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PathDino: Rotation-Agnostic Image Representation Learning for Digital Pathology

This repository contains the main training code and the pretrained weights of the CVPR 2024 paper: Rotation-Agnostic Image Representation Learning for Digital Pathology



The proposed Whole Slide Image (WSI) analysis pipeline incorporates a fast patch selection method, (FPS), which efficiently selects representative patches while preserving spatial distribution. The second component, HistoRotate, introduces a (360°) rotation augmentation for training histopathology models. Unlike natural images, histopathology patch rotation enhances learning without altering contextual information. The third module, PathDino, is a compact histopathology Transformer with only five small vision transformer blocks and ≈9 million parameters, markedly fewer than alternatives. Customized for histology images, PathDino demonstrates superior performance and mitigates overfitting, a common challenge in histology image analysis.

HistoRotate: Rotation-Agnostic Training

HistoRotate is a $360°$ rotation augmentation for training models on histopathology images. Unlike training on natural images where the rotation may change the context of the visual data, rotating a histopathology patch does not change the context and it improves the learning process for better reliable embedding learning.

PathDino: Histopathology Vision Transformer

PathDino is a lightweight histopathology transformer consisting of just five small vision transformer blocks. PathDino is a customized ViT architecture, fine-tuned to the nuances of histology images. It not only exhibits superior performance but also effectively reduces susceptibility to overfitting, a common challenge in histology image analysis.

MV@5 vs # Params vs FLOPs PathDino vs HIPT vs DinoSSLPath

Dataset Preparation

The proposed PathDino Pretraining Dataset. We extracted a total of $6,087,558$ patches from $11,765$ diagnostic TCGA WSIs. Specifically, $3,969,490$ patches have a 1024×1024 dimension, while $2,118,068$ patches have a $512\times 512$ dimension. The extraction was conducted at a 20× magnification level, with a tissue threshold of $90%$. The pretrianing WSI list used from TCGA can be found TCGA Diagnositc WSI List.

Overall, the patches tiled from TCGA stored in a data directory structure as follows:

│   images_1024
│       └─000001.jpg
│       └─000002.jpg
│       └─000003.jpg
|   images_512
│       └─000001.jpg
│       └─000002.jpg
│       └─000003.jpg

Note: It is not necessary to get all the patches in two different dimensions $1024\times 1024$ and $512\times 512$. We recommend to patch all WSIs in $1024\times 1024$ size. This will help applying the $360^\circ$ rotation augmentation to each patch.

PathDino Training

Train PathDino on single GPU run the following command:

python \
                            --arch pathdino \
                            --lr 0.0005 \
                            --epochs 27 \
                            --batch_size_per_gpu 64 \
                            --data_path /path/to/data/root/dir/ \
                            --output_dir /path/for/the/output/ \
                            --num_workers 24 \

To train the same model in a distributed multi-GPU mode, e.g., 8 GPUs:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
                            --lr 0.0005 \
                            --epochs 27 \
                            --batch_size_per_gpu 64 \
                            --data_path /path/to/data/root/dir/ \
                            --output_dir /path/for/the/output/ \
                            --num_workers 24 \
                            --host '28500' \

PathDino Inference on Histopathology Image

To extract embeddings from histopathology images using the pretrained PathDino model:

First, download the pretrained model PathDino512.pth from the HuggingFace repo. Then, locate it in the ./inference directory.

from PathDino import get_pathDino_model
from PIL import Image
import torch

histoImg ='./inference/img.png')
model, transformInput = get_pathDino_model(weights_path='./inference/PathDino512.pth')

img = transformInput(histoImg)
embedding = model(img.unsqueeze(0))


To visualize the activation maps as an animated GIFs:

python inference/img.png --output_dir output

The output activation maps will be saved in the output directory as PNG images and animated GIFs for each attention head.


The results presented in Table $4$ provide an extensive comparative analysis of models in patch-level histopathology image search. The standout performer is our proposed model, PathDino-512. The model not only outperforms others in terms of accuracy but also establishes new benchmarks in the Macro Average F1 score, a critical metric for robust evaluation. For internal datasets such as Mayo-Breast and Mayo-Liver, PathDino-512 achieves the highest Accuracy rates of $55.1%$ and $82.7%$, respectively. More remarkably, it tops the Macro Average F1 score with 49.1% and $69.5%$ in the same datasets. These findings extend to public datasets like PANDA and CAMELYON16, where PathDino-512 records accuracy and macro average F1 scores of $48.3%$ and $46.3%$, and $75.1%$ and $70.4%$, respectively. While it’s important to note the strong performance of models like iBOT-Path (student) and DinoSSLPathology, especially in public datasets, PathDino-512 consistently outperforms them across multiple metrics and datasets.


    author    = {Alfasly, Saghir and Shafique, Abubakr and Nejat, Peyman and Khan, Jibran and Alsaafin, Areej and Alabtah, Ghazal and Tizhoosh, H.R.},
    title     = {Rotation-Agnostic Image Representation Learning for Digital Pathology},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2024},
    pages     = {11683-11693}


The code is built upon Dino


This code is intended for research purposes only. Any commercial use is prohibited.