// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license /* saving and restoring precompiled modules (.ji files) */ #include #include #include "julia.h" #include "julia_internal.h" #include "builtin_proto.h" #include "serialize.h" #ifndef _OS_WINDOWS_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPILER_MICROSOFT_ #include "valgrind.h" #else #define RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND 0 #endif #include "julia_assert.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // TODO: put WeakRefs on the weak_refs list during deserialization // TODO: handle finalizers // hash of definitions for predefined tagged object static htable_t ser_tag; // array of definitions for the predefined tagged object types // (reverse of ser_tag) static jl_value_t *deser_tag[256]; // hash of some common symbols, encoded as CommonSym_tag plus 1 byte static htable_t common_symbol_tag; static jl_value_t *deser_symbols[256]; // table of all objects that have been deserialized, indexed by pos // (the order in the serializer stream). the low // bit is reserved for flagging certain entries and pos is // left shift by 1 static htable_t backref_table; static int backref_table_numel; static arraylist_t backref_list; // list of (jl_value_t **loc, size_t pos) entries // for anything that was flagged by the deserializer for later // type-rewriting of some sort static arraylist_t flagref_list; static htable_t uniquing_table; // list of (size_t pos, (void *f)(jl_value_t*)) entries // for the serializer to mark values in need of rework by function f // during deserialization later static arraylist_t reinit_list; // list of stuff that is being serialized // This is not quite globally rooted, but we take care to only // ever assigned rooted values here. static jl_array_t *serializer_worklist JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; // inverse of backedges tree htable_t edges_map; // list of requested ccallable signatures static arraylist_t ccallable_list; typedef struct { ios_t *s; jl_ptls_t ptls; jl_array_t *loaded_modules_array; } jl_serializer_state; static jl_value_t *jl_idtable_type = NULL; static jl_typename_t *jl_idtable_typename = NULL; static jl_value_t *jl_bigint_type = NULL; static int gmp_limb_size = 0; static void write_uint64(ios_t *s, uint64_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { ios_write(s, (char*)&i, 8); } static void write_float64(ios_t *s, double x) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { write_uint64(s, *((uint64_t*)&x)); } void *jl_lookup_ser_tag(jl_value_t *v) { return ptrhash_get(&ser_tag, v); } void *jl_lookup_common_symbol(jl_value_t *v) { return ptrhash_get(&common_symbol_tag, v); } jl_value_t *jl_deser_tag(uint8_t tag) { return deser_tag[tag]; } jl_value_t *jl_deser_symbol(uint8_t tag) { return deser_symbols[tag]; } // --- serialize --- #define jl_serialize_value(s, v) jl_serialize_value_((s), (jl_value_t*)(v), 0) static void jl_serialize_value_(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) JL_GC_DISABLED; static void jl_serialize_cnull(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *t) { backref_table_numel++; write_uint8(s->s, TAG_CNULL); jl_serialize_value(s, t); } static int module_in_worklist(jl_module_t *mod) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { int i, l = jl_array_len(serializer_worklist); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_module_t *workmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(serializer_worklist, i); if (jl_is_module(workmod) && jl_is_submodule(mod, workmod)) return 1; } return 0; } // compute whether a type references something internal to worklist // and thus could not have existed before deserialize // and thus does not need delayed unique-ing static int type_in_worklist(jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { if (module_in_worklist(dt->name->module)) return 1; int i, l = jl_svec_len(dt->parameters); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *p = jl_unwrap_unionall(jl_tparam(dt, i)); // TODO: what about Union and TypeVar?? if (type_in_worklist((jl_datatype_t*)(jl_is_datatype(p) ? p : jl_typeof(p)))) return 1; } return 0; } static int type_recursively_external(jl_datatype_t *dt); static int type_parameter_recursively_external(jl_value_t *p0) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { if (!jl_is_concrete_type(p0)) return 0; jl_datatype_t *p = (jl_datatype_t*)p0; //while (jl_is_unionall(p)) { // if (!type_parameter_recursively_external(((jl_unionall_t*)p)->var->lb)) // return 0; // if (!type_parameter_recursively_external(((jl_unionall_t*)p)->var->ub)) // return 0; // p = (jl_datatype_t*)((jl_unionall_t*)p)->body; //} if (module_in_worklist(p->name->module)) return 0; if (p->name->wrapper != (jl_value_t*)p0) { if (!type_recursively_external(p)) return 0; } return 1; } // returns true if all of the parameters are tag 6 or 7 static int type_recursively_external(jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { if (!dt->isconcretetype) return 0; if (jl_svec_len(dt->parameters) == 0) return 1; int i, l = jl_svec_len(dt->parameters); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!type_parameter_recursively_external(jl_tparam(dt, i))) return 0; } return 1; } static void jl_serialize_datatype(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_GC_DISABLED { int tag = 0; int internal = module_in_worklist(dt->name->module); if (!internal && jl_unwrap_unionall(dt->name->wrapper) == (jl_value_t*)dt) { tag = 6; // external primary type } else if (jl_is_tuple_type(dt) ? !dt->isconcretetype : dt->hasfreetypevars) { tag = 0; // normal struct } else if (internal) { if (jl_unwrap_unionall(dt->name->wrapper) == (jl_value_t*)dt) // comes up often since functions create types tag = 5; // internal, and not in the typename cache else tag = 10; // anything else that's internal (just may need recaching) } else if (type_recursively_external(dt)) { tag = 7; // external type that can be immediately recreated (with apply_type) } else if (type_in_worklist(dt)) { tag = 11; // external, but definitely new (still needs caching, but not full unique-ing) } else { // this is eligible for (and possibly requires) unique-ing later, // so flag this in the backref table as special uintptr_t *bp = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&backref_table, dt); assert(*bp != (uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND); *bp |= 1; tag = 12; } char *dtname = jl_symbol_name(dt->name->name); size_t dtnl = strlen(dtname); if (dtnl > 4 && strcmp(&dtname[dtnl - 4], "##kw") == 0 && !internal && tag != 0) { /* XXX: yuck, this is horrible, but the auto-generated kw types from the serializer isn't a real type, so we *must* be very careful */ assert(tag == 6); // other struct types should never exist tag = 9; if (jl_type_type_mt->kwsorter != NULL && dt == (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(jl_type_type_mt->kwsorter)) { dt = jl_datatype_type; // any representative member with this MethodTable } else if (jl_nonfunction_mt->kwsorter != NULL && dt == (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(jl_nonfunction_mt->kwsorter)) { dt = jl_symbol_type; // any representative member with this MethodTable } else { // search for the representative member of this MethodTable jl_methtable_t *mt = dt->name->mt; size_t l = strlen(jl_symbol_name(mt->name)); char *prefixed; prefixed = (char*)malloc_s(l + 2); prefixed[0] = '#'; strcpy(&prefixed[1], jl_symbol_name(mt->name)); // remove ##kw suffix prefixed[l-3] = 0; jl_sym_t *tname = jl_symbol(prefixed); free(prefixed); jl_value_t *primarydt = jl_get_global(mt->module, tname); if (!primarydt) primarydt = jl_get_global(mt->module, mt->name); primarydt = jl_unwrap_unionall(primarydt); assert(jl_is_datatype(primarydt)); assert(primarydt == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || jl_typeof(((jl_datatype_t*)primarydt)->name->mt->kwsorter) == (jl_value_t*)dt); dt = (jl_datatype_t*)primarydt; } } write_uint8(s->s, TAG_DATATYPE); write_uint8(s->s, tag); if (tag == 6 || tag == 7) { // for tag==6, copy its typevars in case there are references to them elsewhere jl_serialize_value(s, dt->name); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->parameters); return; } if (tag == 9) { jl_serialize_value(s, dt); return; } write_int32(s->s, dt->size); int has_instance = (dt->instance != NULL); int has_layout = (dt->layout != NULL); write_uint8(s->s, dt->abstract | (dt->mutabl << 1) | (has_layout << 2) | (has_instance << 3)); write_uint8(s->s, dt->hasfreetypevars | (dt->isconcretetype << 1) | (dt->isdispatchtuple << 2) | (dt->isbitstype << 3) | (dt->zeroinit << 4) | (dt->isinlinealloc << 5) | (dt->has_concrete_subtype << 6) | (dt->cached_by_hash << 7)); if (!dt->abstract) { write_uint16(s->s, dt->ninitialized); } write_int32(s->s, dt->hash); if (has_layout) { uint8_t layout = 0; if (dt->layout == ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type))->layout) { layout = 1; } else if (dt->layout == jl_nothing_type->layout) { layout = 2; } else if (dt->layout == ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type))->layout) { layout = 3; } write_uint8(s->s, layout); if (layout == 0) { uint32_t nf = dt->layout->nfields; uint32_t np = dt->layout->npointers; size_t fieldsize = jl_fielddesc_size(dt->layout->fielddesc_type); ios_write(s->s, (const char*)dt->layout, sizeof(*dt->layout)); size_t fldsize = nf * fieldsize; if (dt->layout->first_ptr != -1) fldsize += np << dt->layout->fielddesc_type; ios_write(s->s, (const char*)(dt->layout + 1), fldsize); } } if (has_instance) jl_serialize_value(s, dt->instance); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->name); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->names); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->parameters); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->super); jl_serialize_value(s, dt->types); } static void jl_serialize_module(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_module_t *m) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_MODULE); jl_serialize_value(s, m->name); size_t i; if (!module_in_worklist(m)) { if (m == m->parent) { // top-level module write_int8(s->s, 2); int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(s->loaded_modules_array); i++) { jl_module_t *mi = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(s->loaded_modules_array, i); if (!module_in_worklist(mi)) { if (m == mi) { write_int32(s->s, j); return; } j++; } } assert(0 && "top level module not found in modules array"); } else { write_int8(s->s, 1); jl_serialize_value(s, m->parent); } return; } write_int8(s->s, 0); jl_serialize_value(s, m->parent); void **table = m->bindings.table; for (i = 0; i < m->bindings.size; i += 2) { if (table[i+1] != HT_NOTFOUND) { jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)table[i]); jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i+1]; jl_serialize_value(s, b->name); jl_value_t *e = b->value; if (!b->constp && e && jl_is_cpointer(e) && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != (void*)-1 && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != NULL) // reset Ptr fields to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) jl_serialize_cnull(s, jl_typeof(e)); else jl_serialize_value(s, e); jl_serialize_value(s, b->globalref); jl_serialize_value(s, b->owner); write_int8(s->s, (b->deprecated<<3) | (b->constp<<2) | (b->exportp<<1) | (b->imported)); } } jl_serialize_value(s, NULL); write_int32(s->s, m->usings.len); for(i=0; i < m->usings.len; i++) { jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->usings.items[i]); } write_uint8(s->s, m->istopmod); write_uint64(s->s, m->uuid.hi); write_uint64(s->s, m->uuid.lo); write_uint64(s->s, m->build_id); write_int32(s->s, m->counter); write_int32(s->s, m->nospecialize); write_uint8(s->s, m->optlevel); write_uint8(s->s, m->compile); write_uint8(s->s, m->infer); } static int jl_serialize_generic(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v) JL_GC_DISABLED { if (v == NULL) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_NULL); return 1; } void *tag = ptrhash_get(&ser_tag, v); if (tag != HT_NOTFOUND) { uint8_t t8 = (intptr_t)tag; if (t8 <= LAST_TAG) write_uint8(s->s, 0); write_uint8(s->s, t8); return 1; } if (jl_is_symbol(v)) { void *idx = ptrhash_get(&common_symbol_tag, v); if (idx != HT_NOTFOUND) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_COMMONSYM); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)(size_t)idx); return 1; } } else if (v == (jl_value_t*)jl_core_module) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_CORE); return 1; } else if (v == (jl_value_t*)jl_base_module) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_BASE); return 1; } if (jl_typeis(v, jl_string_type) && jl_string_len(v) == 0) { jl_serialize_value(s, jl_an_empty_string); return 1; } else if (!jl_is_uint8(v)) { void **bp = ptrhash_bp(&backref_table, v); if (*bp != HT_NOTFOUND) { uintptr_t pos = (char*)*bp - (char*)HT_NOTFOUND - 1; if (pos < 65536) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORT_BACKREF); write_uint16(s->s, pos); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_BACKREF); write_int32(s->s, pos); } return 1; } intptr_t pos = backref_table_numel++; if (((jl_datatype_t*)(jl_typeof(v)))->name == jl_idtable_typename) { // will need to rehash this, later (after types are fully constructed) arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)pos); arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)1); } if (jl_is_module(v)) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)v; if (module_in_worklist(m) && !module_in_worklist(m->parent)) { // will need to reinsert this into parent bindings, later (in case of any errors during reinsert) arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)pos); arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)2); } } // TypeMapLevels need to be rehashed if (jl_is_mtable(v)) { arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)pos); arraylist_push(&reinit_list, (void*)3); } pos <<= 1; ptrhash_put(&backref_table, v, (char*)HT_NOTFOUND + pos + 1); } return 0; } static void jl_serialize_code_instance(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_code_instance_t *codeinst, int skip_partial_opaque) JL_GC_DISABLED { if (jl_serialize_generic(s, (jl_value_t*)codeinst)) { return; } int validate = 0; if (codeinst->max_world == ~(size_t)0) validate = 1; // can check on deserialize if this cache entry is still valid int flags = validate << 0; if (codeinst->invoke == jl_fptr_const_return) flags |= 1 << 2; if (codeinst->precompile) flags |= 1 << 3; // CodeInstances with PartialOpaque return type are currently not allowed // to be cached. We skip them in serialization here, forcing them to // be re-infered on reload. int write_ret_type = validate || codeinst->min_world == 0; if (write_ret_type && codeinst->rettype_const && jl_typeis(codeinst->rettype_const, jl_partial_opaque_type)) { if (skip_partial_opaque) { jl_serialize_code_instance(s, codeinst->next, skip_partial_opaque); return; } else { jl_error("Cannot serialize CodeInstance with PartialOpaque rettype"); } } write_uint8(s->s, TAG_CODE_INSTANCE); write_uint8(s->s, flags); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)codeinst->def); if (write_ret_type) { jl_serialize_value(s, codeinst->inferred); jl_serialize_value(s, codeinst->rettype_const); jl_serialize_value(s, codeinst->rettype); } else { // skip storing useless data jl_serialize_value(s, NULL); jl_serialize_value(s, NULL); jl_serialize_value(s, jl_any_type); } jl_serialize_code_instance(s, codeinst->next, skip_partial_opaque); } static void jl_serialize_value_(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) JL_GC_DISABLED { if (jl_serialize_generic(s, v)) { return; } size_t i; if (jl_is_svec(v)) { size_t l = jl_svec_len(v); if (l <= 255) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SVEC); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)l); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_LONG_SVEC); write_int32(s->s, l); } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_serialize_value(s, jl_svecref(v, i)); } } else if (jl_is_symbol(v)) { size_t l = strlen(jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v)); if (l <= 255) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SYMBOL); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)l); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_LONG_SYMBOL); write_int32(s->s, l); } ios_write(s->s, jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v), l); } else if (jl_is_array(v)) { jl_array_t *ar = (jl_array_t*)v; jl_value_t *et = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(ar)); int isunion = jl_is_uniontype(et); if (ar->flags.ndims == 1 && ar->elsize <= 0x1f) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_ARRAY1D); write_uint8(s->s, (ar->flags.ptrarray << 7) | (ar->flags.hasptr << 6) | (isunion << 5) | (ar->elsize & 0x1f)); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_ARRAY); write_uint16(s->s, ar->flags.ndims); write_uint16(s->s, (ar->flags.ptrarray << 15) | (ar->flags.hasptr << 14) | (isunion << 13) | (ar->elsize & 0x1fff)); } for (i = 0; i < ar->flags.ndims; i++) jl_serialize_value(s, jl_box_long(jl_array_dim(ar,i))); jl_serialize_value(s, jl_typeof(ar)); size_t l = jl_array_len(ar); if (ar->flags.ptrarray) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *e = jl_array_ptr_ref(v, i); if (e && jl_is_cpointer(e) && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != (void*)-1 && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != NULL) // reset Ptr elements to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) jl_serialize_cnull(s, jl_typeof(e)); else jl_serialize_value(s, e); } } else if (ar->flags.hasptr) { const char *data = (const char*)jl_array_data(ar); uint16_t elsz = ar->elsize; size_t j, np = ((jl_datatype_t*)et)->layout->npointers; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { const char *start = data; for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset((jl_datatype_t*)et, j); const jl_value_t *const *fld = &((const jl_value_t *const *)data)[ptr]; if ((const char*)fld != start) ios_write(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(*fld); jl_serialize_value(s, *fld); start = (const char*)&fld[1]; } data += elsz; if (data != start) ios_write(s->s, start, data - start); } } else if (jl_is_cpointer_type(et)) { // reset Ptr elements to C_NULL const void **data = (const void**)jl_array_data(ar); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { const void *e = data[i]; if (e != (void*)-1) e = NULL; ios_write(s->s, (const char*)&e, sizeof(e)); } } else { ios_write(s->s, (char*)jl_array_data(ar), l * ar->elsize); if (jl_array_isbitsunion(ar)) ios_write(s->s, jl_array_typetagdata(ar), l); } } else if (jl_is_datatype(v)) { jl_serialize_datatype(s, (jl_datatype_t*)v); } else if (jl_is_unionall(v)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_UNIONALL); jl_datatype_t *d = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(v); if (jl_is_datatype(d) && d->name->wrapper == v && !module_in_worklist(d->name->module)) { write_uint8(s->s, 1); jl_serialize_value(s, d->name->module); jl_serialize_value(s, d->name->name); } else { write_uint8(s->s, 0); jl_serialize_value(s, ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->var); jl_serialize_value(s, ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->body); } } else if (jl_is_typevar(v)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_TVAR); jl_serialize_value(s, ((jl_tvar_t*)v)->name); jl_serialize_value(s, ((jl_tvar_t*)v)->lb); jl_serialize_value(s, ((jl_tvar_t*)v)->ub); } else if (jl_is_method(v)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_METHOD); jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)v; int internal = 1; internal = m->is_for_opaque_closure || module_in_worklist(m->module); if (!internal) { // flag this in the backref table as special uintptr_t *bp = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&backref_table, v); assert(*bp != (uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND); *bp |= 1; } jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->sig); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->module); write_uint8(s->s, internal); if (!internal) return; jl_serialize_value(s, m->specializations); jl_serialize_value(s, m->speckeyset); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->name); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->file); write_int32(s->s, m->line); write_int32(s->s, m->called); write_int32(s->s, m->nargs); write_int32(s->s, m->nospecialize); write_int32(s->s, m->nkw); write_int8(s->s, m->isva); write_int8(s->s, m->pure); write_int8(s->s, m->is_for_opaque_closure); write_int8(s->s, m->aggressive_constprop); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->slot_syms); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->roots); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->ccallable); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->source); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->unspecialized); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->generator); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->invokes); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)m->recursion_relation); } else if (jl_is_method_instance(v)) { jl_method_instance_t *mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)v; if (jl_is_method(mi->def.value) && mi->def.method->is_for_opaque_closure) { jl_error("unimplemented: serialization of MethodInstances for OpaqueClosure"); } write_uint8(s->s, TAG_METHOD_INSTANCE); int internal = 0; if (!jl_is_method(mi->def.method)) internal = 1; else if (module_in_worklist(mi->def.method->module)) internal = 2; write_uint8(s->s, internal); if (!internal) { // also flag this in the backref table as special uintptr_t *bp = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&backref_table, v); assert(*bp != (uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND); *bp |= 1; } if (internal == 1) jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)mi->uninferred); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)mi->specTypes); jl_serialize_value(s, mi->def.value); if (!internal) return; jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)mi->sparam_vals); jl_array_t *backedges = mi->backedges; if (backedges) { // filter backedges to only contain pointers // to items that we will actually store (internal == 2) size_t ins, i, l = jl_array_len(backedges); jl_method_instance_t **b_edges = (jl_method_instance_t**)jl_array_data(backedges); for (ins = i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *backedge = b_edges[i]; if (module_in_worklist(backedge->def.method->module)) { b_edges[ins++] = backedge; } } if (ins != l) jl_array_del_end(backedges, l - ins); if (ins == 0) backedges = NULL; } jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)backedges); jl_serialize_value(s, (jl_value_t*)NULL); //callbacks jl_serialize_code_instance(s, mi->cache, 1); } else if (jl_is_code_instance(v)) { jl_serialize_code_instance(s, (jl_code_instance_t*)v, 0); } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_module_type)) { jl_serialize_module(s, (jl_module_t*)v); } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_task_type)) { jl_error("Task cannot be serialized"); } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_opaque_closure_type)) { jl_error("Live opaque closures cannot be serialized"); } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_string_type)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_STRING); write_int32(s->s, jl_string_len(v)); ios_write(s->s, jl_string_data(v), jl_string_len(v)); } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_int64_type)) { void *data = jl_data_ptr(v); if (*(int64_t*)data >= INT16_MIN && *(int64_t*)data <= INT16_MAX) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORTER_INT64); write_uint16(s->s, (uint16_t)*(int64_t*)data); } else if (*(int64_t*)data >= S32_MIN && *(int64_t*)data <= S32_MAX) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORT_INT64); write_int32(s->s, (int32_t)*(int64_t*)data); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_INT64); write_int64(s->s, *(int64_t*)data); } } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_int32_type)) { void *data = jl_data_ptr(v); if (*(int32_t*)data >= INT16_MIN && *(int32_t*)data <= INT16_MAX) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORT_INT32); write_uint16(s->s, (uint16_t)*(int32_t*)data); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_INT32); write_int32(s->s, *(int32_t*)data); } } else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_uint8_type)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_UINT8); write_int8(s->s, *(int8_t*)jl_data_ptr(v)); } else if (jl_is_cpointer(v) && jl_unbox_voidpointer(v) == NULL) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_CNULL); jl_serialize_value(s, jl_typeof(v)); return; } else if (jl_bigint_type && jl_typeis(v, jl_bigint_type)) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORT_GENERAL); write_uint8(s->s, jl_datatype_size(jl_bigint_type)); jl_serialize_value(s, jl_bigint_type); jl_value_t *sizefield = jl_get_nth_field(v, 1); jl_serialize_value(s, sizefield); void *data = jl_unbox_voidpointer(jl_get_nth_field(v, 2)); int32_t sz = jl_unbox_int32(sizefield); size_t nb = (sz == 0 ? 1 : (sz < 0 ? -sz : sz)) * gmp_limb_size; ios_write(s->s, (char*)data, nb); } else { jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v); if (v == t->instance) { if (!type_in_worklist(t)) { // also flag this in the backref table as special // if it might not be unique (is external) uintptr_t *bp = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&backref_table, v); assert(*bp != (uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND); *bp |= 1; } write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SINGLETON); jl_serialize_value(s, t); return; } assert(!t->instance && "detected singleton construction corruption"); if (t == jl_typename_type) { void *bttag = ptrhash_get(&ser_tag, ((jl_typename_t*)t)->wrapper); if (bttag != HT_NOTFOUND) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_BITYPENAME); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)(intptr_t)bttag); return; } } if (t->size <= 255) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_SHORT_GENERAL); write_uint8(s->s, t->size); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_GENERAL); write_int32(s->s, t->size); } jl_serialize_value(s, t); if (t == jl_typename_type) { jl_typename_t *tn = (jl_typename_t*)v; int internal = module_in_worklist(tn->module); write_uint8(s->s, internal); jl_serialize_value(s, tn->module); jl_serialize_value(s, tn->name); if (internal) { jl_serialize_value(s, tn->names); jl_serialize_value(s, tn->wrapper); jl_serialize_value(s, tn->mt); ios_write(s->s, (char*)&tn->hash, sizeof(tn->hash)); } return; } char *data = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v); size_t i, j, np = t->layout->npointers; uint32_t nf = t->layout->nfields; char *last = data; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nf+1; i++) { char *ptr = data + (i < nf ? jl_field_offset(t, i) : jl_datatype_size(t)); if (j < np) { char *prevptr = (char*)&((jl_value_t**)data)[jl_ptr_offset(t, j)]; while (ptr > prevptr) { // previous field contained pointers; write them and their interleaved data if (prevptr > last) ios_write(s->s, last, prevptr - last); jl_value_t *e = *(jl_value_t**)prevptr; JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(e); if (t->mutabl && e && jl_field_isptr(t, i - 1) && jl_is_cpointer(e) && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != (void*)-1 && jl_unbox_voidpointer(e) != NULL) // reset Ptr fields to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) jl_serialize_cnull(s, jl_typeof(e)); else jl_serialize_value(s, e); last = prevptr + sizeof(jl_value_t*); j++; if (j < np) prevptr = (char*)&((jl_value_t**)data)[jl_ptr_offset(t, j)]; else break; } } if (i == nf) break; if (t->mutabl && jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_field_type(t, i)) && *(void**)ptr != (void*)-1) { if (ptr > last) ios_write(s->s, last, ptr - last); char *n = NULL; ios_write(s->s, (char*)&n, sizeof(n)); last = ptr + sizeof(n); } } char *ptr = data + jl_datatype_size(t); if (ptr > last) ios_write(s->s, last, ptr - last); } } static void jl_collect_missing_backedges_to_mod(jl_methtable_t *mt) { jl_array_t *backedges = mt->backedges; if (backedges) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(backedges); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(backedges, i); jl_value_t *missing_callee = jl_array_ptr_ref(backedges, i - 1); jl_array_t **edges = (jl_array_t**)ptrhash_bp(&edges_map, (void*)caller); if (*edges == HT_NOTFOUND) *edges = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(*edges, missing_callee); } } } // the intent of this function is to invert the backedges tree // for anything that points to a method not part of the worklist static void collect_backedges(jl_method_instance_t *callee) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_array_t *backedges = callee->backedges; if (backedges) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(backedges); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(backedges, i); jl_array_t **edges = (jl_array_t**)ptrhash_bp(&edges_map, caller); if (*edges == HT_NOTFOUND) *edges = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(*edges, (jl_value_t*)callee); } } } static int jl_collect_methcache_from_mod(jl_typemap_entry_t *ml, void *closure) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_array_t *s = (jl_array_t*)closure; jl_method_t *m = ml->func.method; if (module_in_worklist(m->module)) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(s, (jl_value_t*)m); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(s, (jl_value_t*)ml->simplesig); } else { jl_svec_t *specializations = m->specializations; size_t i, l = jl_svec_len(specializations); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *callee = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_svecref(specializations, i); if ((jl_value_t*)callee != jl_nothing) collect_backedges(callee); } } return 1; } static void jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(jl_array_t *s, jl_methtable_t *mt) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_typemap_visitor(mt->defs, jl_collect_methcache_from_mod, (void*)s); } static void jl_collect_lambdas_from_mod(jl_array_t *s, jl_module_t *m) JL_GC_DISABLED { if (module_in_worklist(m)) return; size_t i; void **table = m->bindings.table; for (i = 1; i < m->bindings.size; i += 2) { if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) { jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i]; if (b->owner == m && b->value && b->constp) { jl_value_t *bv = jl_unwrap_unionall(b->value); if (jl_is_datatype(bv)) { jl_typename_t *tn = ((jl_datatype_t*)bv)->name; if (tn->module == m && tn->name == b->name && tn->wrapper == b->value) { jl_methtable_t *mt = tn->mt; if (mt != NULL && (jl_value_t*)mt != jl_nothing && (mt != jl_type_type_mt && mt != jl_nonfunction_mt)) { jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(s, mt); jl_collect_missing_backedges_to_mod(mt); } } } else if (jl_is_module(b->value)) { jl_module_t *child = (jl_module_t*)b->value; if (child != m && child->parent == m && child->name == b->name) { // this is the original/primary binding for the submodule jl_collect_lambdas_from_mod(s, (jl_module_t*)b->value); } } } } } } // flatten the backedge map reachable from caller into callees static void jl_collect_backedges_to(jl_method_instance_t *caller, htable_t *all_callees) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_array_t **pcallees = (jl_array_t**)ptrhash_bp(&edges_map, (void*)caller), *callees = *pcallees; if (callees != HT_NOTFOUND) { *pcallees = (jl_array_t*) HT_NOTFOUND; size_t i, l = jl_array_len(callees); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *c = jl_array_ptr_ref(callees, i); ptrhash_put(all_callees, c, c); if (jl_is_method_instance(c)) { jl_collect_backedges_to((jl_method_instance_t*)c, all_callees); } } } } static void jl_collect_backedges(jl_array_t *s, jl_array_t *t) { htable_t all_targets; htable_t all_callees; htable_new(&all_targets, 0); htable_new(&all_callees, 0); size_t i; void **table = edges_map.table; for (i = 0; i < edges_map.size; i += 2) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)table[i]; jl_array_t *callees = (jl_array_t*)table[i + 1]; if (callees != HT_NOTFOUND && module_in_worklist(caller->def.method->module)) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(callees); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *c = jl_array_ptr_ref(callees, i); ptrhash_put(&all_callees, c, c); if (jl_is_method_instance(c)) { jl_collect_backedges_to((jl_method_instance_t*)c, &all_callees); } } callees = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, 0); void **pc = all_callees.table; size_t j; int valid = 1; for (j = 0; valid && j < all_callees.size; j += 2) { if (pc[j + 1] != HT_NOTFOUND) { jl_value_t *callee = (jl_value_t*)pc[j]; void *target = ptrhash_get(&all_targets, (void*)callee); if (target == HT_NOTFOUND) { jl_method_instance_t *callee_mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)callee; jl_value_t *sig; if (jl_is_method_instance(callee)) { sig = callee_mi->specTypes; } else { sig = callee; } size_t min_valid = 0; size_t max_valid = ~(size_t)0; int ambig = 0; jl_value_t *matches = jl_matching_methods((jl_tupletype_t*)sig, -1, 0, jl_world_counter, &min_valid, &max_valid, &ambig); if (matches == jl_false) { valid = 0; break; } size_t k; for (k = 0; k < jl_array_len(matches); k++) { jl_method_match_t *match = (jl_method_match_t *)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, k); jl_array_ptr_set(matches, k, match->method); } jl_array_ptr_1d_push(t, callee); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(t, matches); target = (char*)HT_NOTFOUND + jl_array_len(t) / 2; ptrhash_put(&all_targets, (void*)callee, target); } jl_array_grow_end(callees, 1); ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(callees))[jl_array_len(callees) - 1] = (char*)target - (char*)HT_NOTFOUND - 1; } } htable_reset(&all_callees, 100); if (valid) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(s, (jl_value_t*)caller); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(s, (jl_value_t*)callees); } } } htable_free(&all_targets); htable_free(&all_callees); } // serialize information about all loaded modules static void write_mod_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t *a) { size_t i; size_t len = jl_array_len(a); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(a, i); assert(jl_is_module(m)); if (!module_in_worklist(m)) { const char *modname = jl_symbol_name(m->name); size_t l = strlen(modname); write_int32(s, l); ios_write(s, modname, l); write_uint64(s, m->uuid.hi); write_uint64(s, m->uuid.lo); write_uint64(s, m->build_id); } } write_int32(s, 0); } // "magic" string and version header of .ji file static const int JI_FORMAT_VERSION = 11; static const char JI_MAGIC[] = "\373jli\r\n\032\n"; // based on PNG signature static const uint16_t BOM = 0xFEFF; // byte-order marker static void write_header(ios_t *s) { ios_write(s, JI_MAGIC, strlen(JI_MAGIC)); write_uint16(s, JI_FORMAT_VERSION); ios_write(s, (char *) &BOM, 2); write_uint8(s, sizeof(void*)); ios_write(s, JL_BUILD_UNAME, strlen(JL_BUILD_UNAME)+1); ios_write(s, JL_BUILD_ARCH, strlen(JL_BUILD_ARCH)+1); ios_write(s, JULIA_VERSION_STRING, strlen(JULIA_VERSION_STRING)+1); const char *branch = jl_git_branch(), *commit = jl_git_commit(); ios_write(s, branch, strlen(branch)+1); ios_write(s, commit, strlen(commit)+1); } // serialize information about the result of deserializing this file static void write_work_list(ios_t *s) { int i, l = jl_array_len(serializer_worklist); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_module_t *workmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(serializer_worklist, i); if (workmod->parent == jl_main_module || workmod->parent == workmod) { size_t l = strlen(jl_symbol_name(workmod->name)); write_int32(s, l); ios_write(s, jl_symbol_name(workmod->name), l); write_uint64(s, workmod->uuid.hi); write_uint64(s, workmod->uuid.lo); write_uint64(s, workmod->build_id); } } write_int32(s, 0); } static void write_module_path(ios_t *s, jl_module_t *depmod) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { if (depmod->parent == jl_main_module || depmod->parent == depmod) return; const char *mname = jl_symbol_name(depmod->name); size_t slen = strlen(mname); write_module_path(s, depmod->parent); write_int32(s, slen); ios_write(s, mname, slen); } // serialize the global _require_dependencies array of pathnames that // are include dependencies static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t **udepsp, jl_array_t *mod_array) { int64_t initial_pos = 0; int64_t pos = 0; static jl_array_t *deps = NULL; if (!deps) deps = (jl_array_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("_require_dependencies")); // unique(deps) to eliminate duplicates while preserving order: // we preserve order so that the topmost included .jl file comes first static jl_value_t *unique_func = NULL; if (!unique_func) unique_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("unique")); jl_value_t *uniqargs[2] = {unique_func, (jl_value_t*)deps}; size_t last_age = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age; jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter; jl_array_t *udeps = (*udepsp = deps && unique_func ? (jl_array_t*)jl_apply(uniqargs, 2) : NULL); jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = last_age; // write a placeholder for total size so that we can quickly seek past all of the // dependencies if we don't need them initial_pos = ios_pos(s); write_uint64(s, 0); if (udeps) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(udeps); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *deptuple = jl_array_ptr_ref(udeps, i); jl_value_t *dep = jl_fieldref(deptuple, 1); // file abspath size_t slen = jl_string_len(dep); write_int32(s, slen); ios_write(s, jl_string_data(dep), slen); write_float64(s, jl_unbox_float64(jl_fieldref(deptuple, 2))); // mtime jl_module_t *depmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_fieldref(deptuple, 0); // evaluating module jl_module_t *depmod_top = depmod; while (depmod_top->parent != jl_main_module && depmod_top->parent != depmod_top) depmod_top = depmod_top->parent; unsigned provides = 0; size_t j, lj = jl_array_len(serializer_worklist); for (j = 0; j < lj; j++) { jl_module_t *workmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(serializer_worklist, j); if (workmod->parent == jl_main_module || workmod->parent == workmod) { ++provides; if (workmod == depmod_top) { write_int32(s, provides); write_module_path(s, depmod); break; } } } write_int32(s, 0); } write_int32(s, 0); // terminator, for ease of reading // Calculate Preferences hash for current package. jl_value_t *prefs_hash = NULL; jl_value_t *prefs_list = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH1(&prefs_list); if (jl_base_module) { // Toplevel module is the module we're currently compiling, use it to get our preferences hash jl_value_t * toplevel = (jl_value_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("__toplevel__")); jl_value_t * prefs_hash_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("get_preferences_hash")); jl_value_t * get_compiletime_prefs_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("get_compiletime_preferences")); if (toplevel && prefs_hash_func && get_compiletime_prefs_func) { // Temporary invoke in newest world age size_t last_age = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age; jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter; // call get_compiletime_prefs(__toplevel__) jl_value_t *args[3] = {get_compiletime_prefs_func, (jl_value_t*)toplevel, NULL}; prefs_list = (jl_value_t*)jl_apply(args, 2); // Call get_preferences_hash(__toplevel__, prefs_list) args[0] = prefs_hash_func; args[2] = prefs_list; prefs_hash = (jl_value_t*)jl_apply(args, 3); // Reset world age to normal jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = last_age; } } // If we successfully got the preferences, write it out, otherwise write `0` for this `.ji` file. if (prefs_hash != NULL && prefs_list != NULL) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(prefs_list); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *pref_name = jl_array_ptr_ref(prefs_list, i); size_t slen = jl_string_len(pref_name); write_int32(s, slen); ios_write(s, jl_string_data(pref_name), slen); } write_int32(s, 0); // terminator write_uint64(s, jl_unbox_uint64(prefs_hash)); } else { // This is an error path, but let's at least generate a valid `.ji` file. // We declare an empty list of preference names, followed by a zero-hash. // The zero-hash is not what would be generated for an empty set of preferences, // and so this `.ji` file will be invalidated by a future non-erroring pass // through this function. write_int32(s, 0); write_uint64(s, 0); } JL_GC_POP(); // for prefs_list // write a dummy file position to indicate the beginning of the source-text pos = ios_pos(s); ios_seek(s, initial_pos); write_uint64(s, pos - initial_pos); ios_seek(s, pos); write_int64(s, 0); } return pos; } // --- deserialize --- static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED; static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_datatype(jl_serializer_state *s, int pos, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { assert(pos == backref_list.len - 1 && "nothing should have been deserialized since assigning pos"); int tag = read_uint8(s->s); if (tag == 6 || tag == 7) { jl_typename_t *name = (jl_typename_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_value_t *dtv = name->wrapper; jl_svec_t *parameters = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); dtv = jl_apply_type(dtv, jl_svec_data(parameters), jl_svec_len(parameters)); backref_list.items[pos] = dtv; return dtv; } if (tag == 9) { jl_datatype_t *primarydt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_value_t *dtv = jl_typeof(jl_get_kwsorter((jl_value_t*)primarydt)); backref_list.items[pos] = dtv; return dtv; } if (!(tag == 0 || tag == 5 || tag == 10 || tag == 11 || tag == 12)) { assert(0 && "corrupt deserialization state"); abort(); } jl_datatype_t *dt = jl_new_uninitialized_datatype(); backref_list.items[pos] = dt; if (loc != NULL && loc != HT_NOTFOUND) *loc = (jl_value_t*)dt; size_t size = read_int32(s->s); uint8_t flags = read_uint8(s->s); uint8_t memflags = read_uint8(s->s); dt->size = size; dt->abstract = flags & 1; dt->mutabl = (flags >> 1) & 1; int has_layout = (flags >> 2) & 1; int has_instance = (flags >> 3) & 1; dt->hasfreetypevars = memflags & 1; dt->isconcretetype = (memflags >> 1) & 1; dt->isdispatchtuple = (memflags >> 2) & 1; dt->isbitstype = (memflags >> 3) & 1; dt->zeroinit = (memflags >> 4) & 1; dt->isinlinealloc = (memflags >> 5) & 1; dt->has_concrete_subtype = (memflags >> 6) & 1; dt->cached_by_hash = (memflags >> 7) & 1; if (!dt->abstract) dt->ninitialized = read_uint16(s->s); else dt->ninitialized = 0; dt->hash = read_int32(s->s); if (has_layout) { uint8_t layout = read_uint8(s->s); if (layout == 1) { dt->layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type))->layout; } else if (layout == 2) { dt->layout = jl_nothing_type->layout; } else if (layout == 3) { dt->layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type))->layout; } else { assert(layout == 0); jl_datatype_layout_t buffer; ios_readall(s->s, (char*)&buffer, sizeof(buffer)); uint32_t nf = buffer.nfields; uint32_t np = buffer.npointers; uint8_t fielddesc_type = buffer.fielddesc_type; size_t fielddesc_size = nf > 0 ? jl_fielddesc_size(fielddesc_type) : 0; size_t fldsize = nf * fielddesc_size; if (buffer.first_ptr != -1) fldsize += np << fielddesc_type; jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = (jl_datatype_layout_t*)jl_gc_perm_alloc( sizeof(jl_datatype_layout_t) + fldsize, 0, 4, 0); *layout = buffer; ios_readall(s->s, (char*)(layout + 1), fldsize); dt->layout = layout; } } if (tag == 10 || tag == 11 || tag == 12) { assert(pos > 0); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, loc == HT_NOTFOUND ? NULL : loc); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, (void*)(uintptr_t)pos); ptrhash_put(&uniquing_table, dt, NULL); } if (has_instance) { assert(dt->isconcretetype && "there shouldn't be an instance on an abstract type"); dt->instance = jl_deserialize_value(s, &dt->instance); jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->instance); } dt->name = (jl_typename_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&dt->name); jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->name); dt->names = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&dt->names); jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->names); dt->parameters = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&dt->parameters); jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->parameters); dt->super = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&dt->super); jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->super); dt->types = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&dt->types); if (dt->types) jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->types); return (jl_value_t*)dt; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_svec(jl_serializer_state *s, uint8_t tag, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { size_t i, len; if (tag == TAG_SVEC) len = read_uint8(s->s); else len = read_int32(s->s); jl_svec_t *sv = jl_alloc_svec(len); if (loc != NULL) *loc = (jl_value_t*)sv; arraylist_push(&backref_list, (jl_value_t*)sv); jl_value_t **data = jl_svec_data(sv); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = jl_deserialize_value(s, &data[i]); } return (jl_value_t*)sv; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_symbol(jl_serializer_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_DISABLED { size_t len; if (tag == TAG_SYMBOL) len = read_uint8(s->s); else len = read_int32(s->s); char *name = (char*)(len >= 256 ? malloc_s(len + 1) : alloca(len + 1)); ios_readall(s->s, name, len); name[len] = '\0'; jl_value_t *sym = (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol(name); if (len >= 256) free(name); arraylist_push(&backref_list, sym); return sym; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_array(jl_serializer_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_DISABLED { int16_t i, ndims; int isptr, isunion, hasptr, elsize; if (tag == TAG_ARRAY1D) { ndims = 1; elsize = read_uint8(s->s); isptr = (elsize >> 7) & 1; hasptr = (elsize >> 6) & 1; isunion = (elsize >> 5) & 1; elsize = elsize & 0x1f; } else { ndims = read_uint16(s->s); elsize = read_uint16(s->s); isptr = (elsize >> 15) & 1; hasptr = (elsize >> 14) & 1; isunion = (elsize >> 13) & 1; elsize = elsize & 0x1fff; } uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, NULL); size_t *dims = (size_t*)alloca(ndims * sizeof(size_t)); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { dims[i] = jl_unbox_long(jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL)); } jl_array_t *a = jl_new_array_for_deserialization( (jl_value_t*)NULL, ndims, dims, !isptr, hasptr, isunion, elsize); backref_list.items[pos] = a; jl_value_t *aty = jl_deserialize_value(s, &jl_astaggedvalue(a)->type); jl_set_typeof(a, aty); if (a->flags.ptrarray) { jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(a); size_t i, numel = jl_array_len(a); for (i = 0; i < numel; i++) { data[i] = jl_deserialize_value(s, &data[i]); //if (data[i]) // not needed because `a` is new (gc is disabled) // jl_gc_wb(a, data[i]); } assert(jl_astaggedvalue(a)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled } else if (a->flags.hasptr) { size_t i, numel = jl_array_len(a); char *data = (char*)jl_array_data(a); uint16_t elsz = a->elsize; jl_datatype_t *et = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); size_t j, np = et->layout->npointers; for (i = 0; i < numel; i++) { char *start = data; for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(et, j); jl_value_t **fld = &((jl_value_t**)data)[ptr]; if ((char*)fld != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); *fld = jl_deserialize_value(s, fld); //if (*fld) // not needed because `a` is new (gc is disabled) // jl_gc_wb(a, *fld); start = (char*)&fld[1]; } data += elsz; if (data != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, data - start); } assert(jl_astaggedvalue(a)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled } else { size_t extra = jl_array_isbitsunion(a) ? jl_array_len(a) : 0; size_t tot = jl_array_len(a) * a->elsize + extra; ios_readall(s->s, (char*)jl_array_data(a), tot); } return (jl_value_t*)a; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_method(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(jl_method_t), jl_method_type); memset(m, 0, sizeof(jl_method_t)); uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, m); m->sig = (jl_value_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->sig); jl_gc_wb(m, m->sig); m->module = (jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->module); jl_gc_wb(m, m->module); int internal = read_uint8(s->s); if (!internal) { assert(loc != NULL && loc != HT_NOTFOUND); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, loc); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, (void*)pos); return (jl_value_t*)m; } m->specializations = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->specializations); jl_gc_wb(m, m->specializations); m->speckeyset = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->speckeyset); jl_gc_wb(m, m->speckeyset); m->name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_gc_wb(m, m->name); m->file = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); m->line = read_int32(s->s); m->primary_world = jl_world_counter; m->deleted_world = ~(size_t)0; m->called = read_int32(s->s); m->nargs = read_int32(s->s); m->nospecialize = read_int32(s->s); m->nkw = read_int32(s->s); m->isva = read_int8(s->s); m->pure = read_int8(s->s); m->is_for_opaque_closure = read_int8(s->s); m->aggressive_constprop = read_int8(s->s); m->slot_syms = jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->slot_syms); jl_gc_wb(m, m->slot_syms); m->roots = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->roots); if (m->roots) jl_gc_wb(m, m->roots); m->ccallable = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->ccallable); if (m->ccallable) { jl_gc_wb(m, m->ccallable); arraylist_push(&ccallable_list, m->ccallable); } m->source = jl_deserialize_value(s, &m->source); if (m->source) jl_gc_wb(m, m->source); m->unspecialized = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->unspecialized); if (m->unspecialized) jl_gc_wb(m, m->unspecialized); m->generator = jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->generator); if (m->generator) jl_gc_wb(m, m->generator); m->invokes = jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->invokes); jl_gc_wb(m, m->invokes); m->recursion_relation = jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->recursion_relation); if (m->recursion_relation) jl_gc_wb(m, m->recursion_relation); JL_MUTEX_INIT(&m->writelock); return (jl_value_t*)m; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_method_instance(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_method_instance_t *mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(jl_method_instance_t), jl_method_instance_type); memset(mi, 0, sizeof(jl_method_instance_t)); uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, mi); int internal = read_uint8(s->s); mi->specTypes = (jl_value_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&mi->specTypes); jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->specTypes); mi->def.value = jl_deserialize_value(s, &mi->def.value); jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->def.value); if (!internal) { assert(loc != NULL && loc != HT_NOTFOUND); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, loc); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, (void*)pos); return (jl_value_t*)mi; } if (internal == 1) { mi->uninferred = jl_deserialize_value(s, &mi->uninferred); jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->uninferred); } mi->sparam_vals = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&mi->sparam_vals); jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->sparam_vals); mi->backedges = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&mi->backedges); if (mi->backedges) jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->backedges); mi->callbacks = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&mi->callbacks); if (mi->callbacks) jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->callbacks); mi->cache = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&mi->cache); if (mi->cache) jl_gc_wb(mi, mi->cache); return (jl_value_t*)mi; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_code_instance(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_code_instance_t *codeinst = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(jl_code_instance_t), jl_code_instance_type); memset(codeinst, 0, sizeof(jl_code_instance_t)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, codeinst); int flags = read_uint8(s->s); int validate = (flags >> 0) & 3; int constret = (flags >> 2) & 1; codeinst->def = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&codeinst->def); jl_gc_wb(codeinst, codeinst->def); codeinst->inferred = jl_deserialize_value(s, &codeinst->inferred); jl_gc_wb(codeinst, codeinst->inferred); codeinst->rettype_const = jl_deserialize_value(s, &codeinst->rettype_const); if (codeinst->rettype_const) jl_gc_wb(codeinst, codeinst->rettype_const); codeinst->rettype = jl_deserialize_value(s, &codeinst->rettype); jl_gc_wb(codeinst, codeinst->rettype); if (constret) codeinst->invoke = jl_fptr_const_return; if ((flags >> 3) & 1) codeinst->precompile = 1; codeinst->next = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&codeinst->next); jl_gc_wb(codeinst, codeinst->next); if (validate) codeinst->min_world = jl_world_counter; return (jl_value_t*)codeinst; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_module(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED { uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, NULL); jl_sym_t *mname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); int ref_only = read_uint8(s->s); if (ref_only) { jl_value_t *m_ref; if (ref_only == 1) m_ref = jl_get_global((jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL), mname); else m_ref = jl_array_ptr_ref(s->loaded_modules_array, read_int32(s->s)); backref_list.items[pos] = m_ref; return m_ref; } jl_module_t *m = jl_new_module(mname); backref_list.items[pos] = m; m->parent = (jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->parent); jl_gc_wb(m, m->parent); while (1) { jl_sym_t *asname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); if (asname == NULL) break; jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(m, asname, 1); b->name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&b->name); b->value = jl_deserialize_value(s, &b->value); if (b->value != NULL) jl_gc_wb(m, b->value); b->globalref = jl_deserialize_value(s, &b->globalref); if (b->globalref != NULL) jl_gc_wb(m, b->globalref); b->owner = (jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&b->owner); if (b->owner != NULL) jl_gc_wb(m, b->owner); int8_t flags = read_int8(s->s); b->deprecated = (flags>>3) & 1; b->constp = (flags>>2) & 1; b->exportp = (flags>>1) & 1; b->imported = (flags) & 1; } size_t i = m->usings.len; size_t ni = read_int32(s->s); arraylist_grow(&m->usings, ni); ni += i; while (i < ni) { m->usings.items[i] = jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&m->usings.items[i]); i++; } m->istopmod = read_uint8(s->s); m->uuid.hi = read_uint64(s->s); m->uuid.lo = read_uint64(s->s); m->build_id = read_uint64(s->s); m->counter = read_int32(s->s); m->nospecialize = read_int32(s->s); m->optlevel = read_int8(s->s); m->compile = read_int8(s->s); m->infer = read_int8(s->s); m->primary_world = jl_world_counter; return (jl_value_t*)m; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_singleton(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_value_t *v = (jl_value_t*)jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, 0, NULL); uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, (void*)v); // TODO: optimize the case where the value can easily be obtained // from an external module (tag == 6) as dt->instance assert(loc != HT_NOTFOUND); // if loc == NULL, then the caller can't provide the address where the instance will be // stored. this happens if a field might store a 0-size value, but the field itself is // not 0 size, e.g. `::Union{Int,Nothing}` if (loc != NULL) { arraylist_push(&flagref_list, loc); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, (void*)pos); } jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)HT_NOTFOUND); // no loc, since if dt is replaced, then dt->instance would be also jl_set_typeof(v, dt); if (dt->instance == NULL) return v; return dt->instance; } static void jl_deserialize_struct(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v); char *data = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v); size_t i, np = dt->layout->npointers; char *start = data; for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(dt, i); jl_value_t **fld = &((jl_value_t**)data)[ptr]; if ((char*)fld != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); *fld = jl_deserialize_value(s, fld); //if (*fld)// a is new (gc is disabled) // jl_gc_wb(a, *fld); start = (char*)&fld[1]; } data += jl_datatype_size(dt); if (data != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, data - start); if (dt == jl_typemap_entry_type) { jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)v; if (entry->max_world == ~(size_t)0) { if (entry->min_world > 1) { // update world validity to reflect current state of the counter entry->min_world = jl_world_counter; } } else { // garbage entry - delete it :( entry->min_world = 1; entry->max_world = 0; } } } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value_any(jl_serializer_state *s, uint8_t tag, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { int32_t sz = (tag == TAG_SHORT_GENERAL ? read_uint8(s->s) : read_int32(s->s)); jl_value_t *v = jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sz, NULL); jl_set_typeof(v, (void*)(intptr_t)0x50); uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, &jl_astaggedvalue(v)->type); assert(sz != 0 || loc); if (dt == jl_typename_type) { int internal = read_uint8(s->s); jl_typename_t *tn; if (internal) { tn = (jl_typename_t*)jl_gc_alloc( s->ptls, sizeof(jl_typename_t), jl_typename_type); memset(tn, 0, sizeof(jl_typename_t)); tn->cache = jl_emptysvec; // the cache is refilled later (tag 5) tn->linearcache = jl_emptysvec; // the cache is refilled later (tag 5) tn->partial = NULL; backref_list.items[pos] = tn; } jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_sym_t *sym = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); if (internal) { tn->module = m; tn->name = sym; tn->names = (jl_svec_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&tn->names); jl_gc_wb(tn, tn->names); tn->wrapper = jl_deserialize_value(s, &tn->wrapper); jl_gc_wb(tn, tn->wrapper); tn->mt = (jl_methtable_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&tn->mt); jl_gc_wb(tn, tn->mt); ios_read(s->s, (char*)&tn->hash, sizeof(tn->hash)); } else { jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(jl_get_global(m, sym)); assert(jl_is_datatype(dt)); tn = dt->name; backref_list.items[pos] = tn; } return (jl_value_t*)tn; } jl_set_typeof(v, dt); if ((jl_value_t*)dt == jl_bigint_type) { jl_value_t *sizefield = jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); int32_t sz = jl_unbox_int32(sizefield); int32_t nw = (sz == 0 ? 1 : (sz < 0 ? -sz : sz)); size_t nb = nw * gmp_limb_size; void *buf = jl_gc_counted_malloc(nb); if (buf == NULL) jl_throw(jl_memory_exception); ios_readall(s->s, (char*)buf, nb); jl_set_nth_field(v, 0, jl_box_int32(nw)); jl_set_nth_field(v, 1, sizefield); jl_set_nth_field(v, 2, jl_box_voidpointer(buf)); } else { jl_deserialize_struct(s, v); } return v; } static jl_value_t *jl_deserialize_value(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t **loc) JL_GC_DISABLED { assert(!ios_eof(s->s)); jl_value_t *v; size_t n; uintptr_t pos; uint8_t tag = read_uint8(s->s); if (tag > LAST_TAG) return deser_tag[tag]; switch (tag) { case TAG_NULL: return NULL; case 0: tag = read_uint8(s->s); return deser_tag[tag]; case TAG_BACKREF: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_SHORT_BACKREF: ; uintptr_t offs = (tag == TAG_BACKREF) ? read_int32(s->s) : read_uint16(s->s); int isflagref = 0; isflagref = !!(offs & 1); offs >>= 1; // assert(offs >= 0); // offs is unsigned so this is always true assert(offs < backref_list.len); jl_value_t *bp = (jl_value_t*)backref_list.items[offs]; assert(bp); if (isflagref && loc != HT_NOTFOUND) { if (loc != NULL) { // as in jl_deserialize_value_singleton, the caller won't have a place to // store this reference given a field type like Union{Int,Nothing} arraylist_push(&flagref_list, loc); arraylist_push(&flagref_list, (void*)(uintptr_t)-1); } } return (jl_value_t*)bp; case TAG_SVEC: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_LONG_SVEC: return jl_deserialize_value_svec(s, tag, loc); case TAG_COMMONSYM: return deser_symbols[read_uint8(s->s)]; case TAG_SYMBOL: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_LONG_SYMBOL: return jl_deserialize_value_symbol(s, tag); case TAG_ARRAY: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_ARRAY1D: return jl_deserialize_value_array(s, tag); case TAG_UNIONALL: pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, NULL); if (read_uint8(s->s)) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_sym_t *sym = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_value_t *v = jl_get_global(m, sym); assert(jl_is_unionall(v)); backref_list.items[pos] = v; return v; } v = jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(jl_unionall_t), jl_unionall_type); backref_list.items[pos] = v; ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->var = (jl_tvar_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, (jl_value_t**)&((jl_unionall_t*)v)->var); jl_gc_wb(v, ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->var); ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->body = jl_deserialize_value(s, &((jl_unionall_t*)v)->body); jl_gc_wb(v, ((jl_unionall_t*)v)->body); return v; case TAG_TVAR: v = jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(jl_tvar_t), jl_tvar_type); jl_tvar_t *tv = (jl_tvar_t*)v; arraylist_push(&backref_list, tv); tv->name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); jl_gc_wb(tv, tv->name); tv->lb = jl_deserialize_value(s, &tv->lb); jl_gc_wb(tv, tv->lb); tv->ub = jl_deserialize_value(s, &tv->ub); jl_gc_wb(tv, tv->ub); return (jl_value_t*)tv; case TAG_METHOD: return jl_deserialize_value_method(s, loc); case TAG_METHOD_INSTANCE: return jl_deserialize_value_method_instance(s, loc); case TAG_CODE_INSTANCE: return jl_deserialize_value_code_instance(s, loc); case TAG_MODULE: return jl_deserialize_value_module(s); case TAG_SHORTER_INT64: v = jl_box_int64((int16_t)read_uint16(s->s)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); return v; case TAG_SHORT_INT64: v = jl_box_int64(read_int32(s->s)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); return v; case TAG_INT64: v = jl_box_int64((int64_t)read_uint64(s->s)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); return v; case TAG_SHORT_INT32: v = jl_box_int32((int16_t)read_uint16(s->s)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); return v; case TAG_INT32: v = jl_box_int32(read_int32(s->s)); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); return v; case TAG_UINT8: return jl_box_uint8(read_uint8(s->s)); case TAG_SINGLETON: return jl_deserialize_value_singleton(s, loc); case TAG_CORE: return (jl_value_t*)jl_core_module; case TAG_BASE: return (jl_value_t*)jl_base_module; case TAG_CNULL: v = jl_gc_alloc(s->ptls, sizeof(void*), NULL); jl_set_typeof(v, (void*)(intptr_t)0x50); *(void**)v = NULL; uintptr_t pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); jl_set_typeof(v, jl_deserialize_value(s, &jl_astaggedvalue(v)->type)); return v; case TAG_BITYPENAME: v = deser_tag[read_uint8(s->s)]; return (jl_value_t*)((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(v))->name; case TAG_STRING: n = read_int32(s->s); v = jl_alloc_string(n); arraylist_push(&backref_list, v); ios_readall(s->s, jl_string_data(v), n); return v; case TAG_DATATYPE: pos = backref_list.len; arraylist_push(&backref_list, NULL); return jl_deserialize_datatype(s, pos, loc); default: assert(tag == TAG_GENERAL || tag == TAG_SHORT_GENERAL); return jl_deserialize_value_any(s, tag, loc); } } static void jl_insert_methods(jl_array_t *list) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(list); for (i = 0; i < l; i += 2) { jl_method_t *meth = (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(list, i); assert(!meth->is_for_opaque_closure); jl_tupletype_t *simpletype = (jl_tupletype_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(list, i + 1); assert(jl_is_method(meth)); jl_methtable_t *mt = jl_method_table_for((jl_value_t*)meth->sig); assert((jl_value_t*)mt != jl_nothing); jl_method_table_insert(mt, meth, simpletype); } } // verify that these edges intersect with the same methods as before static void jl_verify_edges(jl_array_t *targets, jl_array_t **pvalids) { size_t i, l = jl_array_len(targets) / 2; jl_array_t *valids = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, l); memset(jl_array_data(valids), 1, l); *pvalids = valids; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *callee = jl_array_ptr_ref(targets, i * 2); jl_method_instance_t *callee_mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)callee; jl_value_t *sig; if (jl_is_method_instance(callee)) { sig = callee_mi->specTypes; } else { sig = callee; } jl_array_t *expected = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(targets, i * 2 + 1); assert(jl_is_array(expected)); int valid = 1; size_t min_valid = 0; size_t max_valid = ~(size_t)0; int ambig = 0; // TODO: possibly need to included ambiguities too (for the optimizer correctness)? jl_value_t *matches = jl_matching_methods((jl_tupletype_t*)sig, -1, 0, jl_world_counter, &min_valid, &max_valid, &ambig); if (matches == jl_false || jl_array_len(matches) != jl_array_len(expected)) { valid = 0; } else { size_t j, k, l = jl_array_len(expected); for (k = 0; k < jl_array_len(matches); k++) { jl_method_match_t *match = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, k); jl_method_t *m = match->method; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (m == (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(expected, j)) break; } if (j == l) { // intersection has a new method or a method was // deleted--this is now probably no good, just invalidate // everything about it now valid = 0; break; } } } jl_array_uint8_set(valids, i, valid); } } static void jl_insert_backedges(jl_array_t *list, jl_array_t *targets) { // map(enable, ((list[i] => targets[list[i + 1] .* 2]) for i in 1:2:length(list) if all(valids[list[i + 1]]))) size_t i, l = jl_array_len(list); jl_array_t *valids = NULL; jl_value_t *loctag = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&valids, &loctag); jl_verify_edges(targets, &valids); for (i = 0; i < l; i += 2) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(list, i); assert(jl_is_method_instance(caller) && jl_is_method(caller->def.method)); assert(caller->def.method->primary_world == jl_world_counter); // caller should be new jl_array_t *idxs_array = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(list, i + 1); assert(jl_isa((jl_value_t*)idxs_array, jl_array_int32_type)); int32_t *idxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(idxs_array); int valid = 1; size_t j; for (j = 0; valid && j < jl_array_len(idxs_array); j++) { int32_t idx = idxs[j]; valid = jl_array_uint8_ref(valids, idx); } if (valid) { // if this callee is still valid, add all the backedges for (j = 0; j < jl_array_len(idxs_array); j++) { int32_t idx = idxs[j]; jl_value_t *callee = jl_array_ptr_ref(targets, idx * 2); if (jl_is_method_instance(callee)) { jl_method_instance_add_backedge((jl_method_instance_t*)callee, caller); } else { jl_methtable_t *mt = jl_method_table_for(callee); assert((jl_value_t*)mt != jl_nothing); jl_method_table_add_backedge(mt, callee, (jl_value_t*)caller); } } // then enable it jl_code_instance_t *codeinst = caller->cache; while (codeinst) { if (codeinst->min_world > 0) codeinst->max_world = ~(size_t)0; codeinst = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&codeinst->next); } } else { if (_jl_debug_method_invalidation) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(_jl_debug_method_invalidation, (jl_value_t*)caller); loctag = jl_cstr_to_string("insert_backedges"); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(_jl_debug_method_invalidation, loctag); } } } JL_GC_POP(); } static jl_value_t *read_verify_mod_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t *mod_list) { if (!jl_main_module->build_id) { return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Main module uuid state is invalid for module deserialization."); } size_t i, l = jl_array_len(mod_list); for (i = 0; ; i++) { size_t len = read_int32(s); if (len == 0 && i == l) return NULL; // success if (len == 0 || i == l) return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Wrong number of entries in module list."); char *name = (char*)alloca(len + 1); ios_readall(s, name, len); name[len] = '\0'; jl_uuid_t uuid; uuid.hi = read_uint64(s); uuid.lo = read_uint64(s); uint64_t build_id = read_uint64(s); jl_sym_t *sym = _jl_symbol(name, len); jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(mod_list, i); if (!m || !jl_is_module(m) || m->uuid.hi != uuid.hi || m->uuid.lo != uuid.lo || m->name != sym || m->build_id != build_id) { return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Invalid input in module list: expected %s.", name); } } } static int readstr_verify(ios_t *s, const char *str) { size_t i, len = strlen(str); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) if ((char)read_uint8(s) != str[i]) return 0; return 1; } JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_read_verify_header(ios_t *s) { uint16_t bom; return (readstr_verify(s, JI_MAGIC) && read_uint16(s) == JI_FORMAT_VERSION && ios_read(s, (char *) &bom, 2) == 2 && bom == BOM && read_uint8(s) == sizeof(void*) && readstr_verify(s, JL_BUILD_UNAME) && !read_uint8(s) && readstr_verify(s, JL_BUILD_ARCH) && !read_uint8(s) && readstr_verify(s, JULIA_VERSION_STRING) && !read_uint8(s) && readstr_verify(s, jl_git_branch()) && !read_uint8(s) && readstr_verify(s, jl_git_commit()) && !read_uint8(s)); } static void jl_finalize_serializer(jl_serializer_state *s) { size_t i, l; // save module initialization order if (jl_module_init_order != NULL) { l = jl_array_len(jl_module_init_order); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { // verify that all these modules were saved assert(ptrhash_get(&backref_table, jl_array_ptr_ref(jl_module_init_order, i)) != HT_NOTFOUND); } } jl_serialize_value(s, jl_module_init_order); // record list of reinitialization functions l = reinit_list.len; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 2) { write_int32(s->s, (int)((uintptr_t) reinit_list.items[i])); write_int32(s->s, (int)((uintptr_t) reinit_list.items[i+1])); } write_int32(s->s, -1); } static void jl_reinit_item(jl_value_t *v, int how, arraylist_t *tracee_list) { JL_TRY { switch (how) { case 1: { // rehash IdDict jl_array_t **a = (jl_array_t**)v; // Assume *a don't need a write barrier *a = jl_idtable_rehash(*a, jl_array_len(*a)); jl_gc_wb(v, *a); break; } case 2: { // reinsert module v into parent (const) jl_module_t *mod = (jl_module_t*)v; if (mod->parent == mod) // top level modules handled by loader break; jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(mod->parent, mod->name, 1); jl_declare_constant(b); // this can throw if (b->value != NULL) { if (!jl_is_module(b->value)) { jl_errorf("Invalid redefinition of constant %s.", jl_symbol_name(mod->name)); // this also throws } if (jl_generating_output() && jl_options.incremental) { jl_errorf("Cannot replace module %s during incremental precompile.", jl_symbol_name(mod->name)); } jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: replacing module %s.\n", jl_symbol_name(mod->name)); } b->value = v; jl_gc_wb_binding(b, v); break; } case 3: { // rehash MethodTable jl_methtable_t *mt = (jl_methtable_t*)v; if (tracee_list) arraylist_push(tracee_list, mt); break; } default: assert(0 && "corrupt deserialization state"); abort(); } } JL_CATCH { jl_printf((JL_STREAM*)STDERR_FILENO, "WARNING: error while reinitializing value "); jl_static_show((JL_STREAM*)STDERR_FILENO, v); jl_printf((JL_STREAM*)STDERR_FILENO, ":\n"); jl_static_show((JL_STREAM*)STDERR_FILENO, jl_current_exception()); jl_printf((JL_STREAM*)STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); jlbacktrace(); // written to STDERR_FILENO } } static jl_array_t *jl_finalize_deserializer(jl_serializer_state *s, arraylist_t *tracee_list) { jl_array_t *init_order = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(s, NULL); // run reinitialization functions int pos = read_int32(s->s); while (pos != -1) { jl_reinit_item((jl_value_t*)backref_list.items[pos], read_int32(s->s), tracee_list); pos = read_int32(s->s); } return init_order; } JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_init_restored_modules(jl_array_t *init_order) { if (!init_order) return; int i, l = jl_array_len(init_order); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *mod = jl_array_ptr_ref(init_order, i); if (!jl_generating_output() || jl_options.incremental) { jl_module_run_initializer((jl_module_t*)mod); } else { if (jl_module_init_order == NULL) jl_module_init_order = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_module_init_order, mod); } } } // --- entry points --- JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_save_incremental(const char *fname, jl_array_t *worklist) { JL_TIMING(SAVE_MODULE); ios_t f; jl_array_t *mod_array = NULL, *udeps = NULL; if (ios_file(&f, fname, 1, 1, 1, 1) == NULL) { jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "Cannot open cache file \"%s\" for writing.\n", fname); return 1; } JL_GC_PUSH2(&mod_array, &udeps); mod_array = jl_get_loaded_modules(); serializer_worklist = worklist; write_header(&f); // write description on contents write_work_list(&f); // write binary blob from caller int64_t srctextpos = write_dependency_list(&f, &udeps, mod_array); // write description of requirements for loading // this can return errors during deserialize, // best to keep it early (before any actual initialization) write_mod_list(&f, mod_array); arraylist_new(&reinit_list, 0); htable_new(&edges_map, 0); htable_new(&backref_table, 5000); ptrhash_put(&backref_table, jl_main_module, (char*)HT_NOTFOUND + 1); backref_table_numel = 1; jl_idtable_type = jl_base_module ? jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("IdDict")) : NULL; jl_idtable_typename = jl_base_module ? ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_idtable_type))->name : NULL; jl_bigint_type = jl_base_module ? jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("BigInt")) : NULL; if (jl_bigint_type) { gmp_limb_size = jl_unbox_long(jl_get_global((jl_module_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("GMP")), jl_symbol("BITS_PER_LIMB"))) / 8; } int en = jl_gc_enable(0); // edges map is not gc-safe jl_array_t *lambdas = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_t *edges = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_t *targets = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); size_t i; size_t len = jl_array_len(mod_array); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(mod_array, i); assert(jl_is_module(m)); if (m->parent == m) // some toplevel modules (really just Base) aren't actually jl_collect_lambdas_from_mod(lambdas, m); } jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(lambdas, jl_type_type_mt); jl_collect_missing_backedges_to_mod(jl_type_type_mt); jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(lambdas, jl_nonfunction_mt); jl_collect_missing_backedges_to_mod(jl_nonfunction_mt); jl_collect_backedges(edges, targets); jl_serializer_state s = { &f, jl_get_ptls_states(), mod_array }; jl_serialize_value(&s, worklist); jl_serialize_value(&s, lambdas); jl_serialize_value(&s, edges); jl_serialize_value(&s, targets); jl_finalize_serializer(&s); serializer_worklist = NULL; jl_gc_enable(en); htable_reset(&edges_map, 0); htable_reset(&backref_table, 0); arraylist_free(&reinit_list); // Write the source-text for the dependent files if (udeps) { // Go back and update the source-text position to point to the current position int64_t posfile = ios_pos(&f); ios_seek(&f, srctextpos); write_int64(&f, posfile); ios_seek_end(&f); // Each source-text file is written as // int32: length of abspath // char*: abspath // uint64: length of src text // char*: src text // At the end we write int32(0) as a terminal sentinel. len = jl_array_len(udeps); ios_t srctext; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jl_value_t *deptuple = jl_array_ptr_ref(udeps, i); jl_value_t *depmod = jl_fieldref(deptuple, 0); // module // Dependencies declared with `include_dependency` are excluded // because these may not be Julia code (and could be huge) if (depmod != (jl_value_t*)jl_main_module) { jl_value_t *dep = jl_fieldref(deptuple, 1); // file abspath const char *depstr = jl_string_data(dep); if (!depstr[0]) continue; ios_t *srctp = ios_file(&srctext, depstr, 1, 0, 0, 0); if (!srctp) { jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: could not cache source text for \"%s\".\n", jl_string_data(dep)); continue; } size_t slen = jl_string_len(dep); write_int32(&f, slen); ios_write(&f, depstr, slen); posfile = ios_pos(&f); write_uint64(&f, 0); // placeholder for length of this file in bytes uint64_t filelen = (uint64_t) ios_copyall(&f, &srctext); ios_close(&srctext); ios_seek(&f, posfile); write_uint64(&f, filelen); ios_seek_end(&f); } } } write_int32(&f, 0); // mark the end of the source text ios_close(&f); JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } #ifndef JL_NDEBUG // skip the performance optimizations of jl_types_equal and just use subtyping directly // one of these types is invalid - that's why we're doing the recache type operation static int jl_invalid_types_equal(jl_datatype_t *a, jl_datatype_t *b) { return jl_subtype((jl_value_t*)a, (jl_value_t*)b) && jl_subtype((jl_value_t*)b, (jl_value_t*)a); } STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *verify_type(jl_value_t *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { assert(v && jl_typeof(v) && jl_typeof(jl_typeof(v)) == (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type); return v; } #endif static jl_datatype_t *recache_datatype(jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_GC_DISABLED; static jl_value_t *recache_type(jl_value_t *p) JL_GC_DISABLED { if (jl_is_datatype(p)) { jl_datatype_t *pdt = (jl_datatype_t*)p; if (ptrhash_get(&uniquing_table, p) != HT_NOTFOUND) { p = (jl_value_t*)recache_datatype(pdt); } else { jl_svec_t *tt = pdt->parameters; // ensure all type parameters are recached size_t i, l = jl_svec_len(tt); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) jl_svecset(tt, i, recache_type(jl_svecref(tt, i))); ptrhash_put(&uniquing_table, p, p); // ensures this algorithm isn't too exponential } } else if (jl_is_typevar(p)) { jl_tvar_t *ptv = (jl_tvar_t*)p; ptv->lb = recache_type(ptv->lb); ptv->ub = recache_type(ptv->ub); } else if (jl_is_uniontype(p)) { jl_uniontype_t *pu = (jl_uniontype_t*)p; pu->a = recache_type(pu->a); pu->b = recache_type(pu->b); } else if (jl_is_unionall(p)) { jl_unionall_t *pa = (jl_unionall_t*)p; pa->var = (jl_tvar_t*)recache_type((jl_value_t*)pa->var); pa->body = recache_type(pa->body); } else { jl_datatype_t *pt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(p); jl_datatype_t *cachep = recache_datatype(pt); if (cachep->instance) p = cachep->instance; else if (pt != cachep) jl_set_typeof(p, cachep); } return p; } static jl_datatype_t *recache_datatype(jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_datatype_t *t; // the type after unique'ing assert(verify_type((jl_value_t*)dt)); t = (jl_datatype_t*)ptrhash_get(&uniquing_table, dt); if (t == HT_NOTFOUND) return dt; if (t != NULL) return t; jl_svec_t *tt = dt->parameters; // recache all type parameters size_t i, l = jl_svec_len(tt); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) jl_svecset(tt, i, recache_type(jl_svecref(tt, i))); // then recache the type itself if (jl_svec_len(tt) == 0) { // jl_cache_type doesn't work if length(parameters) == 0 t = dt; } else { t = jl_lookup_cache_type_(dt); if (t == NULL) { jl_cache_type_(dt); t = dt; } assert(t->hash == dt->hash); assert(jl_invalid_types_equal(t, dt)); } ptrhash_put(&uniquing_table, dt, t); return t; } static void jl_recache_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED { size_t i; // first rewrite all the unique'd objects for (i = 0; i < flagref_list.len; i += 2) { jl_value_t **loc = (jl_value_t**)flagref_list.items[i + 0]; int offs = (int)(intptr_t)flagref_list.items[i + 1]; jl_value_t *o = loc ? *loc : (jl_value_t*)backref_list.items[offs]; if (!jl_is_method(o) && !jl_is_method_instance(o)) { jl_datatype_t *dt; jl_value_t *v; if (jl_is_datatype(o)) { dt = (jl_datatype_t*)o; v = dt->instance; } else { dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(o); v = o; } jl_datatype_t *t = recache_datatype(dt); if ((jl_value_t*)dt == o && t != dt) { assert(!type_in_worklist(dt)); if (loc) *loc = (jl_value_t*)t; if (offs > 0) backref_list.items[offs] = t; } if (v == o && t->instance != v) { assert(t->instance); assert(loc); *loc = t->instance; if (offs > 0) backref_list.items[offs] = t->instance; } } } // invalidate the old datatypes to help catch errors for (i = 0; i < uniquing_table.size; i += 2) { jl_datatype_t *o = (jl_datatype_t*)uniquing_table.table[i]; jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)uniquing_table.table[i + 1]; if (o != t) { assert(t != NULL && jl_is_datatype(o)); if (t->instance != o->instance) jl_set_typeof(o->instance, (void*)(intptr_t)0x20); jl_set_typeof(o, (void*)(intptr_t)0x10); } } // then do a cleanup pass to drop these from future iterations of flagref_list i = 0; while (i < flagref_list.len) { jl_value_t **loc = (jl_value_t**)flagref_list.items[i + 0]; int offs = (int)(intptr_t)flagref_list.items[i + 1]; jl_value_t *o = loc ? *loc : (jl_value_t*)backref_list.items[offs]; if (jl_is_method(o) || jl_is_method_instance(o)) { i += 2; } else { // delete this item from the flagref list, so it won't be re-encountered later flagref_list.len -= 2; if (i >= flagref_list.len) break; flagref_list.items[i + 0] = flagref_list.items[flagref_list.len + 0]; flagref_list.items[i + 1] = flagref_list.items[flagref_list.len + 1]; } } } // look up a method from a previously deserialized dependent module static jl_method_t *jl_lookup_method(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_datatype_t *sig, size_t world) { if (world < jl_main_module->primary_world) world = jl_main_module->primary_world; struct jl_typemap_assoc search = {(jl_value_t*)sig, world, NULL, 0, ~(size_t)0}; jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(mt->defs, &search, /*offs*/0, /*subtype*/0); return (jl_method_t*)entry->func.value; } static jl_method_t *jl_recache_method(jl_method_t *m) { assert(!m->is_for_opaque_closure); jl_datatype_t *sig = (jl_datatype_t*)m->sig; jl_methtable_t *mt = jl_method_table_for((jl_value_t*)m->sig); assert((jl_value_t*)mt != jl_nothing); jl_set_typeof(m, (void*)(intptr_t)0x30); // invalidate the old value to help catch errors jl_method_t *_new = jl_lookup_method(mt, sig, m->module->primary_world); return _new; } static jl_value_t *jl_recache_other_(jl_value_t *o); static jl_method_instance_t *jl_recache_method_instance(jl_method_instance_t *mi) { jl_method_t *m = mi->def.method; m = (jl_method_t*)jl_recache_other_((jl_value_t*)m); assert(jl_is_method(m)); jl_datatype_t *argtypes = (jl_datatype_t*)mi->specTypes; jl_set_typeof(mi, (void*)(intptr_t)0x40); // invalidate the old value to help catch errors jl_svec_t *env = jl_emptysvec; jl_value_t *ti = jl_type_intersection_env((jl_value_t*)argtypes, (jl_value_t*)m->sig, &env); //assert(ti != jl_bottom_type); (void)ti; if (ti == jl_bottom_type) env = jl_emptysvec; // the intersection may fail now if the type system had made an incorrect subtype env in the past jl_method_instance_t *_new = jl_specializations_get_linfo(m, (jl_value_t*)argtypes, env); return _new; } static jl_value_t *jl_recache_other_(jl_value_t *o) { jl_value_t *newo = (jl_value_t*)ptrhash_get(&uniquing_table, o); if (newo != HT_NOTFOUND) return newo; if (jl_is_method(o)) { // lookup the real Method based on the placeholder sig newo = (jl_value_t*)jl_recache_method((jl_method_t*)o); ptrhash_put(&uniquing_table, newo, newo); } else if (jl_is_method_instance(o)) { // lookup the real MethodInstance based on the placeholder specTypes newo = (jl_value_t*)jl_recache_method_instance((jl_method_instance_t*)o); } else { abort(); } ptrhash_put(&uniquing_table, o, newo); return newo; } static void jl_recache_other(void) { size_t i = 0; while (i < flagref_list.len) { jl_value_t **loc = (jl_value_t**)flagref_list.items[i + 0]; int offs = (int)(intptr_t)flagref_list.items[i + 1]; jl_value_t *o = loc ? *loc : (jl_value_t*)backref_list.items[offs]; i += 2; jl_value_t *newo = jl_recache_other_(o); if (loc) *loc = newo; if (offs > 0) backref_list.items[offs] = newo; } flagref_list.len = 0; } static int trace_method(jl_typemap_entry_t *entry, void *closure) { jl_call_tracer(jl_newmeth_tracer, (jl_value_t*)entry->func.method); return 1; } static jl_value_t *_jl_restore_incremental(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *mod_array) { JL_TIMING(LOAD_MODULE); jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states(); if (ios_eof(f) || !jl_read_verify_header(f)) { ios_close(f); return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Precompile file header verification checks failed."); } { // skip past the mod list size_t len; while ((len = read_int32(f))) ios_skip(f, len + 3 * sizeof(uint64_t)); } { // skip past the dependency list size_t deplen = read_uint64(f); ios_skip(f, deplen); } jl_bigint_type = jl_base_module ? jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("BigInt")) : NULL; if (jl_bigint_type) { gmp_limb_size = jl_unbox_long(jl_get_global((jl_module_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("GMP")), jl_symbol("BITS_PER_LIMB"))) / 8; } // verify that the system state is valid jl_value_t *verify_fail = read_verify_mod_list(f, mod_array); if (verify_fail) { ios_close(f); return verify_fail; } // prepare to deserialize int en = jl_gc_enable(0); jl_gc_enable_finalizers(ptls, 0); ++jl_world_counter; // reserve a world age for the deserialization arraylist_new(&backref_list, 4000); arraylist_push(&backref_list, jl_main_module); arraylist_new(&flagref_list, 0); arraylist_new(&ccallable_list, 0); htable_new(&uniquing_table, 0); jl_serializer_state s = { f, ptls, mod_array }; jl_array_t *restored = (jl_array_t*)jl_deserialize_value(&s, (jl_value_t**)&restored); serializer_worklist = restored; assert(jl_isa((jl_value_t*)restored, jl_array_any_type)); // get list of external generic functions jl_value_t *external_methods = jl_deserialize_value(&s, &external_methods); jl_value_t *external_backedges = jl_deserialize_value(&s, &external_backedges); jl_value_t *external_edges = jl_deserialize_value(&s, &external_edges); arraylist_t *tracee_list = NULL; if (jl_newmeth_tracer) tracee_list = arraylist_new((arraylist_t*)malloc_s(sizeof(arraylist_t)), 0); // at this point, the AST is fully reconstructed, but still completely disconnected // now all of the interconnects will be created jl_recache_types(); // make all of the types identities correct htable_reset(&uniquing_table, 0); jl_insert_methods((jl_array_t*)external_methods); // hook up methods of external generic functions (needs to be after recache types) jl_recache_other(); // make all of the other objects identities correct (needs to be after insert methods) htable_free(&uniquing_table); jl_array_t *init_order = jl_finalize_deserializer(&s, tracee_list); // done with f and s (needs to be after recache) JL_GC_PUSH4(&init_order, &restored, &external_backedges, &external_edges); jl_gc_enable(en); // subtyping can allocate a lot, not valid before recache-other jl_insert_backedges((jl_array_t*)external_backedges, (jl_array_t*)external_edges); // restore external backedges (needs to be last) serializer_worklist = NULL; arraylist_free(&flagref_list); arraylist_free(&backref_list); ios_close(f); jl_gc_enable_finalizers(ptls, 1); // make sure we don't run any Julia code concurrently before this point if (tracee_list) { jl_methtable_t *mt; while ((mt = (jl_methtable_t*)arraylist_pop(tracee_list)) != NULL) { JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(mt); jl_typemap_visitor(mt->defs, trace_method, NULL); } arraylist_free(tracee_list); free(tracee_list); } for (int i = 0; i < ccallable_list.len; i++) { jl_svec_t *item = (jl_svec_t*)ccallable_list.items[i]; JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(item); int success = jl_compile_extern_c(NULL, NULL, NULL, jl_svecref(item, 0), jl_svecref(item, 1)); if (!success) jl_safe_printf("@ccallable was already defined for this method name\n"); } arraylist_free(&ccallable_list); jl_value_t *ret = (jl_value_t*)jl_svec(2, restored, init_order); JL_GC_POP(); return (jl_value_t*)ret; } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_restore_incremental_from_buf(const char *buf, size_t sz, jl_array_t *mod_array) { ios_t f; ios_static_buffer(&f, (char*)buf, sz); return _jl_restore_incremental(&f, mod_array); } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_restore_incremental(const char *fname, jl_array_t *mod_array) { ios_t f; if (ios_file(&f, fname, 1, 0, 0, 0) == NULL) { return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Cache file \"%s\" not found.\n", fname); } return _jl_restore_incremental(&f, mod_array); } // --- init --- void jl_init_serializer(void) { jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states(); htable_new(&ser_tag, 0); htable_new(&common_symbol_tag, 0); htable_new(&backref_table, 0); void *vals[] = { jl_emptysvec, jl_emptytuple, jl_false, jl_true, jl_nothing, jl_any_type, call_sym, invoke_sym, goto_ifnot_sym, return_sym, jl_symbol("tuple"), jl_an_empty_string, jl_an_empty_vec_any, // empirical list of very common symbols #include "common_symbols1.inc" jl_box_int32(0), jl_box_int32(1), jl_box_int32(2), jl_box_int32(3), jl_box_int32(4), jl_box_int32(5), jl_box_int32(6), jl_box_int32(7), jl_box_int32(8), jl_box_int32(9), jl_box_int32(10), jl_box_int32(11), jl_box_int32(12), jl_box_int32(13), jl_box_int32(14), jl_box_int32(15), jl_box_int32(16), jl_box_int32(17), jl_box_int32(18), jl_box_int32(19), jl_box_int32(20), jl_box_int64(0), jl_box_int64(1), jl_box_int64(2), jl_box_int64(3), jl_box_int64(4), jl_box_int64(5), jl_box_int64(6), jl_box_int64(7), jl_box_int64(8), jl_box_int64(9), jl_box_int64(10), jl_box_int64(11), jl_box_int64(12), jl_box_int64(13), jl_box_int64(14), jl_box_int64(15), jl_box_int64(16), jl_box_int64(17), jl_box_int64(18), jl_box_int64(19), jl_box_int64(20), jl_bool_type, jl_linenumbernode_type, jl_pinode_type, jl_upsilonnode_type, jl_type_type, jl_bottom_type, jl_ref_type, jl_pointer_type, jl_abstractarray_type, jl_nothing_type, jl_vararg_type, jl_densearray_type, jl_function_type, jl_typename_type, jl_builtin_type, jl_task_type, jl_uniontype_type, jl_array_any_type, jl_intrinsic_type, jl_abstractslot_type, jl_methtable_type, jl_typemap_level_type, jl_voidpointer_type, jl_newvarnode_type, jl_abstractstring_type, jl_array_symbol_type, jl_anytuple_type, jl_tparam0(jl_anytuple_type), jl_emptytuple_type, jl_array_uint8_type, jl_code_info_type, jl_typeofbottom_type, jl_typeofbottom_type->super, jl_namedtuple_type, jl_array_int32_type, jl_typedslot_type, jl_uint32_type, jl_uint64_type, jl_type_type_mt, jl_nonfunction_mt, jl_opaque_closure_type, ptls->root_task, NULL }; // more common symbols, less common than those above. will get 2-byte encodings. void *common_symbols[] = { #include "common_symbols2.inc" NULL }; deser_tag[TAG_SYMBOL] = (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol_type; deser_tag[TAG_SSAVALUE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_ssavalue_type; deser_tag[TAG_DATATYPE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type; deser_tag[TAG_SLOTNUMBER] = (jl_value_t*)jl_slotnumber_type; deser_tag[TAG_SVEC] = (jl_value_t*)jl_simplevector_type; deser_tag[TAG_ARRAY] = (jl_value_t*)jl_array_type; deser_tag[TAG_EXPR] = (jl_value_t*)jl_expr_type; deser_tag[TAG_PHINODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_phinode_type; deser_tag[TAG_PHICNODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_phicnode_type; deser_tag[TAG_STRING] = (jl_value_t*)jl_string_type; deser_tag[TAG_MODULE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_module_type; deser_tag[TAG_TVAR] = (jl_value_t*)jl_tvar_type; deser_tag[TAG_METHOD_INSTANCE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_method_instance_type; deser_tag[TAG_METHOD] = (jl_value_t*)jl_method_type; deser_tag[TAG_CODE_INSTANCE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_code_instance_type; deser_tag[TAG_GLOBALREF] = (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_type; deser_tag[TAG_INT32] = (jl_value_t*)jl_int32_type; deser_tag[TAG_INT64] = (jl_value_t*)jl_int64_type; deser_tag[TAG_UINT8] = (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type; deser_tag[TAG_LINEINFO] = (jl_value_t*)jl_lineinfonode_type; deser_tag[TAG_UNIONALL] = (jl_value_t*)jl_unionall_type; deser_tag[TAG_GOTONODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_gotonode_type; deser_tag[TAG_QUOTENODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_quotenode_type; deser_tag[TAG_GOTOIFNOT] = (jl_value_t*)jl_gotoifnot_type; deser_tag[TAG_RETURNNODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_returnnode_type; deser_tag[TAG_ARGUMENT] = (jl_value_t*)jl_argument_type; intptr_t i = 0; while (vals[i] != NULL) { deser_tag[LAST_TAG+1+i] = (jl_value_t*)vals[i]; i += 1; } assert(LAST_TAG+1+i < 256); for (i = 2; i < 256; i++) { if (deser_tag[i]) ptrhash_put(&ser_tag, deser_tag[i], (void*)i); } i = 2; while (common_symbols[i-2] != NULL) { ptrhash_put(&common_symbol_tag, common_symbols[i-2], (void*)i); deser_symbols[i] = (jl_value_t*)common_symbols[i-2]; i += 1; } assert(i <= 256); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif