import {Plugin, Platform, moment} from "obsidian"; import {App, PluginSettingTab, Setting, Notice} from "obsidian"; // 新增 import {MarkdownRenderChild} from "obsidian"; // md后处理器 import * as webvtt from "node-webvtt"; const KEYMAP: Record = {">": "right", "<": "left", "^": "center"}; const CONFIGS: Record = { "header": ["h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"], "mw": ["50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75", "80", "85", "90"], "mode": ["default", "minimal"], }; const COLORS = [ "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple", "grey", "brown", "indigo", "teal", "pink", "slate", "wood" ]; // 正则匹配 class ChatPatterns { static readonly message = /(^>|<|\^)/; // 发送消息,正则:>或<开头 static readonly delimiter = /.../; // 省略消息,正则:省略号 static readonly comment = /^#/; // 全局消息,正则:#开头 static readonly colors = /\[(.*?)\]/; // 颜色设置,正则:[]包围,例如[Albus Dumbledore=teal, Minerva McGonagall=pink] static readonly format = /{(.*?)}/; // 格式设置,正则:{}包围,例如{mw=90,mode=minimal} static readonly joined = RegExp([this.message, this.delimiter, this.colors, this.comment, this.format] .map((pattern) => pattern.source) .join("|")); // 不名正则? static readonly voice = /]+)>([^<]+)<\/v>/; // chat-webvtt模式下的对话检测 static readonly qq_msg = /(.*?)(\s| )([0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9])/; // 第一个匹配项是名字,第二个是时间(日期先不管),下一行是消息 static readonly qq_chehui = /(.*?)撤回了一条消息/; static readonly qq_jinqyun = /(.*?)加入本群。/; } interface Message { readonly header: string; readonly body: string; readonly subtext: string; } export default class ChatViewPlugin extends Plugin { settings: ChatPluginSettings; // 插件配置 override async onload(): Promise { // async onload() { // 插件配置 await this.loadSettings(); this.addSettingTab(new ChatSettingTab(, this)); // 这将添加一个设置选项卡,以便用户可以配置插件的各个方面 if (this.settings.width)'--qq-width', this.settings.width+"px") if (this.settings.maxHeight)'--qq-max-height', this.settings.maxHeight+"px") // chat-webvtt 格式 this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor("chat-webvtt", (source, el, _) => { const vtt = webvtt.parse(source, {meta: true}); const messages: Message[] = []; const self = vtt.meta && "Self" in vtt.meta ? vtt.meta.Self as string : undefined; const selves = self ? self.split(",").map((val) => val.trim()) : undefined; const formatConfigs = new Map(); const maxWidth = vtt.meta && "MaxWidth" in vtt.meta ? vtt.meta.MaxWidth : undefined; const headerConfig = vtt.meta && "Header" in vtt.meta ? vtt.meta.Header : undefined; const modeConfig = vtt.meta && "Mode" in vtt.meta ? vtt.meta.Mode : undefined; if (CONFIGS["mw"].contains(maxWidth)) formatConfigs.set("mw", maxWidth); if (CONFIGS["header"].contains(headerConfig)) formatConfigs.set("header", headerConfig); if (CONFIGS["mode"].contains(modeConfig)) formatConfigs.set("mode", modeConfig); console.log(formatConfigs); for (let index = 0; index < vtt.cues.length; index++) { const cue = vtt.cues[index]; const start = moment(Math.round(cue.start * 1000)).format("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); const end = moment(Math.round(cue.end * 1000)).format("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); if (ChatPatterns.voice.test(cue.text)) { const matches = (cue.text as string).match(ChatPatterns.voice); messages.push({header: matches[1], body: matches[2], subtext: `${start} to ${end}`}); } else { messages.push({header: "", body: cue.text, subtext: `${start} to ${end}`}); } } const headers = => message.header); const uniqueHeaders = new Set(headers); uniqueHeaders.delete(""); console.log(messages); console.log(uniqueHeaders); const colorConfigs = new Map(); Array.from(uniqueHeaders).forEach((h, i) => colorConfigs.set(h, COLORS[i % COLORS.length])); console.log(colorConfigs); messages.forEach((message, index, arr) => { const prevHeader = index > 0 ? arr[index - 1].header : ""; const align = selves && selves.contains(message.header) ? "right" : "left"; const continued = message.header === prevHeader; this.createChatBubble( continued ? "" : message.header, prevHeader, message.body, message.subtext, align, el, continued, colorConfigs, formatConfigs, ); }); }); // chat 格式 this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor("chat", (source, el, _) => { const rawLines = source.split("\n").filter((line) => ChatPatterns.joined.test(line.trim())); const lines = => rawLine.trim()); const formatConfigs = new Map(); const colorConfigs = new Map(); // 遍历1 for (const line of lines) { // 匹配正则 "format" if (ChatPatterns.format.test(line)) { const configs = line.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",").map((l) => l.trim()); for (const config of configs) { const [k, v] = config.split("=").map((c) => c.trim()); if (Object.keys(CONFIGS).contains(k) && CONFIGS[k].contains(v)) formatConfigs.set(k, v); } } // 匹配正则 "colors" else if (ChatPatterns.colors.test(line)) { const configs = line.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",").map((l) => l.trim()); for (const config of configs) { const [k, v] = config.split("=").map((c) => c.trim()); if (k.length > 0 && COLORS.contains(v)) colorConfigs.set(k, v); } } } // 遍历2(重设行数,重新遍历。先知道了格式后,再来渲染对话) let continuedCount = 0; for (let index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) { const line = lines[index].trim(); // 全局消息 if (ChatPatterns.comment.test(line)) { el.createEl("p", {text: line.substring(1).trim(), cls: ["chat-view-comment"]}) } // 省略消息 else if (line === "...") { const delimiter = el.createDiv({cls: ["delimiter"]}); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) delimiter.createDiv({cls: ["dot"]}); } // 对话消息 else if (ChatPatterns.message.test(line)) { const components = line.substring(1).split("|"); if (components.length > 0) { const first = components[0]; // 说话的人 const header = components.length > 1 ? first.trim() : ""; // ?信息头? const message = components.length > 1 ? components[1].trim() : first.trim(); // 发送的信息 const subtext = components.length > 2 ? components[2].trim() : ""; // 底部文字(通常是时间) const continued = index > 0 && line.charAt(0) === lines[index - 1].charAt(0) && header === ""; // 上一消息是不是同一个人发的 let prevHeader = ""; if (continued) { continuedCount++; const prevComponents = lines[index - continuedCount].trim().substring(1).split("|"); prevHeader = prevComponents[0].length > 1 ? prevComponents[0].trim() : ""; } else { continuedCount = 0; } this.createChatBubble( // 创建聊天窗口 header, prevHeader, message, subtext, KEYMAP[line.charAt(0)], el, continued, colorConfigs, formatConfigs, ); } } } }); // 【魔改】QQ 格式 this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor("chat-qq", (source, el, _) => { // 这一步把空行全部搞没了………… const rawLines = source.split("\n")/*.filter((line) => ChatPatterns.joined.test(line.trim()))*/; const lines = => rawLine.trim()); const formatConfigs = new Map(); const colorConfigs = new Map(); const headerIcon = new Map(); // 魔改新增:头像图片 let icons = [ //",744941171&fm=253", ",2914629743&fm=253", ",2513904551&fm=253", ",4167954819&fm=253", ",2366914938&fm=167", ",1423520386&fm=253", ",1320734199&fm=253", ",3715613478&fm=253", ",1837195739&fm=253", ",2693824866&fm=253", ",1248193933&fm=253" ] const numDefaultIcon = icons.length; // 魔改新增:图库中含有图片数量 let countDefaultIcon = 0; // 魔改新增:已使用的图库数量 // 遍历1 (配置遍历) // 先设置缺省再遍历 if (this.settings.chatSelfName) formatConfigs.set("self", this.settings.chatSelfName); if (this.settings.chatQQandName) { const configs = this.settings.chatQQandName.split(",").map((l) => l.trim()); for (const config of configs) { const [k, v] = config.split("=").map((c) => c.trim()); if (k.length > 0) colorConfigs.set(k, v); } } for (const line of lines) { // 匹配正则 "format" if (ChatPatterns.format.test(line)) { const configs = line.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",").map((l) => l.trim()); for (const config of configs) { const [k, v] = config.split("=").map((c) => c.trim()); /*if (Object.keys(CONFIGS).contains(k) && CONFIGS[k].contains(v))*/ formatConfigs.set(k, v); } } // 匹配正则 "colors" if (ChatPatterns.colors.test(line)) { const configs = line.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",").map((l) => l.trim()); for (const config of configs) { const [k, v] = config.split("=").map((c) => c.trim()); if (k.length > 0 /*&& COLORS.contains(v)*/) colorConfigs.set(k, v); } } } // 重新整理格式变量 { // 尝试修改css变量(会全局修改,还是不适合) /* let sytle_width = formatConfigs.get("width"); if (sytle_width)'--qq-width', sytle_width+"px") let style_max_height = formatConfigs.get("max-height"); if (style_max_height)'--qq-max-height', style_max_height+"px") */ } // 遍历2(重设行数,重新遍历。先知道了格式后,再来渲染对话) let continuedCount = 0; for (let index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) { let line = lines[index].trim(); // 全局消息 /*if (ChatPatterns.comment.test(line)) { el.createEl("p", {text: line.substring(1).trim(), cls: ["chat-view-comment"]}) }*/ // 省略消息 if (line === "...") { const delimiter = el.createDiv({cls: ["delimiter"]}); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) delimiter.createDiv({cls: ["dot"]}); } // 撤回消息【魔改】 else if (ChatPatterns.qq_chehui.test(line)) { el.createEl("p", {text: line.trim(), cls: ["chat-view-comment", "chat-view-qq-comment"]}) } // 进群消息【魔改】 else if (ChatPatterns.qq_jinqyun.test(line)) { el.createEl("p", {text: line.trim(), cls: ["chat-view-comment", "chat-view-qq-comment"]}) } // 对话消息【魔改】 else if (ChatPatterns.qq_msg.test(line)) { /*el.createEl("p", {text: "===============", cls: ["chat-view-comment", "chat-view-qq-comment"]}) el.createEl("p", {text: line.trim(), cls: ["chat-view-comment", "chat-view-qq-comment"]})*/ const header = line.match(ChatPatterns.qq_msg)[1] const continued = index > 0 && line.charAt(0) === lines[index - 1].charAt(0); const subtext = line.match(ChatPatterns.qq_msg)[2]; let prevHeader = ""; // 支持多行信息 let message = new Array() while(true){ if (index >= lines.length-1) break; index++; line = lines[index].trim().replace(" ", " "); if (line.replace(/\s*/g,"")=="") break; message.push(line); } // 如果没有头像,则自动分配头像 if (!headerIcon.get(header)) { let qqHeader = colorConfigs.get(header) // 有指定头像 if (qqHeader) { // QQ头像 if (/^\d+$/.test(qqHeader)) headerIcon.set(header, `${qqHeader}&spec=40`); // 颜色头像 // else if (COLORS.contains(qqHeader)) headerIcon.set(header, `flagColor_${qqHeader}`) // 颜色标记 // 网址头像 else headerIcon.set(header, qqHeader); } // 自动分配默认头像 else if (countDefaultIcon < numDefaultIcon) { /*let file, scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); file = scripts[scripts.length - 1].getAttribute("src"); let path2 = require('dfs').join(adapter.getBasePath(), this.manifest.dir);*/ headerIcon.set(header, icons[countDefaultIcon++]) } // 默认QQ头像 else { headerIcon.set(header, ``); } } // 该渲染项的设置,会覆盖全局设置 let sytle_width = formatConfigs.get("width"); let style_max_height = formatConfigs.get("max-height"); let style_all = "" if (sytle_width) style_all+=`;width: ${sytle_width}px` if (style_max_height) style_all+=`;max-height: ${style_max_height}px` if (style_all) el.setAttr("Style", style_all) this.createChatBubble_withIcon( header, // header prevHeader, // prevHeader message, // message,注意自增 subtext, // subtext KEYMAP[line.charAt(0)], el, continued, // continued headerIcon, formatConfigs ); } } }); } /** * * .chat-view-qq-icon * img * .chat-view-qq-msg * .chat-view-qq-header * .pop * .shape-zero * .shape * .chat-view-qq-message-all * .chat-view-qq-message-line * .chat-view-qq-message-text * (.chat-view-qq-message-msg) */ // 创建聊天窗口(有头像版)被循环调用的 private createChatBubble_withIcon( header: string, prevHeader: string, message: Array, // 支持多行信息 subtext: string, align: string, element: HTMLElement, continued: boolean, headerIcon: Map, formatConfigs: Map ) { const marginClass = continued ? "chat-view-small-vertical-margin" : "chat-view-default-vertical-margin"; const colorConfigClass = `chat-view-black`; //${colorConfigs.get(continued ? prevHeader : header)}`; /*const widthClass = formatConfigs.has("mw") ? `chat-view-max-width-${formatConfigs.get("mw")}` : (Platform.isMobile ? "chat-view-mobile-width" : "chat-view-desktop-width");*/ const modeClass = `chat-view-bubble-mode-qq`//`chat-view-bubble-mode-default`//`chat-view-bubble-mode-${formatConfigs.has("mode") ? formatConfigs.get("mode") : "default"}`; const headerEl: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap = formatConfigs.has("header") ? formatConfigs.get("header") as keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap : "h4"; // 【新增self】指定 let selfHeader = formatConfigs.get("self"); if (selfHeader && selfHeader==header){ align = "right"; } else { align = "left" } // 创建每条信息的根div const bubble = element.createDiv({ cls: ["chat-view-bubble", `chat-view-align-${align}`, marginClass, colorConfigClass, /*widthClass,*/ modeClass], }); // 创建icon项 let iconSrc = headerIcon.get(header) const div_icon = bubble.createDiv({ cls: ["chat-view-qq-icon"] }); let div_img; { // img if (header.length > 0) { div_img = div_icon.createEl("img", {attr: {"src": iconSrc}}); } } // 主题色 /* console.log("准备获取主题色") let canvas = element.createEl('canvas') let context = canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d') let img = new Image() img.onload = function() { context.drawImage(img, 0, 0) = 'none' let imgData = (context.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height)).data console.log(imgData) element.createEl('p', {text: String(imgData)}) } //img.src=",1093186456&fm=27&gp=0.jpg" img.src=",366398108&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=120&f=JPG?w=500&h=601" img.crossOrigin="anonymous"*/ // 创建消息项 const div_msg = bubble.createDiv({ cls: ["chat-view-qq-msg"] }); { // 发送者 if (header.length > 0) { div_msg.createEl("p"/*headerEl*/, {text: header, cls: ["chat-view-qq-header"]}); } div_msg.createDiv({attr: {"style": "clear: both;"}}); if (message.length > 0) { let pop = div_msg.createDiv({cls: ["pop"]}) { // 小尖角 pop.createDiv({cls: ["shape-zero"]}) .createDiv({cls: ["shape"]}) // 全部信息 let messages_all = pop.createEl("div", {cls: ["chat-view-qq-message-all", " word99"]}); let qq_img_re = /!\[\]\((.*?[.jpg|.gif|.png|.webp])\)/ for (let j=0; j 0) div_msg.createEl("sub", {text: subtext, cls: ["chat-view-subtext"]});*/ } // 获取主题色,,canvas中getImageData方法 /*private async GetColor( imgStr = "/2px-blue-and-1px-red-image.png" ){ const result = await analyze(imgStr) // also supports base64 encoded image strings // console.log(`The dominant color is ${result[0].color} with ${result[0].count} occurrence(s)`) // => The dominant color is rgb(0,0,255) with 2 occurrence(s) // console.log(`The secondary color is ${result[1].color} with ${result[1].count} occurrence(s)`) // => The secondary color is rgb(255,0,0) with 1 occurrence(s) }*/ // 创建聊天窗口 private createChatBubble( header: string, prevHeader: string, message: string, subtext: string, align: string, element: HTMLElement, continued: boolean, colorConfigs: Map, formatConfigs: Map, ) { const marginClass = continued ? "chat-view-small-vertical-margin" : "chat-view-default-vertical-margin"; const colorConfigClass = `chat-view-${colorConfigs.get(continued ? prevHeader : header)}`; const widthClass = formatConfigs.has("mw") ? `chat-view-max-width-${formatConfigs.get("mw")}` : (Platform.isMobile ? "chat-view-mobile-width" : "chat-view-desktop-width"); const modeClass = `chat-view-bubble-mode-${formatConfigs.has("mode") ? formatConfigs.get("mode") : "default"}`; const headerEl: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap = formatConfigs.has("header") ? formatConfigs.get("header") as keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap : "h4"; // 创建div const bubble = element.createDiv({ cls: ["chat-view-bubble", `chat-view-align-${align}`, marginClass, colorConfigClass, widthClass, modeClass] }); // 创建元素 if (header.length > 0) bubble.createEl(headerEl, {text: header, cls: ["chat-view-header"]}); if (message.length > 0) bubble.createEl("p", {text: message, cls: ["chat-view-message"]}); if (subtext.length > 0) bubble.createEl("sub", {text: subtext, cls: ["chat-view-subtext"]}); /* * 说一下这个div结构 * 一层:Obsidian自带的 * cm-preview-code-block cm-embed-block markdown-rendered * 二层:这里创建的整体 * block-language-chat-qq * 三层:单个对话框 * chat-view-bubble chat-view-align-undefined chat-view-default-vertical-margin chat-view-undefined chat-view-desktop-width chat-view-bubble-mode-default * 四层:h4、p、sub */ } // 插件设置加载后,加载配置 async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData()); } // 插件设置保存后,加载配置 async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); } } /* 设置相关 */ interface ChatPluginSettings { chatSelfName: string, chatQQandName: string, width: Number, maxHeight: Number } const DEFAULT_SETTINGS: ChatPluginSettings = { chatSelfName: '', chatQQandName: '', width: 900, maxHeight: 1100 } /* 设置相关 */ class ChatSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab { plugin: ChatViewPlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: ChatViewPlugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display(): void { const {containerEl} = this; containerEl.empty(); // 一个h2标题 containerEl.createEl('h2', {text: 'Chat-qq 相关设置'}); // 创建一个新的设置项 new Setting(containerEl) .setName('默认渲染宽度') .setDesc('【重启插件生效】用于渲染记录') .addText(text => text .setPlaceholder("例如:900") .setValue(String(this.plugin.settings.width)) .onChange(async (value) => { console.log('Secret: ' + value); this.plugin.settings.width = Number(value); await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); new Setting(containerEl) .setName('默认渲染最大高度') .setDesc('【重启插件生效】用于渲染记录,超过后会变成滚动框') .addText(text => text .setPlaceholder("例如:1100") .setValue(String(this.plugin.settings.maxHeight)) .onChange(async (value) => { console.log('Secret: ' + value); this.plugin.settings.maxHeight = Number(value); await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); new Setting(containerEl) .setName('自己的昵称') // 设置项名字 .setDesc('自己的对话框将从右侧弹出') // 设置项提示 .addText(text => text // 输入框 .setPlaceholder('自己的昵称') // 没有内容时的提示 .setValue(this.plugin.settings.chatSelfName) .onChange(async (value) => { console.log('Secret: ' + value); this.plugin.settings.chatSelfName = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); new Setting(containerEl) .setName('昵称-QQ 表') .setDesc('用于设置聊天头像') .addTextArea(text => text .setPlaceholder('例如:昵称1=QQ1, 昵称2=QQ2') .setValue(this.plugin.settings.chatQQandName) .onChange(async (value) => { console.log('Secret: ' + value); this.plugin.settings.chatQQandName = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); })); } }