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LLaVA-NeXT: A Strong Zero-shot Video Understanding Model



  1. Clone this repository and navigate to the LLaVA folder:
git clone
cd llava-next-video
  1. Install the package:
conda create -n llava python=3.10 -y
conda activate llava
pip install --upgrade pip  # Enable PEP 660 support.
pip install -e .


  1. Example model: liuhaotian/llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b

  2. Prompt mode: vicuna_v1 (use mistral_direct for liuhaotian/llava-v1.6-34b)

  3. Sampled frames: 32 (Defines how many frames to sample from the video.)

  4. Spatial pooling stride: 2 (With original tokens for one frame at 24x24, if stride=2, then the tokens for one frame are 12x12.)

  5. Local video path: ./data/llava_video/video-chatgpt/evaluation/Test_Videos/v_Lf_7RurLgp0.mp4

To run a demo, execute:

bash scripts/video/demo/ ${Example model} ${Prompt mode} ${Sampled frames} ${Spatial pooling stride} True ${Video path at local}


bash scripts/video/demo/ liuhaotian/llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b vicuna_v1 32 2 True ./data/llava_video/video-chatgpt/evaluation/Test_Videos/v_Lf_7RurLgp0.mp4



Please download the evaluation data and its metadata from the following links:

  1. video-chatgpt: here.
  2. video_detail_description: here.
  3. activity_qa: here and here.

Organize the downloaded data into the following structure:

├── llava
├── scripts
└── data
    └── llava_video
        ├── video-chatgpt
        │   ├── Test_Videos
        │   ├── consistency_qa.json
        │   ├── consistency_qa_test.json
        │   ├── consistency_qa_train.json
        ├── video_detail_description
        │   └── Test_Human_Annotated_Captions
        └── ActivityNet-QA
            ├── all_test
            ├── test_a.json
            └── test_b.json

Inference and Evaluation

Example for video detail description evaluation (additional scripts are available in scripts/eval):

bash scripts/video/eval/ ${Example model} ${Prompt mode} ${Sampled frames} ${Spatial pooling stride} True 8


bash scripts/eval/ liuhaotian/llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b vicuna_v1 32 2 True 8 

GPT Evaluation Example (Optional if the above step is completed)

Assuming you have pred.json (model-generated predictions) for model llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b at ./work_dirs/eval_video_detail_description/llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b_vicuna_v1_frames_32_stride_2:

bash scripts/video/eval/ llava-v1.6-vicuna-7b_vicuna_v1_frames_32_stride_2