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Serverless URL Shortener

A sample URL shortener SPA that uses the high-level cloud.Table and cloud.HttpEndpoint components. The example shows to combine both deployment time and runtime code in one program.

Deploying and running the program

  1. Initialize a Pulumi repository with pulumi init, using your GitHub username. (Note: this step will be removed in the future.)

    $ pulumi init --owner githubUsername
  2. Create a new stack:

    $ pulumi stack init
    Enter a stack name: url-shortener-test
  3. Set the provider and region:

    $ pulumi config set cloud:provider aws
    $ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
  4. Restore NPM modules via npm install.

  5. Compile the program via tsc or npm run build.

  6. Preview the program deployment:

    $ pulumi preview
    [...details omitted...]
    endpointUrl: computed<string>
    info: 48 changes previewed:
        + 48 resources to create
  7. Perform the deployment:

    $ pulumi update
    [...details omitted...]
    endpointUrl: ""
    info: 48 changes performed:
        + 48 resources created
    Update duration: 4m7.023449447s
  8. The API endpoint will be shown as the value for endpointUrl in the CLI output. You can always get this value by running pulumi stack output:

    $ pulumi stack output endpointUrl
  9. Open this page in a browser and you'll see a single page app for creating and viewing short URLs.


To view aggregated logs of the running application, use the pulumi logs command. These are logs across all of the compute for the application---in this case, 3 Lambda functions. To view a log stream, use the --follow flag:

$ pulumi logs --follow
Collecting logs since 2018-03-27T18:20:32.000-07:00.

 2018-03-27T19:20:23.300-07:00[          urlshortener0f7d8d8d] GET /url retrieved 0 items
 2018-03-27T19:20:29.500-07:00[          urlshortenereeb67ce9] POST /url/a =>
 2018-03-27T19:20:29.885-07:00[          urlshortener0f7d8d8d] GET /url retrieved 1 items
 2018-03-27T19:20:36.879-07:00[          urlshortener0f7d8d8d] GET /url retrieved 1 items

Delete resources

When you're done, run pulumi destroy to delete the program's resources:

$ pulumi destroy
This will permanently destroy all resources in the 'url-shortener-test' stack!
Please confirm that this is what you'd like to do by typing ("url-shortener-test"): url-shortener-test

About the code

This example combines deployment time and runtime code in the same application. In index.ts, there are two resource definitions at the top:

// Create a web server.
let endpoint = new cloud.HttpEndpoint("urlshortener");

// Create a table `urls`, with `name` as primary key.
let urlTable = new cloud.Table("urls", "name");

During pulumi update, the declaration new cloud.HttpEndpoint provisions an AWS API Gateway resource and new cloud.Table provisions a Dynamo DB instance. To learn more about how this works, see How Pulumi Works in the documentation.

The endpoint.get and method calls cause Pulumi to register API routes on the API Gateway, pointing to an AWS Lambda function for each implementation:

endpoint.get("/url", async (req, res) => { // this function is the body of the Lambda
    try {
        let items = await urlTable.scan();  // reference outer urlTable definition
        console.log(`GET /url retrieved ${items.length} items`); 
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`GET /url error: ${err.stack}`);

Pulumi creates a Lambda function that contains the anonymous function passed to endpoint.get. Note that the value of urlTable is "captured." This means that urlTable.scan is turned into an API call on Dynamo DB, using the physical identifier for urlTable. There's no need to store this information in an environment variable; Pulumi wires everything up for you.

To learn more about runtime and deployment time code, see Programming Model in the Pulumi documentation.