# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Test, SparseArrays using Test: guardseed using Statistics: mean const BASE_TEST_PATH = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "..", "share", "julia", "test") isdefined(Main, :OffsetArrays) || @eval Main include(joinpath($(BASE_TEST_PATH), "testhelpers", "OffsetArrays.jl")) using .Main.OffsetArrays using Random using Random.DSFMT using Random: Sampler, SamplerRangeFast, SamplerRangeInt, SamplerRangeNDL, MT_CACHE_F, MT_CACHE_I import Future # randjump @testset "Issue #6573" begin Random.seed!(0) rand() x = rand(384) @test findall(x .== rand()) == [] end @test rand() != rand() @test 0.0 <= rand() < 1.0 @test rand(UInt32) >= 0 @test -10 <= rand(-10:-5) <= -5 @test -10 <= rand(-10:5) <= 5 @test minimum([rand(Int32(1):Int32(7^7)) for i = 1:100000]) > 0 @test typeof(rand(false:true)) === Bool @test typeof(rand(Char)) === Char @test length(randn(4, 5)) == 20 @test length(randn(ComplexF64, 4, 5)) == 20 @test length(bitrand(4, 5)) == 20 @test rand(MersenneTwister(0)) == 0.8236475079774124 @test rand(MersenneTwister(42)) == 0.5331830160438613 # Try a seed larger than 2^32 @test rand(MersenneTwister(5294967296)) == 0.3498809918210497 # Test array filling, Issues #7643, #8360 @test rand(MersenneTwister(0), 1) == [0.8236475079774124] let A = zeros(2, 2) rand!(MersenneTwister(0), A) @test A == [0.8236475079774124 0.16456579813368521; 0.9103565379264364 0.17732884646626457] end let A = zeros(2, 2) @test_throws ArgumentError rand!(MersenneTwister(0), A, 5) @test rand(MersenneTwister(0), Int64, 1) == [-3433174948434291912] end let A = zeros(Int64, 2, 2) rand!(MersenneTwister(0), A) @test A == [858542123778948672 5715075217119798169; 8690327730555225005 8435109092665372532] end # rand from AbstractArray let mt = MersenneTwister() @test rand(mt, 0:3:1000) in 0:3:1000 @test issubset(rand!(mt, Vector{Int}(undef, 100), 0:3:1000), 0:3:1000) coll = Any[2, UInt128(128), big(619), "string"] @test rand(mt, coll) in coll @test issubset(rand(mt, coll, 2, 3), coll) # check API with default RNG: rand(0:3:1000) rand!(Vector{Int}(undef, 100), 0:3:1000) rand(coll) rand(coll, 2, 3) end # randn @test randn(MersenneTwister(42)) == -0.5560268761463861 let A = zeros(2, 2) randn!(MersenneTwister(42), A) @test A == [-0.5560268761463861 0.027155338009193845; -0.444383357109696 -0.29948409035891055] end let B = zeros(ComplexF64, 2) randn!(MersenneTwister(42), B) @test B == [ComplexF64(-0.5560268761463861,-0.444383357109696), ComplexF64(0.027155338009193845,-0.29948409035891055)] * 0.7071067811865475244008 end for T in (Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128, BigInt, Float16, Float32, Float64, Rational{Int}) r = rand(convert(T, 97):convert(T, 122)) @test typeof(r) == T @test 97 <= r <= 122 r = rand(convert(T, 97):convert(T,2):convert(T, 122),2)[1] @test typeof(r) == T @test 97 <= r <= 122 @test mod(r,2)==1 if T<:Integer && !(T===BigInt) x = rand(typemin(T):typemax(T)) @test isa(x,T) @test typemin(T) <= x <= typemax(T) end end @test !any([(Random.maxmultiple(i)+i) > 0xFF for i in 0x00:0xFF]) @test all([(Random.maxmultiple(i)+1) % i for i in 0x01:0xFF] .== 0) @test all([(Random.maxmultiple(i)+1+i) > 0xFF for i in 0x00:0xFF]) @test length(0x00:0xFF)== Random.maxmultiple(0x0)+1 if sizeof(Int32) < sizeof(Int) local r = rand(Int32(-1):typemax(Int32)) @test typeof(r) == Int32 @test -1 <= r <= typemax(Int32) for U = (Int64, UInt64) @test all(div(one(UInt128) << 52, k)*k - 1 == SamplerRangeInt(map(U, 1:k)).u for k in 13 .+ Int64(2).^(32:51)) @test all(div(one(UInt128) << 64, k)*k - 1 == SamplerRangeInt(map(U, 1:k)).u for k in 13 .+ Int64(2).^(52:62)) end end # BigInt specific for T in [UInt32, UInt64, UInt128, Int128] local r, s s = big(typemax(T)-1000) : big(typemax(T)) + 10000 # s is a 11001-length array @test rand(s) isa BigInt @test sum(rand(s, 1000) .== rand(s, 1000)) <= 20 @test big(typemax(T)-1000) <= rand(s) <= big(typemax(T)) + 10000 r = rand(s, 1, 2) @test size(r) == (1, 2) @test typeof(r) == Matrix{BigInt} guardseed() do Random.seed!(0) r = rand(s) Random.seed!(0) @test rand(s) == r end end # Test ziggurat tables ziggurat_table_size = 256 nmantissa = Int64(2)^51 # one bit for the sign ziggurat_nor_r = parse(BigFloat,"3.65415288536100879635194725185604664812733315920964488827246397029393565706474") erfc_zigg_root2 = parse(BigFloat,"2.580324876539008898343885504487203185398584536409033046076029509351995983934371e-04") nor_section_area = ziggurat_nor_r*exp(-ziggurat_nor_r^2/2) + erfc_zigg_root2*sqrt(big(π)/2) emantissa = Int64(2)^52 ziggurat_exp_r = parse(BigFloat,"7.69711747013104971404462804811408952334296818528283253278834867283241051210533") exp_section_area = (ziggurat_exp_r + 1)*exp(-ziggurat_exp_r) ki = Vector{UInt64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) wi = Vector{Float64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) fi = Vector{Float64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) # Tables for exponential variates ke = Vector{UInt64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) we = Vector{Float64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) fe = Vector{Float64}(undef, ziggurat_table_size) function randmtzig_fill_ziggurat_tables() # Operates on the global arrays wib = big.(wi) fib = big.(fi) web = big.(we) feb = big.(fe) # Ziggurat tables for the normal distribution x1 = ziggurat_nor_r wib[256] = x1/nmantissa fib[256] = exp(-0.5*x1*x1) # Index zero is special for tail strip, where Marsaglia and Tsang # defines this as # k_0 = 2^31 * r * f(r) / v, w_0 = 0.5^31 * v / f(r), f_0 = 1, # where v is the area of each strip of the ziggurat. ki[1] = trunc(UInt64,x1*fib[256]/nor_section_area*nmantissa) wib[1] = nor_section_area/fib[256]/nmantissa fib[1] = one(BigFloat) for i = 255:-1:2 # New x is given by x = f^{-1}(v/x_{i+1} + f(x_{i+1})), thus # need inverse operator of y = exp(-0.5*x*x) -> x = sqrt(-2*ln(y)) x = sqrt(-2.0*log(nor_section_area/x1 + fib[i+1])) ki[i+1] = trunc(UInt64,x/x1*nmantissa) wib[i] = x/nmantissa fib[i] = exp(-0.5*x*x) x1 = x end ki[2] = UInt64(0) # Zigurrat tables for the exponential distribution x1 = ziggurat_exp_r web[256] = x1/emantissa feb[256] = exp(-x1) # Index zero is special for tail strip, where Marsaglia and Tsang # defines this as # k_0 = 2^32 * r * f(r) / v, w_0 = 0.5^32 * v / f(r), f_0 = 1, # where v is the area of each strip of the ziggurat. ke[1] = trunc(UInt64,x1*feb[256]/exp_section_area*emantissa) web[1] = exp_section_area/feb[256]/emantissa feb[1] = one(BigFloat) for i = 255:-1:2 # New x is given by x = f^{-1}(v/x_{i+1} + f(x_{i+1})), thus # need inverse operator of y = exp(-x) -> x = -ln(y) x = -log(exp_section_area/x1 + feb[i+1]) ke[i+1] = trunc(UInt64,x/x1*emantissa) web[i] = x/emantissa feb[i] = exp(-x) x1 = x end ke[2] = zero(UInt64) wi[:] = wib fi[:] = fib we[:] = web fe[:] = feb return nothing end randmtzig_fill_ziggurat_tables() @test all(ki == Random.ki) @test all(wi == Random.wi) @test all(fi == Random.fi) @test all(ke == Random.ke) @test all(we == Random.we) @test all(fe == Random.fe) for U in (Int64, UInt64) @test all(div(one(UInt64) << 52, k)*k - 1 == SamplerRangeInt(map(U, 1:k)).u for k in 13 .+ Int64(2).^(1:30)) end #issue 8257 let i8257 = 1:1/3:100 for i = 1:100 @test rand(i8257) in i8257 end end # test code paths of rand! let mt = MersenneTwister(0) A128 = Vector{UInt128}() @test length(rand!(mt, A128)) == 0 for (i,n) in enumerate([1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 30]) resize!(A128, n) rand!(mt, A128) @test length(A128) == n @test A128[end] == UInt128[0x15de6b23025813ad129841f537a04e40, 0xcfa4db38a2c65bc4f18c07dc91125edf, 0x33bec08136f19b54290982449b3900d5, 0xde41af3463e74cb830dad4add353ca20, 0x066d8695ebf85f833427c93416193e1f, 0x48fab49cc9fcee1c920d6dae629af446, 0x4b54632b4619f4eca22675166784d229][i] end Random.seed!(mt, 0) Aend = Any[] Bend = Any[] for (i,T) in enumerate([Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, Float16, Float32]) A = Vector{T}(undef, 16) B = Vector{T}(undef, 31) rand!(mt, A) rand!(mt, B) push!(Aend, A[end]) push!(Bend, B[end]) end @test Aend == Any[21, 0x7b, 17385, 0x3086, -1574090021, 0xadcb4460, 6797283068698303107, 0x68a9f9865393cfd6, 33687499368208574024854346399216845930, Float16(0.7744), 0.97259974f0] @test Bend == Any[49, 0x65, -3725, 0x719d, 814246081, 0xdf61843a, -3433174948434291912, 0xd461716f27c91500, -85900088726243933988214632401750448432, Float16(0.10645), 0.13879478f0] Random.seed!(mt, 0) AF64 = Vector{Float64}(undef, Random.dsfmt_get_min_array_size()-1) @test rand!(mt, AF64)[end] == 0.957735065345398 @test rand!(mt, AF64)[end] == 0.6492481059865669 resize!(AF64, 2*length(mt.vals)) @test invoke(rand!, Tuple{MersenneTwister,AbstractArray{Float64},Random.SamplerTrivial{Random.CloseOpen01_64}}, mt, AF64, Random.SamplerTrivial(Random.CloseOpen01()))[end] == 0.1142787906708973 end # Issue #9037 let mt = MersenneTwister(0) a = Vector{Float64}() resize!(a, 1000) # could be 8-byte aligned b = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000) # should be 16-byte aligned c8 = Vector{UInt64}(undef, 1001) pc8 = pointer(c8) if Int(pc8) % 16 == 0 # Make sure pc8 is not 16-byte aligned since that's what we want to test. # It still has to be 8-byte aligned since it is otherwise invalid on # certain architectures (e.g. ARM) pc8 += 8 end c = unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Float64}(pc8), 1000) # Int(pointer(c)) % 16 == 8 for A in (a, b, c) local A Random.seed!(mt, 0) rand(mt) # this is to fill mt.vals, cf. #9040 rand!(mt, A) # must not segfault even if Int(pointer(A)) % 16 != 0 @test A[end-4:end] == [0.3371041633752143, 0.41147647589610803, 0.6063082992397912, 0.9103565379264364, 0.16456579813368521] end end # make sure reading 128-bit ints from RandomDevice works let a = [rand(RandomDevice(), UInt128) for i=1:10] @test reduce(|, a)>>>64 != 0 end # test all rand APIs for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()], [Xoshiro()]) ftypes = [Float16, Float32, Float64] cftypes = [ComplexF16, ComplexF32, ComplexF64, ftypes...] types = [Bool, Char, BigFloat, Base.BitInteger_types..., ftypes...] randset = Set(rand(Int, 20)) randdict = Dict(zip(rand(Int,10), rand(Int, 10))) collections = [BitSet(rand(1:100, 20)) => Int, randset => Int, GenericSet(randset) => Int, randdict => Pair{Int,Int}, GenericDict(randdict) => Pair{Int,Int}, 1:100 => Int, rand(Int, 100) => Int, Int => Int, Float64 => Float64, "qwèrtï" => Char, GenericString("qwèrtï") => Char, OffsetArray(rand(2, 3), (4, -5)) => Float64] functypes = Dict(rand => types, randn => cftypes, randexp => ftypes, rand! => types, randn! => cftypes, randexp! => ftypes) b2 = big(2) u3 = UInt(3) for f in [rand, randn, randexp] f(rng...) ::Float64 f(rng..., 5) ::Vector{Float64} f(rng..., 2, 3) ::Array{Float64, 2} f(rng..., b2, u3) ::Array{Float64, 2} for T in functypes[f] a0 = f(rng..., T) ::T a1 = f(rng..., T, 5) ::Vector{T} a2 = f(rng..., T, 2, 3) ::Array{T, 2} a3 = f(rng..., T, b2, u3) ::Array{T, 2} a4 = f(rng..., T, (2, 3)) ::Array{T, 2} if T <: AbstractFloat && f === rand for a in [a0, a1..., a2..., a3..., a4...] @test 0.0 <= a < 1.0 end end end end for (C, T) in collections a0 = rand(rng..., C) ::T a1 = rand(rng..., C, 5) ::Vector{T} a2 = rand(rng..., C, 2, 3) ::Array{T, 2} a3 = rand(rng..., C, (2, 3)) ::Array{T, 2} a4 = rand(rng..., C, b2, u3) ::Array{T, 2} a5 = rand!(rng..., Array{T}(undef, 5), C) ::Vector{T} a6 = rand!(rng..., Array{T}(undef, 2, 3), C) ::Array{T, 2} a7 = rand!(rng..., GenericArray{T}(undef, 5), C) ::GenericArray{T, 1} a8 = rand!(rng..., GenericArray{T}(undef, 2, 3), C) ::GenericArray{T, 2} a9 = rand!(rng..., OffsetArray(Array{T}(undef, 5), 9), C) ::OffsetArray{T, 1} a10 = rand!(rng..., OffsetArray(Array{T}(undef, 2, 3), (-2, 4)), C) ::OffsetArray{T, 2} @test size(a1) == (5,) @test size(a2) == size(a3) == (2, 3) for a in [a0, a1..., a2..., a3..., a4..., a5..., a6..., a7..., a8..., a9..., a10...] if C isa Type @test a isa C else @test a in C end end end for C in [1:0, Dict(), Set(), BitSet(), Int[], GenericDict(Dict()), GenericSet(Set()), "", Test.GenericString("")] @test_throws ArgumentError rand(rng..., C) @test_throws ArgumentError rand(rng..., C, 5) end for f! in [rand!, randn!, randexp!] for T in functypes[f!] X = T == Bool ? T[0,1] : T[0,1,2] for A in (Vector{T}(undef, 5), Matrix{T}(undef, 2, 3), GenericArray{T}(undef, 5), GenericArray{T}(undef, 2, 3), OffsetArray(Array{T}(undef, 5), -3), OffsetArray(Array{T}(undef, 2, 3), (4, 5))) local A f!(rng..., A) ::typeof(A) if f! === rand! f!(rng..., A, X) ::typeof(A) if A isa Array && T !== Char # Char/Integer comparison f!(rng..., sparse(A)) ::typeof(sparse(A)) f!(rng..., sparse(A), X) ::typeof(sparse(A)) end end end end end bitrand(rng..., 5) ::BitArray{1} bitrand(rng..., 2, 3) ::BitArray{2} bitrand(rng..., b2, u3) ::BitArray{2} rand!(rng..., BitVector(undef, 5)) ::BitArray{1} rand!(rng..., BitMatrix(undef, 2, 3)) ::BitArray{2} # Test that you cannot call randn or randexp with non-Float types. for r in [randn, randexp, randn!, randexp!] local r @test_throws MethodError r(Int) @test_throws MethodError r(Int32) @test_throws MethodError r(Bool) @test_throws MethodError r(String) @test_throws MethodError r(AbstractFloat) # TODO(#17627): Consider adding support for randn(BigFloat) and removing this test. @test_throws MethodError r(BigFloat) @test_throws MethodError r(Int64, (2,3)) @test_throws MethodError r(String, 1) @test_throws MethodError r(rng..., Number, (2,3)) @test_throws MethodError r(rng..., Any, 1) end end function hist(X, n) v = zeros(Int, n) for x in X v[floor(Int, x*n) + 1] += 1 end v end # test uniform distribution of floats for rng in [MersenneTwister(), RandomDevice(), Xoshiro()], T in [Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat], prec in (T == BigFloat ? [3, 53, 64, 100, 256, 1000] : [256]) setprecision(BigFloat, prec) do # array version counts = hist(rand(rng, T, 2000), 4) @test minimum(counts) > 300 # should fail with proba < 1e-26 # scalar version counts = hist([rand(rng, T) for i in 1:2000], 4) @test minimum(counts) > 300 end end @testset "rand(Bool) uniform distribution" begin for n in [rand(1:8), rand(9:16), rand(17:64)] a = zeros(Bool, n) as = zeros(Int, n) # we will test statistical properties for each position of a, # but also for 3 linear combinations of positions (for the array version) lcs = unique!.([rand(1:n, 2), rand(1:n, 3), rand(1:n, 5)]) aslcs = zeros(Int, 3) for rng = (MersenneTwister(), RandomDevice(), Xoshiro()) for scalar = [false, true] fill!(a, 0) fill!(as, 0) fill!(aslcs, 0) for _ = 1:49 if scalar for i in eachindex(as) as[i] += rand(rng, Bool) end else as .+= rand!(rng, a) aslcs .+= [xor(getindex.(Ref(a), lcs[i])...) for i in 1:3] end end @test all(x -> 7 <= x <= 42, as) # for each x, fails with proba ≈ 2/35_000_000 if !scalar @test all(x -> 7 <= x <= 42, aslcs) end end end end end @testset "reproducility of methods for $RNG" for RNG=(MersenneTwister,Xoshiro) mta, mtb = RNG(42), RNG(42) @test rand(mta) == rand(mtb) @test rand(mta,10) == rand(mtb,10) @test randn(mta) == randn(mtb) @test randn(mta,10) == randn(mtb,10) @test randexp(mta) == randexp(mtb) @test randexp(mta,10) == randexp(mtb,10) @test rand(mta,1:100) == rand(mtb,1:100) @test rand(mta,1:10,10) == rand(mtb,1:10,10) @test rand(mta,Bool) == rand(mtb,Bool) @test bitrand(mta,10) == bitrand(mtb,10) @test randstring(mta) == randstring(mtb) @test randstring(mta,10) == randstring(mtb,10) @test randsubseq(mta,1:10,0.4) == randsubseq(mtb,1:10,0.4) @test randsubseq!(mta,Int[],1:10,0.4) == randsubseq!(mtb,Int[],1:10,0.4) @test shuffle(mta,Vector(1:10)) == shuffle(mtb,Vector(1:10)) @test shuffle!(mta,Vector(1:10)) == shuffle!(mtb,Vector(1:10)) @test shuffle(mta,Vector(2:11)) == shuffle(mtb,2:11) @test shuffle!(mta, rand(mta, 2, 3)) == shuffle!(mtb, rand(mtb, 2, 3)) @test shuffle(mta, rand(mta, 2, 3)) == shuffle(mtb, rand(mtb, 2, 3)) @test randperm(mta,10) == randperm(mtb,10) @test sort!(randperm(10)) == sort!(shuffle(1:10)) == 1:10 @test randperm(mta,big(10)) == randperm(mtb,big(10)) # cf. #16376 @test randperm(0) == [] @test_throws ArgumentError randperm(-1) let p = randperm(UInt16(12)) @test typeof(p) ≡ Vector{UInt16} @test sort!(p) == 1:12 end A, B = Vector{Int}(undef, 10), Vector{Int}(undef, 10) @test randperm!(mta, A) == randperm!(mtb, B) @test randperm!(A) === A @test randcycle(mta,10) == randcycle(mtb,10) @test randcycle!(mta, A) == randcycle!(mtb, B) @test randcycle!(A) === A let p = randcycle(UInt16(10)) @test typeof(p) ≡ Vector{UInt16} @test sort!(p) == 1:10 end @test sprand(mta,1,1,0.9) == sprand(mtb,1,1,0.9) @test sprand(mta,10,10,0.3) == sprand(mtb,10,10,0.3) end @testset "MersenneTwister polynomial generation and jump" begin seed = rand(UInt) mta = MersenneTwister(seed) mtb = MersenneTwister(seed) step = 25000*2 size = 4 jump25000 = "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"; jump1e20 = "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" @test DSFMT.GF2X(jump25000) == DSFMT.calc_jump(25000) @test DSFMT.GF2X(jump1e20) == DSFMT.calc_jump(big(10)^20) # check validity of the implementation of copy(::GF2X) let z = big(1); @assert z !== z+0 end # test PRNG jump function randjumpvec(m, steps, len) # old version of randjump mts = accumulate(Future.randjump, fill(steps, len-1); init=m) pushfirst!(mts, m) mts end mts = randjumpvec(mta, 25000, size) @test length(mts) == 4 for x in (rand(mts[k], Float64) for j=1:step, k=1:size) @test rand(mtb, Float64) == x end @testset "generated RNGs are in a deterministic state (relatively to ==)" begin m = MersenneTwister() @test Future.randjump(m, 25000) == Future.randjump(m, 25000) end end # test that the following is not an error (#16925) guardseed() do Random.seed!(typemax(UInt)) Random.seed!(typemax(UInt128)) end # copy, == and hash let seed = rand(UInt32, 10) r = MersenneTwister(seed) @test r == MersenneTwister(seed) # r.vals should be all zeros @test hash(r) == hash(MersenneTwister(seed)) s = copy(r) @test s == r && s !== r @test hash(s) == hash(r) skip, len = rand(0:2000, 2) for j=1:skip rand(r) rand(s) end @test rand(r, len) == rand(s, len) @test s == r @test hash(s) == hash(r) h = rand(UInt) @test hash(s, h) == hash(r, h) end # MersenneTwister initialization with invalid values @test_throws DomainError DSFMT.DSFMT_state(zeros(Int32, rand(0:DSFMT.JN32-1))) @test_throws DomainError MersenneTwister(zeros(UInt32, 1), DSFMT.DSFMT_state(), zeros(Float64, 10), zeros(UInt128, MT_CACHE_I>>4), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) @test_throws DomainError MersenneTwister(zeros(UInt32, 1), DSFMT.DSFMT_state(), zeros(Float64, MT_CACHE_F), zeros(UInt128, MT_CACHE_I>>4), -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) @test_throws DomainError MersenneTwister(zeros(UInt32, 1), DSFMT.DSFMT_state(), zeros(Float64, MT_CACHE_F), zeros(UInt128, MT_CACHE_I>>3), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) @test_throws DomainError MersenneTwister(zeros(UInt32, 1), DSFMT.DSFMT_state(), zeros(Float64, MT_CACHE_F), zeros(UInt128, MT_CACHE_I>>4), 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1) # seed is private to MersenneTwister let seed = rand(UInt32, 10) r = MersenneTwister(seed) @test r.seed == seed && r.seed !== seed # RNGs do not share their seed in randjump let r2 = Future.randjump(r, big(10)^20) @test r.seed !== r2.seed Random.seed!(r2) @test seed == r.seed != r2.seed end resize!(seed, 4) @test r.seed != seed end # Random.seed!(rng, ...) returns rng (#21248) guardseed() do g = Random.default_rng() m = MersenneTwister(0) @test Random.seed!() === g @test Random.seed!(rand(UInt)) === g @test Random.seed!(rand(UInt32, rand(1:8))) === g @test Random.seed!(m) === m @test Random.seed!(m, rand(UInt)) === m @test Random.seed!(m, rand(UInt32, rand(1:10))) === m @test Random.seed!(m, rand(1:10)) === m end # Issue 20062 - ensure internal functions reserve_1, reserve are type-stable let r = MersenneTwister(0) @inferred Random.reserve_1(r) @inferred Random.reserve(r, 1) end # test randstring API let b = ['0':'9';'A':'Z';'a':'z'] for rng = [[], [MersenneTwister(0)]] @test length(randstring(rng...)) == 8 @test length(randstring(rng..., 20)) == 20 @test issubset(randstring(rng...), b) for c = ['a':'z', "qwèrtï", Set(codeunits("gcat"))], len = [8, 20] s = len == 8 ? randstring(rng..., c) : randstring(rng..., c, len) @test length(s) == len if eltype(c) == Char @test issubset(s, c) else # UInt8 @test issubset(s, Set(Char(v) for v in c)) end end end @test randstring(MersenneTwister(0)) == randstring(MersenneTwister(0), b) end # this shouldn't crash (#22403) @test_throws ArgumentError rand!(Union{UInt,Int}[1, 2, 3]) @testset "$RNG() & Random.seed!(rng::$RNG) initializes randomly" for RNG in (MersenneTwister, RandomDevice, Xoshiro) m = RNG() a = rand(m, Int) m = RNG() @test rand(m, Int) != a # passing `nothing` is equivalent to passing nothing m = RNG(nothing) b = rand(m, Int) @test b != a Random.seed!(m) c = rand(m, Int) @test c ∉ (a, b) Random.seed!(m) @test rand(m, Int) ∉ (a, b, c) Random.seed!(m, nothing) d = rand(m, Int) @test d ∉ (a, b, c) Random.seed!(m, nothing) @test rand(m, Int) ∉ (a, b, c, d) end @testset "$RNG(seed) & Random.seed!(m::$RNG, seed) produce the same stream" for RNG=(MersenneTwister,Xoshiro) seeds = Any[0, 1, 2, 10000, 10001, rand(UInt32, 8), rand(UInt128, 3)...] if RNG == Xoshiro push!(seeds, rand(UInt64, rand(1:4))) end for seed=seeds m = RNG(seed) a = [rand(m) for _=1:100] Random.seed!(m, seed) @test a == [rand(m) for _=1:100] end end @testset "Random.seed!(seed) sets Random.GLOBAL_SEED" begin seeds = Any[0, rand(UInt128), rand(UInt64, 4)] for seed=seeds Random.seed!(seed) @test Random.GLOBAL_SEED === seed end # two separate loops as otherwise we are no sure that the second call (with GLOBAL_RNG) # actually sets GLOBAL_SEED for seed=seeds Random.seed!(Random.GLOBAL_RNG, seed) @test Random.GLOBAL_SEED === seed end Random.seed!(nothing) seed1 = Random.GLOBAL_SEED @test seed1 isa Vector{UInt64} # could change, but must not be nothing Random.seed!(Random.GLOBAL_RNG, nothing) seed2 = Random.GLOBAL_SEED @test seed2 isa Vector{UInt64} @test seed2 != seed1 Random.seed!() seed3 = Random.GLOBAL_SEED @test seed3 isa Vector{UInt64} @test seed3 != seed2 Random.seed!(Random.GLOBAL_RNG) seed4 = Random.GLOBAL_SEED @test seed4 isa Vector{UInt64} @test seed4 != seed3 end struct RandomStruct23964 end @testset "error message when rand not defined for a type" begin @test_throws ArgumentError rand(nothing) @test_throws ArgumentError rand(RandomStruct23964()) end @testset "rand(::$(typeof(RNG)), ::UnitRange{$T}" for RNG ∈ (MersenneTwister(rand(UInt128)), RandomDevice(), Xoshiro()), T ∈ (Int8, Int16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, Int128, UInt128) for S in (SamplerRangeInt, SamplerRangeFast, SamplerRangeNDL) S == SamplerRangeNDL && sizeof(T) > 8 && continue r = T(1):T(108) @test rand(RNG, S(r)) ∈ r @test rand(RNG, S(typemin(T):typemax(T))) isa T a, b = sort!(rand(-1000:1000, 2) .% T) @test rand(RNG, S(a:b)) ∈ a:b end end @testset "rand! is allocation-free" begin for A in (Array{Int}(undef, 20), Array{Float64}(undef, 5, 4), BitArray(undef, 20), BitArray(undef, 50, 40)) rand!(A) @test @allocated(rand!(A)) == 0 end end @testset "gentype for UniformBits" begin @test Random.gentype(Random.UInt52()) == UInt64 @test Random.gentype(Random.UInt52(UInt128)) == UInt128 @test Random.gentype(Random.UInt104()) == UInt128 end @testset "shuffle[!]" begin a = [] @test shuffle(a) == a # issue #28727 @test shuffle!(a) === a a = rand(Int, 1) @test shuffle(a) == a end @testset "rand(::Tuple)" begin for x in (0x1, 1) @test rand((x,)) == 0x1 @test rand((x, 2)) ∈ 1:2 @test rand((x, 2, 3)) ∈ 1:3 @test rand((x, 2, 3, 4)) ∈ 1:4 @test rand((x, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ∈ 1:5 @test rand((x, 2, 3, 4, 6)) ∈ 1:6 end end @testset "GLOBAL_RNG" begin local GLOBAL_RNG = Random.GLOBAL_RNG local LOCAL_RNG = Random.default_rng() @test VERSION < v"2" # deprecate this in v2 @test Random.seed!(GLOBAL_RNG, nothing) === LOCAL_RNG @test Random.seed!(GLOBAL_RNG, UInt32[0]) === LOCAL_RNG @test Random.seed!(GLOBAL_RNG, 0) === LOCAL_RNG @test Random.seed!(GLOBAL_RNG) === LOCAL_RNG xo = Xoshiro() @test copy!(xo, GLOBAL_RNG) === xo @test xo == LOCAL_RNG Random.seed!(xo, 2) @test xo != LOCAL_RNG @test copy!(GLOBAL_RNG, xo) === LOCAL_RNG @test xo == LOCAL_RNG xo2 = copy(GLOBAL_RNG) @test xo2 !== LOCAL_RNG @test xo2 == LOCAL_RNG for T in (Random.UInt52Raw{UInt64}, Random.UInt104Raw{UInt128}, Random.CloseOpen12_64) x = Random.SamplerTrivial(T()) @test rand(GLOBAL_RNG, x) === rand(xo, x) end for T in (Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128, Bool, Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32) x = Random.SamplerType{T}() @test rand(GLOBAL_RNG, x) === rand(xo, x) end A = fill(0.0, 100, 100) B = fill(1.0, 100, 100) vA = view(A, :, :) vB = view(B, :, :) I1 = Random.SamplerTrivial(Random.CloseOpen01{Float64}()) I2 = Random.SamplerTrivial(Random.CloseOpen12{Float64}()) @test rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, A, I1) === A == rand!(xo, B, I1) === B B = fill!(B, 1.0) @test rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, vA, I1) === vA rand!(xo, vB, I1) @test A == B for T in (Float16, Float32) B = fill!(B, 1.0) @test rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, A, I2) === A == rand!(xo, B, I2) === B B = fill!(B, 1.0) @test rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, A, I1) === A == rand!(xo, B, I1) === B end for T in Base.BitInteger_types x = Random.SamplerType{T}() B = fill!(B, 1.0) @test rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, A, x) === A == rand!(xo, B, x) === B end # issue #33170 @test Sampler(GLOBAL_RNG, 2:4, Val(1)) isa SamplerRangeNDL @test Sampler(GLOBAL_RNG, 2:4, Val(Inf)) isa SamplerRangeNDL rng = copy(GLOBAL_RNG) # make sure _GLOBAL_RNG and the underlying implementation use the same code path @test rand(rng) == rand(GLOBAL_RNG) @test rand(rng) == rand(GLOBAL_RNG) @test rand(rng) == rand(GLOBAL_RNG) @test rand(rng) == rand(GLOBAL_RNG) end @testset "RNGs broadcast as scalars: T" for T in (MersenneTwister, RandomDevice) @test length.(rand.(T(), 1:3)) == 1:3 end @testset "generated scalar integers do not overlap" begin m = MersenneTwister() xs = reinterpret(UInt64, m.ints) x = rand(m, UInt128) # m.idxI % 16 == 0 @test x % UInt64 == xs[end-1] x = rand(m, UInt64) @test x == xs[end-2] x = rand(m, UInt64) @test x == xs[end-3] x = rand(m, UInt64) @test x == xs[end-4] x = rand(m, UInt128) # m.idxI % 16 == 8 @test (x >> 64) % UInt64 == xs[end-6] @test x % UInt64 == xs[end-7] x = rand(m, UInt64) @test x == xs[end-8] # should not be == xs[end-7] s = Set{UInt64}() n = 0 for _=1:2000 x = rand(m, rand((UInt64, UInt128, Int64, Int128))) if sizeof(x) == 8 push!(s, x % UInt64) n += 1 else push!(s, x % UInt64, (x >> 64) % UInt64) n += 2 end end @test length(s) == n end @testset "show" begin m = MersenneTwister(123) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(123)" Random.jump!(m, 2*big(10)^20) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 0))" @test m == MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 0)) rand(m) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 1002, 0, 1))" @test m == MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 1002, 0, 1)) rand(m, Int64) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 2256, 0, 1, 1002, 1))" @test m == MersenneTwister(123, (200000000000000000000, 2256, 0, 1, 1002, 1)) m = MersenneTwister(0x0ecfd77f89dcd508caa37a17ebb7556b) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(0xecfd77f89dcd508caa37a17ebb7556b)" rand(m, Int64) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(0xecfd77f89dcd508caa37a17ebb7556b, (0, 1254, 0, 0, 0, 1))" @test m == MersenneTwister(0xecfd77f89dcd508caa37a17ebb7556b, (0, 1254, 0, 0, 0, 1)) m = MersenneTwister(0); rand(m, Int64); rand(m) @test string(m) == "MersenneTwister(0, (0, 2256, 1254, 1, 0, 1))" @test m == MersenneTwister(0, (0, 2256, 1254, 1, 0, 1)) end @testset "rand[!] for BigInt/BigFloat" begin rng = MersenneTwister() s = Random.SamplerBigInt(MersenneTwister, 1:big(9)) x = rand(s) @test x isa BigInt y = rand!(rng, x, s) @test y === x @test x in 1:9 for t = BigInt[0, 10, big(2)^100] s = Random.Sampler(rng, t:t) # s.nlimbs == 0 @test rand(rng, s) == t @test x === rand!(rng, x, s) == t s = Random.Sampler(rng, big(-1):t) # s.nlimbs != 0 @test rand(rng, s) ∈ -1:t @test x === rand!(rng, x, s) ∈ -1:t end s = Random.Sampler(MersenneTwister, Random.CloseOpen01(BigFloat)) x = rand(s) @test x isa BigFloat y = rand!(rng, x, s) @test y === x @test 0 <= x < 1 s = Random.Sampler(MersenneTwister, Random.CloseOpen12(BigFloat)) y = rand!(rng, x, s) @test y === x @test 1 <= x < 2 old_prec = precision(BigFloat) setprecision(100) do x = rand(s) # should use precision of s @test precision(x) == old_prec x = BigFloat() @test_throws ArgumentError rand!(rng, x, s) # incompatible precision end s = setprecision(100) do Random.Sampler(MersenneTwister, Random.CloseOpen01(BigFloat)) end x = rand(s) # should use precision of s @test precision(x) == 100 x = BigFloat() @test_throws ArgumentError rand!(rng, x, s) # incompatible precision end @testset "shuffle! for BitArray" begin # Test that shuffle! is uniformly random on BitArrays rng = MersenneTwister(123) a = (reshape(1:(4*5), 4, 5) .<= 2) # 4x5 BitMatrix whose first two elements are true, rest are false m = mean(1:50_000) do _ shuffle!(rng, a) end # mean result of shuffle!-ing a 50_000 times. If the shuffle! is uniform, then each index has a # 10% chance of having a true in it, so each value should converge to 0.1. @test minimum(m) >= 0.094 @test maximum(m) <= 0.106 end