# Release checklist How to release a new version of LayoutKit. - Verify that all tests are passing. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/linkedin/LayoutKit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/linkedin/LayoutKit) - Bump version in `LayoutKit.podspec` and `LayoutKitObjC.podspec`. `spec.version = '2.0.0'` - Bump the version in `Sources/Info.plist` ``` CFBundleShortVersionString 2.0.0 ``` - Verify that the podspec is valid. ``` $ pod lib lint -> LayoutKit (2.0.0) LayoutKit passed validation. ``` - Push version bumps to GitHub - [Draft a release](https://github.com/linkedin/LayoutKit/releases) in Github and write release notes. - Deploy the documentation ```bash $ mkdocs gh-deploy --clean INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: /Users/nsnyder/code/linkedin/layoutkit-opensource/site INFO - Copying '/Users/nsnyder/code/linkedin/layoutkit-opensource/site' to 'gh-pages' branch and pushing to GitHub. INFO - Based on your CNAME file, your documentation should be available shortly at: http://layoutkit.org INFO - NOTE: Your DNS records must be configured appropriately for your CNAME URL to work. ``` - Push the podspec to Cocoapods master repo. `$ pod trunk push` - 👍 # Required release tools - cocoapods (try beta if cocoapods have any issues) `$ sudo gem install cocoapods` - mkdocs `$ brew install mkdocs`