# Development
## Understanding scenario
The code of the theme is divided in 3 main sections: static files (as HTML and images), CSS and JS. Check out the folders tree:
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ │ └── uno-zen.css # the production css
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── img # favicons and cover image
│ ├── js
│ │ ├── src
│ │ │ ├── __init.coffee
│ │ │ ├── cover.coffee
│ │ │ ├── main.coffee
│ │ │ └── search.coffee
│ │ └── uno-zen.js # the production js
│ └── scss
│ │ ├── components # specific stuff
│ │ │ ├── _aside.scss
│ │ │ ├── _loading.scss
│ │ │ ├── _media-queries.scss
│ │ │ ├── _page-error.scss
│ │ │ ├── _pagination.scss
│ │ │ ├── _post.scss
│ │ │ └── _search.scss
│ │ ├── modules # basic stuff
│ │ │ ├── _buttons.scss
│ │ │ ├── _effects.scss
│ │ │ ├── _fonts.scss
│ │ │ ├── _forms.scss
│ │ │ ├── _global.scss
│ │ │ ├── _grid.scss
│ │ │ ├── _mixins.scss
│ │ │ ├── _reset.scss
│ │ │ └── _variables.scss
│ │ └── uno.scss # main file to create the CSS
| └── vendor # frontend dependencies
├── bower.json
├── default.hbs
├── error.hbs
├── gulpfile.coffee
├── index.hbs
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── partials # different partials view
│ ├── aside.hbs
│ ├── comments.hbs
│ ├── footer.hbs
│ ├── google-analytics.hbs
│ ├── links.hbs
│ ├── meta.hbs
│ ├── pagination.hbs
│ ├── search.hbs
│ └── social.hbs
├── post.hbs
└── tag.hbs
Putting the files in context:
- The JS inside `assets/js/src` is compiled into `assets/js/uno.js`
- The SCSS (we use [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/)) inside `assets/scss` is compiled into `assets/css/uno.css`
- We have some static files like `post.hbs`, `tag.hbs`, `default.hbs`, `index.hbs`,... the partials views inside `assets/partials` is used in this views.
For do it automatically and easily we use [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/), check `gulpfile.coffee` for know how to we do it.
## First Steps
For local development you need to have a local Ghost server running. It should look like this:
node index.js
Migrations: Up to date at version 003
Ghost is running in development...
Listening on
Url configured as:
Ctrl+C to shut down
Note that my local Ghost is running in the port `2387`.
With your local Ghost running, open another terminal and enter in the folder `content/themes` of your local Ghost and clone the theme repository and install the dependencies for local development:
$ git clone https://github.com/Kikobeats/uno-zen && cd uno-zen && npm install && bower install
Just run `gulp` command in the theme terminal. Now you have a development scenario, and looks like this:
With the default `gulp` command you are automatically launching the task that will compile all assets and reload the server when those assets change. To do that, we use [BrowserSync](http://www.browsersync.io), which is set up as middleware between the theme and Ghost. You can connect different devices and see how the website is responsive as well.
As you can see in the screenshot (top right window), BrowserSync needs to know which port to proxy, and it needs to be the same port as your Ghost server. If your Ghost server is in a different port than `2387` you need to modify `gulpfile.coffee` and add the correct port. BrowserSync should remain on 3000.
## Customization
### Highlight Code Support
The code highlight is based in [Prism](http://prismjs.com/). By default, the languages supported are:
markup, css, c, javascript
If you want to support more languages:
1) go to [prismjs.com/download](http://prismjs.com/download.html),
2) generate your custom highlight code
3) paste in the [prism file](https://github.com/Kikobeats/uno-zen/blob/master/assets/scss/modules/_prism.scss)
3) compile the assets
Be careful, the current prism code is integrated with the color schema of the theme. You need to edit manually to get the correct look and feel.
### Google Analytics
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header` and add:
### Comments
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header` and add:
### Open Button
By default, the open buttons works binding the event of open the blog with a button called 'Posts' created into Ghost Navigation section. Here is the piece of code that create the bind:
var openButton = window.open_button || '.nav-posts > a'
As you see, you can specify a different button selector. For example, if You want to open your blog under 'Blog' button, then you add this in `Admin Panel` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header`:
### Profile title
By default, the title that you see in the open page of your blog is extracted from your blog settings (`Admin Panel` → Blog Title).
If you want to customize it, you can do it:
Go to Ghost ``Admin Panel`` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header` and add:
### Profile subtitle
The purpose of the subtitle is resume the bio in a phrase. This will be shown in the mobile/tablet version instead of the bio.
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header` and add:
### Posts list headline
By default, the title that you see in the page with your blog posts list is 'Writings.' but you might want to adjust this text.
If you want to customize it, you can do it:
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → `Code Injection` → `Blog Header` and add:
### Colors
Edit the file `assets/scss/modules/_variables.scss`. Remember that is necessary compile the build to load the new style, so keep running your gulp process in background.
### Social Networks
Edit the file `partials/social.hbs`.
### Links
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → `Navigation` and add/edit items.
"Blog" link is always included by default, so you don't need to add it manually.
### Favicon
Create your favicons with [Favicon Generator](http://realfavicongenerator.net/) and put it into `assets/img`.
### Cover
Go to Ghost `Admin Panel` → General → `Blog Cover`
### Cover Filter
The linear gradient of the cover filter is based in `$cover-primary` and `$cover-secondary` colors. If you want to adapt the filter for your cover, check [background-filter](https://github.com/Kikobeats/uno-zen/blob/master/assets/scss/modules/_utils.scss#L19) mixin.
### Custom static pages
Check the [page part](http://themes.ghost.org/docs/page-context) in the Ghost Official Documentation.
### Multiaccount support
You can enable the multiaccount support editing [posts.hbs](https://github.com/Kikobeats/uno-zen/blob/master/post.hbs#L11-L13) code commented inside the meta post information.
## Preparing for production
When you consider that the development is done and you want to deploy a new version, package your code using `gulp build` command, that minify and concatenate all necessary code.
## Usage with Ghost(Pro)
Run the 'scripts/build.sh' command to create an archive of the theme files. The default archive is called 'uno-zen.zip', but you can pass a preferred name for the archive, for example 'scripts/build.sh uno-zen.2.6.8.zip' will create an archive with the name 'uno-zen.2.6.8.zip'. This archive can then be uploaded through the blog admin panel at [ghost.org](https://ghost.org/).