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OpenFactVerification Documentation

Welcome to the OpenFactVerification (Loki) documentation! This repository contains the codebase for the Loki project, which is a fact-checking pipeline that leverages state-of-the-art language models to verify the veracity of textual claims. The pipeline is designed to be modular, allowing users to easily customize the evidence retrieval, language model, and prompt used in the fact-checking process.

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How to Contribute

We welcome contributions and feedback from the community and recommend a few best practices to make your contributions or reported errors easier to assist with.

For Pull Requests

  • PRs should be titled descriptively, and be opened with a brief description of the scope and intent of the new contribution.
  • New features should have appropriate documentation added alongside them.
  • Aim for code maintainability, and minimize code copying.
  • Please make sure the code style is checked and aligned, see Code Style for more details.

For Feature Requests

  • Provide a short paragraph's worth of description. What is the feature you are requesting? What is its motivation, and an example use case of it? How does this differ from what is currently supported?

For Bug Reports

  • Provide a short description of the bug.
  • Provide a reproducible example--what is the command you run with our library that results in this error? Have you tried any other steps to resolve it?
  • Provide a full error traceback of the error that occurs, if applicable. A one-line error message or small screenshot snippet is unhelpful without the surrounding context.
  • Note what version of the codebase you are using, and any specifics of your environment and setup that may be relevant.

Code Style

Loki uses black and flake8 to enforce code style, via pre-commit. Before submitting a pull request, please run the following commands to ensure your code is properly formatted:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

How Can I Get Involved?

There are a number of distinct ways to contribute to Loki:

  • Implement new features or fix bugs by submitting a pull request: If you want to use a new model or retriever, or if you have an idea for a new feature, we would love to see your contributions.
  • We have our development plan that outlines the roadmap for the project. If you are interested in contributing to any of the tasks, please join our Discord and direct message to @Haonan Li.

We hope you find this project interesting and would like to contribute to it. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on our Discord.