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Exam Login Details

login -> exam
password -> exam

Entering user and password in terminal

login -> your 42 intra username
pasword -> your password

Then your profile will open and your photo will appear.

In the examshell, you have only the following 3 commands:

  • status - check the time and other things

  • grademe - checking pushed exercise (moulinet)

  • finish - closing examshell and finish exam

Open a new terminal and start the exam

You can find your exam subject in the directory subject
Then you can see directory Rendu. It is your repository.
You must create the directory named by the project, create .c and/or .h and start working.

When you are ready go in Rendu and push the directory by doing the following:
  1. git add .

  2. git commit -m "exam2"

  3. git push

  4. After the git push, type grademe

Exam Details

There are 4 questions in total in this exam. A random question comes from each level below.

If you fail the exam, you will start again from Level 1 the next time you take the exam.

Exam Norminette

There is no Norminette in this exam.

Exam Questions

Question 1 is from Level 1

  - first_word
  - fizzbuzz
  - ft_putstr
  - ft_strcpy
  - ft_strlen
  - ft_swap
  - repeat_alpha
  - rev_print
  - rot_13
  - rotone
  - search_and_replace
  - ulstr 

Question 2 is from Level 2

  - alpha_mirror
  - camel_to_snake
  - do_op
  - ft_atoi
  - ft_strcmp
  - ft_strcspn
  - ft_strdup
  - ft_strrev
  - inter
  - is_power_of_2
  - last_word
  - max
  - print_bits
  - reverse_bits
  - snake_to_camel
  - swap_bits
  - union
  - wdmatch 

Question 3 is from Level 3

  - add_prime_sum
  - epur_str
  - expand_str
  - ft_atoi_base
  - ft_list_size
  - ft_range
  - ft_rrange
  - hidenp
  - lcm
  - paramsum
  - pgcd
  - print_hex
  - rstr_capitalizer
  - str_capitalizer
  - tab_mult 

Question 4 is from Level 4

  - flood_fill
  - fprime
  - ft_itoa
  - ft_list_foreach
  - ft_list_remove_if
  - ft_split
  - rev_wstr
  - rostring
  - sort_int_tab
  - sort_list