# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license isdefined(Main, :OffsetArrays) || @eval Main include("testhelpers/OffsetArrays.jl") using .Main.OffsetArrays @testset "MissingException" begin @test sprint(showerror, MissingException("test")) == "MissingException: test" end @testset "nonmissingtype" begin @test nonmissingtype(Union{Int, Missing}) == Int @test nonmissingtype(Union{Rational, Missing}) == Rational @test nonmissingtype(Any) == Any @test nonmissingtype(Missing) == Union{} end @testset "convert" begin @test convert(Union{Int, Missing}, 1) === 1 @test convert(Union{Int, Missing}, 1.0) === 1 @test convert(Union{Nothing, Missing}, missing) === missing @test convert(Union{Nothing, Missing}, nothing) === nothing @test convert(Union{Missing, Nothing, Float64}, 1) === 1.0 @test_throws ErrorException("cannot convert a value to missing for assignment") convert(Missing, 1) @test_throws ErrorException("cannot convert a value to missing for assignment") convert(Union{Nothing, Missing}, 1) @test_throws MethodError convert(Union{Int, Missing}, "a") end @testset "promote rules" begin @test promote_type(Missing, Missing) == Missing @test promote_type(Missing, Int) == Union{Missing, Int} @test promote_type(Int, Missing) == Union{Missing, Int} @test promote_type(Int, Any) == Any @test promote_type(Any, Any) == Any @test promote_type(Missing, Any) == Any @test promote_type(Any, Missing) == Any @test promote_type(Union{Int, Missing}, Missing) == Union{Int, Missing} @test promote_type(Missing, Union{Int, Missing}) == Union{Int, Missing} @test promote_type(Union{Int, Missing}, Int) == Union{Int, Missing} @test promote_type(Int, Union{Int, Missing}) == Union{Int, Missing} @test promote_type(Any, Union{Int, Missing}) == Any @test promote_type(Union{Nothing, Missing}, Any) == Any @test promote_type(Union{Int, Missing}, Union{Int, Missing}) == Union{Int, Missing} @test promote_type(Union{Float64, Missing}, Union{String, Missing}) == Any @test promote_type(Union{Float64, Missing}, Union{Int, Missing}) == Union{Float64, Missing} @test_broken promote_type(Union{Nothing, Missing, Int}, Float64) == Any end @testset "promotion in various contexts" for T in (Nothing, Missing) @test collect(v for v in (1, T())) isa Vector{Union{Int,T}} @test map(identity, Any[1, T()]) isa Vector{Union{Int,T}} @test broadcast(identity, Any[1, T()]) isa Vector{Union{Int,T}} @test unique((1, T())) isa Vector{Union{Int,T}} @test map(ismissing, Any[1, missing]) isa Vector{Bool} @test broadcast(ismissing, Any[1, missing]) isa BitVector end @testset "comparison operators" begin @test (missing == missing) === missing @test (1 == missing) === missing @test (missing == 1) === missing @test (missing != missing) === missing @test (1 != missing) === missing @test (missing != 1) === missing @test isequal(missing, missing) @test !isequal(1, missing) @test !isequal(missing, 1) @test !isequal('c', missing) @test (missing < missing) === missing @test (missing < 1) === missing @test (1 < missing) === missing @test (missing <= missing) === missing @test (missing <= 1) === missing @test (1 <= missing) === missing @test !isless(missing, missing) @test !isless(missing, 1) @test isless(1, missing) @test (missing ≈ missing) === missing @test isapprox(missing, 1.0, atol=1e-6) === missing @test isapprox(1.0, missing, rtol=1e-6) === missing @test all(==(Bool), Base.return_types(isequal, Tuple{Any,Any})) end @testset "arithmetic operators" begin arithmetic_operators = [+, -, *, /, ^, Base.div, Base.mod, Base.fld, Base.rem] # All unary operators return missing when evaluating missing for f in [!, ~, +, -, *, &, |, xor, nand, nor] @test ismissing(f(missing)) end # All arithmetic operators return missing when operating on two missing's # All arithmetic operators return missing when operating on a scalar and an missing # All arithmetic operators return missing when operating on an missing and a scalar for f in arithmetic_operators @test ismissing(f(missing, missing)) @test ismissing(f(1, missing)) @test ismissing(f(missing, 1)) end @test ismissing(min(missing, missing)) @test ismissing(max(missing, missing)) for f in [min, max] for arg in ["", "a", 1, -1.0, [2]] @test ismissing(f(missing, arg)) @test ismissing(f(arg, missing)) end end end @testset "two-argument functions" begin two_argument_functions = [atan, hypot, log] # All two-argument functions return missing when operating on two missing's # All two-argument functions return missing when operating on a scalar and an missing # All two-argument functions return missing when operating on an missing and a scalar for f in two_argument_functions @test ismissing(f(missing, missing)) @test ismissing(f(1, missing)) @test ismissing(f(missing, 1)) end end @testset "bit operators" begin bit_operators = [&, |, ⊻] # All bit operators return missing when operating on two missing's for f in bit_operators @test ismissing(f(missing, missing)) end end @testset "boolean operators" begin @test ismissing(missing & true) @test ismissing(true & missing) @test !(missing & false) @test !(false & missing) @test ismissing(missing | false) @test ismissing(false | missing) @test missing | true @test true | missing @test ismissing(xor(missing, true)) @test ismissing(xor(true, missing)) @test ismissing(xor(missing, false)) @test ismissing(xor(false, missing)) @test ismissing(nand(missing, true)) @test ismissing(nand(true, missing)) @test nand(missing, false) == true @test nand(false, missing) == true @test ismissing(⊼(missing, true)) @test ismissing(⊼(true, missing)) @test ⊼(missing, false) == true @test ⊼(false, missing) == true @test nor(missing, true) == false @test nor(true, missing) == false @test ismissing(nor(missing, false)) @test ismissing(nor(false, missing)) @test ⊽(missing, true) == false @test ⊽(true, missing) == false @test ismissing(⊽(missing, false)) @test ismissing(⊽(false, missing)) @test ismissing(missing & 1) @test ismissing(1 & missing) @test ismissing(missing | 1) @test ismissing(1 | missing) @test ismissing(xor(missing, 1)) @test ismissing(xor(1, missing)) @test ismissing(nand(missing, 1)) @test ismissing(nand(1, missing)) @test ismissing(⊼(missing, 1)) @test ismissing(⊼(1, missing)) @test ismissing(nor(missing, 1)) @test ismissing(nor(1, missing)) @test ismissing(⊽(missing, 1)) @test ismissing(⊽(1, missing)) end @testset "* string/char concatenation" begin @test ismissing("a" * missing) @test ismissing('a' * missing) @test ismissing(missing * "a") @test ismissing(missing * 'a') end # Emulate a unitful type such as Dates.Minute struct Unit value::Int end Base.zero(::Type{Unit}) = Unit(0) Base.one(::Type{Unit}) = 1 @testset "elementary functions" begin elementary_functions = [abs, abs2, sign, real, imag, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, sin, sinh, conj, cos, cosh, tan, tanh, exp, exp2, expm1, log, log10, log1p, log2, exponent, sqrt, identity, zero, one, oneunit, iseven, isodd, ispow2, isfinite, isinf, isnan, iszero, isinteger, isreal, transpose, adjoint, float, complex, inv] # All elementary functions return missing when evaluating missing for f in elementary_functions @test ismissing(f(missing)) end @test ismissing(clamp(missing, 1, 2)) for T in (Int, Float64) @test zero(Union{T, Missing}) === T(0) @test one(Union{T, Missing}) === T(1) @test oneunit(Union{T, Missing}) === T(1) @test float(Union{T, Missing}) === Union{float(T), Missing} @test complex(Union{T, Missing}) === Union{complex(T), Missing} end @test_throws MethodError zero(Union{Symbol, Missing}) @test_throws MethodError one(Union{Symbol, Missing}) @test_throws MethodError oneunit(Union{Symbol, Missing}) @test_throws MethodError float(Union{Symbol, Missing}) @test_throws MethodError complex(Union{Symbol, Missing}) for T in (Unit,) @test zero(Union{T, Missing}) === T(0) @test one(Union{T, Missing}) === 1 @test oneunit(Union{T, Missing}) === T(1) end @test zero(Missing) === missing @test one(Missing) === missing @test oneunit(Missing) === missing @test float(Missing) === Missing @test complex(Missing) === Missing @test_throws MethodError zero(Any) @test_throws MethodError one(Any) @test_throws MethodError oneunit(Any) @test_throws MethodError float(Any) @test_throws MethodError complex(Any) @test_throws MethodError zero(String) @test_throws MethodError zero(Union{String, Missing}) end @testset "rounding functions" begin # All rounding functions return missing when evaluating missing as first argument # Check that the RoundingMode argument is passed on correctly @test round(Union{Int, Missing}, 0.9) === round(Int, 0.9) @test round(Union{Int, Missing}, 0.9, RoundToZero) === round(Int, 0.9, RoundToZero) # Test elementwise on mixed arrays to ensure signature of Missing methods matches that of Float methods test_array = [1.0, missing] @test isequal(round.(test_array, RoundNearest), test_array) @test isequal(round.(Union{Int, Missing}, test_array, RoundNearest), test_array) rounding_functions = [ceil, floor, round, trunc] for f in rounding_functions @test_throws MissingException f(Int, missing) @test isequal(f.(test_array), test_array) @test isequal(f.(test_array, digits=0, base=10), test_array) @test isequal(f.(test_array, sigdigits=1, base=10), test_array) @test isequal(f.(Union{Int, Missing}, test_array), test_array) end end @testset "printing" begin @test sprint(show, missing) == "missing" @test sprint(show, missing, context=:compact => true) == "missing" @test sprint(show, [missing]) == "[missing]" @test sprint(show, [1 missing]) == "$(Union{Int, Missing})[1 missing]" b = IOBuffer() display(TextDisplay(b), [missing]) @test String(take!(b)) == "1-element Vector{$Missing}:\n missing\n" b = IOBuffer() display(TextDisplay(b), [1 missing]) @test String(take!(b)) == "1×2 Matrix{$(Union{Int, Missing})}:\n 1 missing\n" end @testset "arrays with missing values" begin x = convert(Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}, [1.0, missing]) @test isa(x, Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}) @test isequal(x, [1, missing]) x = convert(Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}, [1.0]) @test isa(x, Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}) @test x == [1] x = convert(Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}, [missing]) @test isa(x, Vector{Union{Int, Missing}}) @test isequal(x, [missing]) @test eltype(adjoint([1, missing])) == Union{Int, Missing} # issue #32777 let a = [0, nothing, 0.0, missing] @test a[1] === 0.0 @test a[2] === nothing @test a[3] === 0.0 @test a[4] === missing @test a isa Vector{Union{Missing, Nothing, Float64}} end end @testset "== and != on arrays" begin @test ismissing([1, missing] == [1, missing]) @test ismissing(["a", missing] == ["a", missing]) @test ismissing(Any[1, missing] == Any[1, missing]) @test ismissing(Any[missing] == Any[missing]) @test ismissing([missing] == [missing]) @test ismissing(Any[missing, 2] == Any[1, missing]) @test ismissing([missing, false] == BitArray([true, false])) @test ismissing(Any[missing, false] == BitArray([true, false])) @test Union{Int, Missing}[1] == Union{Float64, Missing}[1.0] @test Union{Int, Missing}[1] == [1.0] @test Union{Bool, Missing}[true] == BitArray([true]) @test !([missing, 1] == [missing, 2]) @test !(Union{Int, Missing}[1] == [2]) @test !([1] == Union{Int, Missing}[2]) @test !(Union{Int, Missing}[1] == Union{Int, Missing}[2]) @test ismissing([1, missing] != [1, missing]) @test ismissing(["a", missing] != ["a", missing]) @test ismissing(Any[1, missing] != Any[1, missing]) @test ismissing(Any[missing] != Any[missing]) @test ismissing([missing] != [missing]) @test ismissing(Any[missing, 2] != Any[1, missing]) @test ismissing([missing, false] != BitArray([true, false])) @test ismissing(Any[missing, false] != BitArray([true, false])) @test !(Union{Int, Missing}[1] != Union{Float64, Missing}[1.0]) @test !(Union{Int, Missing}[1] != [1.0]) @test !(Union{Bool, Missing}[true] != BitArray([true])) @test [missing, 1] != [missing, 2] @test Union{Int, Missing}[1] != [2] @test [1] != Union{Int, Missing}[2] @test Union{Int, Missing}[1] != Union{Int, Missing}[2] end @testset "== and != on tuples" begin @test ismissing((1, missing) == (1, missing)) @test ismissing(("a", missing) == ("a", missing)) @test ismissing((missing,) == (missing,)) @test ismissing((missing, 2) == (1, missing)) @test !((missing, 1) == (missing, 2)) longtuple = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) @test ismissing((longtuple...,17,missing) == (longtuple...,17,18)) @test ismissing((longtuple...,missing,18) == (longtuple...,17,18)) @test !((longtuple...,17,missing) == (longtuple...,-17,18)) @test !((longtuple...,missing,18) == (longtuple...,17,-18)) @test ismissing((1, missing) != (1, missing)) @test ismissing(("a", missing) != ("a", missing)) @test ismissing((missing,) != (missing,)) @test ismissing((missing, 2) != (1, missing)) @test (missing, 1) != (missing, 2) @test ismissing((longtuple...,17,missing) != (longtuple...,17,18)) @test ismissing((longtuple...,missing,18) != (longtuple...,17,18)) @test (longtuple...,17,missing) != (longtuple...,-17,18) @test (longtuple...,missing,18) != (longtuple...,17,-18) end @testset "< and isless on tuples" begin @test ismissing((1, missing) < (1, 3)) @test ismissing((1, missing) < (1, missing)) @test ismissing((missing, 1) < (missing, 2)) @test ismissing((1, 2) < (1, missing)) @test ismissing((1, missing) < (1, 2)) @test ismissing((missing,) < (missing,)) @test ismissing((1,) < (missing,)) @test () < (missing,) @test (1,) < (2, missing) @test (1, missing,) < (2, missing) @test !isless((1, missing), (1, 3)) @test !isless((1, missing), (1, missing)) @test isless((missing, 1), (missing, 2)) @test isless((1, 2), (1, missing)) @test !isless((1, missing), (1, 2)) @test !isless((missing,), (missing,)) @test isless((1,), (missing,)) @test isless((), (missing,)) @test isless((1,), (2, missing)) @test isless((1, missing,), (2, missing)) end @testset "any & all" begin @test any([true, missing]) @test any(x -> x == 1, [1, missing]) @test ismissing(any([false, missing])) @test ismissing(any(x -> x == 1, [2, missing])) @test ismissing(all([true, missing])) @test ismissing(all(x -> x == 1, [1, missing])) @test !all([false, missing]) @test !all(x -> x == 1, [2, missing]) @test 1 in [1, missing] @test ismissing(2 in [1, missing]) @test ismissing(missing in [1, missing]) end @testset "float" begin @test isequal(float([1, missing]), [1, missing]) @test float([1, missing]) isa Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}} @test isequal(float(Union{Int, Missing}[missing]), [missing]) @test float(Union{Int, Missing}[missing]) isa Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}} @test float(Union{Int, Missing}[1]) == [1] @test float(Union{Int, Missing}[1]) isa Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}} @test isequal(float([missing]), [missing]) @test float([missing]) isa Vector{Missing} end @testset "skipmissing" begin x = skipmissing([1, 2, missing, 4]) @test eltype(x) === Int @test collect(x) == [1, 2, 4] @test collect(x) isa Vector{Int} x = skipmissing([1 2; missing 4]) @test eltype(x) === Int @test collect(x) == [1, 2, 4] @test collect(x) isa Vector{Int} x = collect(skipmissing([missing])) @test eltype(x) === Union{} @test isempty(collect(x)) @test collect(x) isa Vector{Union{}} x = collect(skipmissing(Union{Int, Missing}[])) @test eltype(x) === Int @test isempty(collect(x)) @test collect(x) isa Vector{Int} x = skipmissing([missing, missing, 1, 2, missing, 4, missing, missing]) @test eltype(x) === Int @test collect(x) == [1, 2, 4] @test collect(x) isa Vector{Int} x = skipmissing(v for v in [missing, 1, missing, 2, 4]) @test eltype(x) === Any @test collect(x) == [1, 2, 4] @test collect(x) isa Vector{Int} @testset "indexing" begin x = skipmissing([1, missing, 2, missing, missing]) @test collect(eachindex(x)) == collect(keys(x)) == [1, 3] @test x[1] === 1 @test x[3] === 2 @test_throws MissingException x[2] @test_throws BoundsError x[6] @test findfirst(==(2), x) == 3 @test findall(==(2), x) == [3] @test argmin(x) == 1 @test findmin(x) == (1, 1) @test argmax(x) == 3 @test findmax(x) == (2, 3) x = skipmissing([missing 2; 1 missing]) @test collect(eachindex(x)) == [2, 3] @test collect(keys(x)) == [CartesianIndex(2, 1), CartesianIndex(1, 2)] @test x[2] === x[2, 1] === 1 @test x[3] === x[1, 2] === 2 @test_throws MissingException x[1] @test_throws MissingException x[1, 1] @test_throws BoundsError x[5] @test_throws BoundsError x[3, 1] @test findfirst(==(2), x) == CartesianIndex(1, 2) @test findall(==(2), x) == [CartesianIndex(1, 2)] @test argmin(x) == CartesianIndex(2, 1) @test findmin(x) == (1, CartesianIndex(2, 1)) @test argmax(x) == CartesianIndex(1, 2) @test findmax(x) == (2, CartesianIndex(1, 2)) for x in (skipmissing([]), skipmissing([missing, missing])) @test isempty(collect(eachindex(x))) @test isempty(collect(keys(x))) @test_throws BoundsError x[3] @test_throws BoundsError x[3, 1] @test findfirst(==(2), x) === nothing @test isempty(findall(==(2), x)) @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" argmin(x) @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" findmin(x) @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" argmax(x) @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" findmax(x) end end @testset "mapreduce" begin # Vary size to test splitting blocks with several configurations of missing values for T in (Int, Float64), A in (rand(T, 10), rand(T, 1000), rand(T, 10000)) if T === Int @test sum(A) === @inferred(sum(skipmissing(A))) === @inferred(reduce(+, skipmissing(A))) === @inferred(mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(A))) else @test sum(A) ≈ @inferred(sum(skipmissing(A))) === @inferred(reduce(+, skipmissing(A))) === @inferred(mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(A))) end @test mapreduce(cos, *, A) ≈ @inferred(mapreduce(cos, *, skipmissing(A))) B = Vector{Union{T,Missing}}(A) replace!(x -> rand(Bool) ? x : missing, B) if T === Int @test sum(collect(skipmissing(B))) === @inferred(sum(skipmissing(B))) === @inferred(reduce(+, skipmissing(B))) === @inferred(mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(B))) else @test sum(collect(skipmissing(B))) ≈ @inferred(sum(skipmissing(B))) === @inferred(reduce(+, skipmissing(B))) === @inferred(mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(B))) end @test mapreduce(cos, *, collect(skipmissing(A))) ≈ @inferred(mapreduce(cos, *, skipmissing(A))) # Test block full of missing values B[1:length(B)÷2] .= missing if T === Int @test sum(collect(skipmissing(B))) == sum(skipmissing(B)) == reduce(+, skipmissing(B)) == mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(B)) else @test sum(collect(skipmissing(B))) ≈ sum(skipmissing(B)) == reduce(+, skipmissing(B)) == mapreduce(identity, +, skipmissing(B)) end @test mapreduce(cos, *, collect(skipmissing(A))) ≈ mapreduce(cos, *, skipmissing(A)) end # Patterns that exercise code paths for inputs with 1 or 2 non-missing values @test sum(skipmissing([1, missing, missing, missing])) === 1 @test sum(skipmissing([missing, missing, missing, 1])) === 1 @test sum(skipmissing([1, missing, missing, missing, 2])) === 3 @test sum(skipmissing([missing, missing, missing, 1, 2])) === 3 for n in 0:3 itr = skipmissing(Vector{Union{Int,Missing}}(fill(missing, n))) @test sum(itr) == reduce(+, itr) == mapreduce(identity, +, itr) === 0 @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" reduce(x -> x/2, itr) @test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" mapreduce(x -> x/2, +, itr) end # issue #35504 nt = NamedTuple{(:x, :y),Tuple{Union{Missing, Int},Union{Missing, Float64}}}( (missing, missing)) @test sum(skipmissing(nt)) === 0 # issues #38627 and #124 @testset for len in [1, 2, 15, 16, 1024, 1025] v = repeat(Union{Int,Missing}[1], len) oa = OffsetArray(v, typemax(Int)-length(v)) sm = skipmissing(oa) @test sum(sm) == len v = repeat(Union{Int,Missing}[missing], len) oa = OffsetArray(v, typemax(Int)-length(v)) sm = skipmissing(oa) @test sum(sm) == 0 end end @testset "filter" begin allmiss = Vector{Union{Int,Missing}}(missing, 10) @test isempty(filter(isodd, skipmissing(allmiss))::Vector{Int}) twod1 = [1.0f0 missing; 3.0f0 missing] @test filter(x->x > 0, skipmissing(twod1))::Vector{Float32} == [1, 3] twod2 = [1.0f0 2.0f0; 3.0f0 4.0f0] @test filter(x->x > 0, skipmissing(twod2)) == reshape(twod2, (4,)) end end @testset "coalesce" begin @test coalesce() === missing @test coalesce(1) === 1 @test coalesce(nothing) === nothing @test coalesce(missing) === missing @test coalesce(missing, 1) === 1 @test coalesce(1, missing) === 1 @test coalesce(missing, missing) === missing @test coalesce(missing, 1, 2) === 1 @test coalesce(1, missing, 2) === 1 @test coalesce(missing, missing, 2) === 2 @test coalesce(missing, missing, missing) === missing @test coalesce(nothing, missing) === nothing @test coalesce(missing, nothing) === nothing end @testset "@coalesce" begin @test @coalesce() === missing @test @coalesce(1) === 1 @test @coalesce(nothing) === nothing @test @coalesce(missing) === missing @test @coalesce(1, error("failed")) === 1 @test_throws ErrorException @coalesce(missing, error("failed")) end mutable struct Obj; x; end @testset "weak references" begin @noinline function mk_wr(r, wr) x = Obj(1) push!(r, x) push!(wr, WeakRef(x)) nothing end ref = [] wref = [] mk_wr(ref, wref) @test ismissing(wref[1] == missing) @test ismissing(missing == wref[1]) end @testset "showerror missing function" begin me = try missing(1) catch e e end @test sprint(showerror, me) == "MethodError: objects of type Missing are not callable" end @testset "sort and sortperm with $(eltype(X))" for (X, P, RP) in (([2, missing, -2, 5, missing], [3, 1, 4, 2, 5], [2, 5, 4, 1, 3]), ([NaN, missing, 5, -0.0, NaN, missing, Inf, 0.0, -Inf], [9, 4, 8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 2, 6], [2, 6, 1, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9]), ([missing, "a", "c", missing, "b"], [2, 5, 3, 1, 4], [1, 4, 3, 5, 2])) @test sortperm(X) == P @test sortperm(X, alg=QuickSort) == P @test sortperm(X, alg=MergeSort) == P XP = X[P] @test isequal(sort(X), XP) @test isequal(sort(X, alg=QuickSort), XP) @test isequal(sort(X, alg=MergeSort), XP) @test sortperm(X, rev=true) == RP @test sortperm(X, alg=QuickSort, rev=true) == RP @test sortperm(X, alg=MergeSort, rev=true) == RP XRP = X[RP] @test isequal(sort(X, rev=true), XRP) @test isequal(sort(X, alg=QuickSort, rev=true), XRP) @test isequal(sort(X, alg=MergeSort, rev=true), XRP) end @test (sortperm(reverse([NaN, missing, NaN, missing])); true) # use LazyString for MissingException to get the better effects for func in (round, ceil, floor, trunc) @testset let func = func @test Core.Compiler.is_foldable(Base.infer_effects(func, (Type{Int},Union{Int,Missing}))) end end