This guide will walk you through verifying the bytecode for LayerZero-v2 on Solana. The procedure involves setting up a macOS virtual machine, installing the necessary tools, and performing the verification. This document assumes you are familiar with command-line operations and version control.
Before starting, ensure you are working on a Mac that supports the installation of Brew
and has sufficient resources to run a virtual machine.
First, you will need to install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS, to manage dependencies easily.
Install Homebrew by running the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once Homebrew is installed, the next step is to install tart
, a tool to manage macOS virtual machines.
brew install cirruslabs/cli/tart
Clone the base macOS Sonoma image and launch the virtual machine:
tart clone sonoma-base
tart run sonoma-base
Note: After completing the verification, remember to remove the virtual machine to free up system resources:
tart delete sonoma-base
For accessing the virtual machine, use the following default credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
To SSH into the virtual machine, run the following:
ssh admin@$(tart ip sonoma-base)
You will now be connected to the virtual machine.
Once inside the virtual machine, you need to configure it by creating an account with administrative privileges and installing several essential tools.
Create a new user account with the name carmencheng
and grant administrative privileges to it:
sudo sysadminctl -addUser carmencheng -fullName "" -password admin
sudo dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership carmencheng
Note: You must use charmencheng
as the username due to tooling limitations.
After creating the account, switch to it by running:
su - carmencheng
Next, install Homebrew (if it’s not installed yet) and the coreutils
package, which contains tools like sha256sum
that will be needed later.
To install Homebrew, use the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once Homebrew is installed, ensure the environment is set up correctly by adding it to your .zprofile
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/carmencheng/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Now install coreutils
brew install coreutils
Next, clone the LayerZero-v2 repository to a directory on the virtual machine:
git clone ~/Desktop/layerzero/monorepo
Check out the specific commit required for this verification:
cd ~/Desktop/layerzero/monorepo
git checkout 37c598b3e6e218c5e00c8b0dcd42f984e5b13147
Refer to the Program Hash Table to find the commit associated with different programs.
To manage Node.js versions, install nvm
(Node Version Manager). This is required for running JavaScript tools involved in building the monorepo.
Install nvm
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
Now, install Node.js version 20:
nvm install 20
Enable corepack
, which will help in managing package managers like yarn
corepack enable
Rust is required for building and deploying Solana programs. Install Rust using the following command, specifying version 1.75.0:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain=1.75.0
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Now, install Solana CLI tools, which will allow you to interact with the Solana network and build Solana programs.
Run the following command to install the Solana toolset:
curl -o- -sSfL | bash
export PATH="/Users/carmencheng/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH"
Anchor is a framework for developing Solana smart contracts. Install anchor
using the command below:
cargo install --git avm --force
avm install 0.29.0
avm use 0.29.0
is a tool used to verify that the hash of the on-chain program matches the hash of the locally compiled program. By default, solana-verify
removes any trailing zeros from the program executable and computes its hash using the sha256
algorithm. You can install solana-verify
using the following command:
cargo install solana-verify
Note: Starting from Solana version 1.18, new program deployments will use the exact program size.
By default, new program deployments use the exact size of the program rather than doubling the size. If a program needs more space for an upgrade, the program account must be extended using
solana program extend
before upgrading.
If a program was deployed using Solana versions earlier than 1.18, the size of the file generated by solana program dump
may differ from the locally built program size.
Before building the program, navigate to the cloned LayerZero-v2 repository and install the necessary dependencies using yarn
cd ~/Desktop/layerzero/monorepo
Note: Ensure you confirm when prompted to install yarn:
! Corepack is about to download
? Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Navigate to the Solana contracts directory within the repository and build the contracts using anchor
cd ~/Desktop/layerzero/monorepo/packages/layerzero-v2/solana/programs
anchor build
Once the build is complete, generate the program hash for the compiled Solana program:
solana-verify get-executable-hash ./target/deploy/
To verify the bytecode deployed on the Solana network, generate the program hash for the program.
solana-verify get-program-hash -u 76y77prsiCMvXMjuoZ5VRrhG5qYBrUMYTE5WgHqgjEn6
Now, compare the program hash of the built program and the on-chain program. They should match if the deployed bytecode is identical to your local build.
Program | Address | Commit | Platform | Program Hash |
blocked-messagelib | 2XrYqmhBMPJgDsb4SVbjV1PnJBprurd5bzRCkHwiFCJB | 37c598b | aarch64-apple-darwin | e8f5412527e5138f626299c9b78a2e2f859d306f4c744472d7a2fde34988f3b1 |
dvn | HtEYV4xB4wvsj5fgTkcfuChYpvGYzgzwvNhgDZQNh7wW | 37c598b | aarch64-apple-darwin | 98c89ebdd94b2563d3aabba118ce012965c344e98c70600f66365dae2d66de39 |
endpoint | 76y77prsiCMvXMjuoZ5VRrhG5qYBrUMYTE5WgHqgjEn6 | 37c598b | aarch64-apple-darwin | 9012552d8a15d230791e2582e6320eff872a651fb110d2198020ed12e5547e74 |
executor | 6doghB248px58JSSwG4qejQ46kFMW4AMj7vzJnWZHNZn | 2b168f1 | aarch64-apple-darwin | b17a413d00a54e8c666cf57797884504702ac032e8022fb0fa9c84516ef534f1 |
oft | HRPXLCqspQocTjfcX4rvAPaY9q6Gwb1rrD3xXWrfJWdW | 37c598b | aarch64-apple-darwin | b4feeed20ca0ff9be4398b5478c10ba7fd06746605d5f57552d36bc73f5ecc20 |
pricefeed | 8ahPGPjEbpgGaZx2NV1iG5Shj7TDwvsjkEDcGWjt94TP | 37c598b | aarch64-apple-darwin | 5209029bd51341cc70af6d1d82d182dae6dd90076265c7300434d0c5b6e8f2d6 |
uln | 7a4WjyR8VZ7yZz5XJAKm39BUGn5iT9CKcv2pmG9tdXVH | 7aebbd7 | aarch64-apple-darwin | 325085140b5d375d2250732a231120076f45ca8a582caf56b54fc9c33319d9af |
If the checksums match, the verification is successful.