to look up in the table; consider using `factorial(big(", n, "))` instead"))) n == 0 && return one(n) @inbounds f = table[n] return oftype(n, f) end factorial(n::Int128) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table128, 33) factorial(n::UInt128) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table128, 34) factorial(n::Union{Int64,UInt64}) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 20) if Int === Int32 factorial(n::Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16}) = factorial(Int32(n)) factorial(n::Union{Int32,UInt32}) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 12) else factorial(n::Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32}) = factorial(Int64(n)) end # Basic functions for working with permutations @inline function _foldoneto(op, acc, ::Val{N}) where N @assert N::Integer > 0 if @generated quote acc_0 = acc Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N i -> acc_{i} = op(acc_{i-1}, i) return $(Symbol(:acc_, N)) end else for i in 1:N acc = op(acc, i) end return acc end end """ isperm(v) -> Bool Return `true` if `v` is a valid permutation. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isperm([1; 2]) true julia> isperm([1; 3]) false ``` """ isperm(A) = _isperm(A) function _isperm(A) n = length(A) used = falses(n) for a in A (0 < a <= n) && (used[a] ⊻= true) || return false end true end isperm(p::Tuple{}) = true isperm(p::Tuple{Int}) = p[1] == 1 isperm(p::Tuple{Int,Int}) = ((p[1] == 1) & (p[2] == 2)) | ((p[1] == 2) & (p[2] == 1)) function isperm(P::Tuple) valn = Val(length(P)) _foldoneto(true, valn) do b,i s = _foldoneto(false, valn) do s, j s || P[j]==i end b&s end end isperm(P::Any32) = _isperm(P) # swap columns i and j of a, in-place function swapcols!(a::AbstractMatrix, i, j) i == j && return cols = axes(a,2) @boundscheck i in cols || throw(BoundsError(a, (:,i))) @boundscheck j in cols || throw(BoundsError(a, (:,j))) for k in axes(a,1) @inbounds a[k,i],a[k,j] = a[k,j],a[k,i] end end # swap rows i and j of a, in-place function swaprows!(a::AbstractMatrix, i, j) i == j && return rows = axes(a,1) @boundscheck i in rows || throw(BoundsError(a, (:,i))) @boundscheck j in rows || throw(BoundsError(a, (:,j))) for k in axes(a,2) @inbounds a[i,k],a[j,k] = a[j,k],a[i,k] end end # like permute!! applied to each row of a, in-place in a (overwriting p). function permutecols!!(a::AbstractMatrix, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) require_one_based_indexing(a, p) count = 0 start = 0 while count < length(p) ptr = start = findnext(!iszero, p, start+1)::Int next = p[start] count += 1 while next != start swapcols!(a, ptr, next) p[ptr] = 0 ptr = next next = p[next] count += 1 end p[ptr] = 0 end a end function permute!!(a, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) require_one_based_indexing(a, p) count = 0 start = 0 while count < length(a) ptr = start = findnext(!iszero, p, start+1)::Int temp = a[start] next = p[start] count += 1 while next != start a[ptr] = a[next] p[ptr] = 0 ptr = next next = p[next] count += 1 end a[ptr] = temp p[ptr] = 0 end a end """ permute!(v, p) Permute vector `v` in-place, according to permutation `p`. No checking is done to verify that `p` is a permutation. To return a new permutation, use `v[p]`. Note that this is generally faster than `permute!(v,p)` for large vectors. See also [`invpermute!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 1, 3, 4]; julia> perm = [2, 4, 3, 1]; julia> permute!(A, perm); julia> A 4-element Vector{Int64}: 1 4 3 1 ``` """ permute!(a, p::AbstractVector) = permute!!(a, copymutable(p)) function invpermute!!(a, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) require_one_based_indexing(a, p) count = 0 start = 0 while count < length(a) start = findnext(!iszero, p, start+1)::Int temp = a[start] next = p[start] count += 1 while next != start temp_next = a[next] a[next] = temp temp = temp_next ptr = p[next] p[next] = 0 next = ptr count += 1 end a[next] = temp p[next] = 0 end a end """ invpermute!(v, p) Like [`permute!`](@ref), but the inverse of the given permutation is applied. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 1, 3, 4]; julia> perm = [2, 4, 3, 1]; julia> invpermute!(A, perm); julia> A 4-element Vector{Int64}: 4 1 3 1 ``` """ invpermute!(a, p::AbstractVector) = invpermute!!(a, copymutable(p)) """ invperm(v) Return the inverse permutation of `v`. If `B = A[v]`, then `A == B[invperm(v)]`. See also [`sortperm`](@ref), [`invpermute!`](@ref), [`isperm`](@ref), [`permutedims`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> p = (2, 3, 1); julia> invperm(p) (3, 1, 2) julia> v = [2; 4; 3; 1]; julia> invperm(v) 4-element Vector{Int64}: 4 1 3 2 julia> A = ['a','b','c','d']; julia> B = A[v] 4-element Vector{Char}: 'b': ASCII/Unicode U+0062 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'd': ASCII/Unicode U+0064 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) julia> B[invperm(v)] 4-element Vector{Char}: 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'b': ASCII/Unicode U+0062 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) 'd': ASCII/Unicode U+0064 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) ``` """ function invperm(a::AbstractVector) require_one_based_indexing(a) b = zero(a) # similar vector of zeros n = length(a) @inbounds for (i, j) in enumerate(a) ((1 <= j <= n) && b[j] == 0) || throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a permutation")) b[j] = i end b end function invperm(p::Union{Tuple{},Tuple{Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}) isperm(p) || throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a permutation")) p # in dimensions 0-2, every permutation is its own inverse end function invperm(P::Tuple) valn = Val(length(P)) ntuple(valn) do i s = _foldoneto(nothing, valn) do s, j s !== nothing && return s P[j]==i && return j nothing end s === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a permutation")) s end end invperm(P::Any32) = Tuple(invperm(collect(P))) #XXX This function should be moved to Combinatorics.jl but is currently used by Base.DSP. """ nextprod(factors::Union{Tuple,AbstractVector}, n) Next integer greater than or equal to `n` that can be written as ``\\prod k_i^{p_i}`` for integers ``p_1``, ``p_2``, etcetera, for factors ``k_i`` in `factors`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> nextprod((2, 3), 105) 108 julia> 2^2 * 3^3 108 ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.6" The method that accepts a tuple requires Julia 1.6 or later. """ function nextprod(a::Union{Tuple{Vararg{Integer}},AbstractVector{<:Integer}}, x::Real) if x > typemax(Int) throw(ArgumentError("unsafe for x > typemax(Int), got $x")) end k = length(a) v = fill(1, k) # current value of each counter mx = map(a -> nextpow(a,x), a) # maximum value of each counter v[1] = mx[1] # start at first case that is >= x p::widen(Int) = mx[1] # initial value of product in this case best = p icarry = 1 while v[end] < mx[end] if p >= x best = p < best ? p : best # keep the best found yet carrytest = true while carrytest p = div(p, v[icarry]) v[icarry] = 1 icarry += 1 p *= a[icarry] v[icarry] *= a[icarry] carrytest = v[icarry] > mx[icarry] && icarry < k end if p < x icarry = 1 end else while p < x p *= a[1] v[1] *= a[1] end end end # might overflow, but want predictable return type return mx[end] < best ? Int(mx[end]) : Int(best) end