⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端 | 支持 VMess / VLESS / SSR / Trojan / Trojan-Go / NaiveProxy / HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS5 | 使用 C++ / Qt 开发 | 可拓展插件式设计 ⭐
Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
Wechat Chat History Exporter 微信聊天记录导出备份程序
All of source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊
Caesium is an image compression software that helps you store, send and share digital pictures, supporting JPG, PNG, WebP and TIFF formats. You can quickly reduce the file size (and resolution, if …
Add background Blur effect or Acrylic (Mica for win11) effect to explorer for win10 and win11
bytesfly / NoteBook
Forked from wugenqiang/NoteBook✍ 记录一路走来学习的计算机专业知识 ,力求构建 AI & CS & SE 知识体系