ARG BASE_TAG=m71 ARG TENSORFLOW_VERSION=2.4.1 FROM${TENSORFLOW_VERSION}-py37-2 as tensorflow_whl FROM${BASE_TAG} ADD /tmp/ ADD patches/nbconvert-extensions.tpl /opt/kaggle/nbconvert-extensions.tpl ADD patches/template_conf.json /opt/kaggle/conf.json # This is necessary for apt to access HTTPS sources RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install apt-transport-https && \ /tmp/ # Use a fixed apt-get repo to stop intermittent failures due to flaky httpredir connections, # as described by Lionel Chan at RUN sed -i "s/" /etc/apt/sources.list && \ apt-get update && \ # Needed by vowpalwabbit & lightGBM (GPU build). # # apt-get install -y build-essential unzip cmake && \ apt-get install -y libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-math-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev && \ # b/182601974: ssh client was removed from the base image but is required for packages such as stable-baselines. apt-get install -y openssh-client && \ /tmp/ # Make sure the dynamic linker finds the right libstdc++ ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/conda/lib # b/128333086: Set PROJ_LIB to points to the proj4 cartographic library. ENV PROJ_LIB=/opt/conda/share/proj # Install conda packages not available on pip. # When using pip in a conda environment, conda commands should be ran first and then # the remaining pip commands: # Using the same global consistent ordered list of channels RUN conda config --add channels conda-forge && \ conda config --add channels nvidia && \ conda config --add channels pytorch && \ conda config --add channels rapidsai && \ # ^ rapidsai is the highest priority channel, default lowest, conda-forge 2nd lowest. # b/182405233 pyproj 3.x is not compatible with basemap 1.2.1 # b/161473620#comment7 pin required to prevent resolver from picking pysal 1.x., pysal 2.2.x is also downloading data on import. conda install matplotlib basemap cartopy python-igraph imagemagick "pyproj=2.6" "pysal==2.1.0" && \ conda install "pytorch=1.7" "torchvision=0.8" "torchaudio=0.7" "torchtext=0.8" cpuonly && \ /tmp/ # The anaconda base image includes outdated versions of these packages. Update them to include the latest version. RUN pip install seaborn python-dateutil dask && \ pip install pyyaml joblib husl geopy ml_metrics mne pyshp && \ pip install pandas && \ # Install h2o from source. # Use `conda install -c h2oai h2o` once Python 3.7 version is released to conda. apt-get install -y default-jre-headless && \ pip install -f h2o && \ /tmp/ # Install tensorflow from a pre-built wheel COPY --from=tensorflow_whl /tmp/tensorflow_cpu/*.whl /tmp/tensorflow_cpu/ RUN pip install /tmp/tensorflow_cpu/tensorflow*.whl && \ rm -rf /tmp/tensorflow_cpu && \ /tmp/ # Install tensorflow-gcs-config from a pre-built wheel COPY --from=tensorflow_whl /tmp/tensorflow_gcs_config/*.whl /tmp/tensorflow_gcs_config/ RUN pip install /tmp/tensorflow_gcs_config/tensorflow*.whl && \ rm -rf /tmp/tensorflow_gcs_config && \ /tmp/ # Install TensorFlow addons (TFA). COPY --from=tensorflow_whl /tmp/tfa_cpu/*.whl /tmp/tfa_cpu/ RUN pip install /tmp/tfa_cpu/tensorflow*.whl && \ rm -rf /tmp/tfa_cpu/ && \ /tmp/ RUN apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev && \ apt-get install -y libglib2.0-0 libxext6 libsm6 libxrender1 libfontconfig1 --fix-missing && \ pip install gensim && \ pip install textblob && \ pip install wordcloud && \ pip install xgboost && \ # Pinned to match GPU version. Update version together. pip install lightgbm==3.2.0 && \ pip install pydot && \ pip install keras && \ pip install keras-tuner && \ pip install flake8 && \ # Pinned because it breaks theano test with the latest version (b/178107003). pip install theano-pymc==1.0.11 && \ pip install python-Levenshtein && \ pip install hep_ml && \ # NLTK Project datasets mkdir -p /usr/share/nltk_data && \ # NLTK Downloader no longer continues smoothly after an error, so we explicitly list # the corpuses that work # "yes | ..." answers yes to the retry prompt in case of an error. See b/133762095. yes | python -m nltk.downloader -d /usr/share/nltk_data abc alpino averaged_perceptron_tagger \ basque_grammars biocreative_ppi bllip_wsj_no_aux \ book_grammars brown brown_tei cess_cat cess_esp chat80 city_database cmudict \ comtrans conll2000 conll2002 conll2007 crubadan dependency_treebank \ europarl_raw floresta gazetteers genesis gutenberg \ ieer inaugural indian jeita kimmo knbc large_grammars lin_thesaurus mac_morpho machado \ masc_tagged maxent_ne_chunker maxent_treebank_pos_tagger moses_sample movie_reviews \ mte_teip5 names nps_chat omw opinion_lexicon paradigms \ pil pl196x porter_test ppattach problem_reports product_reviews_1 product_reviews_2 propbank \ pros_cons ptb punkt qc reuters rslp rte sample_grammars semcor senseval sentence_polarity \ sentiwordnet shakespeare sinica_treebank smultron snowball_data spanish_grammars \ state_union stopwords subjectivity swadesh switchboard tagsets timit toolbox treebank \ twitter_samples udhr2 udhr unicode_samples universal_tagset universal_treebanks_v20 \ vader_lexicon verbnet webtext word2vec_sample wordnet wordnet_ic words ycoe && \ # Stop-words pip install stop-words && \ pip install scikit-image && \ /tmp/ RUN pip install ibis-framework && \ pip install mxnet && \ pip install gluonnlp && \ pip install gluoncv && \ /tmp/ RUN pip install scipy && \ # b/176817038 avoid upgrade to 0.24 which is causing issues with hep-ml package. pip install scikit-learn==0.23.2 && \ # HDF5 support pip install h5py && \ pip install biopython && \ # PUDB, for local debugging convenience pip install pudb && \ pip install imbalanced-learn && \ # Profiling and other utilities pip install line_profiler && \ pip install orderedmultidict && \ pip install smhasher && \ pip install bokeh && \ pip install numba && \ pip install datashader && \ # Boruta (python implementation) pip install Boruta && \ apt-get install -y graphviz && pip install graphviz && \ # Pandoc is a dependency of deap apt-get install -y pandoc && \ pip install git+git:// && \ pip install essentia && \ /tmp/ # vtk with dependencies RUN apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx && \ pip install vtk && \ # xvfbwrapper with dependencies apt-get install -y xvfb && \ pip install xvfbwrapper && \ /tmp/ RUN pip install mpld3 && \ pip install gpxpy && \ pip install arrow && \ pip install nilearn && \ pip install nibabel && \ pip install pronouncing && \ pip install markovify && \ pip install imgaug && \ pip install preprocessing && \ pip install && \ pip install Geohash && \ # sed -i -- 's/geohash/.geohash/g' /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Geohash/ && \ pip install deap && \ pip install tpot && \ pip install scikit-optimize && \ pip install haversine && \ pip install toolz cytoolz && \ pip install plotly && \ pip install hyperopt && \ pip install fitter && \ pip install langid && \ # Delorean. Useful for dealing with datetime pip install delorean && \ pip install trueskill && \ # Useful data exploration libraries (for missing data and generating reports) pip install missingno && \ pip install pandas-profiling && \ pip install s2sphere && \ pip install bayesian-optimization && \ pip install matplotlib-venn && \ pip install pyldavis && \ pip install mlxtend && \ pip install altair && \ # b/183944405 pystan 3.x is not compatible with fbprophet. pip install pystan== && \ pip install ImageHash && \ pip install ecos && \ pip install CVXcanon && \ # b/179264579 cvxpy 1.1.8 requires numpy >= 1.20 pip install cvxpy==1.1.7 && \ pip install fancyimpute && \ pip install pymc3 && \ pip install imagecodecs && \ pip install tifffile && \ pip install spectral && \ pip install descartes && \ pip install geojson && \ pip install pydicom && \ pip install wavio && \ pip install SimpleITK && \ pip install hmmlearn && \ pip install bayespy && \ pip install gplearn && \ pip install PyAstronomy && \ pip install squarify && \ pip install fuzzywuzzy && \ pip install python-louvain && \ pip install pyexcel-ods && \ pip install sklearn-pandas && \ pip install stemming && \ pip install fbprophet && \ pip install holoviews && \ pip install geoviews && \ pip install hypertools && \ pip install py_stringsimjoin && \ pip install mlens && \ pip install scikit-multilearn && \ pip install cleverhans && \ pip install leven && \ pip install catboost && \ pip install lightfm && \ pip install folium && \ pip install scikit-plot && \ # dipy requires the optional fury dependency for visualizations. pip install fury dipy && \ pip install plotnine && \ pip install scikit-surprise && \ pip install pymongo && \ pip install geoplot && \ pip install eli5 && \ pip install implicit && \ pip install kaggle && \ /tmp/ RUN pip install tensorpack && \ # Add google PAIR-code Facets cd /opt/ && git clone && cd facets/ && jupyter nbextension install facets-dist/ --user && \ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/facets/facets_overview/python/ && \ pip install pycountry && \ pip install iso3166 && \ pip install pydash && \ pip install kmodes --no-dependencies && \ pip install librosa && \ pip install polyglot && \ pip install mmh3 && \ pip install fbpca && \ pip install sentencepiece && \ pip install cufflinks && \ pip install lime && \ pip install memory_profiler && \ /tmp/ # install cython & cysignals before pyfasttext RUN pip install --upgrade cython && \ pip install --upgrade cysignals && \ pip install pyfasttext && \ # ktext has an explicit dependency on Keras 2.2.4 which is not # compatible with TensorFlow 2.0 (support was added in Keras 2.3.0). # Add the package back once it is fixed upstream. # pip install ktext && \ pip install fasttext && \ apt-get install -y libhunspell-dev && pip install hunspell && \ pip install annoy && \ pip install category_encoders && \ # google-cloud-automl 2.0.0 introduced incompatible API changes, need to pin to 1.0.1 pip install google-cloud-automl==1.0.1 && \ pip install google-cloud-bigquery==2.2.0 && \ pip install google-cloud-storage && \ pip install google-cloud-translate==3.* && \ pip install google-cloud-language==2.* && \ pip install google-cloud-videointelligence==2.* && \ pip install google-cloud-vision==2.* && \ # b/183041606#comment5: the Kaggle data proxy doesn't support these APIs. If the library is missing, it falls back to using a regular BigQuery query to fetch data. pip uninstall -y google-cloud-bigquery-storage && \ # After launch this should be installed from pip pip install git+ && \ pip install ortools && \ pip install scattertext && \ # Pandas data reader pip install pandas-datareader && \ pip install wordsegment && \ pip install wordbatch && \ pip install emoji && \ # Add Japanese morphological analysis engine pip install janome && \ pip install wfdb && \ pip install vecstack && \ # yellowbrick machine learning visualization library pip install yellowbrick && \ pip install mlcrate && \ /tmp/ RUN pip install bleach && \ pip install certifi && \ pip install cycler && \ pip install decorator && \ pip install entrypoints && \ pip install html5lib && \ pip install ipykernel && \ pip install ipython && \ pip install ipython-genutils && \ pip install ipywidgets && \ pip install isoweek && \ pip install jedi && \ pip install Jinja2 && \ pip install jsonschema && \ pip install jupyter-client && \ pip install jupyter-console && \ pip install jupyter-core && \ pip install MarkupSafe && \ pip install mistune && \ pip install nbconvert && \ pip install nbformat && \ pip install notebook && \ pip install papermill && \ pip install olefile && \ pip install kornia && \ pip install pandas_summary && \ pip install pandocfilters && \ pip install pexpect && \ pip install pickleshare && \ pip install Pillow && \ # Install openslide and its python binding apt-get install -y openslide-tools && \ pip install openslide-python && \ pip install ptyprocess && \ pip install Pygments && \ pip install pyparsing && \ pip install pytz && \ pip install PyYAML && \ pip install pyzmq && \ pip install qtconsole && \ pip install six && \ pip install terminado && \ pip install tornado && \ pip install tqdm && \ pip install traitlets && \ pip install wcwidth && \ pip install webencodings && \ pip install widgetsnbextension && \ pip install pyarrow && \ pip install feather-format && \ # fastai >= 2.3.1 upgrades pytorch/torchvision. upgrade of pytorch will be handled in b/181966788 pip install fastai==2.2.7 && \ pip install allennlp && \ # 3.9.0 is causing a major performance degradation with spacy 2.3.5 pip install importlib-metadata==3.4.0 && \ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm && python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg && \ apt-get install -y ffmpeg && \ /tmp/ ########### # # NEW CONTRIBUTORS: # Please add new pip/apt installs in this block. Don't forget a "&& \" at the end # of all non-final lines. Thanks! # ########### RUN pip install flashtext && \ pip install wandb && \ pip install marisa-trie && \ pip install pyemd && \ pip install pyupset && \ pip install pympler && \ pip install s3fs && \ pip install featuretools && \ pip install -e git+ && \ pip install hpsklearn && \ pip install git+ && \ pip install kmapper && \ pip install shap && \ pip install ray && \ pip install gym && \ pip install pyarabic && \ pip install pandasql && \ pip install tensorflow_hub && \ pip install jieba && \ pip install git+ && \ # ggplot is broken and main repo does not merge and release pip install && \ pip install cesium && \ pip install rgf_python && \ # b/185992410: onnx is a dependency of pytext, but the version 1.9.0 breaks pytext test. # Remove this installation when pytext fixes the problem. pip install onnx==1.8.1 && \ # b/145404107: latest version force specific version of numpy and torch. pip install pytext-nlp==0.1.2 && \ pip install tsfresh && \ pip install pykalman && \ pip install optuna && \ pip install plotly_express && \ pip install albumentations && \ pip install catalyst && \ pip install osmnx && \ apt-get -y install libspatialindex-dev && \ pip install pytorch-ignite && \ pip install qgrid && \ pip install bqplot && \ pip install earthengine-api && \ pip install transformers && \ pip install dlib && \ pip install kaggle-environments && \ pip install geopandas && \ pip install nnabla && \ pip install vowpalwabbit && \ # papermill can replace nbconvert for executing notebooks pip install cloud-tpu-client && \ # b/188429515#comment7 tensorflow-cloud >= 0.1.14 installs tensorflow-transform which install apache-beam which downgrades the library to 1.x. pip install tensorflow-cloud==0.1.13 && \ pip install tensorflow-datasets && \ pip install pydub && \ pip install pydegensac && \ pip install pytorch-lightning && \ pip install datatable && \ pip install sympy && \ # flask is used by agents in the simulation competitions. pip install flask && \ # pycrypto is used by competitions team. pip install pycrypto && \ pip install easyocr && \ # Keep JAX version in sync with GPU image. pip install jax==0.2.12 jaxlib==0.1.64 && \ # ipympl adds interactive widget support for matplotlib pip install ipympl==0.7.0 && \ pip install pandarallel && \ /tmp/ # Download base easyocr models. # RUN mkdir -p /root/.EasyOCR/model && \ wget --no-verbose "" -O /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ unzip /root/.EasyOCR/model/ -d /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ rm /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ wget --no-verbose "" -O /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ unzip /root/.EasyOCR/model/ -d /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ rm /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ wget --no-verbose "" -O /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ unzip /root/.EasyOCR/model/ -d /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ rm /root/.EasyOCR/model/ && \ /tmp/ # Tesseract and some associated utility packages RUN apt-get install tesseract-ocr -y && \ pip install pytesseract && \ pip install wand && \ pip install pdf2image && \ pip install PyPDF && \ pip install pyocr && \ /tmp/ ENV TESSERACT_PATH=/usr/bin/tesseract # For Facets ENV PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/facets/facets_overview/python/ # For Theano with MKL ENV MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU # Temporary fixes and patches # Temporary patch for Dask getting downgraded, which breaks Keras RUN pip install --upgrade dask && \ # Stop jupyter nbconvert trying to rewrite its folder hierarchy mkdir -p /root/.jupyter && touch /root/.jupyter/ && touch /root/.jupyter/migrated && \ mkdir -p /.jupyter && touch /.jupyter/ && touch /.jupyter/migrated && \ # Stop Matplotlib printing junk to the console on first load sed -i "s/^.*Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list.*$/# Warning removed by Kaggle/g" /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ && \ # Make matplotlib output in Jupyter notebooks display correctly mkdir -p /etc/ipython/ && echo "c = get_config(); c.IPKernelApp.matplotlib = 'inline'" > /etc/ipython/ && \ # Temporary patch for broken libpixman 0.38 in conda-forge, symlink to system libpixman 0.34 untile conda package gets updated to 0.38.5 or higher. ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/conda/lib/ && \ /tmp/ # gcloud SDK RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" \ | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \ curl | \ apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add - && \ apt-get update -y && apt-get install google-cloud-sdk -y && \ /tmp/ # Add BigQuery client proxy settings ENV PYTHONUSERBASE "/root/.local" ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ADD patches/ /root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ # Override default imagemagick policies ADD patches/imagemagick-policy.xml /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml # TensorBoard Jupyter extension. Should be replaced with TensorBoard's provided magic once we have # worker tunneling support in place. # b/139212522 re-enable TensorBoard once solution for slowdown is implemented. # ENV JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR "/root/.jupyter/" # RUN pip install jupyter_tensorboard && \ # jupyter serverextension enable jupyter_tensorboard && \ # jupyter tensorboard enable # ADD patches/tensorboard/ /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorboard/ # Disable unnecessary jupyter extensions RUN jupyter-nbextension disable nb_conda --py --sys-prefix && \ jupyter-serverextension disable nb_conda --py --sys-prefix && \ python -m nb_conda_kernels.install --disable # Set backend for matplotlib ENV MPLBACKEND "agg" # We need to redefine TENSORFLOW_VERSION here to get the default ARG value defined above the FROM instruction. # See: ARG TENSORFLOW_VERSION ARG GIT_COMMIT=unknown ARG BUILD_DATE=unknown LABEL git-commit=$GIT_COMMIT LABEL build-date=$BUILD_DATE LABEL tensorflow-version=$TENSORFLOW_VERSION # Used in the Jenkins `Docker GPU Build` step to restrict the images being pruned. LABEL kaggle-lang=python # Correlate current release with the git hash inside the kernel editor by running `!cat /etc/git_commit`. RUN echo "$GIT_COMMIT" > /etc/git_commit && echo "$BUILD_DATE" > /etc/build_date