# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license const COMPILER_TEMP_SYM = Symbol("#temp#") # build (and start inferring) the inference frame for the linfo function typeinf(result::InferenceResult, cached::Bool, params::Params) frame = InferenceState(result, cached, params) frame === nothing && return false cached && (result.linfo.inInference = true) return typeinf(frame) end function typeinf(frame::InferenceState) typeinf_nocycle(frame) || return false # frame is now part of a higher cycle # with no active ip's, frame is done frames = frame.callers_in_cycle isempty(frames) && push!(frames, frame) for caller in frames @assert !(caller.dont_work_on_me) caller.dont_work_on_me = true end for caller in frames finish(caller) end # collect results for the new expanded frame results = InferenceResult[ frames[i].result for i in 1:length(frames) ] # empty!(frames) min_valid = frame.min_valid max_valid = frame.max_valid cached = frame.cached if cached || frame.parent !== nothing for caller in results opt = caller.src if opt isa OptimizationState optimize(opt, caller.result) finish(opt.src) # finish updating the result struct validate_code_in_debug_mode(opt.linfo, opt.src, "optimized") if opt.const_api if caller.result isa Const caller.src = caller.result else @assert isconstType(caller.result) caller.src = Const(caller.result.parameters[1]) end elseif opt.src.inferred caller.src = opt.src::CodeInfo # stash a copy of the code (for inlining) else caller.src = nothing end if min_valid < opt.min_valid min_valid = opt.min_valid end if max_valid > opt.max_valid max_valid = opt.max_valid end end end end for caller in frames caller.src.min_world = min_valid % Int caller.src.max_world = max_valid % Int if cached cache_result(caller.result, min_valid, max_valid) end end # if we aren't cached, we don't need this edge # but our caller might, so let's just make it anyways for caller in frames finalize_backedges(caller) end if max_valid == typemax(UInt) for caller in frames store_backedges(caller) end end return true end # inference completed on `me` # update the MethodInstance and notify the edges function cache_result(result::InferenceResult, min_valid::UInt, max_valid::UInt) def = result.linfo.def toplevel = !isa(result.linfo.def, Method) if toplevel min_valid = UInt(0) max_valid = UInt(0) end # check if the existing linfo metadata is also sufficient to describe the current inference result # to decide if it is worth caching it again (which would also clear any generated code) already_inferred = !result.linfo.inInference if isdefined(result.linfo, :inferred) inf = result.linfo.inferred if !isa(inf, CodeInfo) || (inf::CodeInfo).inferred if min_world(result.linfo) == min_valid && max_world(result.linfo) == max_valid already_inferred = true end end end # don't store inferred code if we've decided to interpret this function if !already_inferred && invoke_api(result.linfo) != 4 inferred_result = result.src if inferred_result isa Const # use constant calling convention inferred_const = (result.src::Const).val const_flags = 0x3 else if isa(result.result, Const) inferred_const = (result.result::Const).val const_flags = 0x2 elseif isconstType(result.result) inferred_const = result.result.parameters[1] const_flags = 0x2 else inferred_const = nothing const_flags = 0x00 end if !toplevel && inferred_result isa CodeInfo cache_the_tree = result.src.inferred && (result.src.inlineable || ccall(:jl_isa_compileable_sig, Int32, (Any, Any), result.linfo.specTypes, def) != 0) if cache_the_tree # compress code for non-toplevel thunks inferred_result = ccall(:jl_compress_ast, Any, (Any, Any), def, inferred_result) else inferred_result = nothing end end end if !isa(inferred_result, Union{CodeInfo, Vector{UInt8}}) inferred_result = nothing end cache = ccall(:jl_set_method_inferred, Ref{MethodInstance}, (Any, Any, Any, Any, Int32, UInt, UInt), result.linfo, widenconst(result.result), inferred_const, inferred_result, const_flags, min_valid, max_valid) if cache !== result.linfo result.linfo.inInference = false result.linfo = cache end end result.linfo.inInference = false nothing end function finish(me::InferenceState) # prepare to run optimization passes on fulltree if me.limited && me.cached && me.parent !== nothing # a top parent will be cached still, but not this intermediate work # we can throw everything else away now me.cached = false me.linfo.inInference = false me.src.inlineable = false else # annotate fulltree with type information type_annotate!(me) run_optimizer = (me.cached || me.parent !== nothing) if run_optimizer # construct the optimizer for later use, if we're building this IR to cache it # (otherwise, we'll run the optimization passes later, outside of inference) opt = OptimizationState(me) me.result.src = opt end end me.result.result = me.bestguess nothing end function finish(src::CodeInfo) # convert all type information into the form consumed by the cache for inlining and code-generation widen_all_consts!(src) src.inferred = true nothing end function finalize_backedges(me::InferenceState) # update all of the (cycle) callers with real backedges # by traversing the temporary list of backedges for (i, _) in me.cycle_backedges add_backedge!(me.linfo, i) end # finalize and record the linfo result me.inferred = true nothing end # add the real backedges function store_backedges(frame::InferenceState) toplevel = !isa(frame.linfo.def, Method) if !toplevel && (frame.cached || frame.parent !== nothing) caller = frame.result.linfo for edges in frame.stmt_edges edges === nothing && continue i = 1 while i <= length(edges) to = edges[i] if isa(to, MethodInstance) ccall(:jl_method_instance_add_backedge, Cvoid, (Any, Any), to, caller) i += 1 else typeassert(to, Core.MethodTable) typ = edges[i + 1] ccall(:jl_method_table_add_backedge, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Any), to, typ, caller) i += 2 end end end end end # widen all Const elements in type annotations function widen_all_consts!(src::CodeInfo) for i = 1:length(src.ssavaluetypes) src.ssavaluetypes[i] = widenconst(src.ssavaluetypes[i]) end for i = 1:length(src.code) x = src.code[i] if isa(x, PiNode) src.code[i] = PiNode(x.val, widenconst(x.typ)) end end return src end function annotate_slot_load!(e::Expr, vtypes::VarTable, sv::InferenceState, undefs::Array{Bool,1}) head = e.head i0 = 1 if is_meta_expr_head(head) || head === :const return end if head === :(=) || head === :method i0 = 2 end for i = i0:length(e.args) subex = e.args[i] if isa(subex, Expr) annotate_slot_load!(subex, vtypes, sv, undefs) elseif isa(subex, Slot) e.args[i] = visit_slot_load!(subex, vtypes, sv, undefs) end end end function visit_slot_load!(sl::Slot, vtypes::VarTable, sv::InferenceState, undefs::Array{Bool,1}) id = slot_id(sl) s = vtypes[id] vt = widenconditional(s.typ) if s.undef # find used-undef variables undefs[id] = true end # add type annotations where needed if !(sv.slottypes[id] ⊑ vt) return TypedSlot(id, vt) end return sl end function record_slot_assign!(sv::InferenceState) # look at all assignments to slots # and union the set of types stored there # to compute a lower bound on the storage required states = sv.stmt_types body = sv.src.code::Vector{Any} slottypes = sv.slottypes::Vector{Any} for i = 1:length(body) expr = body[i] st_i = states[i] # find all reachable assignments to locals if isa(st_i, VarTable) && isa(expr, Expr) && expr.head === :(=) lhs = expr.args[1] rhs = expr.args[2] if isa(lhs, Slot) vt = widenconst(sv.src.ssavaluetypes[i]) if vt !== Bottom id = slot_id(lhs) otherTy = slottypes[id] if otherTy === Bottom slottypes[id] = vt elseif otherTy === Any slottypes[id] = Any else slottypes[id] = tmerge(otherTy, vt) end end end end end end # annotate types of all symbols in AST function type_annotate!(sv::InferenceState) # delete dead statements only if we're building this IR to cache it # (otherwise, we'll run the optimization passes later, outside of inference) run_optimizer = (sv.cached || sv.parent !== nothing) # remove all unused ssa values gt = sv.src.ssavaluetypes for j = 1:length(gt) if gt[j] === NOT_FOUND gt[j] = Union{} end gt[j] = widenconditional(gt[j]) end # compute the required type for each slot # to hold all of the items assigned into it record_slot_assign!(sv) sv.src.slottypes = sv.slottypes sv.src.rettype = sv.bestguess # annotate variables load types # remove dead code optimization # and compute which variables may be used undef src = sv.src states = sv.stmt_types nargs = sv.nargs nslots = length(states[1]::Array{Any,1}) undefs = fill(false, nslots) body = src.code::Array{Any,1} nexpr = length(body) # replace gotoifnot with its condition if the branch target is unreachable for i = 1:nexpr expr = body[i] if isa(expr, Expr) && expr.head === :gotoifnot tgt = expr.args[2]::Int if !isa(states[tgt], VarTable) body[i] = expr.args[1] end end end i = 1 oldidx = 0 changemap = fill(0, nexpr) while i <= nexpr oldidx += 1 st_i = states[i] expr = body[i] if isa(st_i, VarTable) # st_i === nothing => unreached statement (see issue #7836) if isa(expr, Expr) annotate_slot_load!(expr, st_i, sv, undefs) elseif isa(expr, Slot) body[i] = visit_slot_load!(expr, st_i, sv, undefs) end else if isa(expr, Expr) && is_meta_expr_head(expr.head) # keep any lexically scoped expressions elseif run_optimizer deleteat!(body, i) deleteat!(states, i) deleteat!(src.ssavaluetypes, i) deleteat!(src.codelocs, i) nexpr -= 1 if oldidx < length(changemap) changemap[oldidx + 1] = -1 end continue else body[i] = Const(expr) # annotate that this statement actually is dead end end i += 1 end if run_optimizer renumber_ir_elements!(body, changemap) end # finish marking used-undef variables for j = 1:nslots if undefs[j] src.slotflags[j] |= SLOT_USEDUNDEF | SLOT_STATICUNDEF end end nothing end # at the end, all items in b's cycle # will now be added to a's cycle function union_caller_cycle!(a::InferenceState, b::InferenceState) callers_in_cycle = b.callers_in_cycle b.parent = a.parent b.callers_in_cycle = a.callers_in_cycle contains_is(a.callers_in_cycle, b) || push!(a.callers_in_cycle, b) if callers_in_cycle !== a.callers_in_cycle for caller in callers_in_cycle if caller !== b caller.parent = a.parent caller.callers_in_cycle = a.callers_in_cycle push!(a.callers_in_cycle, caller) end end end return end function merge_call_chain!(parent::InferenceState, ancestor::InferenceState, child::InferenceState, limited::Bool) # add backedge of parent <- child # then add all backedges of parent <- parent.parent # and merge all of the callers into ancestor.callers_in_cycle # and ensure that walking the parent list will get the same result (DAG) from everywhere while true add_cycle_backedge!(child, parent, parent.currpc) union_caller_cycle!(ancestor, child) child = parent parent = child.parent child === ancestor && break end if limited for caller in ancestor.callers_in_cycle caller.limited = true end end end # Walk through `linfo`'s upstream call chain, starting at `parent`. If a parent # frame matching `linfo` is encountered, then there is a cycle in the call graph # (i.e. `linfo` is a descendant callee of itself). Upon encountering this cycle, # we "resolve" it by merging the call chain, which entails unioning each intermediary # frame's `callers_in_cycle` field and adding the appropriate backedges. Finally, # we return `linfo`'s pre-existing frame. If no cycles are found, `nothing` is # returned instead. function resolve_call_cycle!(linfo::MethodInstance, parent::InferenceState) frame = parent uncached = false limited = false while isa(frame, InferenceState) uncached |= !frame.cached # ensure we never add an uncached frame to a cycle limited |= frame.limited if frame.linfo === linfo if uncached # our attempt to speculate into a constant call lead to an undesired self-cycle # that cannot be converged: poison our call-stack (up to the discovered duplicate frame) # with the limited flag and abort (set return type to Any) now poison_callstack(parent, frame, false) return true end merge_call_chain!(parent, frame, frame, limited) return frame end for caller in frame.callers_in_cycle if caller.linfo === linfo if uncached poison_callstack(parent, frame, false) return true end merge_call_chain!(parent, frame, caller, limited) return caller end end frame = frame.parent end return false end # compute (and cache) an inferred AST and return the current best estimate of the result type function typeinf_edge(method::Method, @nospecialize(atypes), sparams::SimpleVector, caller::InferenceState) code = code_for_method(method, atypes, sparams, caller.params.world) code === nothing && return Any, nothing code = code::MethodInstance if isdefined(code, :inferred) # return rettype if the code is already inferred # staged functions make this hard since they have two "inferred" conditions, # so need to check whether the code itself is also inferred inf = code.inferred if !isa(inf, CodeInfo) || (inf::CodeInfo).inferred if isdefined(code, :inferred_const) return AbstractEvalConstant(code.inferred_const), code else return code.rettype, code end end end if !caller.cached && caller.parent === nothing # this caller exists to return to the user # (if we asked resolve_call_cyle, it might instead detect that there is a cycle that it can't merge) frame = false else frame = resolve_call_cycle!(code, caller) end if frame === false # completely new code.inInference = true result = InferenceResult(code) frame = InferenceState(result, #=cached=#true, caller.params) # always use the cache for edge targets if frame === nothing # can't get the source for this, so we know nothing code.inInference = false return Any, nothing end if caller.cached || caller.limited # don't involve uncached functions in cycle resolution frame.parent = caller end typeinf(frame) return widenconst_bestguess(frame.bestguess), frame.inferred ? frame.linfo : nothing elseif frame === true # unresolvable cycle return Any, nothing end frame = frame::InferenceState return widenconst_bestguess(frame.bestguess), nothing end function widenconst_bestguess(bestguess) !isa(bestguess, Const) && !isa(bestguess, Type) && return widenconst(bestguess) return bestguess end #### entry points for inferring a MethodInstance given a type signature #### # compute an inferred AST and return type function typeinf_code(method::Method, @nospecialize(atypes), sparams::SimpleVector, run_optimizer::Bool, params::Params) code = code_for_method(method, atypes, sparams, params.world) code === nothing && return (nothing, Any) ccall(:jl_typeinf_begin, Cvoid, ()) result = InferenceResult(code) frame = InferenceState(result, false, params) frame === nothing && return (nothing, Any) if typeinf(frame) && run_optimizer opt = OptimizationState(frame) optimize(opt, result.result) opt.src.inferred = true end ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) frame.inferred || return (nothing, Any) return (frame.src, widenconst(result.result)) end # compute (and cache) an inferred AST and return type function typeinf_ext(linfo::MethodInstance, params::Params) method = linfo.def::Method for i = 1:2 # test-and-lock-and-test i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_begin, Cvoid, ()) if isdefined(linfo, :inferred) # see if this code already exists in the cache # staged functions make this hard since they have two "inferred" conditions, # so need to check whether the code itself is also inferred if min_world(linfo) <= params.world <= max_world(linfo) inf = linfo.inferred if invoke_api(linfo) == 2 tree = ccall(:jl_new_code_info_uninit, Ref{CodeInfo}, ()) tree.code = Any[ Expr(:return, quoted(linfo.inferred_const)) ] nargs = Int(method.nargs) tree.slotnames = ccall(:jl_uncompress_argnames, Any, (Any,), method.slot_syms) tree.slotflags = fill(0x00, nargs) tree.ssavaluetypes = 1 tree.codelocs = Int32[1] tree.linetable = [LineInfoNode(method.module, method.name, method.file, Int(method.line), 0)] tree.inferred = true tree.ssaflags = UInt8[0] tree.pure = true tree.inlineable = true tree.parent = linfo tree.rettype = typeof(linfo.inferred_const) tree.min_world = li.min_world tree.max_world = li.max_world i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) return svec(linfo, tree) elseif isa(inf, CodeInfo) if inf.inferred i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) return svec(linfo, inf) end elseif isa(inf, Vector{UInt8}) inf = uncompressed_ast(linfo.def::Method, inf) if inf.inferred i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) return svec(linfo, inf) end end end end end linfo.inInference = true frame = InferenceState(InferenceResult(linfo), #=cached=#true, params) frame === nothing && return svec(nothing, nothing) typeinf(frame) ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) frame.src.inferred || return svec(nothing, nothing) return svec(frame.result.linfo, frame.src) end # compute (and cache) an inferred AST and return the inferred return type function typeinf_type(method::Method, @nospecialize(atypes), sparams::SimpleVector, params::Params) if contains_is(unwrap_unionall(atypes).parameters, Union{}) return Union{} end code = code_for_method(method, atypes, sparams, params.world) code === nothing && return nothing code = code::MethodInstance for i = 1:2 # test-and-lock-and-test i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_begin, Cvoid, ()) if isdefined(code, :inferred) # see if this rettype already exists in the cache # staged functions make this hard since they have two "inferred" conditions, # so need to check whether the code itself is also inferred inf = code.inferred if !isa(inf, CodeInfo) || (inf::CodeInfo).inferred i == 2 && ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) return code.rettype end end end frame = InferenceResult(code) typeinf(frame, true, params) ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) frame.result isa InferenceState && return nothing return widenconst(frame.result) end @timeit function typeinf_ext(linfo::MethodInstance, world::UInt) if isa(linfo.def, Method) # method lambda - infer this specialization via the method cache return typeinf_ext(linfo, Params(world)) else src = linfo.inferred::CodeInfo if !src.inferred # toplevel lambda - infer directly ccall(:jl_typeinf_begin, Cvoid, ()) if !src.inferred result = InferenceResult(linfo) frame = InferenceState(result, src, #=cached=#true, Params(world)) typeinf(frame) @assert frame.inferred # TODO: deal with this better @assert frame.linfo === linfo linfo.rettype = widenconst(frame.bestguess) src = frame.src end ccall(:jl_typeinf_end, Cvoid, ()) end return svec(linfo, src) end end function return_type(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t)) world = ccall(:jl_get_tls_world_age, UInt, ()) return ccall(:jl_call_in_typeinf_world, Any, (Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}, Cint), Any[_return_type, f, t, world], 4) end function _return_type(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t), world) params = Params(world) rt = Union{} if isa(f, Builtin) rt = builtin_tfunction(f, Any[t.parameters...], nothing, params) if isa(rt, TypeVar) rt = rt.ub else rt = widenconst(rt) end else for m in _methods(f, t, -1, params.world) ty = typeinf_type(m[3], m[1], m[2], params) ty === nothing && return Any rt = tmerge(rt, ty) rt === Any && break end end return rt end