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A web based platform that solves the problems faced by elearners of any age

User behaviour tracking technique

Simple Machine Coding
Self Made Algorithm based project


To track the user activity on the portal of what courses user is searching and recording the details on a non sql mongodb database and when the user logs out the data is processed by a algorithm summarize the search results. Then the search results are stored in a cookie in the browser. when the user logins again the cookie is searched and the data of cookie is used to show some favourable results to user.



1.From the index.html page user can signup or login if already has an account.
On first login genral results will be shown to user.

2.When the user logs in index() function in page runs and creates a session and stores the user email in session.(Later on this email will be used to identify coresponding mongo db collection for user)
Then user is redirected to courses.html page where courses are displayed.

3.When the courses.html page loads userlogin() function from runs and calls the scarper2() function in is called it does the job of WEBSCRAPING of the course details from websites.
(webscraping details)

~ beautifullsoup4 library of python has been used for web scarping
~ After the html content is fetched by webscraping an object of scraper class from is created.
~ Scraper class contains empty lists in which each detail likr e.g(course_title,duration,rating,author,level) is stored and .object is returned to userlogin function
~ Then a zipped list of all lists of scraped data is sent with http request which loads courses page.

When the courses.html page runs there is for loop that initializes iterator for each list of details of courses then creates html syntax form to display the course details containing a submit button inside the form with class (course_record)

  1. When ever the user clicks on a course the submit button runs and javascript event handler runs on courses.html page It prevents default reload behaviour and calls an AJAX FUNCTION() containg this info:

    (type:"GET" , url:"/record/", data: title,rating,link,level  is sent with ajax)

    This calls the [tracker_storage() function in page] this function: ~ creates a connection with the mongo db database
    ~ takes the data sent with ajax request and apeends in the specific collection for user having lists for each different detail.
    ~ this storing happens for each click on the courses on the webpage(courses.html)

  2. When the user clicks on logout button on the courses.html page javascript runs the url logout and then the logout() function from page is run this does following steps. ~ creates connection with mongodb collection for the user.
    ~ runs the algorithm to process all the lists stored in the collection
    ~ summarizes the data of collection
    ~ then stores the summarized data in COOKIE named "btitle" in the browser
    ~ when the user will login again this cookie will be searched and will used to provide user speacific results for the user.