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Bernardo Niebuhr edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 9 revisions

2. Have GRASS GIS installed

LSMetrics runs within GRASS GIS and uses many of its modules and functionalities, so you first need to have GRASS installed in your computer. We recommend you install GRASS version 7.2.2. Follow the instructions.

Installing GRASS GIS

LSMetrics was developed and runs inside GRASS GIS environment, version 7.2.x. Thus, we strongly recommend the use of one of these GRASS versions. It is possible to download this software at the GRASS GIS website.

MS Windows

GRASS GIS is available for different versions of Windows. Download the .exe file and install it in your computer. Alternativelly, you may download the OSGeo4W package, which includes QGIS, GDAL, GRASS and other GIS tools. More information on GRASS installation on Windows can be found here.

Ubuntu Linux

The installation of GRASS GIS in Ubuntu is simple. In the terminal, it is necessary to enter all following lines:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grass

For more information or previous versions of GRASS, click here.

GRASS GIS is also available for other Linux distributions, but we have not tested LSMetrics on them. If you wish to test it, please informs us either by e-mail or by an issue, so that we can include information about it here (and thanks in advance!).


For information on GRASS GIS installation on MacOS, take a look here.

LSMetrics was not tested through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in MacOS yet. If you want to do it, please tell us so that we can adapt the GUI slightly to it. However, LSMetrics package is expected to run in any MacOS platform through Python command line.