# GeekCord A fork and continuation of SmartCord and GooseMod Untethered. #### Disclaimer **Using GeekCord, or any other client mod, is against [Discord's Terms of Service](https://discordapp.com/terms). Use it at your own risk.**\ It's very unlikely any action will be taken against you (if you don't abuse), but we take no responsibility if anything happens. #### Installing Download/clone this repository to wherever you want your GeekCord files to reside. Find Discord's installation directory:\ Windows: `%homepath%\AppData\Local\discord`\ macOS: `~/Library/Application Support/discord`\ GNU/Linux: `~/.config/discord`\ Replace `discord` with `discordcanary` as needed. In Discord's installation directory, find `x.x.xxx/modules/discord_desktop_core/index.js`, where `x.x.xxx` is your current version of the Discord client, and open it. At the top, add these lines:\ `process.env.injDir = '';`\ ``require(`${process.env.injDir}/injection.js`);``\ where `` is the location of the GeekCord directory. Make sure to escape paths. E.g: `C:\Users\\Documents\GeekCord` should be `C:\\Users\\\\Documents\\GeekCord` Install [BusyBox-w32](https://frippery.org/busybox) (Windows; install to `Windows` directory) or BusyBox ([GNU/Linux](https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries), [macOS](https://github.com/xdevs23/busybox-osx)) and run *httpd*:\ `busybox httpd -p -h ` Restart your Discord client. #### Notes GooseMod data is not saved. (I'm working on a fix.) SmartCord settings and plugins can only be modified by editing the `config.json` file. (For convenience, this repository includes a pre-set `config.json` file.)