# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license """ ClusterManager Supertype for cluster managers, which control workers processes as a cluster. Cluster managers implement how workers can be added, removed and communicated with. `SSHManager` and `LocalManager` are subtypes of this. """ abstract type ClusterManager end """ WorkerConfig Type used by [`ClusterManager`](@ref)s to control workers added to their clusters. Some fields are used by all cluster managers to access a host: * `io` -- the connection used to access the worker (a subtype of `IO` or `Nothing`) * `host` -- the host address (either a `String` or `Nothing`) * `port` -- the port on the host used to connect to the worker (either an `Int` or `Nothing`) Some are used by the cluster manager to add workers to an already-initialized host: * `count` -- the number of workers to be launched on the host * `exename` -- the path to the Julia executable on the host, defaults to `"\$(Sys.BINDIR)/julia"` or `"\$(Sys.BINDIR)/julia-debug"` * `exeflags` -- flags to use when launching Julia remotely The `userdata` field is used to store information for each worker by external managers. Some fields are used by `SSHManager` and similar managers: * `tunnel` -- `true` (use tunneling), `false` (do not use tunneling), or [`nothing`](@ref) (use default for the manager) * `multiplex` -- `true` (use SSH multiplexing for tunneling) or `false` * `forward` -- the forwarding option used for `-L` option of ssh * `bind_addr` -- the address on the remote host to bind to * `sshflags` -- flags to use in establishing the SSH connection * `max_parallel` -- the maximum number of workers to connect to in parallel on the host Some fields are used by both `LocalManager`s and `SSHManager`s: * `connect_at` -- determines whether this is a worker-to-worker or driver-to-worker setup call * `process` -- the process which will be connected (usually the manager will assign this during [`addprocs`](@ref)) * `ospid` -- the process ID according to the host OS, used to interrupt worker processes * `environ` -- private dictionary used to store temporary information by Local/SSH managers * `ident` -- worker as identified by the [`ClusterManager`](@ref) * `connect_idents` -- list of worker ids the worker must connect to if using a custom topology * `enable_threaded_blas` -- `true`, `false`, or `nothing`, whether to use threaded BLAS or not on the workers """ mutable struct WorkerConfig # Common fields relevant to all cluster managers io::Union{IO, Nothing} host::Union{String, Nothing} port::Union{Int, Nothing} # Used when launching additional workers at a host count::Union{Int, Symbol, Nothing} exename::Union{String, Cmd, Nothing} exeflags::Union{Cmd, Nothing} # External cluster managers can use this to store information at a per-worker level # Can be a dict if multiple fields need to be stored. userdata::Any # SSHManager / SSH tunnel connections to workers tunnel::Union{Bool, Nothing} multiplex::Union{Bool, Nothing} forward::Union{String, Nothing} bind_addr::Union{String, Nothing} sshflags::Union{Cmd, Nothing} max_parallel::Union{Int, Nothing} # Used by Local/SSH managers connect_at::Any process::Union{Process, Nothing} ospid::Union{Int, Nothing} # Private dictionary used to store temporary information by Local/SSH managers. environ::Union{Dict, Nothing} # Connections to be setup depending on the network topology requested ident::Any # Worker as identified by the Cluster Manager. # List of other worker idents this worker must connect with. Used with topology T_CUSTOM. connect_idents::Union{Array, Nothing} # Run multithreaded blas on worker enable_threaded_blas::Union{Bool, Nothing} function WorkerConfig() wc = new() for n in 1:fieldcount(WorkerConfig) setfield!(wc, n, nothing) end wc end end @enum WorkerState W_CREATED W_CONNECTED W_TERMINATING W_TERMINATED mutable struct Worker id::Int msg_lock::Threads.ReentrantLock # Lock for del_msgs, add_msgs, and gcflag del_msgs::Array{Any,1} # XXX: Could del_msgs and add_msgs be Channels? add_msgs::Array{Any,1} @atomic gcflag::Bool state::WorkerState c_state::Condition # wait for state changes ct_time::Float64 # creation time conn_func::Any # used to setup connections lazily r_stream::IO w_stream::IO w_serializer::ClusterSerializer # writes can happen from any task hence store the # serializer as part of the Worker object manager::ClusterManager config::WorkerConfig version::Union{VersionNumber, Nothing} # Julia version of the remote process initialized::Event function Worker(id::Int, r_stream::IO, w_stream::IO, manager::ClusterManager; version::Union{VersionNumber, Nothing}=nothing, config::WorkerConfig=WorkerConfig()) w = Worker(id) w.r_stream = r_stream w.w_stream = buffer_writes(w_stream) w.w_serializer = ClusterSerializer(w.w_stream) w.manager = manager w.config = config w.version = version set_worker_state(w, W_CONNECTED) register_worker_streams(w) w end Worker(id::Int) = Worker(id, nothing) function Worker(id::Int, conn_func) @assert id > 0 if haskey(map_pid_wrkr, id) return map_pid_wrkr[id] end w=new(id, Threads.ReentrantLock(), [], [], false, W_CREATED, Condition(), time(), conn_func) w.initialized = Event() register_worker(w) w end Worker() = Worker(get_next_pid()) end function set_worker_state(w, state) w.state = state notify(w.c_state; all=true) end function check_worker_state(w::Worker) if w.state === W_CREATED if !isclusterlazy() if PGRP.topology === :all_to_all # Since higher pids connect with lower pids, the remote worker # may not have connected to us yet. Wait for some time. wait_for_conn(w) else error("peer $(w.id) is not connected to $(myid()). Topology : " * string(PGRP.topology)) end else w.ct_time = time() if myid() > w.id t = @async exec_conn_func(w) else # route request via node 1 t = @async remotecall_fetch((p,to_id) -> remotecall_fetch(exec_conn_func, p, to_id), 1, w.id, myid()) end errormonitor(t) wait_for_conn(w) end end end exec_conn_func(id::Int) = exec_conn_func(worker_from_id(id)::Worker) function exec_conn_func(w::Worker) try f = notnothing(w.conn_func) # Will be called if some other task tries to connect at the same time. w.conn_func = () -> wait_for_conn(w) f() catch e w.conn_func = () -> throw(e) rethrow() end nothing end function wait_for_conn(w) if w.state === W_CREATED timeout = worker_timeout() - (time() - w.ct_time) timeout <= 0 && error("peer $(w.id) has not connected to $(myid())") @async (sleep(timeout); notify(w.c_state; all=true)) wait(w.c_state) w.state === W_CREATED && error("peer $(w.id) didn't connect to $(myid()) within $timeout seconds") end nothing end ## process group creation ## mutable struct LocalProcess id::Int bind_addr::String bind_port::UInt16 cookie::String LocalProcess() = new(1) end worker_timeout() = parse(Float64, get(ENV, "JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT", "60.0")) ## worker creation and setup ## """ start_worker([out::IO=stdout], cookie::AbstractString=readline(stdin); close_stdin::Bool=true, stderr_to_stdout::Bool=true) `start_worker` is an internal function which is the default entry point for worker processes connecting via TCP/IP. It sets up the process as a Julia cluster worker. host:port information is written to stream `out` (defaults to stdout). The function reads the cookie from stdin if required, and listens on a free port (or if specified, the port in the `--bind-to` command line option) and schedules tasks to process incoming TCP connections and requests. It also (optionally) closes stdin and redirects stderr to stdout. It does not return. """ start_worker(cookie::AbstractString=readline(stdin); kwargs...) = start_worker(stdout, cookie; kwargs...) function start_worker(out::IO, cookie::AbstractString=readline(stdin); close_stdin::Bool=true, stderr_to_stdout::Bool=true) init_multi() if close_stdin # workers will not use it redirect_stdin(devnull) close(stdin) end stderr_to_stdout && redirect_stderr(stdout) init_worker(cookie) interface = IPv4(LPROC.bind_addr) if LPROC.bind_port == 0 port_hint = 9000 + (getpid() % 1000) (port, sock) = listenany(interface, UInt16(port_hint)) LPROC.bind_port = port else sock = listen(interface, LPROC.bind_port) end errormonitor(@async while isopen(sock) client = accept(sock) process_messages(client, client, true) end) print(out, "julia_worker:") # print header print(out, "$(string(LPROC.bind_port))#") # print port print(out, LPROC.bind_addr) print(out, '\n') flush(out) Sockets.nagle(sock, false) Sockets.quickack(sock, true) if ccall(:jl_running_on_valgrind,Cint,()) != 0 println(out, "PID = $(getpid())") end try # To prevent hanging processes on remote machines, newly launched workers exit if the # master process does not connect in time. check_master_connect() while true; wait(); end catch err print(stderr, "unhandled exception on $(myid()): $(err)\nexiting.\n") end close(sock) exit(0) end function redirect_worker_output(ident, stream) t = @async while !eof(stream) line = readline(stream) if startswith(line, " From worker ") # stdout's of "additional" workers started from an initial worker on a host are not available # on the master directly - they are routed via the initial worker's stdout. println(line) else println(" From worker $(ident):\t$line") end end errormonitor(t) end struct LaunchWorkerError <: Exception msg::String end Base.showerror(io::IO, e::LaunchWorkerError) = print(io, e.msg) # The default TCP transport relies on the worker listening on a free # port available and printing its bind address and port. # The master process uses this to connect to the worker and subsequently # setup a all-to-all network. function read_worker_host_port(io::IO) t0 = time_ns() # Wait at most for JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT seconds to read host:port # info from the worker timeout = worker_timeout() * 1e9 # We expect the first line to contain the host:port string. However, as # the worker may be launched via ssh or a cluster manager like SLURM, # ignore any informational / warning lines printed by the launch command. # If we do not find the host:port string in the first 1000 lines, treat it # as an error. ntries = 1000 leader = String[] try while ntries > 0 readtask = @async readline(io) yield() while !istaskdone(readtask) && ((time_ns() - t0) < timeout) sleep(0.05) end !istaskdone(readtask) && break conninfo = fetch(readtask) if isempty(conninfo) && !isopen(io) throw(LaunchWorkerError("Unable to read host:port string from worker. Launch command exited with error?")) end ntries -= 1 bind_addr, port = parse_connection_info(conninfo) if !isempty(bind_addr) return bind_addr, port end # collect unmatched lines push!(leader, conninfo) end close(io) if ntries > 0 throw(LaunchWorkerError("Timed out waiting to read host:port string from worker.")) else throw(LaunchWorkerError("Unexpected output from worker launch command. Host:port string not found.")) end finally for line in leader println("\tFrom worker startup:\t", line) end end end function parse_connection_info(str) m = match(r"^julia_worker:(\d+)#(.*)", str) if m !== nothing (String(m.captures[2]), parse(UInt16, m.captures[1])) else ("", UInt16(0)) end end """ init_worker(cookie::AbstractString, manager::ClusterManager=DefaultClusterManager()) Called by cluster managers implementing custom transports. It initializes a newly launched process as a worker. Command line argument `--worker[=]` has the effect of initializing a process as a worker using TCP/IP sockets for transport. `cookie` is a [`cluster_cookie`](@ref). """ function init_worker(cookie::AbstractString, manager::ClusterManager=DefaultClusterManager()) myrole!(:worker) # On workers, the default cluster manager connects via TCP sockets. Custom # transports will need to call this function with their own manager. global cluster_manager cluster_manager = manager # Since our pid has yet to be set, ensure no RemoteChannel / Future have been created or addprocs() called. @assert nprocs() <= 1 @assert isempty(PGRP.refs) @assert isempty(client_refs) # System is started in head node mode, cleanup related entries empty!(PGRP.workers) empty!(map_pid_wrkr) cluster_cookie(cookie) nothing end # The main function for adding worker processes. # `manager` is of type ClusterManager. The respective managers are responsible # for launching the workers. All keyword arguments (plus a few default values) # are available as a dictionary to the `launch` methods # # Only one addprocs can be in progress at any time # const worker_lock = ReentrantLock() """ addprocs(manager::ClusterManager; kwargs...) -> List of process identifiers Launches worker processes via the specified cluster manager. For example, Beowulf clusters are supported via a custom cluster manager implemented in the package `ClusterManagers.jl`. The number of seconds a newly launched worker waits for connection establishment from the master can be specified via variable `JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT` in the worker process's environment. Relevant only when using TCP/IP as transport. To launch workers without blocking the REPL, or the containing function if launching workers programmatically, execute `addprocs` in its own task. # Examples ```julia # On busy clusters, call `addprocs` asynchronously t = @async addprocs(...) ``` ```julia # Utilize workers as and when they come online if nprocs() > 1 # Ensure at least one new worker is available .... # perform distributed execution end ``` ```julia # Retrieve newly launched worker IDs, or any error messages if istaskdone(t) # Check if `addprocs` has completed to ensure `fetch` doesn't block if nworkers() == N new_pids = fetch(t) else fetch(t) end end ``` """ function addprocs(manager::ClusterManager; kwargs...) init_multi() cluster_mgmt_from_master_check() lock(worker_lock) try addprocs_locked(manager::ClusterManager; kwargs...) finally unlock(worker_lock) end end function addprocs_locked(manager::ClusterManager; kwargs...) params = merge(default_addprocs_params(manager), Dict{Symbol,Any}(kwargs)) topology(Symbol(params[:topology])) if PGRP.topology !== :all_to_all params[:lazy] = false end if PGRP.lazy === nothing || nprocs() == 1 PGRP.lazy = params[:lazy] elseif isclusterlazy() != params[:lazy] throw(ArgumentError(string("Active workers with lazy=", isclusterlazy(), ". Cannot set lazy=", params[:lazy]))) end # References to launched workers, filled when each worker is fully initialized and # has connected to all nodes. launched_q = Int[] # Asynchronously filled by the launch method # The `launch` method should add an object of type WorkerConfig for every # worker launched. It provides information required on how to connect # to it. # FIXME: launched should be a Channel, launch_ntfy should be a Threads.Condition # but both are part of the public interface. This means we currently can't use # `Threads.@spawn` in the code below. launched = WorkerConfig[] launch_ntfy = Condition() # call manager's `launch` is a separate task. This allows the master # process initiate the connection setup process as and when workers come # online t_launch = @async launch(manager, params, launched, launch_ntfy) @sync begin while true if isempty(launched) istaskdone(t_launch) && break @async (sleep(1); notify(launch_ntfy)) wait(launch_ntfy) end if !isempty(launched) wconfig = popfirst!(launched) let wconfig=wconfig @async setup_launched_worker(manager, wconfig, launched_q) end end end end Base.wait(t_launch) # catches any thrown errors from the launch task # Since all worker-to-worker setups may not have completed by the time this # function returns to the caller, send the complete list to all workers. # Useful for nprocs(), nworkers(), etc to return valid values on the workers. all_w = workers() for pid in all_w remote_do(set_valid_processes, pid, all_w) end sort!(launched_q) end function set_valid_processes(plist::Array{Int}) for pid in setdiff(plist, workers()) myid() != pid && Worker(pid) end end """ default_addprocs_params(mgr::ClusterManager) -> Dict{Symbol, Any} Implemented by cluster managers. The default keyword parameters passed when calling `addprocs(mgr)`. The minimal set of options is available by calling `default_addprocs_params()` """ default_addprocs_params(::ClusterManager) = default_addprocs_params() default_addprocs_params() = Dict{Symbol,Any}( :topology => :all_to_all, :dir => pwd(), :exename => joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, julia_exename()), :exeflags => ``, :env => [], :enable_threaded_blas => false, :lazy => true) function setup_launched_worker(manager, wconfig, launched_q) pid = create_worker(manager, wconfig) push!(launched_q, pid) # When starting workers on remote multi-core hosts, `launch` can (optionally) start only one # process on the remote machine, with a request to start additional workers of the # same type. This is done by setting an appropriate value to `WorkerConfig.cnt`. cnt = something(wconfig.count, 1) if cnt === :auto cnt = wconfig.environ[:cpu_threads] end cnt = cnt - 1 # Removing self from the requested number if cnt > 0 launch_n_additional_processes(manager, pid, wconfig, cnt, launched_q) end end function launch_n_additional_processes(manager, frompid, fromconfig, cnt, launched_q) @sync begin exename = notnothing(fromconfig.exename) exeflags = something(fromconfig.exeflags, ``) cmd = `$exename $exeflags` new_addresses = remotecall_fetch(launch_additional, frompid, cnt, cmd) for address in new_addresses (bind_addr, port) = address wconfig = WorkerConfig() for x in [:host, :tunnel, :multiplex, :sshflags, :exeflags, :exename, :enable_threaded_blas] Base.setproperty!(wconfig, x, Base.getproperty(fromconfig, x)) end wconfig.bind_addr = bind_addr wconfig.port = port let wconfig=wconfig @async begin pid = create_worker(manager, wconfig) remote_do(redirect_output_from_additional_worker, frompid, pid, port) push!(launched_q, pid) end end end end end function create_worker(manager, wconfig) # only node 1 can add new nodes, since nobody else has the full list of address:port @assert LPROC.id == 1 timeout = worker_timeout() # initiate a connect. Does not wait for connection completion in case of TCP. w = Worker() local r_s, w_s try (r_s, w_s) = connect(manager, w.id, wconfig) catch ex try deregister_worker(w.id) kill(manager, w.id, wconfig) finally rethrow(ex) end end w = Worker(w.id, r_s, w_s, manager; config=wconfig) # install a finalizer to perform cleanup if necessary finalizer(w) do w if myid() == 1 manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :finalize) end end # set when the new worker has finshed connections with all other workers ntfy_oid = RRID() rr_ntfy_join = lookup_ref(ntfy_oid) rr_ntfy_join.waitingfor = myid() # Start a new task to handle inbound messages from connected worker in master. # Also calls `wait_connected` on TCP streams. process_messages(w.r_stream, w.w_stream, false) # send address information of all workers to the new worker. # Cluster managers set the address of each worker in `WorkerConfig.connect_at`. # A new worker uses this to setup an all-to-all network if topology :all_to_all is specified. # Workers with higher pids connect to workers with lower pids. Except process 1 (master) which # initiates connections to all workers. # Connection Setup Protocol: # - Master sends 16-byte cookie followed by 16-byte version string and a JoinPGRP message to all workers # - On each worker # - Worker responds with a 16-byte version followed by a JoinCompleteMsg # - Connects to all workers less than its pid. Sends the cookie, version and an IdentifySocket message # - Workers with incoming connection requests write back their Version and an IdentifySocketAckMsg message # - On master, receiving a JoinCompleteMsg triggers rr_ntfy_join (signifies that worker setup is complete) join_list = [] if PGRP.topology === :all_to_all # need to wait for lower worker pids to have completed connecting, since the numerical value # of pids is relevant to the connection process, i.e., higher pids connect to lower pids and they # require the value of config.connect_at which is set only upon connection completion for jw in PGRP.workers if (jw.id != 1) && (jw.id < w.id) (jw.state === W_CREATED) && wait(jw.c_state) push!(join_list, jw) end end elseif PGRP.topology === :custom # wait for requested workers to be up before connecting to them. filterfunc(x) = (x.id != 1) && isdefined(x, :config) && (notnothing(x.config.ident) in something(wconfig.connect_idents, [])) wlist = filter(filterfunc, PGRP.workers) waittime = 0 while wconfig.connect_idents !== nothing && length(wlist) < length(wconfig.connect_idents) if waittime >= timeout error("peer workers did not connect within $timeout seconds") end sleep(1.0) waittime += 1 wlist = filter(filterfunc, PGRP.workers) end for wl in wlist (wl.state === W_CREATED) && wait(wl.c_state) push!(join_list, wl) end end all_locs = mapany(x -> isa(x, Worker) ? (something(x.config.connect_at, ()), x.id) : ((), x.id, true), join_list) send_connection_hdr(w, true) enable_threaded_blas = something(wconfig.enable_threaded_blas, false) join_message = JoinPGRPMsg(w.id, all_locs, PGRP.topology, enable_threaded_blas, isclusterlazy()) send_msg_now(w, MsgHeader(RRID(0,0), ntfy_oid), join_message) @async manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :register) # wait for rr_ntfy_join with timeout timedout = false @async (sleep($timeout); timedout = true; put!(rr_ntfy_join, 1)) wait(rr_ntfy_join) if timedout error("worker did not connect within $timeout seconds") end lock(client_refs) do delete!(PGRP.refs, ntfy_oid) end return w.id end # Called on the first worker on a remote host. Used to optimize launching # of multiple workers on a remote host (to leverage multi-core) additional_io_objs=Dict() function launch_additional(np::Integer, cmd::Cmd) io_objs = Vector{Any}(undef, np) addresses = Vector{Any}(undef, np) for i in 1:np io = open(detach(cmd), "r+") write_cookie(io) io_objs[i] = io.out end for (i,io) in enumerate(io_objs) (host, port) = read_worker_host_port(io) addresses[i] = (host, port) additional_io_objs[port] = io end return addresses end function redirect_output_from_additional_worker(pid, port) io = additional_io_objs[port] redirect_worker_output("$pid", io) delete!(additional_io_objs, port) nothing end function check_master_connect() timeout = worker_timeout() * 1e9 # If we do not have at least process 1 connect to us within timeout # we log an error and exit, unless we're running on valgrind if ccall(:jl_running_on_valgrind,Cint,()) != 0 return end @async begin start = time_ns() while !haskey(map_pid_wrkr, 1) && (time_ns() - start) < timeout sleep(1.0) end if !haskey(map_pid_wrkr, 1) print(stderr, "Master process (id 1) could not connect within $(timeout/1e9) seconds.\nexiting.\n") exit(1) end end end """ cluster_cookie() -> cookie Return the cluster cookie. """ cluster_cookie() = (init_multi(); LPROC.cookie) """ cluster_cookie(cookie) -> cookie Set the passed cookie as the cluster cookie, then returns it. """ function cluster_cookie(cookie) init_multi() # The cookie must be an ASCII string with length <= HDR_COOKIE_LEN @assert isascii(cookie) @assert length(cookie) <= HDR_COOKIE_LEN cookie = rpad(cookie, HDR_COOKIE_LEN) LPROC.cookie = cookie cookie end let next_pid = 2 # 1 is reserved for the client (always) global get_next_pid function get_next_pid() retval = next_pid next_pid += 1 retval end end mutable struct ProcessGroup name::String workers::Array{Any,1} refs::Dict{RRID,Any} # global references topology::Symbol lazy::Union{Bool, Nothing} ProcessGroup(w::Array{Any,1}) = new("pg-default", w, Dict(), :all_to_all, nothing) end const PGRP = ProcessGroup([]) function topology(t) @assert t in [:all_to_all, :master_worker, :custom] if (PGRP.topology==t) || ((myid()==1) && (nprocs()==1)) || (myid() > 1) PGRP.topology = t else error("Workers with Topology $(PGRP.topology) already exist. Requested Topology $(t) cannot be set.") end t end isclusterlazy() = something(PGRP.lazy, false) get_bind_addr(pid::Integer) = get_bind_addr(worker_from_id(pid)) get_bind_addr(w::LocalProcess) = LPROC.bind_addr function get_bind_addr(w::Worker) if w.config.bind_addr === nothing if w.id != myid() w.config.bind_addr = remotecall_fetch(get_bind_addr, w.id, w.id) end end w.config.bind_addr end # globals const LPROC = LocalProcess() const LPROCROLE = Ref{Symbol}(:master) const HDR_VERSION_LEN=16 const HDR_COOKIE_LEN=16 const map_pid_wrkr = Dict{Int, Union{Worker, LocalProcess}}() const map_sock_wrkr = IdDict() const map_del_wrkr = Set{Int}() # whether process is a master or worker in a distributed setup myrole() = LPROCROLE[] function myrole!(proctype::Symbol) LPROCROLE[] = proctype end # cluster management related API """ myid() Get the id of the current process. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> myid() 1 julia> remotecall_fetch(() -> myid(), 4) 4 ``` """ myid() = LPROC.id """ nprocs() Get the number of available processes. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> nprocs() 3 julia> workers() 2-element Array{Int64,1}: 2 3 ``` """ function nprocs() if myid() == 1 || (PGRP.topology === :all_to_all && !isclusterlazy()) n = length(PGRP.workers) # filter out workers in the process of being setup/shutdown. for jw in PGRP.workers if !isa(jw, LocalProcess) && (jw.state !== W_CONNECTED) n = n - 1 end end return n else return length(PGRP.workers) end end """ nworkers() Get the number of available worker processes. This is one less than [`nprocs()`](@ref). Equal to `nprocs()` if `nprocs() == 1`. # Examples ```julia-repl \$ julia -p 2 julia> nprocs() 3 julia> nworkers() 2 ``` """ function nworkers() n = nprocs() n == 1 ? 1 : n-1 end """ procs() Return a list of all process identifiers, including pid 1 (which is not included by [`workers()`](@ref)). # Examples ```julia-repl \$ julia -p 2 julia> procs() 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 2 3 ``` """ function procs() if myid() == 1 || (PGRP.topology === :all_to_all && !isclusterlazy()) # filter out workers in the process of being setup/shutdown. return Int[x.id for x in PGRP.workers if isa(x, LocalProcess) || (x.state === W_CONNECTED)] else return Int[x.id for x in PGRP.workers] end end function id_in_procs(id) # faster version of `id in procs()` if myid() == 1 || (PGRP.topology === :all_to_all && !isclusterlazy()) for x in PGRP.workers if (x.id::Int) == id && (isa(x, LocalProcess) || (x::Worker).state === W_CONNECTED) return true end end else for x in PGRP.workers if (x.id::Int) == id return true end end end return false end """ procs(pid::Integer) Return a list of all process identifiers on the same physical node. Specifically all workers bound to the same ip-address as `pid` are returned. """ function procs(pid::Integer) if myid() == 1 all_workers = [x for x in PGRP.workers if isa(x, LocalProcess) || (x.state === W_CONNECTED)] if (pid == 1) || (isa(map_pid_wrkr[pid].manager, LocalManager)) Int[x.id for x in filter(w -> (w.id==1) || (isa(w.manager, LocalManager)), all_workers)] else ipatpid = get_bind_addr(pid) Int[x.id for x in filter(w -> get_bind_addr(w) == ipatpid, all_workers)] end else remotecall_fetch(procs, 1, pid) end end """ workers() Return a list of all worker process identifiers. # Examples ```julia-repl \$ julia -p 2 julia> workers() 2-element Array{Int64,1}: 2 3 ``` """ function workers() allp = procs() if length(allp) == 1 allp else filter(x -> x != 1, allp) end end function cluster_mgmt_from_master_check() if myid() != 1 throw(ErrorException("Only process 1 can add and remove workers")) end end """ rmprocs(pids...; waitfor=typemax(Int)) Remove the specified workers. Note that only process 1 can add or remove workers. Argument `waitfor` specifies how long to wait for the workers to shut down: - If unspecified, `rmprocs` will wait until all requested `pids` are removed. - An [`ErrorException`](@ref) is raised if all workers cannot be terminated before the requested `waitfor` seconds. - With a `waitfor` value of 0, the call returns immediately with the workers scheduled for removal in a different task. The scheduled [`Task`](@ref) object is returned. The user should call [`wait`](@ref) on the task before invoking any other parallel calls. # Examples ```julia-repl \$ julia -p 5 julia> t = rmprocs(2, 3, waitfor=0) Task (runnable) @0x0000000107c718d0 julia> wait(t) julia> workers() 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 4 5 6 ``` """ function rmprocs(pids...; waitfor=typemax(Int)) cluster_mgmt_from_master_check() pids = vcat(pids...) if waitfor == 0 t = @async _rmprocs(pids, typemax(Int)) yield() return t else _rmprocs(pids, waitfor) # return a dummy task object that user code can wait on. return @async nothing end end function _rmprocs(pids, waitfor) lock(worker_lock) try rmprocset = Union{LocalProcess, Worker}[] for p in pids if p == 1 @warn "rmprocs: process 1 not removed" else if haskey(map_pid_wrkr, p) w = map_pid_wrkr[p] set_worker_state(w, W_TERMINATING) kill(w.manager, p, w.config) push!(rmprocset, w) end end end start = time_ns() while (time_ns() - start) < waitfor*1e9 all(w -> w.state === W_TERMINATED, rmprocset) && break sleep(min(0.1, waitfor - (time_ns() - start)/1e9)) end unremoved = [wrkr.id for wrkr in filter(w -> w.state !== W_TERMINATED, rmprocset)] if length(unremoved) > 0 estr = string("rmprocs: pids ", unremoved, " not terminated after ", waitfor, " seconds.") throw(ErrorException(estr)) end finally unlock(worker_lock) end end """ ProcessExitedException(worker_id::Int) After a client Julia process has exited, further attempts to reference the dead child will throw this exception. """ struct ProcessExitedException <: Exception worker_id::Int end # No-arg constructor added for compatibility with Julia 1.0 & 1.1, should be deprecated in the future ProcessExitedException() = ProcessExitedException(-1) worker_from_id(i) = worker_from_id(PGRP, i) function worker_from_id(pg::ProcessGroup, i) if !isempty(map_del_wrkr) && in(i, map_del_wrkr) throw(ProcessExitedException(i)) end w = get(map_pid_wrkr, i, nothing) if w === nothing if myid() == 1 error("no process with id $i exists") end w = Worker(i) map_pid_wrkr[i] = w else w = w::Union{Worker, LocalProcess} end w end """ worker_id_from_socket(s) -> pid A low-level API which, given a `IO` connection or a `Worker`, returns the `pid` of the worker it is connected to. This is useful when writing custom [`serialize`](@ref) methods for a type, which optimizes the data written out depending on the receiving process id. """ function worker_id_from_socket(s) w = get(map_sock_wrkr, s, nothing) if isa(w,Worker) if s === w.r_stream || s === w.w_stream return w.id end end if isa(s,IOStream) && fd(s)==-1 # serializing to a local buffer return myid() end return -1 end register_worker(w) = register_worker(PGRP, w) function register_worker(pg, w) push!(pg.workers, w) map_pid_wrkr[w.id] = w end function register_worker_streams(w) map_sock_wrkr[w.r_stream] = w map_sock_wrkr[w.w_stream] = w end deregister_worker(pid) = deregister_worker(PGRP, pid) function deregister_worker(pg, pid) pg.workers = filter(x -> !(x.id == pid), pg.workers) w = pop!(map_pid_wrkr, pid, nothing) if isa(w, Worker) if isdefined(w, :r_stream) pop!(map_sock_wrkr, w.r_stream, nothing) if w.r_stream != w.w_stream pop!(map_sock_wrkr, w.w_stream, nothing) end end if myid() == 1 && (myrole() === :master) && isdefined(w, :config) # Notify the cluster manager of this workers death manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :deregister) if PGRP.topology !== :all_to_all || isclusterlazy() for rpid in workers() try remote_do(deregister_worker, rpid, pid) catch end end end end end push!(map_del_wrkr, pid) # delete this worker from our remote reference client sets ids = [] tonotify = [] lock(client_refs) do for (id, rv) in pg.refs if in(pid, rv.clientset) push!(ids, id) end if rv.waitingfor == pid push!(tonotify, (id, rv)) end end for id in ids del_client(pg, id, pid) end # throw exception to tasks waiting for this pid for (id, rv) in tonotify close(rv.c, ProcessExitedException(pid)) delete!(pg.refs, id) end end return end function interrupt(pid::Integer) @assert myid() == 1 w = map_pid_wrkr[pid] if isa(w, Worker) manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :interrupt) end return end """ interrupt(pids::Integer...) Interrupt the current executing task on the specified workers. This is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-C on the local machine. If no arguments are given, all workers are interrupted. """ interrupt(pids::Integer...) = interrupt([pids...]) """ interrupt(pids::AbstractVector=workers()) Interrupt the current executing task on the specified workers. This is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-C on the local machine. If no arguments are given, all workers are interrupted. """ function interrupt(pids::AbstractVector=workers()) @assert myid() == 1 @sync begin for pid in pids @async interrupt(pid) end end end wp_bind_addr(p::LocalProcess) = p.bind_addr wp_bind_addr(p) = p.config.bind_addr function check_same_host(pids) if myid() != 1 return remotecall_fetch(check_same_host, 1, pids) else # We checkfirst if all test pids have been started using the local manager, # else we check for the same bind_to addr. This handles the special case # where the local ip address may change - as during a system sleep/awake if all(p -> (p==1) || (isa(map_pid_wrkr[p].manager, LocalManager)), pids) return true else first_bind_addr = notnothing(wp_bind_addr(map_pid_wrkr[pids[1]])) return all(p -> notnothing(wp_bind_addr(map_pid_wrkr[p])) == first_bind_addr, pids[2:end]) end end end function terminate_all_workers() myid() != 1 && return if nprocs() > 1 try rmprocs(workers(); waitfor=5.0) catch _ex @warn "Forcibly interrupting busy workers" exception=_ex # Might be computation bound, interrupt them and try again interrupt(workers()) try rmprocs(workers(); waitfor=5.0) catch _ex2 @error "Unable to terminate all workers" exception=_ex2,catch_backtrace() end end end end # initialize the local proc network address / port function init_bind_addr() opts = JLOptions() if opts.bindto != C_NULL bind_to = split(unsafe_string(opts.bindto), ":") bind_addr = string(parse(IPAddr, bind_to[1])) if length(bind_to) > 1 bind_port = parse(Int,bind_to[2]) else bind_port = 0 end else bind_port = 0 try bind_addr = string(getipaddr()) catch # All networking is unavailable, initialize bind_addr to the loopback address # Will cause an exception to be raised only when used. bind_addr = "" end end global LPROC LPROC.bind_addr = bind_addr LPROC.bind_port = UInt16(bind_port) end using Random: randstring let inited = false # do initialization that's only needed when there is more than 1 processor global function init_multi() if !inited inited = true push!(Base.package_callbacks, _require_callback) atexit(terminate_all_workers) init_bind_addr() cluster_cookie(randstring(HDR_COOKIE_LEN)) end return nothing end end function init_parallel() start_gc_msgs_task() # start in "head node" mode, if worker, will override later. global PGRP global LPROC LPROC.id = 1 @assert isempty(PGRP.workers) register_worker(LPROC) end write_cookie(io::IO) = print(io.in, string(cluster_cookie(), "\n")) # Starts workers specified by (-n|--procs) and --machine-file command line options function process_opts(opts) # startup worker. # opts.startupfile, opts.load, etc should should not be processed for workers. if opts.worker == 1 # does not return if opts.cookie != C_NULL start_worker(unsafe_string(opts.cookie)) else start_worker() end end # Propagate --threads to workers exeflags = opts.nthreads > 0 ? `--threads=$(opts.nthreads)` : `` # add processors if opts.nprocs > 0 addprocs(opts.nprocs; exeflags=exeflags) end # load processes from machine file if opts.machine_file != C_NULL addprocs(load_machine_file(unsafe_string(opts.machine_file)); exeflags=exeflags) end return nothing end function load_machine_file(path::AbstractString) machines = [] for line in split(read(path, String),'\n'; keepempty=false) s = split(line, '*'; keepempty=false) map!(strip, s, s) if length(s) > 1 cnt = all(isdigit, s[1]) ? parse(Int,s[1]) : Symbol(s[1]) push!(machines,(s[2], cnt)) else push!(machines,line) end end return machines end