#!/bin/sh # FreeBSD CI Build Scripts # The flow of a FreeBSD CI (https://freebsdci.julialang.org) build: # # 1. `cleanup` # 2. `compile` # 3. `build-state` # 4. `runtests` # 5. `test-embedding` # # Detail of flow is controlled by the variable `factory` # here. # https://github.com/iblis17/julia-fbsd-buildbot/blob/master/master/master.cfg # # Usage: .freebsdci.sh set -xe build-state(){ gmake build-stats } cleanup(){ git clean -fdx } compile(){ export MALLOC_CONF='junk:false' export VERBOSE=1 export FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 export LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1 export USECCACHE=1 gmake check-whitespace gmake release -j $MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER } runtests(){ export MALLOC_CONF='junk:false' export VERBOSE=1 export FORCE_ASSERTIONS=1 export LLVM_ASSERTIONS=1 export JULIA_TEST_MAXRSS_MB=600 export JULIA_CPU_THREADS=$MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER ./usr/bin/julia --check-bounds=yes test/runtests.jl all ./usr/bin/julia --check-bounds=yes test/runtests.jl \ LibGit2/online Pkg/pkg download } test-embedding(){ export JULIA='../../julia' export BIN='../../tmp' mkdir -vp tmp gmake -C test embedding } if [ -z $1 ] then exit 1 fi $1